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Acta Mechanica 102, 39-46 (1994)

9 Springer-Verlag 1994

Analytical solutions of reduced rigidity plastic bifurcation of circular plates

X. M. Su, Tianjin, People's Republic of China (Received June 16, 1992; revised October 6, 1992) Summary. Two analytical solutions of reduced rigidity plastic bifurcations, respectively for simply supported and clamped circular plates, are found in the way of a post-confirmed presumption for the distribution of unloading area at the bifurcation. The J2 flow theory is used. While the solutions, by their bifurcation modes and distributions of the unloading areas, recall many aspects of Engesser bifurcation, the corresponding bifurcation loads lie above the true Engesser loads.


Plastic bifurcation was a controversial problem in history [1], [2]. It is generally accepted now that there may exist many bifurcation loads corresponding to a bifurcation eigenmode for a structure in the plastic range. The well known Shanley load lies at the bottom of all these bifurcation loads. As the unloading area of Shanley bifurcation is of zero volume and does not influence equilibrium, Shanley bifurcation is a linear eigenvalue problem. On the other hand, bifurcations other than Shanley bifurcation are nonlinear eigenvalue problems as the unknown distributions of unloading areas are no longer negligible. These bifurcations can generally be called reduced rigidity bifurcations, since the bifurcating structure acquires some form of reduced rigidity by partial unloading. Of all reduced rigidity bifurcations, Engesser bifurcation distinguishes itself by corresponding to zero increment of external loading. The solutions of reduced rigidity plastic bifurcation are difficult to find for structures other than rods. It becomes even more difficult when flow theory of plasticity is used. In this paper, two analytical solutions of reduced rigidity plastic bifurcation, respectively for a simply supported and a clamped circular plate, are found in the way of a post-confirmed presumption for the distribution of unloading area at the bifurcation. The J2 flow theory is used. Although the two solutions are not the standard solutions of Engesser bifurcation as their increments of external loading are not zero, they recall many features of the standard Engesser bifurcation. Actually the author came upon the solutions when he tried to solve the Engesser bifurcation problem. The solutions presented here may be of significance in both clarifying the concept of plastic bifurcation and acting as checks to numerical programs for plastic bifurcations.

Basic equations

The circular plates under consideration are loaded homogeneously by -c~h at their boundaries, as shown in Fig. 1. Deformation is in the plastic range. Bifurcation with reduced rigidity sets in at the critical load ~ru.A cylindrical coordinate system is established with the polar plane (r, 0) lying


X. M. Su

unloading area

i l





Fig. 1. Circular plate under homogeneous boundary compression

on the midplane, and the z axis normal to it. The radial displacement is u and the deflection w. The radial and the circumferential strain rates are, respectively,
~, = u~ - w ~ w ~ - z % ,
~o = fi/r - z % / r .

The pre-bifurcation deformation is the plane stress deformation with homogeneous stresses a~ = cro = - a , and w = 0. Here subscripts r and 0 denote the radial and circumferential directions, respectively. Usually a plate will deflect once the external load is larger than the Shanley load. For the purpose of the analysis here, the plate is, however, assumed to be restrained from deflection one way or another until the reduced rigidity bifurcation sets in with ~ = 0. As the deflection is zero before the bifurcation, strain rates in Eq. (1) become
O, = iG - z w .... ~o = i~/r - z % / r .


The rates of the resultant stresses and moments at bifurcation are

h/2 h/2

N, =

-h/2 h/2


No =


(ro dz


)flit =


&,z d z ,

)rio =


6oz dz


respectively, where stress rates c~,p (c~,fl = 1, 2) are determined by the constitutive relations of J2 flow theory. For the present homogeneous plane stress deformation, they are, respectively [3],
#r 1 -- v 2 (er + v~o), (r~ -

1 -- v 2 (Vkr + eo) (for elastic u n l o a d i n g )


fir - - 1 - - ~2 (er 3[_ v e o ) ,

(tO -- 1 -- ~ ( ~

+ co)

( f o r p l a s t i c loading)


Plastic bifurcation of circular plates where E and v are Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio, respectively, and
E / E = 1 + (E/Et - 1)/4,


9 = E/E[v -- (E/Et - 1)/4]


where Et is the tangent slope of the uniaxial stress-strain curve of the material. The normal of the loading surface is
r~ = -,~


when expressed in the strain space and written in the plane stress expression. As stresses are on the loading surface before bifurcation, loading or unloading is solely distinguished by the sign of mapecq~, or,


Co) > 0

(for plastic loading) (for elastic unloading).

