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This my story,,so enjoy reading it as I enjoyed sharing it STRANGER DIARIES! Lying on her bed, covered with a nay blue bed cover, striped blue bed sheets and a navy blue pillow, dressed in a short pink skirt and a sexy green top, thinking about the stranger. How she loved him so much! He was her best friend, she thought, her comforter, and satisfied her whenever they talked. She loved talking to him that sometimes she felt like flying into the sky to meet him. And again she wished the stranger knew how much she loved him. For the first time they talked, she did not know it would get that way. If it were destiny, then it had finally found its way. But, she was so sad, the stranger was in love with some one else. Madly in love with her, he always told her and she never wished to come between them. She encouraged herself to move on though it was a hard step to take. She kept on wondering how she got to talk to him. It was one evening and her phone rang. Hmm, this must be a strange number, she thought to herself as she picked the call. Hullo? Hullo, is this lady Hannah? Yes, speaking to? Oh, am Peter! And I know you imaging if we have met before but, we have not . I just happen to have your number in my phonebook and I am also wondering where It must have come from. Have we met? What! I thought we havent?! So the hobnob went on for about an hour, arguing about how he got her number. This suddenly became a habit that he started calling her every night. He usually called her three times a day, they grew feelings for each other, and they got to talk about their private lives and turned out to be sweet friends. Surprisingly, he told her that he was falling in love with her. Is he tricking me? , she always thought to herself. She did not want to tell him that she loved him too because she so scared their love was not written among the stars. He was in love with someone

else and all she had to do was to stay friends with him. He was getting back home in her week from his internship. She couldnt stop thinking about him and like it were real. She wanted to tell him how much she loved him but she was still scared that he could either leave his girl friend or even tell her that he was only joking. She thought about his reaction for quite some good time and suddenly, she longed his call. She felt him like an intro to a novel, he was like the password to every thing she owned, and she could not get him off her heart. That was really killing her; the long distance was getting on her nerves. Hannah was a girl ho had always kept her love a secret. She had had all kinds of relationships; one day relationships, two weeks relationships, a serious crash relationship, a gossip relationship, a romance relationship and worst of it all, a boring relationship that made her feel like love was only a waste of time. She had always wanted to get to know some one first and then fall in love but, because of desparacy; she jumped from one partner to another. As the saying goes, Every dog has its own day. she thought she had finally found her Mr. Right since she felt she had known him for quite some good time . Waking up the next day, she felt she could not do anything without calling him. She had spent a sleepless night, thinking about him, imagining him by her side, kissing him, holding him and talking about their future together. Fortunately, he called her. She felt him around her, and they talked about their nights, how they missed each other and beep! His battery went down. Hardly had she started washing the utensils when her phone rang again. Hi sweetie! he nicely asked. She was filled with ecstasy and she felt her lungs move on the sound of his voice. She told him about the poem she had written about him and he asked her to read it for him. She refused because she wanted to feel him plead though she promised to read to him that night. He then narrated his life at campus, how he loved swimming. His love for swimming made her imagine them, swimming together, playing with the water, kissing and talking about their love.

Finally, she told him about how she felt towards him. It was like she was right there in his arms. And, she told him about the dream she had had the previous night, some lesbian trying to figure her. Oh, your dream has got me into thinking. Why would you have such a dream after talking to me? Nothing, dreams are dreams! Hannah sarcastically replied. She only thought about having sex with him though she could not let him know that she was madly in love him. If she were a songwriter, he would be the main chorus so she could sing and feel him over and over again. She made sure she completed the poem she had written about him; The stranger diaries We travel to many places We never tell whom we meet We talk to many people We never tell whom we speak to, But, amongst all, Is one soul mate, the stranger? One who builds a friendship From ignorance to knowledge Friends, this is not love but The world in which we travel.

Ha, God gave man, Imagine talking to a stranger, So far away

Getting to know each other every second Laughing like old friends Keeping the hobnob smooth Friends, this is not love But the knowledge God gave man.

Sometimes, I wonder Will I ever meet the stranger? I know him, but I can not get hold of him This mesmerizes me so much With this, am compelled To talk with him always And be filled with ecstasy whenever he calls But dont think otherwise, we do get along. Just as usual, waiting for a good night call from him, too impatient to wait, she decided to call him; Hello, babe?He replied. Hey, are you busy? Can you call me after five minutes, please?He kindly asked. She hang up though she felt five minutes were too many for her to wait. Fortunately, her kid sister, Flora, woke up, so sick and puffing that she kept her busy for some seven minutes.

Since she could not wait any longer, she called him again. But, still he asked her to wait for a few more minutes as he was still having his supper. Hannah got back to her sister, and suddenly, he called her. Yes? she responded to the call. Arent you going to call? he asks. I am! she replied with joy. So as soon as he hangs up than she called him back. As usual, they talked about their lives. When Hannah told Peter that she couldnt sleep without telling him good night, he laughed his lungs out and for about two minutes, the nob got touchy. As I was passing by the market, I thought about you. I mean to say that I got a gift for you and plan on giving it to you when I get back home. Oh, what could that be? she hopefully asked. I dont know if this is the right question to ask, she sighs but___when was your last kiss? She was so moved by the question and started picturing him kissing her. Haw, why do you want to know? Anyway, last year, she replied. You mean to say last semester? Anyway, thats the gift I would like to give you in appreciation for being sweet to Me. she smiled in disbelief. What about a hug, do you mind? Hannah could not believe that he had asked her such questions. They then talked about the kiss and hug for the whole night until their eyes fell to sleep. I love you! he protested. Uh! I love you too, Hannah harnessly replied. Peter was surprised by her reply as he did not expect such an answer from her. He wished her a great and they both went to bed. In fact, their nights were the best in the world if you were to find out and draw an analysis.

