SOS WORLD COACHES 16 Questions and 160 Professional Suggestions To Be Successful!

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Soccer Academy of America, Inc.

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To all National Football Coaches Associations FA = General Secretary The National Technical Director National Team Head Coach The Olympic Team Coach The National Juniors Teams: U-17, 19, 21, years old

From: Dr. Victor Stanculescu Professional first class football coach; Asian Football Confederation Instructor; FIFA Instructor Founder of Soccer Academy of America. Founder of Association of Coaches Without Frontiers; Date: 04-30-2012 Re: 1. A professional Dialogue, about The new World Football Vision: 2012-2030, for the
next 5 World Cups, for any National Football Association; 2. In order to promote on the Elite Football Performance Football, we need to establish, to perfect and implement The New National Teams, Clubs as well as for all Coaches and Players Concept of Performance: Playing, Training & Recovery;


Dear friends of football without frontiers,

1. The first step: To call The magic moment time to your National FA, as well as for every Coach, Concept of Performances Code? -By a simple Historical actual-future Analysis;

2. The 2nd step: Using the Principle of Global Football-vision: - We are (in football): 2.1. What we are preparing to be, 2.2. What we know and 2.3. What we are doing practically in-and-for football; 2. Nobody knows everything about football; - So, back to the basics elite concept of continuing education, and particularly, learn the new sciences of football frontiers; 3. To get insight of the Football, we need to use the 3-D, - A new method of 3.1. Analysis, 3.2.Diagnosis and; 3.3.Plan-Programming, adapted from life to the football permanently; 4. Football at the beginning of the 21st Century football becomes: a. Science: (made by the coaches and support staff); b. Art: (made by the super-stars game skills and super-winning strategies c. Business (made by the performance of the 1+2 factors) 5. Every National FA, or Every Football Coach has a Concept of performance with advantages and disadvantages, like any concept:


-But world football champions are done by a specific football/ culture, developed according to the specific winning conceptformula; Etc.

How to use the material?

1. Consider this material a professional dialogue with yourself, as one of the famous Football, specialist, (Intellectual Coach); 2. Consider also, the material, a dialogue with the world of football, asking 15 questions (we are presenting in this material), and: 2.1. Understand the concept, and recognize that we are not alone, playing only in our country; 2.2. Mandatory, we need to adapt to the world champions concept. The secret of champions there is not a secret! The single secret is Who is doing the best-is winning, plus, the strategy of strategies to win the supremacy; 2.3. Try to implement into practice, to do what the world champions are doing! Can you perform as champions? Establish and Implement what do you need to be a champion, too? 3. Please, consider the entire material, other professional coaches exercises to learn together another new mental, physical and skills strategies, to perfect our personality professional mind-map!! GOOD LUCK! Dr. Victor Stanculescu For any question or more professional Telephone: 1-312-823-2166, Chicago Tips, please, use:


Page: 5-Step 1: Page: 6-Step 2: Page: 8 - Step 3: Page 10- Step 4: Page 11:- Step 5: Page 12- Step 6: Page 13- Step 7: Page 14-Step 8: Page 16-Step 9: Whats football game at the beginning of 21st Century? Every 4 years, FIFA is establishing the The World Football new Order, 2010 (South Africa) till 2014 (Brazil)! At the Confederations level, Whats the world football order, today, between the 2010 to 2014 World Cups? What is our National Football Association, factors of performance? The 208 national FA, have different Concept of Performance? What are the main factors of performance? The National Concept of Performance? The past shows the actual-future: The past 5 World Cups: 19942010 Winners: Are the Latin Concept -Countries: The fundamental mutation in the world performance football, at all levels: The new intellectual Master Football Coach The performance = Matching Mandatory 1. The Coaches Education: Latin or Anglo-Saxon Concept; 2. Countrys traditional Concept of Performance? and; 3. Players National/Individual Concept? Practical implementation of the Concept of performance, using the National Pyramid of AGE, performance: 04-21-35 years Players and Teams The strategies of practical implementation: Master-Plan and development program Professional Football Players Profile: Professional Football Coachs Profile: The actual-future 5 World Cups 2014-2030

Page 17- Step 10 Page 18-Step 11 Page 19-Step 12 Page 20-Step 13 Page 21-Step 14 Page 22-Step 15 Page 22- Step 16

Final step -Conclusions

Step 1:
The first question to recognize for the professional football specialists is simple, common sense & mandatory?