(9) (10)

- ( e , + Co) < 0

An unloading area is expected to appear at bifurcation. As the strain rate changes linearly in the z direction, the plate thickness for specific r and 0 is clearly divided into loading and unloading intervals. One of the ends of the unloading interval should be on one of the outer surfaces. The other end of the interval, denoted by z = d(r), is defined by the condition of neutral loading
er + eo = 0 ~ u,r - d(r) w,r~ + fi/r - d(r)

W,r/r =



So, the unloading interval in the thickness is z ~ [ - h / 2 , d(r)] or z e [d(r), hi2] (Fig. 1). The rate form equilibrium equations are

Nr,r + (N~

~o)/r = o

(12) (13)

A)/.... + (2A;/r,r - lf/io,r)/r + NrCw,,r + NrCw,~/r = 0

where N / = - o - , h is the resultant stress corresponding to the bifurcation. The boundary conditions of the plate are, respectively, w(R) = ~,r(R) = 0, w(0) :~ oo, w,,(0) = 0 (14)

for the clamped plate, and w(R) = ~/r(R) = 0, ~b(0):~ oo, w,,(0) = 0 (15)

for the simple supported plate.

3 Presumption of unloading area

The key to the problem of the reduced rigidity bifurcation is the nonlinearity caused by Eq. (11), where d is some function of the unknown w. Our scheme of tackling this nonlinearity is to presume the distribution of the unloading area with two parameters left to be adjusted. Certainly, this presumption should be consistent in the analysis.


X. M. Su

By comparing the postbifurcation solution of Needleman [4] we presume the unloading area of the plate when bifurcating with the reduced rigidity to be [5]

z e [-h/2, - d ]
z e [d, h/21

(r < L)

(r > L)

where d and L are constant parameters to be determined (see Fig. 1). With d a constant, the neutral loading condition in Eq. (10) can be integrated (ru),, = -d(r~b,r),r ~ 1i = - d w ~ + cl/r

(r < L)


(ra),r = d(rw~),r ~ a = d~r + c2/r

(r > r~)


where cl and c2 are constants of integration, fixed by 2(0) = #,r(0) = 0 and boundary conditions at r = R,

cl = O,

fi(R) R for the clamped plate c2 = (i~(R) R - #r(R) for the simply supported plate.


By substituting Eqs. (17) and (18) into the expression of strain rates in Eq. (2), and using the constitutive relation in Eqs. (5) and (6) to finish the integrations in Eqs. (3) and (4), we obtain the following formulas for the resultant stresses and moments: ~r = sign (r -- L) [Al(#,. + v#,r/r) + A2(~rr + ~#,r/r)] -- H(r - L) Ehc2/[(1 + v) r 2] ~r0 = sign (r - L) [Al(vw,. + ~V,r/r) + A2ffv~. + vi,~/r)] + H(r - L) Ehc2/[(1 + v) r 2] )~/r = Dl(w, rr 4- vw,r/r) 4- D2(wr r 4- vw,r/r) (20) (21) (22) (23)

Mo = O~(vfv,. + w,dr) + D2('Tw,. + w,~/r)


sign (r - L) = 1

(r -- L > 0)






A1 =


~ 1- v

(d + z) dz,

Az = f 1 -E f~ (d + z) dz
-d hi2


Di = -

f -hi2

~ 1 - E v (d 4- z) z dz,

D2 = - f -d

~ E

(d + z) z dz.


In the course of obtaining Eqs. (20)-(23), the following relation has been used: /2/(1 + ~) = El(1 + v). This relation will be repeatedly used in the following calculations. (28)

Plastic bifurcation of circular plates


4 Bifurcation with reduced rigidity

By substituting Eqs. (20)-(23) into Eqs. (12) and (13), the equilibrium equations can be arranged into (Aa + A2) (~ .... + w, rr/r - w,r/r 2) = 0 (D1 + D2) (~ .... + 2w, rrr/r - w , , / r 2 + w , / r 3) + NrC(w, + w#/r) = 0. Note that Eq. (30) can be written in another way as (D1 + D2) drr + (29) (30)


(w.... + w,~/r - ~,,/r 2) + N~C(@,~r + # , / r ) = 0.


Since the first term in the equation above is just the left side of Eq. (29) multiplied by a linear operator, Eqs. (29) and (30) are mutually independent. It is obvious that the condition (A1 + A2) = 0 or its equivalent by using the definitions of A1 and A2 in Eq. (26) (32)

a=(h/2) [(1-


must be imposed to have a nonzero solution out of Eqs. (29) and (30) with homogeneous boundary conditions. In the equation above, E / E m - 1 -- ~2/ 1 - - v 2 1-v
1 --~ .


With d defined as in Eq. (33), the equilibrium in the plate plane will always be satisfied. The remaining equilibrium equation, Eq. (30), with its boundary conditions in Eq. (14) or Eq. (15), leads to the solution = -k[go(ar) - Jo(aR)] (35)

where k is a positive constant, J, is the n-th order Bessel function. The minus sign on the right hand side of the equation above is arranged to make the eigenmode consistent with the presumption of the unloading area in Eq. (16). And
c~ = [N~C/(D1 + D2)]1/2.


