March 31st, 2011 - Notes From The Consortium Call at 2000

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ET05 Hoc Thursday, March 31, 2011 9:48 PM LIA06 Hoc; LIA08 Hoc; UA01 Hoc; LIAll Hoc Consortium Call.doc Consortium Call.doc

Attached are my notes from this evening's call. I'll send you any name corrections and email addresses as I get them in. Please do a quick check to make sure I've captured everything before sending out. Regards, Melissa Ralph ET Actions Officer ( NRC Headquarters Operation Center

Consortium Call - 3/31/2011 20:00 Attendees: * NRC Headquarters Operations Officer * Sal Golub, DOE/NE * Kevin Mulligan, INPO * Rick M Nielsen, INPO * Randy Trapasso, INPO * Lt Col. Price, PACOM w/radiation support team ?? Lynch, INPO V * Al Hochevar, Industry Support, Tokyo * Lt. Cmdr. Robert Mercer, J4 * Thomas G Vavoso, Naval Reactors 2??, INPO ? Alan Blarney, NRC Japan * Brian Sheron, NRC HQ * Glenn A Southern, Naval Reactors NRC HQ: Thanks everyone for participation. Requests name and affiliation be emailed to ET05.hocanrc.Qov to facilitate minutes. Much was discussed last night, nothing new from NRC HQ. Before moving to status list, does anyone have issues or comments to discuss regarding roles/leads? No response. NRC HQ: Should be referencing request list, does everyone have a copy. Rick Nielson from INPO received a copy earlier this morning and couldn't tell if this was most current version. NRC HQ: The version should be current from 19:00 today. These are forwarded at 07:00, 15:00, 19:00 and 23:00. Not sure how much has changed from yesterday. Suggests that INPO can walk through status of the items assigned to them as the coordinating agency, we can start with that. Rick Nielson, INPO sent in a track changes version which brings everything up-to-date. NRC HQ: That is the version that we're using. Tom Vavoso, Naval Reactors requests that the updated list be sent out because he doesn't seem to have the correct version either. NRC HQ: Will send a new version right now. Looks like most of the INPO items were closed out, is that correct? INPO: Yes, we will close them unless there is a change or a new request comes in from Japan. Is that acceptable. NRC HQ: Yes. The other items we have are request from GOJ to PNNL for technical assistance on water decontamination and storage. This did not come in to us and we are not coordinating.

Understanding is that this went directly to PNNL and that there is one or two individuals from PNNL on their way to Japan. Sal Golub offers to update. Two individuals should have arrived in Japan and will be working directly with those that requested their participation so we can close this one. (Item 12 on page 4 of yesterday's chart). NRC HQ: Suggests that responsible organization sends in update or emails us so that we can update them here. Next item is on water barges for PACOM. Lt. Cmdr. Mercer - Barge arrived yesterday, Japan to start pumping from the barges last night but do not have that information yeA Barge 2 still at Onahama and is scheduled to leave today.i Still have issue with pump. NRC HQ: Only other item for PACOM was regarding air transport from the military and the note says that preference should be for commercial carrier and to limit requests that can't be taken care of by commercial carrier. Want to know how this gets provided back to Japan. Mercer - If Japan submits request formally, we can push the item up the chain. Comment that commercial transport could be more expeditious is correct. For items that are difficult to transport that way we understand but that's how the process work. Needs to know from INPO if they have had any movement on a commercial carrier or is the best path still for military transport. Neilson - At this point commercial would be the appropriate way to transport some of the items. There are around 4 boxes in the San Diego area, commercial would work-for those. In the Huston area there is about half a pallet and a drum that have equipment to be sent and these could also go commercial. The material in Ontario is a substantial weight and volume but Military might be the most appropriate means of transport. Don't have a request, whatever is expedient but need to know how commercial transport would be paid for, that is the issue. Understood. Mercer - Will continue to work with PACOM logistics. Want to know if Neilson is the appropriate contact? Neilson - Yes, CA and TX are ready to ship immediately. Material in Ontario is being checked right now to ensure that the best equipment is sent to Japan. Lt. Col. Addison - Do not intend to dissuade the use of military air vs. commercial are but to point out that the path of least resistance for small materials is commercial air. Understood that some items need military support and that is understood. PACOM has funds for transport for Japan relief; however, formal request needs to be coordinated with PACOM. Neilson - No preference on how any of this is shipped, understands the priorities from military. INPO has no preference, just wants the most expedient way. NRC HQ - Will leave it up to INPO to decide what is the most expedient way to transport.