Whats the football game at the beginning of 21st Century?

1. Football is International in content of performance; 2. Football is National in form of manifestation (playing) & 3. Football is Individual in practical implementation;
Technical Note? What are your comments? Do you have another winning formula? Do you have your winning formula?


1. Every 4 years, FIFA is establishing the The World Football new Order, 2010 (South Africa) till 2014 (Brazil)!

4. 5. 6.

Previous ( feb. 2012 )

1|2|3|4|5|6|7 Last Updated 07 Mar 2012 Next Release 11 Apr 2012 7. Mar 2012

Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Team Spain Netherlands Germany Uruguay Brazil England Portugal Argentina Italy Croatia Denmark Russia Greece Chile Cte d'Ivoire France Sweden

Pts. 1561 1379 0 1


1332 -1 1289 1157 0 2

1121 -1 1106 -1 1102 3

1062 -1 1049 -1 1025 -1 1003 953 1 1

950 -2 944 938 926 0 1


Rank 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Team Switzerland Republic of Ireland Australia Bosnia-Herzegovina Mexico Ghana Norway Paraguay Serbia

Pts. 891 -2 872 868 1 2


850 -2 849 -1 820 797 791 0 0 2

779 -1

28 29 30

Slovenia Czech Republic Korea Republic


765 -1 762 751 0 4

1. In the first 10 National Football Associations, significant is that from: LATIN FOOTBALL CONCEPT: has 6 teams: Spain, Uruguay, Brazil, Portugal, Argentina, Italy; ANGLO-SAXON CONCEPT: has 3 teams: Nederland, Germany and England, MIXT CONCEPT: has just one: Croatia 2. The next question for anyone reading this table is: 2.1. With whom we are comparing? (Anglo-Saxons or/Latin National Concepts?) 2.2. With whom I can associate in performance? (Decide 1, 2, or 3 (mixing 1+2)? 2.3. With whom I can match my national Concept of Performance! (Decide yourself) 3. For that, ALL OF US We need to: Change, Improve, Add, Eliminate, And Adjusting creating, mixing and going: full speed ahead! Good luck!


At the Confederations level, Whats the world football order, today, and between the 2010 to 2014 Coups?
Nr. Performance Factors Europe S.America Africa Asia Concacaf Oceania Total Place

1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Professional Staff Players Value Facilities Playing Concept Training Concept Recovery Concept Game Strategies Referees good + fair Management National Leagues TOTAL POINTS:1-10 PLACE: 1-6

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 99 1

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 99 1

8 10 8 9 8 7 8 8 8 8 81 2

7 8 9 8 8 7 8 8 9 8 79 3

7 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 9 8 79 3

6 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 7 7 68 4

50 55 52 52 51 48 51 50 53 51

5 1 3 3 4 6 4 5 2 4

The order of the continents: PLACE 1: PLACE 2: PLACE 3: PLACE 4: Europe + South America: 99 points Africa: 81 points Asia + CONCACAF: 79 points Oceania: 68 Points

The orders of Factors: The Qualities of the continents: PLACE: 1 PLACE 2: Players Value: 55 Points Management: 53 Points


The Unprepared Qualities: PLACE 3: PLACE 4: Facilities + Playing Concept: 52 points Training Concept + National Leagues: 51 points

The weaknesses of the Continents: PLACE 5: PLACE 6: Professional Staff + Referees: 50 points Recovery (Sport Life): 46 points

