ADC Thesis

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A Thesis Submitted for the Degree of

Master of Science (Engineering)

In the Faculty of Engineering


Anjana Ghosh

Supercomputer Education and Research Centre Indian Institute of Science Bangalore 560012

October 2005

To Ma who taught me how to live

To my guides, Prof S K Nandy and Dr. V Srinivasan, my heartfelt gratitude. Prof Nandy, thank you for your guidance right from the start of the MS curriculum till the end. I would not have dreamt of the final chapters had it not been for your encouragement. To V Srini, thank you for introducing me to the fascinating world of Receiver Systems. Thank you for your valuable inputs and comments on the material. To both my guides, thanks for not losing patience with me. To my colleagues and managers at Texas Instruments, thank you for your cooperation. You are a team I am proud of. Thanks for your support and the camaraderie. A special thanks to Chandrashekhar B G for his commitment throughout the length of the project where a section of this work was implemented. Hats off to you for the hard work that resulted in an error free silicon. Thanks to many of my close friends who helped keep my morale high throughout this period. A special thanks to Tua, Mistuni, Rupa, Bipasha, Polly, Priya and Ravi for all that you did for me. Thanks to my classmates, Murali, Kalpesh and Aparna for all the fun we had during the course. Thanks to my family for having stood behind me like a rock. To my parents-in-law, thanks for your support and affection. To Ma and Baba, thank you for your constant reassuring presence and for your confidence in me. To Didi, thanks for being my

saviour at times of stress. To Abhijit, thank you for being my tower of strength. Without you folks, this thesis would not have materialised . And finally, thanks to little Diya who came to our world halfway through my MS and transformed our home into an unending source of joy. Thanks to her for being such a lovely child.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................... 3 ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................11 1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................12 1.1 1.2 2 Motivation...........................................................................................12 Thesis Outline and Contribution .................................................................13

Receiver Architectures .................................................................................15 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Heterodyne Receiver: The IF Receiver ........................................................15 Homodyne Receivers: The Zero-IF Receiver .................................................18 Low IF Receivers ..................................................................................21 Summary ...........................................................................................23

Digital Decimation Filtering ............................................................................25 3.1 Decimation Structure for Low Pass A/D Converters .....................................28 Multistage Decimation .......................................................................32 Cascaded Comb Filters .....................................................................33 Order of the CIC Filter .......................................................................36 Low Power Implementation of COMB.....................................................37 Modified-Sinc Filters .........................................................................39 Later Stages of Decimation.................................................................42

3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.1.6 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4

Decimation structure for band pass modulator ..........................................44 Decimation for complex band pass modulator ............................................48 New Architecture : Motivation ...................................................................49 Summary ...........................................................................................50

Architecture For Complex NARRowband Filtering .................................................52 4.1 4.2 Frequency Spectrum Analysis of The Image Reject Receiver ..............................54 Digital Filtering .....................................................................................56

4.2.1 4.3 5

Simplification of Computation ..............................................................60

Summary ...........................................................................................61

Decimation Filter Structure ............................................................................62 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Frequency Plan ....................................................................................62 Digital Filter Partitioning ..........................................................................63 ADC NTF and STF ................................................................................64 Stage One Antialias Filter (AAF1)...............................................................65 Filter Specifications ..........................................................................66 Filter Transfer Function .....................................................................67

5.4.1 5.4.2 5.5

Stage Two Antialias Filter (AAF2)...............................................................69 Filter Specifications ..........................................................................69 Filter Transfer Function .....................................................................69

5.5.1 5.5.2 5.6

Image Reject Filter (Complex Filter) ............................................................71 Filter Specification ...........................................................................74 Filter Transfer Function .....................................................................75

5.6.1 5.6.2 5.7 6

Summary ...........................................................................................78

Droop Correction Filter and Implementation ........................................................79 6.1 Droop Correction Filter ...........................................................................79 Filter specifications ..........................................................................79 Filter Transfer Function .....................................................................80

6.1.1 6.1.2 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 7

Data Quantization .................................................................................82 Hardware Considerations ........................................................................85 Silicon Results .....................................................................................86 Summary ...........................................................................................86

OptimiZed Architecture.................................................................................88 7.1 7.2 Complex Bandpass Antialias Filtering ..........................................................88 Alternate Filter Architectures.....................................................................90 5


Alternate Architecture I ...........................................................................91 Complex Decimation Filter Structure ......................................................91 Image Reject Filtering ..................................................................... 100 Droop Correction Filtering ................................................................ 102 Implementation ............................................................................. 104

7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.4 7.4

Alternate Architecture II ........................................................................ 106 Implementation ............................................................................. 111 Comparison Of The Three Architectures ............................................... 112

7.4.1 7.4.2 7.5 7.6 8

Comparison With Prevalent Architectures ................................................... 116 Summary ......................................................................................... 117

Conclusion ............................................................................................. 118 8.1 Scope of Future Work .......................................................................... 119

References .................................................................................................. 120

Table of Figures
Figure 2-1 IF Downconverter (a) IF Receiver Topology (b) IF Down-conversion in Frequency Domain ...................................................................................................17 Figure 2-2 Dual IF Receiver ................................................................................18 Figure 2-3 Zero-IF Downconversion Scheme in Frequency Domain .................................19 Figure 2-4 Zero-IF Receiver Topology ....................................................................19 Figure 2-5 Effect of I/Q Mismatch in A Zero-IF Receiver ...............................................20 Figure 2-6 Low IF Downconversion Scheme in the Frequency Domain..............................21 Figure 2-7 Low IF Downconversion in Presence of I/Q Mismatch ....................................22 Figure 2-8 Low-IF Receiver Using Complex ADC ...................................................23 Figure 3-1 Transfer Function of (a) Analog Antialias Filter in Nyquist Rate ADC (b) Analog Antialias Filter(AAF) and Decimation Filter in Oversampled ADC ..........................................25 Figure 3-2 PSD of Quantization Noise in a (a) Nyquist Rate Converter (b) Oversampled Converter (c) Oversampled Converter .......................................................................26 Figure 3-3 (a) First Order Modulator (b) Second Order Modulator (c) z-Domain Block Diagram for a Second Order Modulator .........................................................30 Figure 3-4 Noise Transfer Function in First ,Second and Third order Lowpass Modulator ( Sampling Frequency=256MHz ) ....................................................................31 Figure 3-5 Magnitude Responses of Cascaded Comb Filters .........................................35 Figure 3-6 (a) Cascade of Two Comb Filters (b) Separation of Denominator and Numerator Sections (c) Commutation of sampling Switch and Numerator Section (d) Implementation .36 Figure 3-7 (a) Comb Filter (b) IIR-FIR implementation (c) FIR2: a cascade of FIR filters each decimating by 2 (d) POLY-FIR2: Polyphase decomposition applied to FIR2 ..................38 Figure 3-8 Efficient Polyphase Decomposition of Comb Filter .........................................39 Figure 3-9 Zero Pole Distribution of (a) M1=4 CIC (b) Angle Rotation of Zeros (c) Rotated Sinc Filter ............................................................................................................40 Figure 3-10 Attenuation In a Third Order Sinc and A Modified Sinc filter(M1=4)....................41 Figure 3-11 Recursive Implementation of the Modified Sinc ...........................................42 Figure 3-12 Transfer Function of 11 Tap Halfband ......................................................43 Figure 3-13 Noise Transfer Function (NTF) and Signal Transfer Function (STF) in (a) Lowpass Modulators(b) Bandpass Modulators (b) Complex Bandpass Modulators..............45 7

Figure 3-14 Complex Downconversion (a) Signal Before Downconversion (b) Complex Sinusoidal (c) Signal After Downconversion (d) System block Diagram of Downconverter Followed by Complex LPF ............................................................................................46 Figure 3-15 (a) Downconverter and Filter Split into Real and Imaginary Parts (b) Simplified Complex Modulator and Low pass Filter ............................................................47 Figure 3-16 Complex Demodulation of the Quadrature Modulators Output Stream ...............49 Figure 4-1 Architecture of A Low IF Receiver Using Complex Analog to Digital Converter ...53 Figure 4-2 Signal Spectrum of (a) Incoming RF Signal (b) cosct (c) sinct (d) in-phase o/p of Mixer (e)Out-of-phase o/p of mixer (f) Out-of-phase component multiplied by j (g) Signal and Image Separated (h) Signal and Image separated .........................................................57 Figure 4-3 (a)Complex Sum of Mixer Outputs, STF and NTF of ADC (b) Complex Difference of Mixer Outputs, STF and NTF of ADC(c) Complex Sum of ADC Outputs(d) Complex Difference of ADC Outputs .........................................................................................58 Figure 4-4 (a)Complex Digital Filtering on X+jY (b)Complex Digital Filtering on X-jY (c) Real Two sided Bandpass Signal Obtained After Digital Decimation Filtering .............................59 Figure 4-5 Complex Digital Filtering on Output of Complex ADC .................................59 Figure 4-6 Transfer Functions of DF1 and Df2 ...........................................................60 Figure 4-7 Complex Digital Filter Structure ...............................................................61 Figure 5-1 Multistage Decimation Filter Structure .......................................................64 Figure 5-2 FFT Of ADC Output For A Single Tone Input ...............................................64 Figure 5-3 Transfer Function of Fourth Order Comb ....................................................67 Figure 5-4 Passband Ripple of Fourth Order Comb.....................................................68 Figure 5-5 Stopband Attenuation of Fourth Order Comb ...............................................68 Figure 5-6 Transfer Function of Halfband Filter ..........................................................70 Figure 5-7 Passband Ripple of Halfband Filter ..........................................................70 Figure 5-8 Stopband Attenuation in Halfband Filter .....................................................71 Figure 5-9 Transfer Functions Of DF1 And DF2 .........................................................72 Figure 5-10 Transfer Function of Four Tap Comb and Shifted Comb ................................73 Figure 5-11 Derivation of The Image Reject Filter From A Comb .....................................74 Figure 5-12 Effect of Coefficient Quantization On The Stopband Attenuation of Image Reject Filter ............................................................................................................75

Figure 5-13 Passband Droop Of Image Reject Filter....................................................76 Figure 5-14 Phase Response of Image Reject Filter ....................................................76 Figure 5-15 Transfer Function of DF1 and DF2..........................................................78 Figure 6-1 Transfer Function of Droop Correction FIR..................................................80 Figure 6-2 Droop Correction ................................................................................81 Figure 6-3 Final Transfer Function : DF2 path for filtering X-jY ........................................81 Figure 6-4 Final Transfer Function : DF1 path for filtering X+jY .......................................82 Figure 6-5 Direct Form Implementation of FIR ...........................................................83 Figure 6-6 PSD Of Uncorrelated White Quantization Noise ...........................................84 Figure 6-7 FFT of ADC Output ...........................................................................85 Figure 6-8 FFT of Silicon Data At The Output Of Digital Filters and ADC ......................86 Figure 7-1 Cascaded Complex Digital Filter Structure ..................................................90 Figure 7-2 Shifted Comb Structure For Downsampling by 16 .........................................93 Figure 7-3 Shifted Comb : Stage 1 ........................................................................94 Figure 7-4 Stopband Attenuation in Shifted Comb ......................................................94 Figure 7-5 Shifted Comb :Stage 2 .........................................................................95 Figure 7-6 Stopband Attenuation in Stage 2 .............................................................95 Figure 7-7 Shifted Comb Stage 3 ..........................................................................96 Figure 7-8 Stopband Attenuation in Stage 3 .............................................................96 Figure 7-9 Transfer Function of Shifted Comb ...........................................................97 Figure 7-10 Passband Ripple in Shifted Comb ..........................................................97 Figure 7-11 Phase Response of Stage 1 .................................................................99 Figure 7-12 Phase Response of Stage 2 .................................................................99 Figure 7-13 Phase Response of Stage 3 ............................................................... 100 Figure 7-14 Transfer Function of Image Reject Filter ................................................. 101 Figure 7-15 Phase Response of Image Reject Filter .................................................. 101 Figure 7-16 Alternate Architecture I ..................................................................... 102 9

Figure 7-17 Comparison of Transfer Function : Original Architecture and Architecture I ........ 103 Figure 7-18 Comparison of Passband Ripple : Original Architecture and Architecture I ......... 103 Figure 7-19 Comparison of Image Rejection : Original Architecture and Architecture I .......... 104 Figure 7-20 Alternate Filter Architecture II .............................................................. 107 Figure 7-21 Transfer Functions of Decimation Filter Stages in Architecture II .................... 108 Figure 7-22 Decimation Filter Stages in Architecture II :Signal and Image Band ................. 109 Figure 7-23 Anti-alias Filtering in Architecture II ....................................................... 109 Figure 7-24 Comparison of Transfer Function : Original Architecture and Architecture II ....... 110 Figure 7-25 Comparison of Passband Ripple : Original Architecture and Architecture II ........ 110 Figure 7-26 Comparison of Image Reject Filtering : Original Architecture and Architecture II .. 111


The low-IF receiver using complex bandpass modulator is one of the architectures being explored in recent times for use in single chip implementation of wireless receivers. This work focuses on the decimation digital filters that are needed at the output of the such modulators. Decimation filtering for lowpass modulators is a well researched subject. A typical decimation filter stage in the lowpass case consists of a comb filter followed by one or two stages of FIR filters. Not much literature exists in the field of decimation filtering for bandpass and complex bandpass modulators. The accepted approach involves translating the signal from IF to DC by performing a complex mixing operation on the bit stream and performing decimation using structures similar to standard lowpass decimation filter architectures. This work aims at investigating an approach where decimation filtering is done at IF. This implies that instead of lowpass filtering, complex bandpass filtering is required in the decimation stage. As a result, standard lowpass decimation structures cannot be directly used in this system. Building on prevalent decimation filter theories and practices, a new architecture is proposed for complex bandpass decimation filters. This architecture has been successfully implemented in a single chip receiver. The architecture is further optimized and variations to the main structure are proposed in the later sections of the thesis. A few areas for future scope of work in the same field are proposed in the end.