Neilson - Not sure what is best, seems like commercial would be expensiv, Leave it upto the logistics experts to make that determination. Again, seems like the items i TX and CA will be \. best to go commercia Vavoso - How does this get resolved, who has the action to resolve this? Blamey - Who is the point of contact for INPO. Nielson - Rick Nielson Blarney - Yesterday there was a large push at the Embassy to get a process in place. Will check with Embassy people and get them in touch with INPO to get the process started. Wants telephone Nielson '77-n-6"44-8I1-is t e phone number. I'm there during the day and the center is staffed

24-7..E I.


NRC HQ - Sounds like it's under control now in terms of who has the action. Blamey - Yes, will check with Embassy staff and report out tomorrow. NRC HQ - Next items down are DOE's, items 15-21. Sal - I can update a few of those items. #15 results have been provided to the WH for review as of a day or two ago. Hadn't been able to confirm if that was sent to Japan, hoping someone from the Embassy can provide status. May have more up-to-date status when he provides the redline. Nothing to report on 16-18. Item #19 there was a telecom dealing with the robotics issue and there was a lot of detailed information provided on sensors, gamma cams, radiation hardened cameras and when we can provide those. Waiting for GOJ to respond back and then will roll into the issue of funding and transportation. Jay S?? - Guardedly optimistic on this. Tactic looks like commercial air. Working for some of the logistics issues including property control, how Japan accepts, and how to deliver. There is a lot going on with the use of robotic devices and the approach is across the board on DOE on how the equipment would be used and what DOE Jas vs. what can be provided by industry. Hopes to have the equipment out thefdor by 4/51-11. NRC HQ: Logistics and transportation will be something that you work out? DOE - Yes, will use their money to ship, will allocate money to replace equipment and will wait for interagency to see if costs are reimbursed. Also looking at the larger devices that can be used later on for rubble removal, etc. Had a long discussion. This is an area where we know there will be a need. There is a lot of good commercial equipment out there but don't know the lead time. If the lead time is too great and DOE has it, will move out smartly on getting it there. For larger things, might need military lift. Not a logistics person, but some of the devices are pretty major and getting them there will be an issue. Will also be providing advice on shielding. May be able to automate existing systems. There are a lot of things to work out on hardening, etc. Will be a dynamic, as-you-go problem. KMAX.-NRC HQ - Next item is the use of unmanned helicoptj,

What's that for? NRC HQ - Don't know the purpose, apparently there was a request. Remembers from last week that there was some offer for this to fly over the plant either with water or a camera. Not sure if it's needed right now. Naval Reactors - thinks that's right. In the early days this was a means of providing water or sands for the spent fuel pools. Thinks it needs to be reevaluated as a technical need. Who does that? NRC HQ - Seems it should be embassy. DOE - Agrees, need to know in succinct terms what they want/need. Communications are getting better, thinks that early on the idea was everything and anything. Suggests that robotics and automated equipment working group bring this up with the Japanese Interagency team to evaluate if it is needed. Thinks there are cheaper ways to do this unmanned as opposed to this 25mil asset. Hochevar - This was initially requested to determine status and levels of SFPs. This is hard to do. That's the generation of that request. Vavoso - This is different,CKMAAX3hs heavy lift capability, not for this purpose. Mercer - That's not correct was to move debris and to provide water and sand. Pretty sure that GOJ canceled this request anyway. Should already be a closed issue. Wants embassy to confirm. Blamey - Will follow up with DOE and Embassy people at 11:00 meeting. Southern - Recommends name and POC be identified for each item instead of an organization. NRC HQ - Okay. Who was going to take the action on this? Blamey - I will follow up with the embassy to see ifthis is still needed or not. NRC HQ - Next are freshwater supply pumps from Bechtel. Neilson - We initially helped get Bechtel involved and then our role diminished and Bechtel took over liaising with NRC on this and getting it moved from Australia to Japan. Not sure if INPO is the coordinating agency or not. Would be happy to represent the industry, but this seems to be involved to the point that this level of coordination isn't needed. NRC HQ - Not sure that this is still needed. Wasn't first train already delivered? Yes Vavoso - Main issue is that there were 4 pump trains initially and the question is whether or not the remaining 3 trains should be delivered. NRC HQ: Thought the plan was to deliver and test the first train prior to making decision. Last we heard the 2 nd train was being prepped for shipment but hasn't heard more.