1. To understand the arts and science of evaluation, diagnosis and decision, please, try alone, try you with your assistants, or you with your teamwork & some of the players/or the entire team? You will be surprised how Intelligent are you players, and they can be the first your associate/PARTNERS in winning world supremacy! 2. Evaluate in marks from 1-10, and make the totals; 3. You will be pleased to find out that may of the evaluation can be made very close to the reality-professional common sense; 4. You can ask the independent specialist, to do the same thing and compare finally to find out the really value of your work! 5. There are many kinds of EVALUATION DIAGNOSIS AND ESTABLISHING THE NEW DIRECTIONS (for the next games): 6. Number of corners, shoots, and minutes of ball possessions, faults, and passes are to impress the amateur-spectators. This is the QUANTITY ANALYSIS OF THE FOOTBALL GAME! 7. We are advocating to use the two BRAINS: * Logistic Brain evaluate in marks from 1-10 ( or-any other kind) *With EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE- BRAIN, evaluate the global, efficient, practical performances, THE QUALITY GAME, EVALUATION! *And you will be more close to the reality than using the quantity evaluation.


Professional exercise Lets apply to our practice:

What are our National Football Association, National Teams, Clubs, Academies, Schools, and Factors of Performance?
Nr. Performance Factors
National Teams National League National Youth National Juniors National Schools Superstar Outside Total Place

1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12

Professional Staff Players Value Facilities Playing Concept Training Concept Recovery Concept Game Strategies Referees good/fair Management National Leagues TOTAL POINTS:1-10 PLACE: 1-6

1. Evaluate individual, in three coaches/specialists, or 10 mixt-various specialists; 2. Use the simple scale marks from 1-10; 3. Make the totals on the vertical to find the value of 6 categories of national football; 4. Make the same total on the horizontal line to find the national performance factors order; 5. Write down the results, and compare with the continental evaluation to understand better; 6. You can discover what you believe, but you are not sure! 7. Compare your results with the world cup champions and find out the 7.1. What are the similar characteristics with the champions; 7.2. What are the differences which are opposing to the development of the national football? 7.3. What are Unprepared mental (abilities/talent); Physical (Capacities) and Skills (to play & win)




The 208 National FA, are the same members of FIFA, but the difference between them is made by their Football Concept of Performance!
*Each of the 208 national FA, belong to the 3-D International Football Schools; Anglo-Saxon; Latin & Mix! From few hundred of similarities and differences, we came finally, to the 3-D priorities of the national concept of performance, as following:

1.1. This is a professional technical coaches exercise:

No. 1 2 3 Main football performance factors The ANGLO-SAXON Football Concept The LATIN Football Concept The MIXT (1+2) Concept: 1stpriority Business Science/Coaches Business 2nd priority Art/Players Art/Players Art/Players 3rd-Priority Science/Coaches Business of 1+2 Science/Coaches

No. 1 2 3 Main football performance factors The ANGLO-SAXON Football Concept The LATIN Football Concept The MIXT (1+2) Concept: 1st priority 2nd priority 3rd-Priority


No. 1 2 3 Main football performance factors The ANGLO-SAXON Football Concept The LATIN Football Concept The MIXT (1+2) Concept: 1st priority 2nd priority 3rd-Priority


Please, chose only one SYSTEM (Anglo-Saxon, Latin or Mixt) Then, express your three priorities of your Concept of Performance.


Technical Note:

The differences made by the order of 3-D Factors of Performance, are offering us the certitude of international chances to promote on the elite world football: So, establish your own Concept of Performance and the priority of the 3-d major factors, as following:


No. 1 2 3 Main football performance factors ANGLO-SAXON Football Concept LATIN Football Concept MIXT (1+2) Concept: 1st priority Training Concept Play Concept Play Concept 2nd priority Playing Concept Recovery Energy Training Concept 3rd-Priority Recovery Con. Training Recovery Con.

No. 1 2 3 Main football performance factors ANGLO-SAXON Football Concept LATIN Football Concept MIXT (1+2) Concept: 1st priority 2nd priority 3rd- priority

1. If you find out that Football in YOUR COUNTRY, HAS TO BE ADJUSTED TO THE WORLD OF FOOTBALL, THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT AND SUCCESSFUL STEP FORWARD! 2. The game is playing with foot, not hand, and the master players are playing (see Messi), playing better with foot, than by hands! How? By special national Cultural Concept! 3. The super-stars are born genetic SUPER-STARS, BUT THEY ARE MADE BY THE EDUCATION and a National Football Cultural, Educational Scientific and Artistic Concept of playing! HOW? 3.1. The Coaches are (and must be-mandatory) - Professional Intellectuals of Football? 3.2. They need and must have the best practical football concept, and of course: 3.3. The best, even better: Theory of Practice! A special POWER OF CREATIVITY! 3.4. The immediate question is? Have you the two major keys of world performances?