1.1 Motivation
Recent years have seen considerable research effort towards the realization of monolithic RF transceivers. The trend is implementation of small, inexpensive, low power communication devices that are robust, testable and capable of handling multiple communication standards. This has heralded the way for single chip solutions with new architectures where an analog to digital converter is placed as close to the antenna as possible. Significant amount of digital signal processing following the ADC performs the functionalities previously achieved with analog circuitry. The low IF receiver is one such architecture that is gaining popularity. Published literature discuss the use of over sampled bandpass analog to digital converters in low IF receivers. More recent work [6],[7],[8] discuss the use of complex modulators citing advantages in terms of robustness, over the bandpass. This is especially suited to an image reject receiver. The modulator is followed by decimation digital filtering. The presence of digital filtering following the modulator provides a scope for doing precise image rejection and filtering. This helps in having relaxed specifications for the analog blocks preceding the modulator. Decimation filtering for bandpass modulators has been explored in literature [5]. The accepted approach is to do a complex mix on the bit stream, thus down converting the signal in frequency domain from IF to DC, followed by low pass filtering . 12

In real valued band pass modulators, the output is a single bit stream. Complex modulators, on the other hand, produce two bit streams: real and imaginary. In this case, complex mixing is performed on the complex output of the modulator and low pass decimation filtering is done after that [8]. In the above approaches, the decimation filtering is performed after frequency translating the output from low IF to dc. A good choice of the sampling frequency accommodates an optimized implementation of the down conversion mixer. However, a fixed choice of down conversion frequency with respect to the sampling rate poses certain restrictions on the overall system design. This work investigates an approach where decimation filtering is done at IF. Downconversion to baseband should be performed on the decimated signal. Here, instead of low pass filtering, complex band pass filtering is performed. The complex filters perform decimation and image rejection and transforms the complex signal to a real signal. The output of the decimation filter chain is a real signal free of the quantization noise and out of band signal components.

1.2 Thesis Outline and Contribution

The first three chapters discuss the prevalent art on the subject of receiver

architectures, modulators and decimation digital filtering. Chapters 4, 5 and 7 discuss the proposed architectures for complex narrowband digital filtering for complex converters and as such constitute the contribution by this author. Chapter 6 discusses mostly the implementation details, the actual work for which was shared between the author and a colleague of hers. This thesis has been organized as follows:


1 gives an introduction to the subject. 2 gives an overview of different receiver architectures available in literature. In 3, decimation digital filtering for converters is discussed. Published literature on digital filter structures for lowpass, bandpass and complex bandpass converters is explained. In 4, a new architecture for performing complex narrowband digital filtering is proposed. First, the frequency spectrum of the image reject receiver is analyzed. Next, the proposed complex image reject filter architecture is discussed. In 5 , the decimation filter and image reject filter designs are discussed in detail. In 6, the droop correction filter is explained and implementation details for the whole filter block are explained. A large part of the work described in this chapter has been contributed by my colleague, Chandrashekar B G, at Texas Instruments. This chapter has been included for the purpose of completion of the description and analysis of the filters. In 7, the architecture is analyzed for scope of optimization. Two new architectures are proposed. A comparative analysis of the three architectures is given at the end of this chapter The list of publications that were used as reference for this work is given at the end of the thesis.



A telecommunication receiver typically consists of two sections a front end for downconversion and a backend for demodulation. The front end receives the signal from the antenna, filters it from interfering signals and translates it from the high frequency to low frequency. The front end needs very high performance circuits and has been traditionally built with analog circuit design techniques. The backend processes the frequency down converted signal applying demodulation algorithms and extracts the transmitted information. In most applications of Today, the demodulation section involves the use of a digital signal processor (DSP). In this thesis, the design of a section of the front end of the receiver is addressed.

2.1 Heterodyne Receiver: The IF Receiver

The heterodyne receiver, also known as the IF receiver, has been in use for a long time. In this receiver, the incoming RF signal is multiplied by a sinusoid, generated by a local oscillator, of a frequency close to but not equal to the frequency band of the RF signal. This results in the RF signal being translated to an IF (intermediate frequency). The main disadvantage of this scheme is that during the process of multiplication, along with the wanted signal, some unwanted signals, called the image signals, get downconverted to the same IF. Figure 2-1(b) shows the IF downconversion scheme in the frequency domain. Let the


desired RF signal be assumed to be present in a band c+if. Let the sinusoid used in the mixer for downconversion have a frequency c. After multiplication of the incoming signal with the sinusoid (c), the RF signal gets translated to the intermediate frequency if. Now, during the process of multiplication, any signal present in the band c - if, also gets translated to the IF. This signal is called the image signal. The image signal is an interfering signal and is unrelated to the signal of interest. Hence, to prevent corruption of the RF signal, a prefiltering of the signal needs to be performed before the mixing operation. This filter is a pre-select filter. The amount of filtering achieved determines how much of the image signal gets into the IF band. This can be seen in Figure 2-1(b), where a small part of the image band is seen to be present even after filtering. Figure 2-1(a) shows the block diagram of such a receiver. Here the incoming RF signal received by the antenna is sent through an LNA (low noise amplifier) which amplifies the received signal. A pre-select filter (HF) present after the LNA, removes signals present in RF bands adjacent to the signal band of interest. The output of the pre-select filter is sent to the mixer. The mixer multiplies the incoming signal with the sinusoid provided by a local oscillator. The mixer output contains signals at two frequency bands: one at the IF (if) and another at a high frequency (2c+if). A lowpass filter, present after the mixer, filters the high frequency component. An analog to digital converter transforms the resulting signal from the analog to the digital domain and sends it to the demodulation section of the receiver.



Pre-select Filter

Low Pass Filter


to Demodulator

cosct (a) LO Signal

image signal -c -if -c -c + if -if 0 c - if c c + if

Pre-select Filter desired signal













Down-conversion in Frequency Domain The high frequency (HF) filter poses a challenge in terms of integration. The HF can be realized only if the IF is high enough so that the wanted signal is relatively far away from the image frequency. Even when the ratio (c+if)/if is as small as 10, the specifications of the HF are very severe. The HF must have a very high Q (up to 50 and more) and it must have an order which is high enough; and in some cases, the center frequency must be tunable. A filter with such specifications cannot be integrated on a single die of silicon. These filters are realized with discrete components consisting of capacitors and inductors. These HF filters are expensive and vulnerable [10]. Once the signal is downconverted to IF, the signal needs to be further filtered so as to separate the desired signal from its neighbors. These filters, too, must have a high Q and are difficult to integrate on silicon. While, a high IF implies relaxed specifications


for the HF prefilter, it makes the specifications for the IF filters tight because the corner frequency of the IF filter increases with increasing IF. On the other hand, a low IF implies relaxed spec for the IF filters but imposes strict conditions on the design of the HF prefilter. A high IF also implies that the ADC needs to work at a higher frequency. In order to strike a balance in the choice of the IF, some receivers use the dual-IF scheme. Such a receiver contains two sections, each section consisting of an image reject filter, mixer and low pass filter. The dual IF receiver trades off the design of the filters in exchange for increased circuit complexity.

Band select filter


image reject filter cos LO1t

Channel Select Filter1 cosLO2t

Channel Select Filter2


Figure 2-2 Dual IF Receiver

2.2 Homodyne




The homodyne receiver does not use an IF. Such a receiver is also called the zero-IF receiver or the direct conversion receiver. Here the signal is directly down converted to dc. Figure 2-3 shows the zero-IF downconversion scheme in frequency domain. Here, the incoming RF signal is multiplied with a one sided LO signal of a frequency equal to the centre frequency of the desired signal band. This translates the desired signal to DC. This technique does not have any problem of interference from image signals.


LO Signal
- - -c 0 0 c

desired signal

Figure 2-3 Zero-IF Downconversion Scheme in Frequency Domain The topology for such a receiver is shown in Figure 2-4. The downconversion with a one sided LO signal is achieved by sending the incoming signal through a quadrature mixer; i.e. the incoming signal is multiplied with two LO signals (a sine and a cosine) having a phase difference of 90 degrees between themselves. The outputs from the two mixers are sent through two branches the in-phase or the I component and the quadrature phase or the Q component. These two components are lowpass filtered and sent to two Analog to Digital Converters. The I and the Q outputs from the ADCs are sent to the demodulation block. A complex summation of the I and Q components yields the desired signal. This is done inside the demodulator.

cosct LNA sinct

Lowpass Filter



Lowpass Filter


Q Demodulation

Figure 2-4 Zero-IF Receiver Topology The zero-IF receiver is one of the architectures that is being considered suitable for single chip realization of receivers. High Q tunable bandpass filters are not required in


this scheme. The low pass filters can be implemented as analog integrated filters. The zero-IF receiver poses design challenge in three areas. First, any mismatch in the I and the Q paths manifests itself in leakage of signal from the mirror frequency; i.e. if the desired signal is present at c and the one-sided LO signal used for downconversion is present at c, then a mismatch in the I and Q paths will lead to signal present at c (mirror frequency) being downconverted to DC. This is shown in Figure 2-5. The appearance of a small impulse at c in addition to the actual impulse at c is the result of I/Q mismatch. This results in a section of the signal at c to superimpose on the desired signal at DC.

- -

mirror signal

LO Signal due to I/Q Mismatch

-c 0 0 c

desired signal

Figure 2-5 Effect of I/Q Mismatch in A Zero-IF Receiver The second challenge faced by the zero-IF receiver is that resulting from coupling between the RF and LO inputs to the mixer. The coupling results in the LO signal getting multiplied with itself and gives a DC signal. This DC-offset gets superimposed on the desired signal in the baseband. The coupling at the mixer inputs also results in the RF signal getting multiplied with it. A third problem in the zero IF receiver is flicker noise. This is a noise generated in analog circuits which is present in the low frequency band. This low frequency noise, also called the 1/f noise due to its PSD being inversely proportional to frequency, gets superimposed with the desired signal.


2.3 Low IF Receivers

The low-IF receiver combines the advantage of both the heterodyne and homodyne receivers. Here, the RF signal is passed through a quadrature mixer, similar to the zero-IF receiver. However, the signal is not downconverted to DC but to a frequency band close to DC. This is called the low-IF band. The quadrature mixing makes the high Q HF filters redundant. At the same time, the problems of DC offset and flicker noise of the zero-IF receiver does not arise in the low-IF case. This makes the low-IF receiver another good candidate for monolithic implementation of receivers. Figure 2-6 shows the downconversion in a Low-IF receiver. Here, the incoming signal (present at c+ if) is multiplied with a one-sided LO signal (at -c). This results in the desired signal getting translated to if and the image signal being translated to -if. A complex filter having passband at if and stopband at -if can now be used to extract the desired signal.

LO Signal - -c -if -c -c + if

image signal c - if c c +


desired signal




Figure 2-6 Low IF Downconversion Scheme in the Frequency Domain The low-IF receiver suffers in presence of non-ideality in the quadrature oscillator in a similar manner as the zero-IF receiver. If the two output paths of the oscillator have


mismatch, then the signal leaks to positive frequencies, thereby mixing some of the image input into the signal band. Figure 2-7 shows the receiver spectrum in presence of mismatch in the two phases of the local oscillator. Here, the complex sum of the quadrature LO mixer outputs have impulse functions at both c and -c; the one at c being due to non-ideality in the phase relationships between the sine and the cosine outputs of the local oscillator. The convolution of the two impulse functions with the input spectrum yields a superimposition of the image signal component with the desired signal at if. The avoidance, estimation and correction of I/Q mismatch is an active area of research. Several methods used to minimize the image interference include digital signal processing algorithms for estimation and correction of the errors due to mismatch and strategic choice of IF so as to place the interfering signals outside the image frequency range.