For the clamped plate ~R consitutes the first zero point of J,, = 3.382/R and for the simply supported plate c~R is the first root of the following equation:
c~RJo(c~R) =



v) Di -t- (1 D1 + D2

~) D 2 J~(aR) -

(1 + [/~)2 (1 4

~) Jl(o~R).


44 The bifurcation load is obtained from Eq. (36) as

a, = -N~C/h = - ~

X.M. Su


(D1 + D2) - (1 + ~//~)2 12 1 - ~c2



c~ 2


where/~c and fc are the/2 and ~ calculated at the bifurcation. Dt + D2 is obviously the reduced rigidity of the plate. The other parameter in our presumption of the unloading area, L, can be fixed by analyzing the loading and unloading conditions in Eqs. (9) and (10) which can now be furnished by the bifurcation solutions obtained above. Since
dr q- do = ( + d - z) (w,~r + ~v,r/r) = - ( z -T- 3) a2kJo(c~r),


the sign ofd~ + do will be determined by the sign of Jo(er) for a specific layer of the plate with fixed z. r = L, where the loading and the unloading regions for a specific plate layer are separated, will satisfy the equation
Jo(o~L) = O.


For the clamped plate, L = 0.63R, and for the simply supported plate, L > R. The increments in the external loading corresponding to the present bifurcation solutions can be calculated. By the continuity of zi and w at r = L, Eqs. (17) and (18) lead to c2 = -2Ldw, r(L). Substituting the relation above into Eq. (20) and manipulating the results leads to ~I~=R = -2q//hlr=R = - ( v A ~ + 9A2) w~(R)/R - 2dEhLvb,~(L)/[R2(1 + v)]



(r[,_ R = k { - ( v A 1

+ ~A2) c~JI(eR)/R --2dEhLcHI(eL)/[Re(1 + v)]}.


For the clamped plate, w,r(R) = 0, Eq. (43) reduces further to

Crlr_R = - k { 2 . 4 8 d E h / [ R 2 ( 1 + v)]}.
By inspecting Eqs. (44) and (45), we see that ~[~-R4=O when k+0.



So, the present reduced rigidity bifurcations are not the true Engesser bifurcation for which the external increment of load is zero. Also, at least for the clamped plate the critical load of the present solution lies above that of Engesser bifurcation since the increment in the external loading is smaller than zero for the present solution as is clear by Eq. (45).

5 Discussion
In the present paper, two analytical solutions of reduced rigidity plastic bifurcation, respectively for the simply supported and clamped circular plate, are found by way of a post-confirmed presumption for the distribution of the unloading area at bifurcation. J2 flow theory is used in the analysis.

Plastic bifurcation of circular plates


It is interesting to compare the present solutions with those of the elastic buckling and the Shanley bifurcation. We therefore list below again Eq. (35) and Eq. (39), the formulas respectively for the bifurcation mode and critical load of the present solution,
v~ = -k[Jo(ar) -

Jo(aR)] h2 /~

4 G (1 + ~ )



2 12 1 - ~ 2

Corresponding formulas for the elastic bifurcation are [6]

;v = -k[Jo(~*r) -


G =

(48) (~*)~

12 (1 - v 2)

where ~* = ~ for the clamped plate and defined by Eq. (38) for the simply supported plate by setting m = 1 and ~ = v there. For the Shanley bifurcation, corresponding formulas read [4]
fv = -k[Jo(ct**r) --

Jo(~**R)] (49)

h2 /~ 6"t- 12 1 - ,72 (a**)2

where ~** = :r for the clamped plate and determined by Eq. (38) for the simply supported plate by setting m = 1 there. Remarkable similarity exists between the three sets of equations, i.e., Eqs. (47), (48) and (49). Recall that the same similarity exists between the solutions of Engesser bifurcation, elastic bifurcation and Shanley bifurcation of rods [7], and we see that although the present reduced rigidity plastic bifurcation is not the true Engesser bifurcation, they share in many aspects the true Engesser bifurcation which we anticipate. There is a j u m p in the distribution of the unloading area in the solution for the clamped circular plate at r = L. This jump is understandable. Since J o ( a L ) = 0 at r = L, we have by Eq. (40)

G + eo)lr:L=O.


This means that the whole section r = L is at neutral loading. If we take the size of G + ~0 into consideration, we can find by inspecting Eq. (40) that the change of the deformation from plastic loading to elastic unloading, or vice versa, in crossing the jump is actually smooth. This also explains why there appear two unloading intervals in z direction at r = L.

This project is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China through grant No. 19 002 014. The revision of the paper was performed while the author was visiting Universitfit Kaiserslautern in Germany. Both the hospitality of Prof. U. Wittek and research fellowship from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation are acknowledged.


X. M. Su: Plastic bifurcation of circular plates


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Author's address: X. M. Su, Department of Mechanics, Tianjin University, Tianjin, 300072, People's Republic of China

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