The past-actual, shows the actual-future The past 5 World Cups: 1994-2010 = winners: Are the LATIN CONCEPTCountries:
7.4. The winner of the 5 World Cups were all LATINO: 1994= Brazil; 1998=France; 2002=Brazil; 2006=Italy and 2010=Spain
1 2 3

Main performance factors

World Champions elite concept 2nd in world value: Anglo-Saxon Third Value: with elite potential

1st priority
Spain + Brazil Germany+Holland African Elite

2nd priority
Argentina + Italy Danmark+Sweeden Asian Elite

Uruguay+ France Usa+N-Zealand Europe-3-rd class

The next question for a specialist is:

1. 2. LATIN CONCEPT: Why did they won, the last 5 world cups? Then? What are the LATIN FAMILY FOOTBALL Concepts Priorities? Priority Nr. 1= Science, a Latin Theory of Practice made and implement into practice by the games Intellectual super-coaches; Priority Nr. 2= Art, a Latin Creative game in small groups where the super-stars are ARTISTS; Priority Nr.3 = Winning Strategies and becoming champions of the game of creative art-skills, and they won the world supremacy in Business 3. Also, the priorities of the Concept of Performance: Priority Nr. 1= the Game in Attack by 1. Timing, 2.Creative solutions in 3.Pressing with the ball and 4. Combinations made in 3-4 players: simple, fast, direct, efficient, safe; Priority No. 2=The Game in defense: Pressing in groups of 3-4 players, all over the field, using the interception and tackling the same as the pass or dribbling, art football in defense too!



The fundamental mutation in the world performance football, at all levels: The new intellectual Master Football Coach
1 2

Main football performance factors OF PERFORMANCE

FOOTBALL COACH FROM LATIN Concept of Performance, are the new Football intellectuals. COACHES FROM ANGLO-SAXON A single week can be a coach?

1st priority
The science of skills and games science of strategies of winning MANAGEMENT OF ONLY business, money, etc.

2nd priority
Management of energy for 1-game 1 year, 10 years No Science & No Intellectual needs

Master-arts of partnerships relationships From playing to the coaching?!?!?

COACHES from MIXT Football Are not educated properly

The Players prestige is not good enough

The process of compensation?OK

Very few players are successful!


1. The system of making the coaches from playing to coaching, with 1-2-3-4 weeks coaching school, is not compensating the missing knowledge from all the sciences of football frontiers: educational, culture, sciences and interdisciplinary education; 2. A Players was learning to play from 5 years to 20 years (15 years) and then, playing professional another 15 years: from 21-35 years = 30 years to play, at their 1-2-3 category of international value (most of them are not accomplishing the international standards); 3. But, they are forced by the players prestige, the clubs interest and big money salaries, to get faster to the coaching activity, in one week, one month, and to perform from the first day, with the team and everyone wants to win the world cup! ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE! 4. Like the Master Player, the Master Coach needs: 1. Talent, Education, Social/Sport integration, a role model life; 2. Professional Scientific Education to be ready to respond to the major professional games questions? 3. To be the GAMES INTELLECTUAL, CREATIV WINNING DECISIONS, CONTROLLING THE STRESS FOR HIM, AND PARTICULARLY, FOR THE PLAYERS, THE OPPONENTS AND THE RESULT OF THE GAME (S)! 4. According to the highest performance successful coaches, there are two professionals complete different categories of coaches: The Playing successfully, is a plus, to become more effective football coach, but, is not substituting the fundamental football education to become famous international coach! 5. PROFESSIONAL COACH = without education, learning by doing, from experience; They are: 1. Managers; 2. Prestige as player in relation with players, but 3, without knowledge to respond to the game scientific aspects of why happens like this? Or they are 1. Games Intellectuals + Prestige as professional coach and more professional, in controlling the unexpected games situations, winning solution, etc.