LO Signal

Due to I/Q mismatch

image signal - -c -if -c -c + if c - if c c +


desired signal




Figure 2-7 Low IF Downconversion in Presence of I/Q Mismatch The topology of the low-IF receiver is similar to that of the zero-IF receiver. A quadrature mixer performs the job of mixing the incoming signal with a one-sided local oscillator signal. The mixer outputs are filtered and sent to the analog to digital converter. The ADC is designed such that its signal transfer function exhibits bandpass


properties. A bandpass converter is used in [5] while a complex bandpass converter is used in [6] [7].

cosct I LNA sinct

Lowpass Filter

Lowpass Filter

Complex Bandpass Converter

Decimation Filter

To Demodulator

Figure 2-8 Low-IF Receiver Using Complex ADC Figure 2-8 shows the block diagram of a low-IF receiver using complex converter. The output of the ADC is sent to a decimation filter section. The latter performs antialias filtering and reduces the sample rate. Since, the local oscillator signal needs to be one-sided, the system performs complex computations. The decimation filter, therefore, is complex. The design of the decimation filter for complex converters is an active area of research [21]. This thesis focuses on the design of these filters.

2.4 Summary
This chapter gives an overview of different receiver architectures. The principles of operation of the IF receiver, zero-IF receiver and the low-IF receiver are explained in brief. The advantages and disadvantages of each in terms of integration are discussed. The zero-IF and the low-IF receiver are the architectures under discussion for single chip implementation of a receiver. The low-IF receiver using complex bandpass


converter is the architecture used in the receiver discussed in the thesis. The focus area is the decimation digital filter section following the complex converter. This is discussed in detail in the rest of the thesis.



An oversampled ADC works at a sample rate higher than the Nyquist sample rate. If the signal of interest lies in the bandwidth, DC to fib (pass band edge), then the Nyquist sample rate fN is very close to fib (fN > 2* fib). The sampling rate, fos, of an oversampled ADC is much higher than fib ( fos>> fN). The analog antialias filter preceding an

oversampled ADC need only provide attenuation till (fN-fib) close to the sampling frequency of the ADC. Consequently the analog filter can have a much gentler cutoff characteristic than the filter preceding a Nyquist rate converter. However, in the oversampled case, a digital decimation filter is required after the ADC to attenuate the signal and noise components falling outside the signal band before reducing the sample rate to the Nyquist rate. Figure 3-1 shows the transfer function of the analog antialias filter (AAF) in the two cases. The transfer function of the decimation filter for the second case is also shown.

-fN/2 Analog AAF (a)

fN/2 Decimation Filter fN/2 fOS/2




Figure 3-1 Transfer Function of (a) Analog Antialias Filter in Nyquist Rate ADC (b) Analog Antialias Filter(AAF) and Decimation Filter in Oversampled ADC 25

Effectively in oversampled converters, the steep analog filter preceding a Nyquist rate converter is replaced by a much simpler analog filter and a digital decimation filter. As a result, most of the antialias filtering operation is transferred from the analog to the digital domain, where it may be performed accurately with a steep cutoff characteristic and without phase distortion or deterioration resulting from component variation. An added benefit provided by the decimation filter is the attenuation of out-of-band circuit noise generated in the ADC. This noise may be generated by electronic devices within the modulator, or may enter the modulator through the power supplies or substrate coupling from digital circuits [3].

-fN/2 0 (a)



0 (b)



0 (c)


Figure 3-2 PSD of Quantization Noise in a (a) Nyquist Rate Converter (b) Oversampled Converter (c) Oversampled Converter Assuming that the quantization noise is white and uniformly distributed across the quantization interval , the total noise in an ADC is 2/12. This noise is uniformly


distributed from -fN/2 to fN/2, where fN is the Nyquist frequency. This is shown in Figure 3-2(a). In an oversampled ADC which works at a frequency fos, the total noise gets uniformly distributed over the frequency range, -fos/2 to fos/2. This is shown in Figure 3-2(b). The total noise (2/12) is the same in both the ADCs, the noise being a function of the number of quantization intervals in the ADC. But the PSD of the noise at individual frequencies is less in the oversampled case, compared to the Nyquist rate converter. Thus, in an oversampled converter, the high sample rate yields low quantization noise at the cost of increased circuit complexity. Figure 3-2(c) shows the noise characteristics for a lowpass oversampled modulator. In this modulator, the distribution of the noise is not uniform over the entire frequency range. Here, the noise is low in the low frequency band, but increases in higher frequencies. Thus the signal to noise ratio is very high in the low frequency signal range. This allows the use of a low resolution quantizer; significantly lower than that which would be required for an ADC with flat quantization noise for the same signal to noise ratio requirement. Hence, in spite of it being an oversampled system, the use of a low resolution quantizer reduces the circuit complexity. Usually a single bit or dual bit quantizer is sufficient for providing high resolution ADCs employing modulation. It is this fact that allows the use of the modulator in high speed applications. The output of the modulator represents the input signal together with its out-of-band components, quantization noise, analog circuit noise and interference components. The modulator is followed by a decimation filter stage. The two principal functions of a decimation filter are the attenuation of quantization noise outside the signal band and band limiting the modulator input.


3.1 Decimation Structure for Low Pass A/D

This section describes lowpass modulator [3]. This is explained in this section. Figure 3-3(a) shows a first order lowpass modulator. The integrator accumulates the difference between the modulator input and the quantizer output. When the accumulated difference is greater than or equal to zero, the quantizer feeds back a positive pulse that is subtracted from the input to move the integrator output in the negative direction. When the accumulated difference is less than zero, the quantizer feeds back a negative pulse to move the integrator output in the positive direction. Thus, the modulator attempts to keep the integrator output near zero and minimizes the accumulated difference between the modulator input and the quantizer output. The quantization error is defined as the difference between the output and input of the quantizer, e(kT) = q(kT) u(kT); where e(kT) is the quantizer error, u(kT) is the integrator output and q(kT) is the quantizer output at time kT and T is the sample time interval. The output of the quantizer is given by, q(kT) = u(kT ) + e(kT) ; i.e. q(kT) = x(kT T) -q(KT-T) + u(KT-T) + e(kT) ; i.e. q(kT) = x(kT T) + e(kT) e(kT-T); where x(kT-T) is the analog input signal at time (kT-T).


Thus, the quantizer output consists of the modulator input, delayed by one sample period, plus the first order difference of the quantizer error. Figure 3-3(b) shows a second order modulator. The output of this modulator is given by the equation, Y(kT)=x(kT-T) + e(kT) 2e(kT-T)+e(kT-2T) The noise generated by a scalar quantizer with quantization levels equally spaced by is uncorrelated and is uniformly distributed between -/2 and /2 with power Sq=2/12, provided that the number of levels is large and the quantized signal is active. This uniformly distributed white noise approximation of the quantizer error is not correct in modulators because of their extremely coarse quantization, the correlation between the modulator input and the quantization noise and the presence of discrete components in the probability density function of the quantizer input. The model is particularly poor for first order modulators though it is useful for the design of higher order modulators.


x(kT) + q(kT)

DELAY Integrator


1 BIT ADC Quantizer 1 BIT DAC


(a) x(kT) + q(kT) DELAY + -


u(kT) 1 BIT ADC



Integrator Quantizer
1 BIT DAC E(z)

(b) X(z) + 1 1 z 1 + -

z 1 1 z 1




Figure 3-3 (a) First Order Modulator (b) Second Order Modulator (c) z-Domain Block Diagram for a Second Order Modulator Under the limitations of the white noise model, the second order modulator of Figure 3-3(b) can be approximated by a linear system shown in Figure 3-3(c). The quantizer is modeled as an additive error source, E(z), while the integrators are represented by their transfer functions in the z-domain. The one bit DAC is assumed not to introduce any error so that Q(z)=Y(z). The z-transform of the modulator output is Y(z)= z-1X(z) +(1- z-1)2E(z) , where X(z) is the z-transform of the modulator input. The factor (1-z-1)2 has a high pass characteristic and is known as the noise transfer function of the modulator.


Figure 3-4 Noise Transfer Function in First ,Second and Third order Lowpass Modulator ( Sampling Frequency=256MHz )

In general, L-th order noise shaping can be achieved by means of L integrators in the forward path of a modulator. In this case , the noise shaping becomes HE(z)= (1- z-1)L In the frequency domain, the magnitude of the noise shaping function is

HE ( f ) =

H E ( z)

e j 2fT = 1 e j 2ft 1 e j 2ft z=




L 2

= (2 2 cos 2fT ) 2 = (2 sin fT )



The magnitude of the noise transfer function vs frequency for first, second and third order modulator is shown in Figure 3-4. The quantization noise in the low frequency band is attenuated by the high pass characteristics of the noise transfer function. Higher the order of the modulator, higher is the attenuation of the noise in the baseband. This allows greater resolution to be achieved at the same oversampling ratio. The quantization noise outside the baseband needs to be removed by a digital lowpass filter so that the output of the filter can be resampled at the Nyquist rate, fN=2fB, without aliasing. This is what comprises the decimation filter block.

3.1.1 Multistage Decimation

A popular approach in the design of the digital decimation filter stage for low pass A/D converters is based on multistage structure [1]. In a typical application using oversampled A/D converters, the signal band is only 1/128 to 1/512 of the modulator sampling frequency. For example, in our receiver, the desired signal is present between 3MHz and 5 MHz while the ADC works at about 256Mhz; thus the signal band is only 1/128 of the modulator sample rate. For a specified passband ripple and stopband attenuation, the number of coefficients in a filter is proportional to the filters input rate divided by the width of the transition band, fs/ft [23]. This ratio may be quite large in a narrowband filter such as the decimation filter for an oversampled A/D converter. As a result the filter may require too many computations. By implementing a cascade of several stages, the ratio fs/ft may be reduced for each of the individual stages, resulting in a significant reduction in overall hardware complexity. A typical decimation filter chain for a lowpass modulator will consist of a COMB, a Halfband and an FIR [3].


3.1.2 Cascaded Comb Filters

An efficient first stage anti aliasing decimation filter is a cascade of comb filter [2]. A comb filter computes a running average of its last M1 input samples.
M 1 1 1 x(n M1 i =0

y ( n) =



The corresponding z transform is

(1 z M 1 ) H1( z) = ( 1 ) M 1 (1 z 1 )
( Evaluating H1(z) on the unit circle in the z-plane gives the frequency response,

H1 ( f ) =

sin fM 1T1 jfT1 ( M 1 1) .e M 1 sin tT1


where T1=1/fs1 is the input sampling period. Note that the phase response of a comb filter is linear. The magnitude response has zeroes at integer multiples of the resampling frequency, fs1/M1 . It is the noise present at the frequencies centered on these zeroes that get aliased to the baseband when the comb filter output is resampled at fs1/M1 . The noise in other frequency bands is aliased outside the baseband and is expected to be removed by subsequent stages of the decimation filter. Comb filters are efficient as they provide attenuation only in frequencies where it is needed. Several comb filters can be cascaded to form higher order combs, in order to


provide better attenuation over wider frequency range around the zeroes. The magnitude response for cascaded combs is given by equation, where k is the number of filters in cascade.

k sin fM 1T1 H1 ( f ) = M 1 sin fT1


Figure 3-5 shows the frequency response of a first, second and third order comb for M=4, and a sampling rate of 256MHz. The zeros are located at multiples of 256MHz/4 ;i.e. at 64MHz, 128MHz and 192MHz. As is seen in the figure, the stopband width, centered on the zeros, increases with increasing order, k, of the filter. The passband droop also increases as k increases.


Figure 3-5 Magnitude Responses of Cascaded Comb Filters Cascaded comb filters can be implemented efficiently without multipliers or coefficient storage [2]. The comb transfer function is first separated into its numerator and denominator terms. The denominator section forms an integrator i.e. an accumulator. The numerator forms a differentiator; it calculates the difference between the current sample and the sample obtained M sample points ago. A resampling switch is placed between the integrator and the differentiator. Thus the term, z-M , gets replaced by z-1. Hence, the differentiator can work at a lower sample rate. This structure can be implemented using registers, adders and sub tractors. Figure 3-6 shows the structure for a second order comb.