Mercer - The first train is what is being used to pump from barges. Provided training on these systems. Vavoso
-. Are

these attached to barges?

Mercer - The first one is, 2" pump is being reserved as a backup. Vavoso - technical need question is whether there is an need for anything more. Blarney - Will see if he can work through to see if 2 nd 3 rd, and 4 th trains are needed? Not sure if INPO will be engaged on the other trains, probably will be DOE, DOD, or NRC. Vavoso - What are next actions? Blarney - Next action is with NRC to check with TEPCO or NISA to find out if additional pumps are needed and will report back. Doesn't want to stop or delay any momentum on moving forward on that but will report back on status of need. Doesn't know if anything is already in process and if it is, doesn't want to slow that down. DOE - Would the
2 nd

train be required for the 2nd barge?

Blarney - Not sure. Mercer - No, plan for 2 n" barge is for TEPCO to use their own transfer pump and they have the larger pump set up as a contingency from the Bechtel system. Vavoso - Keep in mind that the NRC RST put out a paper that recommends adding additional water to the containments so there may be further needs for pumping capability at the site. Mercer - Agrees. Besides shielding and rad monitoring needs, water application will remain a major need. NRC HQ - #24 was rad survey meters and individual dosimetry, this was a duplicate and will be removed unless anyone has any concerns. #25 says "protective body armor" and there is no coordinating agency listed. Not sure what the purpose is and where this item comes from. Neilson - INPO might have provided some information on this, use of tungsten as light-weight shielding and using rain gear as beta shielding. This information/advice was provided and this is the closes he can think of related to this. NRC HQ - Doesn't know if this is a request for items or for the information. DOE -This was on the list from Japan. INPO provided the information and it is in Japan's court to figure out what they want to do with it. Need to figure out how to track these items. Blamey - Working on a process to interface with the GOJ with more rigid interface than we had before so that we can have more follow-up on this. With regards to that, understanding is that there were two request, to military and NRC. Not sure if they've come back with specific requests.

DOE - So what we're looking for is protective body shielding, suggests we change terminology. Mercer - The request memo is dated 3/29/11 and it is item 11 on the memorandum. Lead agency on Japanese side is NISA and MOD. NRC HQ - Need to clarify exactly what they want, not sure what is meant by body armor. Blamey - Will interface with NISA on this to get clarification of what they mean and do they still need it. Nielson - On item 3.5 (between 3 and 4) INPO gave a pretty extensive list of possibilities to NISA on what is available and what are the specifications. Suggest referencing that list in discussions with GOJ. NRC HQ - 27 says use of "extinguishent/coolant (nitrogen)" does anyone know what that is? ?? -__asprobably not a good ideaj Vavoso - There is a need for nitrogen to purge containment. Not sure if that is what this is referring to. Blamey - This request came quite some time ago and we haven't been able to figure out what's behind it. Mercer - This is from the same memo and need to clarify with NISA. Blamey - have tried to get clarification and will continue. They're planning to use nitrogen compressors to purge containment, really can't pin down the specific item that NISA was requesting. Vavoso - Need a process to inform NISA that we're closing it and will take no further action on it. Blarney - Working with embassy to put that framework in place. NRC HQ - Next item is plastic bottles for water for infant/baby use and that was assigned to USAID. Is anyone from USAID on the call. No response. NRC HQ - We will check with USAID on this. Some of these items seem to be a function of early requests that were sent out the door really quickly. Blamey - will revisit with GOJ to see if there is still a need. Wants NRC HQ to check with USAID. NRC HQ - Will do that. Blamey - That will be good because they haven't been following the humanitarian list.

