Iran, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

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Iran, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.

Iran is home to one of the world's oldest continuous major civilizations, with historical and urban settlements dating back to 4000 BC. The Medes unified Iran as a nation and empire in 625 BC.[4][4] The Achaemenid Empire (550330 BC) was the first of the Iranian empires to rule from the Balkans to North Africa and also Central Asia from their capital in Persis (Persepolis). They were succeeded by the Seleucid Empire, Parthians and Sassanids who governed Iran for almost 1,000 years. The Islamic conquest of Persia (633656) ended the Sassanid Empire and was a turning point in Iranian history. Islamicization in Iran took place during 8th to 10th century and led to the eventual decline of the Zoroastrian religion in Persia. However, the achievements of the previous Persian civilizations were not lost, but were to a great extent absorbed by the new Islamic invaders! So Iran is duly called the cradle of civilization, and the Cyrus cylinder, which contains the first declaration of human right (Currently on tour of major U.S. museum) is a good testimonial to the depth of Iranian contribution to the humanity. Persian (Iranian) managed to preserve their heritage, and language, and by doing so helped the nomad invaders (Arabs) to become sort of civilized. What a challenging and extraordinary achievement. In fact what is now known to ordinary people as Islamic science, and civilization is nothing but continuity of Iranian genius, and generosity.

The rollercoaster of history went on , till 1979, when a malignancy called Islamic Republic was implanted in our homeland by those who believe the end justify the mean. Today everyone is facing the bitter result of that mistake, and once again Iranians are paying the price! **The history of U.S. Iran relation starts..

Early relations
The Treaty of Commerce and Navigations (signed in 1856) was the first diplomatic interaction the United States and Persia had. The treaty lasted until 1928. Because the U.S. had little interest in Persian affairs, while the Persians sought advisers from the United States to administer its finances in 1911, the advisers accomplished little, but the reputation of the U.S. as a trustworthy outsider did not suffer. The Persians again sought the U.S. for help in straightening out its finances after World War I. This mission unlike the last was opposed by powerful vested interests and eventually it was withdrawn with its task uncompleted. Following this there was no special U.S. concern with Iran or any interaction until World War II. For America, the location of Iran was important as the hostilities of World War II turned into the Cold War against the Soviet Union, and Irans oil resources and wealth from oil revenues made it an attractive partner for the USA. The Iranians who had lost territory to Russia and who chafed at British interference in their country - saw America as a protector, first against the ambitions of Great Britain and Russia, and then against the Soviet Union. Ambassadorial relations were not established until 1944.

The U.S. Iranian relation peaked after world war two, and during Pahlavi era, when Iran became, the security and commercial hub for the middle, and near-east regions. The Iranian-American relationship grew stronger over the passing years, which saw increasing educational, commercial, political and military ties between the two countries, and especially between the Shah himself and a series of American presidents. American assistance to Iran played an important part in developing the country after World War II, and the United States was the first choice for many, many thousands of Iranian students both men and women who sought educations abroad. Toward the end of Pahlavi era, the number of Iranian students in United State universities exceeded 50,000! Based on U.S. census data, Iranian American are the most educated community in the U.S., contributing nearly a trillion dollars to the economy. Many young Iranians are well-known shining stars in U.S. academia: Pardis Sabeti, Nima Arkani Hamed, and Maryam Mirzakhani, to, name a few. So no wonder we are proud of our past, and present, looking forward to a brighter future. We earned what we have, and we intend to continue our contribution to humanity. To do so we need all the help we can get to save our homeland, from what is clearly a second Arab invasion, forced on us by those who invented the IRI.

The mullahs (mercenaries of foreign powers) have nothing to offer but Islamic-fascism, superstitions, and hypocrisy. Those who supported mullahs, and the so-called IRI, must keep this in mind: When one keeps a venomous snake in his/her sleeve, one should expect being bitten by the same! It is not if but when. Our long history and past experiences, have given us individual, as well-as collective analytical thinking. We have learned to forgive, but we never forget! Most educated Iranian have a vivid memory of recent past, and a great majority remember the grave consequences of foreign intervention, (Angelo-Russian made famine of 19171919), a real genocide, where more than 50% of Iranian perished. I mentioned the above to refresh your memory. We are lucky living in era of IT, where the history cannot be kept under the rug. It is public knowledge that all the wars of recent past have been started by flat lies, and the current turmoil, (Pre-emptive wars), are for geopolitical gain! Lets stop being greedy! Our collective memory is telling us that the Rambo policy and gunboat diplomacy will not work. What we need to do: 1- Global interactions, should be based on mutual respect and fairness, not bully and deceit.

2- As for Iran, forget about playing game with Iranian people, like it or not they are smarter than what you think, and fed up with the tyrannical system imposed on them! They know very well, where IRI was made and who have been supporting them all along. 3- Contrary to colonialist belief, the era of using religion as a tool to fool is over, so forget about reform, and modification to keep the rats on power. Election is just a tool, and where there is no independence, and freedom it is useless. The following statement is of universal value Where there is no freedom, if your vote is to change anything you would no be permitted to vote . If you change the game, and be honest with Iranian people they can be your best friend and partner. 4- Conspiracy to divide Iran, advocated by some idiots in the united state would be the biggest mistake, with dire consequences! Anyone advocating this vicious idea needs a check-up from the neck up!
Presented by Colonel Behrooz Sarshar , IDF conference at U.S. Congress May 24, 2013

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