1-z-M1 M1 (1-z-1) (a) 1 1-z-1 1 1-z-1 1-z-M1 (b) 1 1-z-1 1 1-z-1 fs1/M1

1-z-M1 M1 (1-z-1)



1 M12




1 M12

(c) fs1/M1 i/p 1 M12 REG REG REG (d) o/p


Figure 3-6 (a) Cascade of Two Comb Filters (b) Separation of Denominator and Numerator Sections (c) Commutation of sampling Switch and Numerator Section (d) Implementation In many cases, the CIC response does not satisfy the design specifications. Modified Sinc Filters have been proposed for such applications [4].

3.1.3 Order of the CIC Filter

The cascades of integrate and dump functions, described in section 3.1.2, match the structure of the noise from sigma delta modulation so well that these filters are ideal for providing the initial decimation with negligible loss of signal to noise ratio. The determination of the order of the CIC filter to be used for decimation after sigma delta modulation is an important design criterion. As explained in [22], there is an optimum number that determines the order of the comb to be used. The order of the CIC can be 36

determined based on the following two facts: For a modulator of order l, a CIC of order l+1 is suitable for antialias filtering in the first stage of decimation This CIC can be used to reduce the sample rate to as low as 4 times the Nyquist sampling rate with negligible SNR degradation (<0.25dB). Further reduction in the sample rate using the CIC will degrade the SNR significantly.

3.1.4 Low Power Implementation of COMB

Power consumption in decimation filters in /D converters has become a significant contributor to the total power consumption of a chip in todays low power world. The majority of the power consumed by the CIC is attributed to the integrator as it has to work at the highest sample rate. Alternate structures of the comb have been investigated and found to be more optimum in terms of area and power efficiency [11][12][13][14][15] [17]. This is explained below. Figure 3-7 shows different implementations of a comb filter. The transfer function of a comb can be written in the recursive and nonrecursive forms as follows :

H1 ( z) =

M 1 (1 z 1 ) M1 (1 z 1 )

Recursive structure

1 M1 1 i H1 ( z) = z M1 i =0

Nonrecursive structure

In case the decimation factor is power of 2, the nonrecursive CIC form can be rewritten as follows:


N 1 M1 1 i 2 1 i z = 1 + z 2i H1 ( z) = z = i =0 i =0 i =0

In the above expression, the system function has been factored. Hence, structures can be implemented in cascaded form. The location of downsamplers can be exchanged with factors of the system function. This leads to a simplified structure shown in Figure 3-7(c). Each of the individual blocks in the cascade of filters can be implemented using polyphase decomposition, as shown in Figure 3-7(d). This structure gives reduction in power consumption as the frequency of operation of the individual elements is less compared to the standard structure of integrator followed by differentiator.


1 z M 1 z 1

M (a)



1 1 1 z

M (b)

(1 z ) (1 + z )

1 k



(1 + z )
2 2

1 k

2 (c)

1 k

(1 + z )
2 z-1 2

1 k


x(n) z-1

E0(z) z-1 E1(z) (d)

E0(z) E1(z)

E0(z) E1(z)


Figure 3-7 (a) Comb Filter (b) IIR-FIR implementation (c) FIR2: a cascade of FIR filters each decimating by 2 (d) POLY-FIR2: Polyphase decomposition applied to FIR2


The power

can be further reduced by altering the decimation ratio in the individual

blocks. Several implementations indicate that a proper choice of the first stage decimation ratio gives significant reduction in power. This structure is shown in Figure 3-8. Here, the Comb has been decomposed into a first stage FIR filter with decimation ratio P, followed by a cascade of FIR (1+z-1)k filters each with decimation ratio of 2.The reason behind such a decomposition is that it is best to decimate in the first stage by as much as possible . The following stages are kept at the minimum decimation ratio of 2 because when the word length is high, reduction in the sampling frequency does not compensate for the added complexity of the polyphase decomposition.

x(n) z-1


E0(z) z-1 E1(z)

2 2

E0(z) z-1 E1(z)

2 2

E0(z) E1(z)


z-1 P EP-1(z)

Figure 3-8 Efficient Polyphase Decomposition of Comb Filter

3.1.5 Modified-Sinc Filters

In this section a new filter, which is designed based on the Comb, is discussed. In a CIC, the stopband attenuation is constrained by the fixed location of the zeros. The main idea behind modified sinc filters [4] is to make the zero distribution flexible in order to


attain the desired stopband, while preserving most of the low complexity implementation of the CIC. From the transfer function of the CIC , the zeros are seen to be located at regular intervals in the z plane given by the following equation

2 i M 1 ; i = 1..., M 1 zi = e 1 j
Now, if a clockwise rotation by an angle is applied to each of the zeros of the CIC, then the transfer function becomes

(1 z M 1e jM1 ) ) Hu ( z ) = ( 1 M 1 (1 z 1e j )
Similarly, if an anticlockwise rotation by the same angle is applied, the transfer function becomes

(1 z M 1e jM1 ) ) Hd ( z ) = ( 1 M 1 (1 z 1e j )
Figure 3-9 shows how the zeros get rotated in the zplane with such transformations.




Figure 3-9 Zero Pole Distribution of (a) M1=4 CIC (b) Angle Rotation of Zeros (c) Rotated Sinc Filter


These two filters, Hu(z) and Hd(z), have complex coefficients, but they can be cascaded to obtain a filter with real coefficients, as seen in the complete transfer function :

1 2 cos(M 1 ) z M1 + z 2 M1 ) H r ( z) = H u ( z)H d ( z) = 1 2 1 2 cos z 1 + z 2 M1

Figure 3-10 Attenuation In a Third Order Sinc and A Modified Sinc filter(M1=4) This filter has zero at (i/M1 /2); I = 1,M1 . If is chosen in such a way as to put all zeros in the required intervals, this filter, cascaded with a classical comb filter can be used to greatly increase the stopband attenuation in the null intervals. Figure 3-10 shows the first null for a third order Sinc (M1=4) and a modified sinc. As can be seen, the stopband attenuation has improved from 137dB to 150dB for a stopband of 1.564 to 1.578 radians. The passband droop is same for both the filters.


The modified sinc filter can be implemented as a polyphase FIR. Alternatively, it can be implemented as a recursive structure as shown in Figure 3-11.This structure needs two multipliers, one at a high rate, and one at a low rate.

M1 2cos

z-1 -

z-1 +


1+2cos(M1) z



Figure 3-11 Recursive Implementation of the Modified Sinc

3.1.6 Later Stages of Decimation

The Comb is generally used for performing decimation up to 4*fs. Normally, a couple of filter stages are placed after the Comb. An efficient second stage filter can be selected from a class of filters called the halfband. These are even order linear phase FIR filters having a special property that every odd sample of their impulse response is zero, except for the sample at the centre of the impulse response which has a value of 0.5. Thus, the number of computations required to implement these filters is reduced by approximately half. These filters have a special symmetry in the frequency response, viz. H(e ) = 1 H(e (
j j -)

This symmetry implies that the transition band of the halfband filter is centered at =/2 where the magnitude of the transfer function is 0.5. This means that this filter


cannot be used to decimate to more than 2fs so that the 6dB point lies at fs. Another implication of the symmetry in the transfer function is that the ripple in the passband equals the ripple in the stopband. This property prevents the halfband filter from compensating the baseband droop introduced by the comb filter. Figure 3-2 shows the transfer function of an 11 tap halfband filter.

Figure 3-12 Transfer Function of 11 Tap Halfband The last stage filter is usually an FIR with sharp transition band. This filter will be the most complex filter of the three stages. The sharp filtering is done at the last stage by design, as it can work at the lowest sample rate and so the hardware complexity can be reduced.


3.2 Decimation structure for band pass

Bandpass modulation is a variant of the lowpass modulator. Both convert an analog signal to a high speed digital output. The lowpass modulator is used in applications where the signal of interest lies in the low frequency band while the bandpass modulator is used for bandpass signals. The difference between the two is in the shape of the noise transfer functions. In the lowpass case, the NTF has nulls around DC so that maximum signal to noise ratio can be guaranteed for lowpass signals. In the band pass case, on the other hand, the NTF null lies in a frequency band away from the DC. Figure 3-13 shows the nature of the NTF in the different cases. Both modulation schemes require filtering and decimation of the digital output to yield a low noise Nyquist rate sequence. In the lowpass modulator, the decimation filter is lowpass while in the bandpass modulator, the decimation filter needs have a narrow bandpass frequency characteristic.





0 (a) STF NTF



0 (b) STF

fos/2 NTF


0 (c)


Figure 3-13 Noise Transfer Function (NTF) and Signal Transfer Function (STF) in (a) Lowpass Modulators(b) Bandpass Modulators (b) Complex Bandpass Modulators Not much literature exists in the field of decimation for bandpass modulators . This is an active area of research [21]. An optimized hardware for the decimation scheme has been explored in [5]. Here, it is required to do narrow band filtering on a high speed bit stream. The importance of the Comb filter in the decimation structure for the lowpass modulator lies in the fact that it lends itself to a very efficient hardware implementation. However, since the Comb is a lowpass filter, it seems inappropriate for use in a bandpass system. This hurdle is overcome by combining some of the signal processing required by the receiver along with the decimation filter section. The demodulation and decoding algorithm of the receiver needs the signal to be downconverted to baseband; i.e. the signal should be frequency translated from IF to DC. This downconversion block is pulled in ahead of the decimation filter section. Here, 45

the signal obtained at the output of the ADC is first frequency down converted so as to shift the signal from IF to DC. As a result, the signal is no more bandpass in nature but has a lowpass frequency characteristic . Hence, the lowpass decimation structures described earlier in this chapter can be applied to this signal. The resulting decimation filters have architecture similar to the standard multistage decimation filter chain for lowpass signals, with Comb as the first stage.


-fIF 0 fIF (a)


-fos/2 -fIF 0 (b) fos/2

signal quantization noise



0 (c)


I/P Complex low pass filter Complex O/P

Figure 3-14 Complex Downconversion (a) Signal Before Downconversion (b) Complex Sinusoidal (c) Signal After Downconversion (d) System block Diagram of Downconverter Followed by Complex LPF The ADC output is modulated down to DC by using a complex modulator as shown in Figure 3-14. A straightforward implementation of this scheme will require two full fledged multipliers; one for the real term and one for the complex term of the complex


exponential (e-j0t = cos(0t) j sin(0t)) A careful choice of the sampling frequency yields a simplified implementation. If = /4, the sine and cosine sequences have a simple structure: each term is either 0, 1 or 1/2, as shown in Figure 3-15(a). Thus, the sequence can be separated into integers and integer times 1/2:

1 1 1 1 1 sin t = 0, 0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1... ,1, ,0, ,1, .... = 0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0... + 2 2 2 2 2 4

o=/4 cos0T = 1,1/2,0,- 1/2,-1,.. Low pass filter


Real O/P

-sin0T = 0,-1/2,-1,- 1/2,0,.. Low pass filter 1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0 Low pass filter 0,1,0,-1,0,-1,0,1 Low pass filter 0,0,-1,0,0,0,1,0 Low pass filter 0,-1,0,-1,0,1,0,1 Low pass filter (a)

Complex O/P

1/2 Complex decimation Filtering Complex O/p

1/2 (b)

Figure 3-15 (a) Downconverter and Filter Split into Real and Imaginary Parts (b) Simplified Complex Modulator and Low pass Filter


The linearity of multiplication and filtering operations can be used to separate the streams into rational and irrational parts as illustrated in Figure 3-15(b). The multiplicands are 0 and 1, and hence can be implemented by Boolean operations. The implementation can be optimized so as to multiplex a single low pass filter [5]. The decimation filters can be implemented with the standard multistage decimation structure meant for lowpass signals using the Comb as the first stage LPF followed by more sophisticated digital filter in the final stage.

3.3 Decimation for complex band pass

Decimation for complex modulators has been explored in [6], [ 7]. The structure is similar to that for bandpass modulators explained in the previous section. Here, the output stream from the modulator is complex, so demodulation entails multiplying two complex sequences:

[I (n) + jQ(n)]e j n = [I (n) + jQ(n)][cos 0 n j sin 0 n]; n = 0,1,2...


Thus, the baseband I and Q sequences, I0(n) and Q0(n), are

I 0 (n) = I (n) cos 0 n + Q(n) sin 0 n and, Q0 (n) = Q(n) cos 0 n I (n) sin 0 n


cos0T Low pass filter

Re -sin0T


cos0T Im Low pass filter

Figure 3-16 Complex Demodulation of the Quadrature Modulators Output Stream The downconversion scheme is as shown in Figure 3-16. The lowpass filter can be implemented as standard low pass digital decimation filters.