NRC HQ - Will do that and take it off the list once we confirm that USAID has it on their list. #29 is on temporary radwaste processing skids, says INPO is the coordinating organization. Nielson - Mr. Trapasso has the lead on this, the update on the current status is the wrong wording. Wants Trapasso to address. Trapasso - Sent to Hochevar information on this to see if it is what GOJ wanted. The item should be closed out. It's a duplicate on something that was earlier on the list and was closed out earlier on. Vavoso - Confirms that it was closed out until we hear from Japan but still should be tracked to see if Japan accepts. Trapasso - GOJ has the contact information. Blamey - View from the Embassy was that ifGOJ requested information, we would close the item once the information was provided and a new action would be created once GOJ made a specific request for assistance rather than leave all of these items on the list. This list will probably be consolidated and collapsed into the master list that the Embassy has and everyone should let him know on the next call if they want a different process. Vavoso - That's okay as long as GOJ understand that they have the ball. Blarney - Embassy is trying to bring more structure and discipline to the process and will get feedback at the meeting today. INPO - INPO is in favor of closing out the request when the information is provided and opening an new request once GOJ asks for something specific. NRC HQ - Will consider this item closed and will reopen as needed if we hear from GOJ. Item #30, temporary holding tanks for removing contaminated water. This lists DOE and DOD on the item. DOE - Developed a list of capabilities and equipment. Is communicating back and forth on how to handle the water. Is working this, has dialog established. In the near term, this item may be closed when the ball is in GOJ's court. Vavoso - Rear Admiral Gregory is working a similar issue. DOE - Collection, treatment, or storage? Vavoso - Collection and storage. DOE - Wasn't aware but many of these issues are being worked in parallel. NRC HQ - We'll wait for Japanese to let us know needs. Vavoso - sees issue of this is being worked in both military and private sector. May need to coordinate rather than have it worked in parallel.

DOE - This is part of the idea of having one list. Need to have a process to know who is doing what. Need to identify names. Sal from DOE as the contact for this item and the Military contact. Vavoso - Will provide contact information for Admiral Gregory. DOE - Will provide POC of someone who is doing the work when the redline is submitted. Southern - Recommends that someone be the responsible party for making the contact with GOJ, this won't be clear if we identify 2 contacts on the list. DOE will take the lead to do this. Vavos 254705 is DSN numbi for Admiral Gregory.

DOE doesn't have DSN. Nielson - There was an issue about the suitability for equipment used for the contaminated water and how to decontaminate once it is used for this. Vavoso - Naval Reactors is providing assistance to Admiral Gregory on decontamination. NRC HQ - We will take INPO off this item as it is primarily between DOE and DOD. Seems like we have a go-forward approach on this one. Next, on #32 it's DOE? DOE - This is related because it is on treatment of contamination. Have provided information to Japanese and is waiting to hear back on their needs. First phase of information provided, will provide more. Item should remain open while information gathering continues. NRC HQ - Next one is for NRC, expertise on temporary shielding options to determine if reactors can hold up under additional pressure. DOE - suggests DOE be tagged for this item as well because it is a holistic problem. There will be big play from DOE on this when you get into robotics for getting this in place, etc. NRC HQ - Don't have an update on where we are about their question regarding whether or not the buildings would be strong enough. DOE - Will sort out with the RST and the Japan team. Blamey - Japan team will take initial leadership to work with DOE and may move back to HQ if needed. NRC HQ - Last item is request for rad monitors, personal dosimetry, and shielding masks. May tie back to item #24. Looks like this is the same item. DOE - Don't know if DOE is doing anything on this. Persons on the call haven't done any information on what they have. Have heard that a private company is willing to donate but that GOJ can't pay or figure out how to transport. Want embassy to check if DOE needs to do something?