The lights went off; Hannah was too bored that night as she could not sleep as the words I LOVE YOU still echoed in her ears. Her battery was down and she decided to switch on her radio to listen to some music. Suddenly, she received a call from the home landline. I was her friends boyfriend, Geofrey; on air. Geofrey was her best friend, Janices ex. He was crying on her shoulder telling her how Janice had damped him out of the blue. She tried to feel pity for him and comforted him. She promised to talk to her friend and find out why she had acted that way. Janice was not always good at relationships that she kept on playing all the men she courted. She was neither a good adviser as far as relationships were concerned nor good at seeking advice. She told Hannah that she thought that her time with Goefrey was done and it was time for both of them to move on. And she decided to hang up. Since it werent the first time her exes had called Hannah, she decided to let her be and went ahead to get some milk from the fridge. What a hot night it is! she thought to herself as she sipped some milk from the glass. Hannah then took a cold bath, but while she was cleaning herself, her thoughts couldnt forget him. He was the only person that could make her bath seem human. After a while, she decided to go to bed as it did her no good to think about someone who might on the other side be thinking about someone else. During the day, she had missed her appointment with the doctor since she woke up late and that also made her day seem boring. As she tried to sleep, she fortunately received a call from Peter; Hey, you sound disturbed. Are you fine dear? he asked after answering the call with a sad tone. Not really. Actually, missed you a lot, and worst of it all, missed my appointment with the doctor and it is going to take me a month to have another one. Peter was so curious about what had happened to her. Hannah was a very beautiful light skinned girl. With her very reactive skin, anything that itched her, pricked her, or bit her, only left a scar on her body. So one time, while still a young girl, she had requested her cousin to get rid of a black head on her chest, but it unwillingly turned out to be a hyper tropic scar. The only thing that could heal it was through monthly injections since the doctors had denied her an operation claiming that the scar was close to the heart.

He was so concerned and felt pity for her. He then decided to call her later as he received a call from his supervisor though her enthusiasm was killing her. No sooner had she started dozing than her parents arrived home. Her parents had a Pork Joint Take away and offered catering services plus a piggery farm. They usually got home at midnight as the pork joint mainly had night customers. She opened the gate for them and they straight away had a bath and rushed to bed. She lay in her bed, and after a little while, he called her. Dont tell me that you were already asleep? he asked. She denied it; he tried to apologize to her. He then told her about his dinner with his friends, how fun it was and the time they time they spent having fun. On and on, they later got into the sensational part, imaginations crossed by and feelings for each other increased every second. Truth is, I have tried to keep my heart from you but___i dont know. You are trying to take hold of my heart, he softly said. Dont tell me the big lock was suddenly broken!She laughed out loud. This is too much for me. I cant start missing a stranger; I am not willing to forget about you, Hannah deeply sighed, this is getting beyond my control. Hannah tried to blame herself but he stopped her when he said that he shouldnt have dialed a strange number in his phonebookstill Hannah commented that she shouldnt have picked a strange call. All this blame didnt solve anything but rather aroused their feelings towards each other. But you were sweet to me, you kept on asking me to call you back later, he added. I understand. And look, we are in love with each other, she protested. He was silent for a few minutes and then he suggested that they could get a solution for their mixed feelings. He suggested that they stop calling each other and wait for the overcome. Hannah disagreed with him when she said that it would instead make matters worse. She then thought about making friends with his girl friend as a better solution but Peter disagreed.

They then argued about Hannahs talking to his girl friend for over an hour. They at last decided to go by his decision. I promise not to ever call you again. Am going to keep my self busy 24/7, she smiled. Then I wish you good luck..! And dont forget my goodnight kiss. TWO It was a Thursday, and every one at Hannahs home was busy. She was trying to tidy her closet. Alas! She screamed as her closet hurt her nose. As soon as it clocked 3pm, she rushed to pick her kid sister from school and then leave for her big sisters place. She tried as much as possible to stay occupied as it was the only way she could help thinking about Peter.While at her sisters place, he called her at around 8:30pm. I have tried to resist calling you. Any ways want to check on you, I see! he then promised to call her later in the night but because he had had a long day at the site, he instead dozed off. It was a Saturday morning, cocks were crocking, Hannahs cat, Jimmy, was meowing in hunger and her sister ran off to play with her friends as she rushed to the kitchen to prepare food. Time passed by, boredom intervened. She then decided to go out shopping with her big sister who then later left for her place. Hey babe? he supplemented when he called her at around 6:30pm, Someone has really give up on me. She apologized for her inconsistence. He finally told her that he was returning home the next weekend. She felt like asking him not to wait that long because she longed to kiss and hug him. He promised to teach her everything she wanted to learn like playing pool, and swimming. Unfortunately, his phone blacked out. She dozed off that she failed to notice that her father was already back from work. Vincent, one of her friends had just got an accident and as soon as she received a call from the hospital than she jumped out of bed .Vincent was one of her dads esteemed employees and close to her. She rushed to her dads work place and on finding out that he was not badly injured, she went back home. Seated watching television that was so boring, and lost in thoughts , she decided to call Peter.

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