3.4 New Architecture : Motivation

The digital decimation filter architecture described above imposes certain restrictions on the design of a receiver system. Firstly, the architecture depends on a good choice of the sample rate such that = /2 ,/4 etc. A different choice of will not allow the optimization achieved in the implementation of the down conversion mixer. Secondly, the hardware is tied to the choice of . In order to comply with different wireless standards, a fixed imposes constraints on design of other parts in the system like crystal clock, PLL circuitry etc. For example, in our GPS receiver system, the reference clock can come from the cellular engine. The frequency of this clock varies across different wireless standards. Now, if the downconversion frequency is made constant 49

(e.g. pi/4 or pi/2), the PLL would be required to synthesize all the frequencies corresponding to the different standards. This would have made the PLL design more complicated. Instead, in our design, the LO frequency was made to be integer multiple of the reference frequency and ADC frequency was derived by dividing the LO frequency. Thus the IF was not constant across different standards. This made the PLL design simple as it was required to generate clocks that are only integer multiples of the reference clock. The baseband section, however, works at a fixed sample rate equal to 16 times the Nyquist rate. Hence, the ratio of the IF to the baseband sample rate varied across different standards. Thus, a constant value of = /2 ,/4 at the downconversion mixer can not be ensured. If, on the other hand, was made constant (= /2 ,/4 etc.), the PLL would need to generate clocks whose frequencies would not be integer multiples of the reference frequency. Thus, the design complexity was shifted from the analog to the digital domain: the complexity of the PLL design was replaced by complexity in the design of the downconversion mixer and associated circuitry in the baseband. Thirdly, in order to be compatible with the existing baseband engine of the GPS receiver system, the decimation digital filtering section was required to be placed before the baseband downconversion stage in the signal chain. The need, therefore, was for an architecture for performing narrowband complex filtering at IF. A new architecture for complex decimation digital filtering of the output of a complex modulator is proposed in the following chapter.

3.5 Summary
Digital decimation filtering architectures have been discussed in this chapter. Standard architectures for lowpass modulators are explained. The comb filter is a popular first stage decimation filter. Several implementations of the comb are explained. Also


explained in this chapter is the modified sinc, which is a filter derived from the comb transfer function. Architectures for decimation digital filtering for bandpass and complex bandpass modulators, discussed in prevalent literature are explained and the motivation for a new architecture for performing decimation digital filtering for complex bandpass modulators is explained.



Figure 4-1 shows the block diagram of a low IF receiver using complex analog to digital conversion. The receiver front-end starts with an RF stage. The latter has a low noise amplifier and filter. The output of the RF stage is sent to a quadrature mixer. A local oscillator produces a sine and a cosine of a frequency, which is slightly offset from that of the incoming RF signal. The output of the RF stage is multiplied with these two sinusoids in two mixers. Multiplication with the cosine yields the in-phase component and multiplication with the sine produces the quadrature phase component. These two components are sent to the ADC. An antialias filter is required to attenuate all signal components present at more than half the sampling frequency of the ADC so that there is minimum aliasing of unwanted signals after the signal is converted from the analog to the discrete frequency domain. This filter can be placed before the ADC or can be integrated along with the ADC as shown in the block diagram in Figure 4-1.


cosct A
RF Stage Antialias Filter X and Complex Bandpass Modulator Digital Decimation Filters Digital Baseband


Figure 4-1 Architecture of A Low IF Receiver Using Complex Analog to Digital Converter The ADC is an oversampled complex analog to digital converter. It has three salient features: It is an oversampled system; so the quantization noise is less than that for a Nyquist rate ADC. Secondly, it is a converter. Hence the quantization noise is frequency shaped. Thirdly, the noise transfer function is complex i.e. it has an

asymmetric frequency response with respect to the zero frequency axis. Hence, this ADC can be used to recover only those signals that are complex in nature. The ADC converts the signal from the analog to the digital domain. The output of the ADC consists of two streams of single bit data. This data represents the mixer outputs in addition to quantization noise generated by the operation of analog to digital conversion. The digital decimation filtering block attenuates the quantization noise and reduces the sample rate. The digital baseband section performs downconversion of the digital filter output from IF to DC and further reduction in sample rate to Nyquist rate, followed by demodulation and decoding to extract the transmitted data from the signal.


4.1 Frequency Spectrum Analysis of The

Image Reject Receiver
Let us look at the frequency components of the signal at different stages of the chain. Let us assume that the incoming RF signal is present in a frequency band centered on (c+ if) and the local oscillator produces sinusoids of frequency c. Mixing is essentially a multiplication operation. Hence, the output of the mixer will be as given by the following equation:

cos( c + if )t cos( c )t = (cos(2 c + if )t + cos( if )t ) / 2;

Thus, each mixer output contains two sets of signals, one at if and the other at 2c + if. The latter is filtered while the components at if are passed through the system. Thus, essentially, the mixing process translates the signal in the frequency domain from RF to IF. In the process, all signals equidistant from the oscillator frequency in the frequency axis, get translated to the same IF. So, along with the desired RF signal at (c+ if) , any interfering signal present at (c- if) also get translated to the same IF. This is apparent from the following equation:

cos( c if )t cos( c )t = (cos(2 c if )t + cos( if )t ) / 2;

Thus, the mixer output contains a superposition of the desired RF signal, originally present at (c+ if) and the interfering signal, originally present at (c- if). The latter is called the image signal. It has no relationship with the desired signal but appears as a noise at the mixer output. This can also be seen by doing a frequency domain analysis of the signals. Figure 4-2


shows the frequency spectrum. The desired signal and image signal spectrum are as shown in Figure 4-2a): these are signals present at if and -if distance from the oscillator frequency. The local oscillator outputs, the sine and cosine of c, are impulses at c, as shown in Figure 4-2(b) & (c). Now, multiplication in time domain is equivalent to convolution in the frequency domain. A convolution of the impulse in Figure 4-2 (b) and the signal in Figure 4-2 (a) gives the superposition of the signal and image at if as seen in Figure 4-2 (d). Similarly, a convolution of the impulse in Figure 4-2 (c) and the signal in Figure 4-2 (a) gives the superposition of the signal and image at if as seen in Figure 4-2 (e). The job, now, is to remove the image signal and extricate the desired signal from the signal obtained at if. This can be achieved by doing a complex summation of the mixer outputs. This is shown in Figure 4-2 (f),(g) and(h). The difference in the phase of the signal and image components in the quadrature phase component of the mixer (Figure 4-2 (e)) , is utilized to recover the signal. This scheme is called the image reject receive scheme. The mixer outputs are fed to the analog to digital converter. The ADC has a complex noise transfer function (NTF) and a complex signal transfer function(STF). The output of the ADC consists of two single bit data streams. A complex sum or difference of these two bit streams has the following frequency components: the desired signal at if the image signal attenuated by the STF



iii. the quantization noise shaped according to the NTF These components are shown in Figure 4-3. The complex STF, shown in Figure 4-3(a)


and (b) , pass the desired signal and attenuate the image signal partially from the complex sum and difference of the mixer outputs. The complex NTF, shown in Figure 4-3 (a) and (b) , shapes the quantization noise. Figure 4-3 (c) and (d) show the signal present at the ADC outputs. It is to be noted that, the individual data bits do not have any significant interpretation and it is only the complex sum or difference of these bits that can be meaningfully interpreted.

4.2 Digital Filtering

The job of the digital filters, placed after the ADC, is apparent from the signal spectrum shown in Figure 4-3. The digital filters need to attenuate the image signal and the quantization noise present outside the signal band. A complex digital filter with passband centered around -if can extricate the desired signal from the complex sum of the ADC output bits. Similarly, a complex digital filter with passband centered on if will filter the desired signal from the complex difference of the ADC output bits. This is shown in Figure 4-4.


(a) - - (b) -c (c) - (d) - (e) - -if -if j/2 0 -j/2 (f) - -if 1/2 0 1 (g) - -if 0 1 (h) - -if 0 -c 0 1/2 0 0 j/2 -j/2 -c - if -c -c + if 0 1/2

image signal band


c - if c c +

desired signal

cosct c c sinct

A= IP*cosct if B= IP*sinct if j*B if A+j*B if A-j*B if

Figure 4-2 Signal Spectrum of (a) Incoming RF Signal (b) cosct (c) sinct (d) in-phase o/p of Mixer (e)Out-of-phase o/p of mixer (f) Out-of-phase component multiplied by j (g) Signal and Image Separated (h) Signal and Image separated


Signal Transfer Function (a) - -if 0

Noise Transfer Function

A+j*B A-j*B


(b) - -if 0 if X+j*Y (c) - -if 0 if X-j*Y

(d) - Desired Signal -if 0 Residual Image Signal if Quantization noise

Figure 4-3 (a)Complex Sum of Mixer Outputs, STF and NTF of ADC (b) Complex Difference of Mixer Outputs, STF and NTF of ADC(c) Complex Sum of ADC Outputs(d) Complex Difference of ADC Outputs

Two filters DF1 and DF2 having complex transfer functions are used to extricate the desired signal as shown in Figure 4-4 (a) and (b). The outputs of these two filters are combined in Figure 4-4 (c) to obtain a real two sided bandpass signal. This is the desired signal. Figure 4-5 shows the block diagram of the corresponding filter operation. It is to be noted, here, that the use of the term j in Figure 4-5 is only conceptual and has got no physical entity in the actual implementation, explained later in the chapter.


A close look at the block diagram in Figure 4-5 reveals that a direct implementation of the complex filters working on the complex sum and difference of the ADC outputs would require 4 convolutions to be performed inside each filter; two for the real term and two for the imaginary term. The computational complexity can be drastically

reduced by doing a simple mathematical manipulation, as explained in the next section.

DF1 (a) - (b) - (c) - Desired Signal -if 0 Residual Image Signal if Quantization noise -if 0 if -if 0 if DF2

Figure 4-4 (a)Complex Digital Filtering on X+jY (b)Complex Digital Filtering on X-jY (c) Real Two sided Bandpass Signal Obtained After Digital Decimation Filtering

Complex Sigma Delta Analog to Digital Converter

X Y j -j

DF1 (Complex Digital Filter) OP DF2 (Complex Digital Filter)

Figure 4-5 Complex Digital Filtering on Output of Complex ADC


4.2.1 Simplification of Computation

Let the two complex digital filters have transfer functions HDF1(z) & HDF2(z), as shown in Figure 4-6. Let, H DF 1 ( z ) = H RE ( z ) jH IM ( z ); Then, as DF1 and DF2 are a complex conjugate pair ,

H DF 2 ( z ) = H RE ( z ) + jH IM ( z ); where
functions Now, OP = P ( z ).H DF 1 ( z ) + Q ( z ).H DF 2 ( z );

HRE(z) and HIM(z)

are real transfer

=> OP = [ X ( z ) + j (Y ( z )][ H RE ( z ) jH IM ( z )] + [ X ( z ) j (Y ( z )][ H RE ( z ) + jH IM ( z )] => OP = 2[ X ( z ) H RE ( z ) + Y ( z ) H IM ( z )


DF1 Transfer Function - -if DF2 Transfer Function - -if 0 if 0 if

Figure 4-6 Transfer Functions of DF1 and Df2 From (i) it is apparent that complex digital filtering can be accomplished by using two real filters corresponding to the real and imaginary parts of the transfer function of the


individual complex filter. This structure is shown in Figure 4-7. This optimization reduces the computational complexity to one fourth, as a single convolution has replaced 4 convolutions in each branch.

Antialias Filter and X Complex Modulator

RF Amp and Filter

IP 90




Figure 4-7 Complex Digital Filter Structure

4.3 Summary
The frequency domain analysis of an Image Reject Receiver is explained in this chapter. The frequency domain analysis of an image reject receiver utilizing complex Analog to Digital Converter is discussed next. The role of the digital decimation filter is analyzed. The chapter concludes with the derivation of an optimized structure for complex narrowband filtering for such a explained in the following chapters. receiver. The implementation details are



The decimation digital filters in this system perform the following functions: i. antialias filtering and reduction of the data rate ii. attenuation of remaining out of band components in the signal iii. generation of a real two sided signal centered around if The above classification forms the basis of the partitioning of the filter section. This is explained in section 5.2. The design of the actual filters is explained in subsequent sections. Before going into the filter details, it is necessary to describe the frequency plan, first . This is explained in the next section.


Frequency Plan

The GPS receiver is designed for use in mobile phone systems catering to different standards (GSM, WCDMA etc.) As explained in section 3.4, here the IF is made to vary within a small range around 4Mhz so that integer ratios can be used to derive the required clocks from the PLL. The ADC works at sample rates ranging from 261.88MHz to 263.25MHz. The sample rate at the digital filter output varies from 16.368MHz to 16.453125MHz. The signal band exists within 750KHz on either side of the IF. The passband of the digital filter is chosen in such a manner that all the different standards can be accommodated. This results in a signal passband that extends from 0.37 to 0.59 on either the positive or negative frequency axis, depending on where the signal lies.