Blarney - DOE should have their embassy look into this. Thought that industry was working on something similar, not sure. DOE - Wants NRC Japan team and Industry reps in Japan to press DOE counterparts in Japan to join the call. NRC HQ - Requests that NRC Japan make contact with DOE, Japan. Blarney - Will do. Vavoso - Sounds like there is a real need that isn't being fulfilled. Sounds like the teams leaving JVillage had 5 people using the same dosimeter. DOE - This should be something that can be fixed quickly, will be getting to the bottom of it. First question is what is in-country and if not can move forward quickly. Agrees that this is a horrible problem and high-priority. Blarney - Will push through the Embassy more urgently and will try to status with the DOE people at the embassy. NRC HQ - Requests that Blarney report back on the next call. Blarney - Wants to consolidate NRC and INPO items that are not closed with the Embassy list and will have DOE do the same. NRC HQ - That was all the items on the material request list. Not going through the action items because the leads have been identified. This should be in the notes, which will be provided shortly. Are there new items to be discussed or acted on? Nielson - INPO has one that will be sent to the NRC to update and that is to source Strontium 90 gamma spectronometers. Al Hochevar has the information to present to Japan. It's an action that INPO received and completed today and will provide record of this if it is needed. Also, it may be useful to establish a protocol on how to update the list so that NRC isn't inundated with material that is changed. Suggests NRC gives protocol on how they want to receive updates to material list, how often and in what form would the NRC prefer updates? NRC HQ - Right now we're sending this out 4 times a day. Not sure that we need to send it that often. Will probably only get updates once-a-day from everyone. Will it make sense if we ship it out at 07:00 or 08:00 for everyone to update and then it could be sent back so that the NRC can incorporate the updates and resend around 18:00 so that everyone has the latest version for the 20:00 call with everyone's updates included. INPO agrees that it would work well and they will provide their input by 13:00. This is good protocol for INPO. NRC HQ - Will send out a draft at 07:00 or 08:00 to everyone and would like fax or email updates by 12:00 or 13:00 so that NRC can update and provide by 18:00 or 19:00 in advance of the call. Blarney - The plan is fine with NRC and Japan. As a rhythm is established, this process may change.

Mercer - USF Japan has 24-hour staffing and this works for them, as long as it works for NRC Japan. Blarney - NRC has backed off on the night coverage but should be able to send updates in as they have them so the process shouldn't be a big impact. NRC HQ - Wouldn't be a problem. Even if Embassy updates aren't incorporated, they could be provided during the conference call. Any other items for discussion? Southern - Has a commercial number that should work.for the[jN number previously provided. 01 1-813-117-554-70\ Mercer - That is correct number. DOE - In yesterday's discussion and in the notes that followed the meeting there was a desire to consolidate embassy list with this one and wants for this to happen. Blamey - Will be working this with the Embassy after the call. It is in process. Will get DOE and DOD Embassy support to incorporate their items in the Embassy list. Trying to move towards one master list. NRC HQ - Should HQ continue their list? Blarney - Yes until we get everything cleaned up and ready to transfer to the Embassy list. Consolidation is still in process so will stay the course while we make sure the new process works. NRC HQ - The LT will take the lead on getting the minutes and revised list out by 08:00 eastern this morning and would like comments back to support publishing an 18:00 list in advance of the call. Should we have another call at this time tomorrow, or wait until over the weekend? Blarney - Should probably at least have one call tomorrow as there is a high priority item (dosimetry) to move forward on. Call may be abbreviated but should happen. INPO agrees. NRC HQ - Will schedule another call for tomorrow at 20:00 and will have an updated table. Maybe call will be abbreviated. Anything else? Mercer - Want

be added to distribution list.

NRC HQ - Thanks everyone for participation. Minutes will be out fairly quick and the list will come out again in the morning. Want updates tomorrow. Will provide address to send updates in minutes. *********************Updates should be sent to LIAO1; LIA06.hoc(c.nrc..qov; LIA08.hoc.nrc.oov: LIA1 1.hoc(Qnrc..ov; ET05.hoc(

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