Traveling, working learning, writing, publishing, in 4 continents, passing through more than 100 countries, studding the last 12 world cups; WE CAME TO THE CONCLUSIONS, THAT THE COACHES NEEDS MORE INTEREST, STUDY AND WORK TO 1. Select the future candidates for coaching job, before the playing period is over. According to our studies, the IQ-PROFESSIONAL PLAYERS with intellectual and practical football abilities for coaching we can identify from 20 years old! 2. We are convinced that: Everyone has many talents (genetic gifts), and we have a system of compensation of developing personalities for Players, Coaches, Players and Referees, directing and redirecting the super-stars to work according to their personalities, in various convenient jobs, related to the football game; 3. Based on the most interesting science of INTERDISCIPLINARY FOOTBALL SCIENCES, we composed three important categories of Preparation Programs for COACHES:

3.1. Coaches for youth, using a 4 D SYSTEM-CONCEPT (Master-Coach 4 in 1):

1. Coach; 2. Manager; 3. Trainer; 4. Referee.

3.2. Coaches for adults, CLUBS using a 6-D SYSTEM CONCEPT Master-Coach 6 in 1)
1.Mental; 2. Physical; 3. Skills; 4. Playing; 5. Training and Recovery);

3.3.Coaches FOR NATIONAL TEAMS, using a 3 D System CONCEPT

1. *The Art of Communication: Logistic + Emotional + Motivational); 2. The art of Dialogue: Convincing to understand; solutions to select; give the chance to create players art of implementation skills into the game! 3. The art of avoiding the conflicts: preventing, Intuition, Confidence, fair; 4. To know the FOOTBALL GAMES MAGIC ART AND SCIENCE, to train and perfect the gymnastics of BRAIN PROFESIONAL STRATEGIES MAPS! 5. The art of living in-through and for football: SPORT ESTATE: Etc



THE PERFORMANCE = Matching Mandatory
1. The Coaches Education: Latin or Anglo-Saxon Concept? 2. Countrys traditional Concept of Performance? And; 3. Players National/Individual Concept?
N o
1 2

Main football performance factors OF PERFORMANCE

FOOTBALL COACH FROM LATIN Concept of Performance, are the new Football intellectuals. COACHES FROM ANGLO-SAXON A single week can be a coach?

1st priority
The science of skills And games science of strategies of winning MANAGEMENT OF business, money, etc

2nd priority
Management of energy for 1-game 1 year, 10 years No Science & Or Intellectual SKILSS

Master-arts of partnerships relationships From playing to the coaching?!?!?

COACHES from MIXT Football Are not educated properly

The Players prestige its not good enough

The process of compensation?

Very few players are successful!

Like in a marriage, there is a need of matching culture of: Mentally, 2. Physically, 3. Life Skills The performances are not possible without super-coaches: Lets get an example: Fabio Cappello:
1. A brilliant Latin club coach is not matching as National English Coach, complete, another job, culture, language, manners, football, life, education, almost everything is different; 2.He has 100% coachs culture, education and football concept as A LATINO, and its not adjusting to the Anglo-Saxon Football Concept of performance (England national team/Capello, one of the famous100% Latino Coach, was not understanding, accepting and implementing LATIN OR ANGLOS-SAXON CONCEPT OFPERFORMANCE! He has been in a permanent conflict and finally!?) 3. The Language of Communication is one of the fundamental tools of work, play and life;

4. So, 1. Education, 2. Professional Concept, 3. Interrelationships, 4. The Culture, 5. the Ethics, 6. Morals, 7. Rules, 8. Principles, and 9. The Inter-relationships are not matching, the English football culture are not working playing and performing, at his professional Latin level.
5. More than this, there is not a special educational programs for the National Coaches, insight of the football associations. There are only at the level of FIFA AND CONFEDERATION, but, there are not enough specialized to prepare the ELITE COACHES FOR THE ELITE National Team Coaches. Usually, at all level of performance, National FA, there is a professional need of understanding the HEAD COACHES, NATIONAL TECHNICAL DIRECTORS, SPECIAL COUNCELORS, and all TO ASSIST THE NATIONAL COACHES, particularly in the main activities: 5.1. Selecting and forming the team; 5.2. Preparation and maintaining the sport estate (Management of Energy); 5.3. Reading the official game and special strategies to