In the remaining part of this thesis, the sample rate at the digital filter output is indicated as fs. The data at the ADC output has a sample rate of 16fs. Decimation by 16 is performed inside the digital filter section. fs take values close to 16MHz. Since, the discrete frequency domain scales with the sample rate, it is sufficient to analyze the system using a single frequency. For the ease of explanation, the thesis is written assuming a constant value of 4MHz for the IF, 256MHz for the ADC sample rate(16fs) and 16MHz for the sample rate at the digital filter output (fs).Translating the extreme passband edge numbers for a sample rate of 16MHz, the signal band becomes 2.96MHz to 4.72MHz

The task of frequency downconversion to DC and further decimation to the Nyquist rate is performed in the digital baseband section. The latter is outside the scope of this thesis and will not be discussed.

5.2 Digital Filter Partitioning

As explained in section 3.1.1, multistage decimation is the architecture of choice for most applications. In our receiver, decimation is achieved in stages of 4,2 and 2. The first two stages are real filters. These are implemented in duplicate, one each for the two streams of data coming from the ADC. The complex filtering is achieved in the last of these three stages, which also performs the final decimation by 2. This filter is implemented by splitting the real and imaginary parts of the filter transfer function and adding the two outputs, as explained in section 4.2.1. A droop correction filter is placed at the end of the filter chain to correct the in band droop produced by the preceding filter stages and also to provide sharp filtering of the residual quantization noise. This structure is shown in Figure 5-1.




AAF1 4


AAF2 2fs 2





16fs AAF1 4fs AAF2 2fs

4 2



Figure 5-1 Multistage Decimation Filter Structure

5.3 ADC NTF and STF

The signal and noise components present in the ADC output data is now analyzed. Figure 5-2 shows the FFT of the complex sum of the ADC output bit streams (X+jY) for a single tone. Here, fs=256MHz, if=4MHz.

Figure 5-2 FFT Of ADC Output For A Single Tone Input


The noise floor in the

3MHz to 5Mhz range is -98 dB. The decimation filters are

expected to attenuate the out of band noise. The attenuation should be sufficient so that after downsampling, the aliased noise does not raise the in band noise floor significantly i.e. there should be negligible degradation in the signal to noise ratio in the band of interest.

5.4 Stage One Antialias Filter (AAF1)

As explained in section 3.1.2, a popular first stage anti aliasing filter is the comb. However, the comb has a low pass transfer function while in this application the signal is bandpass in nature. If the IF band is included inside the passband, then the comb can be used. This imposes two stringent restrictions on the design: i) The passband of the filter is more than the actual bandwidth of the signal. The signal of interest is present in a 2MHz band around if. But the comb has a passband from (-if-1Mhz) to (if+1Mhz). This implies that the desired signal is present at the edge of the passband. In the lowpass decimation structure for modulators, the comb can be used for reducing the sampling rate to as low as 4*fn (fn = Nyquist sampling rate) [22], i.e. 8 times the signal band. However, in this application the same rule cannot be used. Here, the signal extends in a 2MHz band around IF(4MHz). The Nyquist rate is 4MHz and ideally, the comb should have been used to downsample to 16MHz; i.e. the decimation factor would be 16.However, since the signal is bandpass in nature, the comb can be used to down sample till 8 times the edge of the passband i.e. till 40 MHz (=8*5MHz). Choosing a factor of 2 decimation ratio, the comb is used here to


decimate by 4 (down sample to 64MHz). ii) The desired stopband lies in a 2MHz band situated at if distance on either side of the nulls, as it is these frequency components that will alias on to the desired signal present at if . This implies that the frequency components that will alias after downsampling lie at the extreme edge of the stopband. This results in a wider stopband around each null than for a lowpass signal. For example, for a sample rate of 256MHz, an IF of 4 MHz, the passband is from 5 MHz to 5Mhz while the stopband width is 10 MHz centered on each null. Had the signal been low pass in nature, the passband would have been 1Mhz to 1Mhz and the stopband width would have been 2Mhz around each null. As noted in section 3.1.3 [22], for an lth order modulator, the optimum comb order is (l+1) [22]. This analysis is limited to modulators of order =<2. Although , in this system, the modulator has order 3, we apply the same rule for choosing the order of the comb. Hence, the comb order is chosen to be 4. A frequency domain analysis of the fft of the output shows that this is sufficient. The transfer function of the filter is :

4 1 1 z H ( z ) = 4 1 1 z

5.4.1 Filter Specifications

The noise floor in the 3MHz to 5Mhz range is -98 dB. Now, since AAF1 performs downsampling by 4, the aliasing bands for this filter are: 59MHz to 69MHz, 123MHz to 133MHz, 187MHz to 197MHz.


The maximum noise at these bands is seen to be -35dB. Now, the noise in the aliasing bands needs to be attenuated to a level low enough, so that after aliasing, the in band noise does not degrade much. i.e. after the aliasing the net noise floor should not rise much compared to the in band noise floor of 98dB. Hence, required attenuation should be greater than ( -35 - (-98) =) 63dB .

5.4.2 Filter Transfer Function

Figure 5-3 shows the transfer function of the filter for a sample rate of 256MHz. It has 4 zeros at each of /4 and /2; i.e. at 4fs and 8fs. The stopband attenuation, as shown in Figure 5-5, is around 83.1dB . The passband droop , as can be seen in Figure 5-4, is 0.33dB.

Figure 5-3 Transfer Function of Fourth Order Comb


Figure 5-4 Passband Ripple of Fourth Order Comb

Figure 5-5 Stopband Attenuation of Fourth Order Comb 68

5.5 Stage Two Antialias Filter (AAF2)

The second stage filter performs a further reduction in sample rate by 2. An 11 tap halfband is used for this purpose. The coefficients are quantized to 15 bits. Its transfer function is as follows: H(z)= h0 + h2z-2 + h4z-4 + h5z-5 + h6z-6 + h8z-8 + h10z-10 The halfband filter is a low pass filter. As for the comb, the passband for this filter has been defined so as to include the band around if.

5.5.1 Filter Specifications

AAF2 performs downsampling by2. Assuming the ADC sample rate to be 256MHz,the aliasing bands for this filter are: 27MHz to 37MHz on both the positive and negative frequency axes. The maximum noise in these bands is seen to be -35dB. Hence, required attenuation should be greater than ( -35 - (-98) =) 63dB .

5.5.2 Filter Transfer Function

The transfer function is shown in Figure 5-6, for a sample rate of 64MHz(4fs). The stopband attenuation, shown in Figure 5-8, is about 64 dB. The passband ripple, shown in Figure 5-7, is negligible (0.0027dB/-0.0054dB). Attenuation provided by the cascade of comb and halfband is 75.8dB.


Figure 5-6 Transfer Function of Halfband Filter

Figure 5-7 Passband Ripple of Halfband Filter 70

Figure 5-8 Stopband Attenuation in Halfband Filter

5.6 Image Reject Filter (Complex Filter)

This filter attenuates signal and noise components present in the image band. Hence, it is called the image reject filter. This is a complex filter. It is implemented using a structure explained in Section 4.2.1.


DF1 Transfer Function - -if DF2 Transfer Function - -if 0 if 0 if

Figure 5-9 Transfer Functions Of DF1 And DF2 As explained in 4, a pair of complex conjugate filters, DF1 and DF2, are required for performing image rejection and obtaining a real signal. As is apparent, it is sufficient to derive the coefficients for either of DF1 or DF2. Here, we will discuss the design of DF2. This filter has been designed using techniques described in [4] and explained in section 3.1.5. The chief purpose of this filter is to attenuate signal components present at the image frequency. As the comb filter provides sharp narrowband attenuation around its zeros, it is chosen as the base filter from which the complex image reject filter is to be derived. The comb filter is first frequency translated so that the passband shifts to low-IF. The filter transfer function , then becomes:

jD 1 1 z De where is the shift in frequency. H ( z) = IR D 1 z 1e j


Figure 5-10 Transfer Function of Four Tap Comb and Shifted Comb This filter works at a sample rate of 2fs. The filter passband needs to be centered at if, which is at fs/4 i.e. one eighth of the sample rate of the image reject filter. Hence, should be /4. The number of coefficients (D) of the comb is chosen in such a manner that, after frequency translation, its passband aligns with the signal band centered on if and the zero aligns with the image frequency centered around -if. A 4 tap comb is required so that after frequency translation by /4 to the positive frequency side, the pass band is at /4, and the zeros are at /4, -3/4, 3/4. As can be observed from the transfer function of the filter, the zero placements is such that decimation by two can be performed at the output of this filter. The aliasing bands are at 3/4, where zeros have been placed. The transfer function of the shifted 4 tap comb is shown in Figure 5-10. The filter works at 2fs(32MHz).The shifted comb has zeros at 4Mhz(image band) and 12Mhz (aliasing bands).


Figure 5-11 Derivation of The Image Reject Filter From A Comb In the actual design, taking = 1.01*/4 gives better image rejection with quantized coefficients. The shifted comb is modified further by spreading the zeros to increase the width of the stopband. The zeros are spread on either side twice; so each zero gets replaced by 4 zeros located close to each other. The resulting filter is a cascade of the 4 filters.

5.6.1 Filter Specification

The aliasing bands are 2MHz bands centered around is -4MHz,12MHz. The maximum noise at these frequencies is seen to be -56dB. Hence, the required attenuation should be greater than ( -56-(-98)= ) 42 dB.


5.6.2 Filter Transfer Function

The transfer function is shown in Figure 5-11. The filter has 13 complex coefficients, quantized to 15 bits. The effect of coefficient quantization is shown in Figure 5-12. It gives more than 76dB of attenuation in the image band(-5Mhz to 3MHz). The passband droop, as can be seen from Figure 5-13 , is 0.94dB at 3MHz.

Figure 5-12 Effect of Coefficient Quantization On The Stopband Attenuation of Image Reject Filter


Figure 5-13 Passband Droop Of Image Reject Filter

Figure 5-14 Phase Response of Image Reject Filter 76

Although the comb is a linear phase filter, the modified and shifted comb needs to be analyzed for its phase response. This is shown in Figure 5-14. As is evident, the phase is linear in the passband (3.1125MHz to 5.1125Mhz). The nonlinearity in the phase in the stopband (-5.1125Mhz to 3.1125MHz) is of no consequence to the performance of the GPS receiver system. As explained in Section 4.2.1, the real and imaginary parts of the transfer function of DF2 are split up to operate on the two output bit streams of the ADC. The outputs of the two filters are summed. This produces the real two sided bandpass signal at +/if. Figure 5-15 shows the transfer functions of DF1 and DF2. As is evident from the figure, DF2 has a null at if (i.e. at /4 or 4.1125MHz ) ; at the same place as the passband of DF1. This makes sure that the noise present on the complex sum of the ADC outputs (X+jY) at if is sufficiently attenuated by DF2, so that after summing the two outputs from the real and imaginary sections of the complex filter, there is negligible degradation in the signal to noise ratio at if. Similarly, DF1 null is at if to ensure negligible SNR loss at if.


Figure 5-15 Transfer Function of DF1 and DF2

5.7 Summary
A detailed description of the filter architecture is given in this chapter. The first section gives some details of the frequencies used in the chip. Next, an fft of the ADC output is analyzed to understand antialiasing requirements for the digital decimation filters. The partitioning of the filter chain is discussed, next. The design of the two decimation filters and the image reject complex filter are described in the later sections of this chapter.



The last filter in the chain is a real filter called the droop correction filter. This filter processes the real signal coming from the complex image reject filter and passes it on to the baseband processing block.

6.1 Droop Correction Filter

The purpose of this filter is twofold: I) to correct the passband droop introduced by the three preceding filter stages II) to perform sharp bandpass filtering and attenuate remaining out of band quantization noise A 49 tap FIR is used for this purpose. This filter is synthesized by designing a low pass inverse SINC and transforming it to a bandpass filter by weighting the coefficient sequence with samples of (sin n/2);n=1,2,..49.

6.1.1 Filter specifications

The maximum out of band noise at the filter input is 78dB. Hence, the required


attenuation should be greater than ( -78-(-98)=) 20dB. Actual attenuation provided by the filter is more than 30dB.

6.1.2 Filter Transfer Function

The transfer function of this filter is shown in Figure 6-1. The passband ripple is shown in Figure 6-2. As can be seen, the combined droop due to the three preceding stages of filters result in a net droop of 1.07dB at the edge of the passband (-5MHz). After droop correction, the passband ripple is limited within 0.02dB and -0.28dB.