STEP 10:
N o I. 1 2 3 II. 1. 2 3 III 1. 2. 3. Main football performance factors PRE-PUBERTY : 04-11 YEARS Anglo-Saxon Coach Concept Latin-Coaches Concept Mixt Football Concept PUBERTY Period:12-16 year Anglo-Saxon Coach Concept Latin-Performance Concept Mixt Concept Football POST PUBERTY: 17-21 The final of perfection! Anglo-Saxon Concept? Latin Football Concept? Mixt Football Concept? 1st priority: Mental integration
Mental Development

2nd priority: Physical develop Skills by imitation Ball Kicking Game Playing by imitation+creation Play, by talent Physical athletes Physical game Athlete with Ball Natural physical Subordinating to the social hobbies Power-SpeedComplete player Clubs are trying?

3rd-Priority: GameSkills Body compensation Surrogate Coaches? Winning with BALL NO games + cups ?! Winning players! Super-Skills-players Winning teams Winning players Winning players Trying to become Pro Players Good team player Gam Super-skills Few are successful

Discipline+Physical Mandatory skills free, creating art Coach is the game Mental discipline Total Subordination Total free/ compose Players lead teams The stars are ready! To be of not to be? Adjustment Period Adjusting perform. Difficult to accept

One question to be asked?

To grow a generation of champions we need: 1. Genetic-personality: 1. Mental (talent/abilities) + 2.Physical (capacities) and 3. Skills to play (super-abilities/talent in creating unexpected playing solution ) 2. Educational strategic concept: 2.1. Pre-Puberty: 4-11 years old: 1. developing the Mind (Imitation and individual creation), 2. Physical development of Body and 3. Adapting to the Games kills, using the power of compositions and compensation principles; 2.2. Puberty: 12-16 YEARS OLD: Perfecting the 1. Body, 2. Mind, 3. Skills and 4. The game.



2.3. Post Puberty: 17-21 years old: Professionalization, adjusting to the requirements of performance;


No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Category, factors, fundamentals Age Technically Biologically Socially Playing Football Training Recovery/a new way of Pro-Life Must go for normal education Using football as educational tool Accomplishing the personality Variant 1 5-11 Development Pre-Puberty Dependent Park, School, Home Playing by intuition Following the rules Common sense Grow well +simple Perfect amateur Variant 2 12-16 Preparation Puberty Independent Clubs Training Principles Living by principles Adapting socially To be or Not to be Perfect semi-pro Variant 3: 17-21 In vie for 35 Perfection Post-Puberty Inter-dependent Professionally Playing by Tips Living Professional Integrating football Amateur or Pro! Perfect Pro!

Technical Note:
1. Football Game is the world most wonderful gift for kids to develop, perfect and become a good citizen, healthy, educated, be part of the football: 1.1. Players; 1.2. Coaches; 1.3. Managers; 1.4. Scientific support staff: 1.5. Referees; 1.6. Journalists 2. This is the new INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE OF EDUCATION WE SUGGESTED TO THE WORLD OF NATIONAL FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION, Technical FIFA-Instructors, and Confederations-Instructors and of course, NATIONAL COACHING DIRIECTORS & INSTRUCTORS! 2.1. There is not winning in everything we are doing without RESPONDING: why we are the principles, methods, strategies, programs, the game? 2.2. We need a TOTAL PARTNERSHIP WITH THE PLAYERS, to make them part of their professional life, social success, family happiness, wellbeing of the players and they will give to the coaches, their life!



STEP 12:
The strategies of practical implementation: MASTER - PLAN & DEVELOPMENT - PROGRAMS:
No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Category, factors, fundamentals To build a Professional Program To build a National, Club, Coach CONCEPT OF PERFORMANCE To grow Professional TEAMWORK: Leaders; Coaches and support staff To get the FAMILLY, as the first professional PARTNER in education To be part of SCHOOLS education, general. High school + college/sport COACH PARTNER with PLAYERS; in All steps of Personality development Strategy of growing super-staff Continue: Build +Perfect+ Perform = $+ Players +Teams= a perfect continuing Education: Develop+ Perform+ Art Learn LATIN CREATIVE FOOTBALL STYLE Football is an ART FOR PLAYERS Learn SCIENCES OF FOOTBALL FRONTIERS Never too late to learn and adjust coaches Nobody knows everything about football, So: Lets get back to the world cups. Information is the + Oxygen of life+fotbal Variant 1 Science Medical & Scientific staff Football motivation tool for school Football + School = 2 goals + objectives Friendship with coach is the KEY! Specialize the 3 steps mandatory Good StartGood continue Let the players to compose the game Psychology, Pedagogy, Sociology The time is money Learn from Champion Variant 2 Art Technical & Strategic Parents perfect second coach Education to help understand football Support the dev. Of : IQ+EQ + SQ Specialize: School coaches+ family Super-Stars are made by football Adjust educational Creative team Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry Motivation is the key of becoming a star-champion Variant 3:: Business Leadership & Management Family support, & Motivation School +Football = Life new goal Like Coach Like Player! Love for football can adjust as PRO Protect the youth talents for street Play small group in 3 field-zones Coach Dictionary Community Code of conduct Every team has 23 categories of players to win!


Technical Note:
Please, try to understand that there is not a perfect coach, perfect players or perfect concept of football performance; we need Continuing education! Education is the key of 21st Century Football Performance Concept, starting from Coach, Players, team and the other staff. We are convinced that the most important aspect is the development of all participants of the football family; all need education and his modern form, accessible to everyone! What we dont know, we are not accepting, even is a common sense!



Step 13
Professional Players Profile
No. 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Main personality factors GENETIC PERSONALITY IQ- Pro Intelligence EQ-Emotion Intelligence SQ-ProSocial Integration Evaluation marks 1-10 Total general

Professional needs of edu. Circle One Class: 1-2-3 Class: 12-3 Class: 1-2-3 Class: 1-2-3

Professional Name the Programs

Observations: Individual Personality

2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 4. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5.

General Edu + Culture Pro- Edu + Culture Super- Edu- Pro- Coach PROFESS. PERSONALITY Playing in ATTACK Playing in DEFENSE Playing at SET PLAYS SOCIAL & SPORT ADJUST Hobbies and Behavior Power of Relationships Roll Model + Prestige Total points from 1 - 10 Born in football Culture? Educated in football Culture National performances International Performances Marketing Players Prestige Social + Sport Roll Model? Class: 12-3 Class: 1-2-3 Class: 1-2-3

Class: 1-2-3 Class: 1-2-3 Class: 1-2-3

Class: 12-3 Class: 1-2-3 Class: 1-2-3 Class: 12-3 Class: 1-2-3 Class: 1-2-3 Class: 12-3 Class: 1-2-3 Class: 1-2-3

Technical Note:
The best qualities: 1. 2. 3. The main weakness: 1. 2. 3.



STEP 14:
No. 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 4. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. Main personality factors GENETIC PERSONALITY IQ- Pro Intelligence EQ-Emotion Intelligence SQ-ProSocial Integration PRO-EDUCATION General Edu + Culture Pro- Edu + Culture Super- Edu- Pro- Coach PROFESS. PERSONALITY Selection + form team Prepare and Maintain Lead in official Game SOCIAL & SPORT ADJUST Hobbies and behavior Power of relationships Roll Model + Prestige Total points from 1 - 10 Born in football Culture? Educated in football Culture National performances International Performances Marketing Coachs Prestige Social + Sport Roll Model? Evaluation marks 1-10 Total general

Professional needs of edu. Circle One Class: 1-2-3 Class: 12-3 Class: 1-2-3 Class: 1-2-3

Professional Name the Programs

Observations: Individual Personality

Class: 12-3 Class: 1-2-3 Class: 1-2-3 Class: 1-2-3 Class: 1-2-3 Class: 1-2-3

Class: 12-3 Class: 1-2-3 Class: 1-2-3


Class: 12-3 Class: 1-2-3 Class: 1-2-3 Class: 12-3 Class: 1-2-3 Class: 1-2-3

Technical Note:
The best qualities: 1. 2. 3. The main weakness: 1. 2. 3.