Figure 6-1 Transfer Function of Droop Correction FIR


Figure 6-2 Droop Correction

Figure 6-3 Final Transfer Function : DF2 path for filtering X-jY


Figure 6-4 Final Transfer Function : DF1 path for filtering X+jY The net channel transfer functions are shown in Figure 6-3 and Figure 6-4. The complex sum of the ADC output bit streams, (X + jY), is filtered by the transfer function shown in Figure 6-4. The complex difference of the ADC output bit streams, (X - jY), is filtered by the transfer function shown in Figure 6-3. The sum of these two filtered signals is what constitutes the output of the digital decimation filter block. It is to be noted that the complex transfer functions shown in Figure 6-3 and Figure 6-4 are relevant only for the purpose of analysis. The generation of complex sum (X + jY) and difference (X - jY) is not performed explicitly in the actual implementation, which is shown in Figure 5-1.

6.2 Data Quantization

All the filters are implemented as direct form structures, using twos complement arithmetic. Full precision arithmetic is performed inside each filter and the final result is


quantized. Thus the quantization error can be modeled as an additive noise source. This is shown in Figure 6-5.

I/P Data h0







Quantization Noise O/P Data

Figure 6-5 Direct Form Implementation of FIR The noise generated by a quantizer with quantization levels equally spaced by is uncorrelated and is distributed uniformly between -/2 and /2 with power, SQ=2/12. The noise is spread uniformly across the frequency spectrum and so the power spectral density of the noise is equal to SQ/fs. Figure 6-6 shows the PSD of the quantization noise. The quantization level spacing , for data quantized to (B+1) bits, is: = 1/2B Thus, the PSD, SQS = 2-2B/12fs (3) (2)



frequency -fs/2 DC fs/2

Figure 6-6 PSD Of Uncorrelated White Quantization Noise Now, the data quantization at the filter outputs should be such that there is negligible degradation in the noise floor compared to the noise at the ADC output. The noise floor in the band of interest (3MHz to 5MHz) is shown in Figure 6-7. The noise has a null at 4MHz and increases on either side. The number of data quantization bits, B is chosen is such a manner that the noise due to quantization falls below that at the ADC output FFT.


Figure 6-7 FFT of ADC Output The data quantization was also analyzed using an empirical method. The SNR was computed at each stage of the filter chain with number of bits for data quantization being varied. Analysis of the results suggests an optimum bit allocation as follows: halfband image reject filter : 13 : 14

6.3 Hardware Considerations

The filters were coded in Verilog and synthesized using Synopsys tools. Various architectures were evaluated for optimization of area and power. The first architecture experimented with was as follows. Cascaded Integrator Comb implementation for Comb (AAF1), multiplier based architectures for halfband(AAF2) , Image Reject Filter and droop correction FIR. This scheme was found to consume a lot of power.


Hence, the implementation was changed as follows. The COMB(AAF1) was implemented as a cascade of FIRs as explained in Section3.1.4. The coefficients of the halfband and the image reject filter were coded with canonical signed digits (CSD) and the filters implemented with shift and add stages. The droop correction FIR was implemented as a multiplier based structure.

6.4 Silicon Results

Figure 6-8 shows a plot of the FFT of the digital filter output for a sinusoidal input. The FFT of the ADC output is shown along with the FFT of the output from the digital filter. It can be seen from the figure that the quantization noise floor in the passband at the digital filter output overlaps that at the ADC output. In the transition band (~1MHz on either side of the passband), the noise begins to decrease and at the stopband region the noise is down by about 40dB with respect to inband noise floor.


Digital Filter O/P

Figure 6-8 FFT of Silicon Data At The Output Of Digital Filters and ADC

6.5 Summary
This chapter started with a discussion of the design of the droop correction filter. The net transfer function of the entire decimation filter system was analyzed next. The 86

implementation details covering the choice of hardware and data quantization effects were also discussed. The chapter concluded with a brief description of the silicon results.



The decimation filter architecture described in the previous three chapters, is examined for possible improvements in this chapter. A cursory look at the filter structure hints at a scope for optimization in the choice of the first two stages of filtering. The use of lowpass filter transfer functions for a system meant for complex bandpass signals, indicates a suboptimal choice of the filter. This was also made apparent in Section 5.4 where it was mentioned that the use of lowpass filters for AAF1 severely restricted the amount of decimation achievable by the comb filter .In a lowpass converter (of order <=2), a decimation by 16 is possible for a signal of similar bandwidth. In this system, the modulator has order 3 and the comb is used for bandpass filtering. This results in a decimation ratio of 4. If, however, the comb can be replaced by a complex bandpass filter, higher amount of decimation can be achieved. This is explored in the rest of this chapter.

7.1 Complex Bandpass Antialias Filtering

The architecture suggested in Figure 4-7 and implemented in Figure 5-1, gives a simplified method of implementing a complex image reject filter. However, if the antialias filter stage preceding the image reject filter is made complex, the decimation filter architecture will change to a cascade of complex filters. This will mean additional computations compared to a cascade of real filters. The structure for such a system is discussed in this section.


Here, the first two stages(AAF1 and AAF2) are combined into one single complex filter (AAF). The cascade of the complex filter, AAF, and the complex image reject filter is discussed below. The simplification in computation described in Section 4.2.1, will be used in deriving the structure of the cascade of the two complex filters. Let the new antialias filter have a transfer function as follows:

H AAF ( z ) = H AAFRE ( z ) + jH AAFM ( z );


The second complex filter, the image reject filter DF1, has a transfer function as follows:

H DF 1 ( z ) = H RE ( z ) jH IM ( z );


Then, if the two output bit streams from the ADC are X(z) and Y(z), the output of the cascade of the two complex filters is as follows:

OP = 2 Re[[ X ( z ) + jY ( z )] * H AA F ( z ) * H DF 1 ( z )]


i.e. the output, OP, will be equal to twice the real part of the signal resulting from filtering the complex sum of the ADC outputs by a cascade of the two complex filters: antialias filter AAF and image reject filter DF1. Now,

[ X ( z ) + jY ( z )] * H AAF ( z ) * H DF 1 ( z ) = [ X ( z ) + j (Y ( z )] * [ H AAFRE ( z ) + jH AAFM ( z )] * [ H RE ( z ) jH IM ( z )] = [[ X ( z ) * H AAFRE ( z ) Y ( z ) * H AAFIM ( z )] + j[Y ( z ) * H AAFRE ( z ) + X ( z ) * H AAFIM ( z )]] * [ H RE ( z ) jH IM ( z )] => Re[[ X ( z ) + jY ( z )] * H AAF ( z ) * H DF 1 ( z )] = [ X ( z ) * H AAFRE ( z ) Y ( z ) * H AAFIM ( z )] * H RE ( z ) + [Y ( z ) * H AAFRE ( z ) + X ( z ) * H AAFIM ( z )] * H IM ( z )


The above equation yields a structure shown in Figure 7-1. Here, the real and imaginary parts of the AAF are split up and four sets of convolutions are performed with the dual bit stream output of the ADC. The four convolution sums are added in pairs to yield two outputs. These are then sent to the image reject filter which, again, is implemented in two branches, one for the real and one for the complex. The two outputs from the image reject filter are added to form the output OP. This output is a real signal and its sample rate is Fs. This needs to be further filtered by a droop correction FIR, similar to the one used in the previous architecture.

Complex X Sigma Delta ADC Y



Figure 7-1 Cascaded Complex Digital Filter Structure

7.2 Alternate Filter Architectures

A couple of alternate filter architectures for decimation digital filtering in complex converters are explored in the remaining part of this chapter. These structures employ a mix of real filters and cascade of complex filters. The motivation behind this analysis is to investigate if the decimation filter structure can be optimized if complex filtering is allowed. The different architectures are evaluated for area and a comparative analysis is performed at the end. 90

7.3 Alternate Architecture I

The first structure to be explored is a decimation stage employing complex filters, followed by the image reject filter and droop correction filter. The last filter in the chain is a real filter and all the other filters have complex transfer functions.

7.3.1 Complex Decimation Filter Structure

As described in section 3.1.3, for low pass modulators, the comb can be used as a first stage decimation filter for reducing the sample rate down to 4*fn; where fn is the Nyquist sampling rate. This rule holds for modulators of order less than or equal to 2. We however, try using the same formula for this system, where a third order complex band pass modulator has been used. If the zeros of the comb filter are frequency translated such that the resulting passband aligns with the passband of the complex signal, then it can be used for decimation up to 4*fs. The order of the comb remains the same as above. In this receiver, the signal band is 2MHz wide. Hence the Nyquist sampling rate is 4MHz(fs) and the frequency translated comb can perform a decimation till 16MHz (= 4fs). The order of the modulator is 3 (i.e. = 3). Hence, the order of the frequency translated comb should be 4 (i.e. = l+1). The ADC sampling rate is 256MHz. The frequency translated comb will down sample the signal to 16MHz;hence its decimation ratio is 16. We start with a 16 tap comb of order 4. Its transfer function is as follows:

1 (1 z 16 ) H ( z) = 16 (1 z 1 )



As explained in section 3.1.4 , H(z) can be expressed as a cascade of FIR filters as follows:

4 1 H ( z ) = (1 + z 1 ) (1 + z 2 ) 4 (1 + z 4 ) 4 (1 + z 8 ) 4 16


For low power, a POLY-FIR structure yields an optimum implementation [13]. Hence, we rewrite H(Z) as follows:

4 1 H ( z ) = 1 + z 1 + z 2 + z 3 (1 + z 4 ) 4 (1 + z 8 ) 4 16


Now, for complex bandpass filtering, we need to translate the zeros of this filter in the frequency domain. The signal band is 3 MHz to 5 MHz. Since the ADC sampling rate is 256MHz, the comb zeros need to be translated by pi/32 (=2**4e6/256e6). Applying this translation , H(z) becomes as follows:

4 4 1 1 jpi / 32 + z 2 e jpi / 16 + z 3e j 3 pi / 32 (1 + z 4 e jpi / 8 ) 4 (1 + z 8 e jpi / 4 ) 4 H ( z) = 1 + z e 16



Hc1R (13 taps)

Hc2R (5 taps)

Hc1I (13 taps) Hc2I (5 taps)

Hc3R (5 taps)


Hc3I (5 taps)

Hc1I (13 taps) Hc1R (13 taps) 4

Hc2I (5 taps) Hc2R (5 taps) 2

Hc3I (5 taps) Hc3R (5 taps) 2 OP_Q

Figure 7-2 Shifted Comb Structure For Downsampling by 16 Thus, the resulting filter is a cascade of three FIR filters, performing decimation in stages of 4,2 & 2. The first filter is a 13 tap filter while the last two are each 5 tap linear phase filters. Each of these three filters is a complex filter and hence can be implemented as shown in the structure of Figure 7-1. The resulting structure is a cascade of 3 stages, each stage having 4 real filters. This structure is shown in Figure 7-2. The transfer functions of the three stages are shown in the figures below.


Figure 7-3 Shifted Comb : Stage 1

Figure 7-4 Stopband Attenuation in Shifted Comb


Figure 7-5 Shifted Comb :Stage 2

Figure 7-6 Stopband Attenuation in Stage 2 95

Figure 7-7 Shifted Comb Stage 3

Figure 7-8 Stopband Attenuation in Stage 3


Figure 7-9 Transfer Function of Shifted Comb

Figure 7-10 Passband Ripple in Shifted Comb 97

Figure 7-3 shows the transfer function of the first stage filter. The stopband attenuation is shown in detail in Figure 7-4. The GPS signal passband is 3MHz to 5MHz.The Stage 1 filter operates at 256MHz and performs decimation by 4.Hence the stopbands are located at 67MHz to 69MHz, -59MHz to -61MHz, -123MHz to -125MHz. The attenuation provided by the filter after data quantization is more than 80dB. Figure 7-5 shows the transfer function of the second stage filter. The stopband attenuation is shown in detail in Figure 7-6. This filter operates at 64MHz and performs decimation by two. Hence, the stopband is located at -27MHz to -29MHz. The filter with quantized coefficients provides more than 70dB attenuation in this frequency range. Figure 7-7 shows the transfer function of the third stage filter. The stopband attenuation is shown in detail in Figure 7-8. This filter operates at 32MHz and performs decimation by two. Hence, the stopband is located at -11MHz to -13MHz. This filter provides more than 70dB attenuation in this frequency range. The net transfer function is shown in Figure 7-9. The passband ripple is shown in Figure 7-10. The ripple is 0.223dB. The phase responses of the three filters are shown in Figure 7-11, Figure 7-12, Figure 7-13. In the band of interest (3MHz-5MHz) the phase is linear in all three.