The main professional question is How to be on the world elite football? SIMPLE: Using the 3 Dimensional-system: 1. 2. 3.
N o.

Re-vitalize = the national concept (or- and your concept?) Re-generate = the national concept? (Or-and your concept?) RE-evolution = changing the concept? (or-and your concept)
1st priority 2nd priority
Playing in 3-4 playersX3-zones Individual Train In Laboratories X3-5-7-10 LABS, according value

Main football performance factors


Chance the Genetic Football Players Code 5 W. Cups: 20 years.
Intelligent Creative Skills, starts from 4 y. *Playing in 3-zones *With 3-4 players/zone * 3-efforts * in Attack+Defense. Management of Energy-play 3-zones New system: Attack:Timing+Press Defense:Pressing+tim ing creative skills

2 Change the New Technology and methodology of PERFORMANCES (there is not anymore the 4-4-2 or 4-3-3 systems! Those are formations

3 Changing the Laws of the game Football being a human game, before being a BUSINESS game
1.Play real time:70 2.TV-Re-Play-direct 3.Substitute 18play 4.Pro-Referees 5.3+1 Referee! 6.Fault: 15out 7:W-Cup1:16 Tm 8:W-Cup2: 24Tm 9:W-Cup3:32Tm

Technical Note:

Of course, the game will be changed by the generations to come and realize that without making the game, more human, more science and art, more combination of the IQ (creative intelligence brain) + EQ (Emotional Intelligence) + SSQ (Social +Sport Intelligence, there is good football, but NOT VERY GOOD, EXCEPTIONAL, WORLD CUP FOOTBALL winning the supreme cup!) The mutations on the GENETIC CODE, is difficult and needs a scientific decision on the national level, and takes 20-30 years; The Mutation of the METHODOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY OF PERFORMANCE< IS OUR important step forward, which is:






Is mandatory at the National FA to modify the NATIONAL TEHNICAL CENTER, using all FOOTBALLS FROTIERS OF SCIENCES (as we discuss the 30 years needed for a players to learn and prepare to play professional, vs. 1-week, 2-weeks, 3-weeks, 4weeks of coaching super-professional preparation for a super-coach-professional preparation! Its impossible to build a professional coach without education!


The Modification of the LAWS OF THE GAMES, is another important aspect, which is not a problem, dependent by the coaches, players, but, is the Confederations and the National FA, to decide the changes we already sent to the FIFA AND TO THE NATIONAL 208 NATIONAL F.A.:

1. To play effective-real time (70 minutes); 2. Human being-referees, the single amateur factor in decision of winning the game, has to be supported by the RE-PLAYING IN THE FIELD of the difficult game situations, which with the human being senses and education, preparation and perfection are almost impossible to be better than electronic instruments! 3. Substitution for 18-20 players, protecting the stars and helping the future stars; 4. Attack violent, to be punished with 15 out of the field and the team to play in 10 players. 5. Professionalization of the Referees, as for the Players and in few countries for coaches. There is no need to change the number of referees, important is if the TV, RE-PLAY shows goal, fault, offside, against nobody can change the reality, avoiding manipulating the result. Etc



STEP 16:
Dear Friends of football without frontiers,
1. Like in every professional dialogue, one is asking and the other responding, or just responding with another question! 2. A human being (as well as a football/soccer coach), we have in 24/hours about 60.000 ideas, dreams, dialogue, a confrontations, a permanent 24/hours/day (every day) fight with ourselves to find the right decisions, a nonstop creative mind working to respond to our past, actual and future questions, plans, programs, life, as well as for FOOTBALL! 3. This material is one of the ways to responds to our main football activities. 4. Please, we are inviting you to: 4.1. Read with interest to understand; 4.2. Read to understand and try to select what you are thinking and whats important for you in football? 4.3. Read, understand and decide the optimum decision, FOR YOU, YOUR CLUB, YOUR FOOTBALL, YOUR NATIONAL FF, COUNTRY, CONTINENT or/and world of football contribution. The rest is history, with or without glory! GOOD LUCK! Dr. Victor Stanculescu


Tel: 1-312-823-2166


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