Figure 7-11 Phase Response of Stage 1

Figure 7-12 Phase Response of Stage 2


Figure 7-13 Phase Response of Stage 3

7.3.2 Image Reject Filtering

The image reject filter is a single rate filter, operating at 16MHz. A two tap comb is taken as the starting point for the design . The low if frequency is at 4MHz. This implies that the passband of the image reject filter will be at pi/2 radian away from dc(i.e. at 4MHz)and the zeros in the image reject filter should be at pi/2 radian away from dc(i.e. at 4MHz). Hence, the zeros of the two tap comb are shifted in the frequency domain so as to have the passband and stopband aligned appropriately. The zeros are further rotated on either side by 1.7*pi/16 to form a modified comb with 4 zeros . The resulting image reject filter becomes a 5 tap linear phase filter. The resulting transfer function is showed in Figure 7-14. The phase response of this filter is shown in Figure 7-15. The phase is linear in the band of interest (3MHz-5MHz).


Figure 7-14 Transfer Function of Image Reject Filter

Figure 7-15 Phase Response of Image Reject Filter 101

7.3.3 Droop Correction Filtering

This filter is the same as that used in the original architecture. The whole filter structure is shown in Figure 7-16.The transfer function of the new architecture is compared with that of the original architecture in Figure 7-17 . The stopband attenuation is sufficient in all bands. The passband ripple is compared in Figure 7-18. While the original architecture has a ripple of 0.3dB, the new one provides 0.24dB. The image rejection is compared in Figure 7-19. The new architecture is shown to provide higher or equivalent attenuation.

Complex Sigma Delta ADC

Complex AAF Stage1 4

Complex AAF Stage2 2

Complex AAF Stage3 2

IRR (5 taps) IRIM (5 taps)

Droop correction (48 taps)


AAF & Decimation


Figure 7-16 Alternate Architecture I


Figure 7-17 Comparison of Transfer Function : Original Architecture and Architecture I

Figure 7-18 Comparison of Passband Ripple : Original Architecture and Architecture I


Figure 7-19 Comparison of Image Rejection : Original Architecture and Architecture I

7.3.4 Implementation
Although the cascade of three complex filters results in 4 real filter computations per stage, there are several scopes for optimizing the area. The filter block that has the highest area is the first filter stage since it is a 13 tap filter operating at the highest clock frequency. However, the ADC output is a pair of single bit outputs. Hence, no multiplier is required to implement this filter.A series of adders is sufficient to perform the necessary computations. The filter is implemented in polyphase fashion, thus reducing the speed of operation of the individual components and hence the total area. The second and third filter in the chain are each 5 tap filters. The coefficients are CSD coded. This results in a multiplier less structure. A polyphase implementation is


employed and so the operating speed of the filter reduces. This reduces the area further. The details of the implementation are shown in Table 1. The unit of area used in the table is the area of one lowest drive two input NAND gate available standard cells library of the relevant technology. in the


Filter Stage

Filter Type

Decimation Factor

Frequency of Operation

Coefficient Quantization

Output Data Quantization

Area (NAND Gate equivalent)

stage 1 AAF stage 2 AAF stage 3 AAF image reject Total

shifted sinc shifted sinc shifted sinc shifted sinc

64 MHz




32 MHz




16 MHz




16 MHz






Table 1 Implementation Details of Optimized Architecture I

7.4 Alternate Architecture II

The chief motivation behind exploring the shifted comb was to enable one to use the comb for decimating till 4*fs. The block with the highest area in Architecture I

described in Section 7.3 above, is the first stage decimation where four 13 tap real filter computations need to be performed. It is now attempted to replace the first stage decimation with a lowpass comb, similar to the original structure. As explained in Section 5.4, employing lowpass decimation , the passband needs to be 5 times that of


the actual Nyquist frequency. The signal band is 3-5MHz. If lowpass decimation is performed, the antialias frequency band needs to cover the frequency range 5MHz to 5MHz. This implies, that the passband increases from 2MHz (3-5MHz) to 10 MHz(-5 to 5MHz). Hence, the lowpass comb can be used to decimate till no lower than 40MHz. Using a factor of two decimation, here, the comb is used to decimate by 4. The sample rate reduces to 64MHz. The remaining two stages of decimation remain the same as those described in Section 7.3. The resulting structure is shown in Figure 7-20 . It contains 4 stages as follows: 1. a 4th order comb performing decimation by 4 2. a two stage complex filter chain comprising of a 4th order shifted comb ,performing decimation by 4 in two stages 3. image reject filtering 4. droop correction filtering

4th order Comb (13 taps)

Hc2R (5 taps) Hc2I (5 taps)

Hc3R (5 taps) Hc3I (5 taps)


Y 4rth order Comb (13 taps)

Hc2I (5 taps) 4 Hc2R (5 taps) 2

Hc3I (5 taps) Hc3R (5 taps) 2 OP_Q

Figure 7-20 Alternate Filter Architecture II


Figure 7-21 shows the transfer functions of the three antialias filters. The signal and image band are shown in detail in Figure 7-22. The combined antialias filtering obtained from the three filter stages is shown in Figure 7-23. The transfer function of architecture II is compared with that of the original architecture in Figure 7-24. The passband ripple of the two is compared in Figure 7-25. The original architecture has a ripple of 0.3dB while the new architecture has a ripple of 0.37dB. The image rejection of the two is compared in Figure 7-26. As in the case of architecture I, architecture II is shown to provide higher or equivalent attenuation.

Figure 7-21 Transfer Functions of Decimation Filter Stages in Architecture II


Figure 7-22 Decimation Filter Stages in Architecture II :Signal and Image Band

Figure 7-23 Anti-alias Filtering in Architecture II


Figure 7-24 Comparison of Transfer Function : Original Architecture and Architecture II

Figure 7-25 Comparison of Passband Ripple : Original Architecture and Architecture II


Figure 7-26 Comparison of Image Reject Filtering : Original Architecture and Architecture II

7.4.1 Implementation
This structure was synthesized and the area obtained is shown in Table 2. The chief area savings in this architecture as compared to architecture I described in Section7.3, above, is in the first stage filter. The use of lowpass comb results in much simpler computation as compared to the shifted comb. The reduction in the area of the second stage is due to the reduction in data quantization bits at the first stage output.


Filter Stage

Filter Type

Decimation Factor

Frequency of Operation

Coefficient Quantization

Output Data Quantization

Area (NAND Gate equivalent)

stage 1 AAF

4rth order comb

64 MHz

Ideal Coefficients



stage 2 AAF stage 3 AAF image reject Total

shifted sinc shifted sinc shifted sinc

32 MHz




16 MHz




16 MHz






Table 2 Implementation Details of Architecture II

7.4.2 Comparison Of The Three Architectures

For the purpose of a comparative study, the original filter was synthesized once again, removing all functionalities unrelated to the function of decimation of the complex SDM output. The details of this implementation are given in Table 3.


Filter Stage

Filter Type

Decimation Factor

Frequency of Operation

Coefficient Quantization

Output Data Quantization

Area (NAND Gate equivalent)

stage 1 AAF

4rth order comb

64 MHz

Ideal coefficients



stage 2 AAF image reject Total

11 tap Halfband shifted sinc

32 MHz




16 MHz






Table 3 Implementation Details of Original Architecture A comparison of the three filters is summarized in Table 4. As is apparent from the comparison data, the most optimum filter architecture is the alternate architecture II. This architecture retains the lowpass comb in the first stage decimation (decimation by 4) and employs complex filtering in the subsequent stages of decimation. This allows the use of the shifted comb for performing decimation by 16 resulting in a very small image reject filter. Thus, the advantage of the use of the comb transfer function for decimation up to 4*fn is retained. This helps in having the image reject filter operate at the lowest frequency , resulting in a small filter. The same idea is used in the optimized architecture I as well. However, in optimized architecture I, the use of the shifted comb in the first stage decimation increases the area. The chief reason behind this is that in


the shifted comb , the coefficients need to be quantized. This increases the number of data quantization bits required, which, in turn, increases the area.

Design Parameter

Original Architecture

Alternate Architecture I Complex Filter 4th order shifted comb 13 15 bits 16 bits 3409.5

Alternate Architecture II Real Filter 4th order comb 13 Ideal 10 bits 971.75

Stage 1 AAF Filter Type Number of taps Coefficient Quantization Data Quantization Area Stage2 AAF Filter Type Number of Taps Coefficient Quantization Data Quantization Area

Real Filter 4th order comb 13 Ideal 10 1160

Real Filter Halfband 11 15 bits 13 bits 3154.5

Complex Filter 4th order shifted comb 5 11 bits 16 bits 4460.75

Complex Filter 4th order shifted comb 5 11 bits 15 bits 3147.75


Stage 3 AAF Filter Type Number of Taps Coefficient Quantization Data Quantization Area Image Reject Filter Type Number of Taps Coefficient Quantization Data Quantization Area Total area


Complex Filter 4th order shifted comb 5 11bits 15 bits 4657.75

Complex Filter 4th order shifted comb 5 11 bits 15 bits 4437.25 Complex Filter Shifted Modified Comb 5 15 bits 14 bits 2209.25 10766

Complex Filter Shifted Modified Comb 13 15 bits 14 bits 11702 16037.25

Complex Filter Shifted Modified Comb 5 15 bits 14 bits 2208.5 14736.5

Table 4 Comparison of the Three Architectures


7.5 Comparison With Prevalent Architectures

In Sections 3.2 and 3.3, the decimation digital filter architecture given in previous literature [5][6][7] were explained. The chief feature of that architecture is that the ADC output is first down-converted to DC and then sent to the decimation filters. This allows the use of standard low pass structures for decimation. The rate of operation of the filters are the same as that in the structures proposed in this work. However, since the I & the Q channels exist throughout the signal chain, two sets of filters are needed, one each for the I and Q channel. This is not the case in the structures discussed in this work. Here, the complex signal is transformed into a real signal in the middle of the signal chain. As a result a single filter suffices in the last stage. This may yield some amount of optimization in terms of area. On the other hand, the first few stages in this architecture are complex filters. This indicates the possibility of larger area in the first few stages, compared to the low pass filters used in the prevalent architecture. The prevalent architecture has the additional advantage in the fact that it uses standard lowpass decimation structures. The huge amount of research existing in the field of lowpass decimation filtering can be directly used for an optimized implementation of the filters. The use of complex bandpass filters in decimation filtering, on the other hand, is an emerging field. However, since area numbers have not been reported in the existing literature, it is difficult to make an exact comparison of the two structures. The points discussed above are, therefore, only indicative of areas of optimization.


7.6 Summary
In this chapter, two new filter architectures are proposed. These structures use a combination of real and complex filters derived from the lowpass comb to perform antialias filtering and sample rate reduction. The two structures are compared along with the original architecture. It is seen that the most area efficient filter architecture is one that employs the comb transfer function in the most optimum manner so as to perform true complex bandpass filtering and downsampling to 4*fs. While, in the case of the lowpass modulator, the comb can be used directly, in the case of the complex bandpass modulator, the comb needs to be frequency translated so as to align its passband with that of the signal present at IF. This results in a complex filter and hence double the number of computations need to be performed, in comparison with real filter implementations. However, since a polyphase architecture and a multiplier less implementation using CSD coded coefficients is employed, the resulting area has been sufficiently optimized. A brief comparison of the proposed architecture with that discussed in prevalent literature is made identifying the main distinguishing features, along with their merits and demerits.



A decimation digital filter architecture for low IF Receiver using complex ADC is discussed in this thesis. The digital filter performs complex narrowband filtering at IF and converts the ADC output from complex signal to a real signal, sampled at a rate equal to one-sixteenth of the sample rate of the ADC. The key results of this work can be summarised as follows: 1. An architecture for conversion of the signal from complex to real domain is proposed. 2. Design details of the actual filters that perform the above operation are discussed. 3. Design of the decimation filters is discussed. 4. Two additional structures for decimation, aimed at optimizing the digital filter chain are explored. 5. A comparative analysis of the proposed digital filter structures is made. 6. An analysis of the proposed structures with prevalent art is made to highlight the distinguishing features of the two.


8.1 Scope of Future Work

The decimation digital filter architecture proposed in this thesis involves complex bandpass filters. This preempts the use of the classical comb structure. The optimization of the implementation of the filters depends largely upon the exact coefficients of the particular filters used. A possible scope of future work lies in evolving a generalized structure for complex bandpass filtering, similar to the CIC in the lowpass case. An area comparison of the actual implementation of the proposed structure with that of the already prevalent scheme is another scope of future work. An exercise involving an accurate calculation in such a comparison may throw some light on whether there exists a clear method of choosing the optimum one for a particular application. A third scope for future work lies in the accurate determination of the optimum order of the comb to be used in such an application. In this work, the guideline used is same as that proposed for modulators of order less than or equal to two [22]. This may or may not be an optimum number for a third order modulator. Determination of the optimum order for the CIC for modulators of order greater than two will be very useful for the design of decimation filters.


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