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Oh dear!

the young lady ran into the study of the Duke of Weyburnes townhouse, where the Duke, Edmund Peyton, was in conference with his friend Richard Ward, the Earl of Bourne. Two more different persons in appearance one could not find. While both were of average height, the earl, with a muscular build had dark hair and blue eyes, while the duke was slender with russet coloured hair and green eyes. What has happened now, Amelia? Richard asked his wife. Toby has thrown his ball over the fence. I heard something break as it landed. Which fence did he use? asked Edmund. The one that joins to the Countess of Fyfes dwelling. She replied. Oh dear, indeed, he laughed As the countess is in I will take the young rapscallion with me to apologise. I will do it. Said Richard. Dont worry, Richard I need to speak with the countess as it is. This gives me a great excuse to see her informally. He went to the door where Toby was waiting quietly with his head bowed. Come along then; we need to visit a very nice old lady, young man. Edmund knocked on the door. Instead of Greaves, the butler, opening the door as he expected , a young vision with blonde hair and eyes as green as his own answered the door. She was nearly as tall as he was. Can I help you? He was stunned to silence. I said can I help you? she repeated. There was a call in the background who is it Grace? She looked at him with a quizzical lift of her left eyebrow. Hmm, hmm Im from next door I am Edmund. This young man has thrown a missile into the yard and broken something. We, he pointed to Toby, came over to apologise to her ladyship. Come in then. We are all in Aunt Graces salon.

I thought Grace had no relatives. Aunt Grace is my Godmother, she went to school with my grandmother. My name is Grace as I was named after her. Why did you answer the door and not Greaves? Greaves has his half day today, as I was standing, I decided to answer the door. Welcome Edmund come in and I will introduce you to my guests.Lady Grace called to Edmund at the door. I did not mean to intrude on your party, but Toby here has an apology to make. It seems that, Toby, such a nice name, Grace introduced, she smiled at him, has thrown an object into the garden and broken something. Yes, but it was an accident I did not know that I could throw the ball so far. I am sorry for the damage I have caused. Toby spoke rapidly so that it was hard for the countess to hear everything he said. Perhaps you should go and see what has been broken and is in need of fixing. The countess told Toby. Take Grace with you. Grace left the room with Toby. Edmund had time to observe the Countess guests. The man had Graces colouring, there the similarity ended, he was short and stocky. While the woman had red hair with laughing grey eyes, she was above average height and quite slender . Edmund allow me to introduce Mister and Missus William Middleton. This is my neighbour and friend Edmund Peyton, Duke of Weyburne. I am pleased to meet both of you. Edmund greeted them all. Who is the young girl that answered the door? Our youngest, answered Mr. Middleton. Today we are celebrating her seventeenth birthday. Would you like to stay for our toast to her health? The subject of their discussion walked through the door with Toby in tow. Not too much damage aunt Grace just one of the old pots that we were going to pot one of your plants in. No real harm done.

Thank you, I would like to stay a few minutes. He took the glass offered and drank along with Graces family to her health. I really must go now, and return Toby to his parents. They will be relieved that there was no too much damage done. I will see you to the door. Grace hurriedly walked in front of him so that there could be no dissention. At the door Edmund turned to Grace. He kissed her gently on the lips Happy Birthday Grace. How long are you visiting with the countess? My parents are leaving tonight, but I am staying for the next few months to be a companion to Aunt Grace. She is going to sponsor me for the season until my parents return from their stay in Europe. May I call on you in the morning? he asked hesitantly. Of course, any time. I believe that Aunt Grace does not rise until after ten oclock, so I shall be free until then. Until tomorrow, at nine oclock? Tomorrow at nine, yes. Grace closed the door with a smile on her face she was going to see him again. He was really quite handsome, even more so than her brother-in law and all the girls at home used to vie for his attention.

Edmund had a spring in his step as he entered his townhouse. Richard greeted him, What took so long, it isnt that bad is it? What are you talking about? Oh the damage was an old pot for plants. The most amazing thing has happened I have finally met her. Who? My Duchess. She is a bit young but that does not matter I think she likes me too. Who is she? Where did you meet her, what do mean a bit young?

Her name is Miss Grace Middleton she is the Countess Godchild and she is celebrating her birthday today. How old is she? Seventeen. Was his sheepish answer. I am seeing her tomorrow. My god Edmund, she is twenty years younger than you. Richard managed to spit out. I know I would take my time courting her but as you know I have very little time to do so. You have to tell her... There you are Richard, Edmund: what damage did our little boy cause? a tiny human dynamo swept into the room. Amelia, fortunately our son did no real damage at all. It seems it was only a pot for plants that was broken. Come lets collect Toby and be on our way. Richard ushered his wife out of the room. I think that you should contemplate some more before you further your acquaintance with her. Edmund was left to think over what he should do. Why did he have to find her now? The doctors all had said the same three to six months left to live. His lungs were slowly collapsing. He was gradually becoming short of breath whenever he performed any strenuous exercise. As Richard had rightly pointed out it would be a burden when his time came. Could he expect Grace to see him through that time? Was he that selfish? He would see her tomorrow and explain all to her. Edmund knocked on the door promptly at nine oclock. Greaves answered the door. Im calling for Miss Middleton. Here I am, called Grace behind the butler, I wont be a minute. She bustled past the butler and took Edmunds arm. Now where are we going today? she asked. I thought perhaps a short walk to the park at the end of the street. And sit under the trees so we can talk.

That sounds wonderful. She kept her pace even with his. I have always admired this park; its flowers are quite pretty in the spring. She chatted on keeping him amused. When they reached the park his breathing was laboured. They sat on a bench at the entrance so he could regain his breath. I am sorry that I cannot walk any further at the moment. He gasped. What is the matter do you have a cold? I am sorry I should have noticed and stopped with you sooner; or better yet not walked so far. It is not your fault, he managed to gasp. Let us just sit here and take in the sunshine. He started to breathe more easily, I must explain, he said , When I saw you yesterday I felt that you were meant for me, I think you felt the same way too. She nodded her agreement. Then I found out that you were just seventeen, I, am thirty seven old enough to be your father. Age is only a number; I felt a strange pull to you and want to know you better. My age is only one problem the main one is that my lungs are slowly collapsing the doctors expect that I will live for three to six months more. So I would understand if you do not want to see me again. Oh Edmund, that is why you were so out of breath. I feel so selfish now; we should have taken a carriage. Of course I wish to be with you and help you through all that you need. Thank you dear girl, let us walk back home. This time we will take things slowly and stop frequently, no arguments, you will do this. Of course. He chuckled. They walked slowly back to Edmunds dwelling. Grace knocked on his door and saw that he was settled in the parlour. Turned around as she left the room and said , If you will permit me I will come and see you when Aunt Grace has her nap after the noon day meal. That would be nice, Grace I will see you then.

Grace walked the rest of the way home. I thought you went out with Edmund. Aunt Grace queried Grace. Yes, I did but he is not well, so I said that I would look in on him while you were having your afternoon nap. You are such a kind girl. How thoughtful of you. You know that he has no relatives living in England and the only person who visits his home is Richard with his family of course. The Afternoon could not come quickly enough for Grace. When she entered Edmunds she was told that he was still in the parlour. He was still sitting where she had left him. Richard was now in the room. Hello, my girl, Edmund said happily, I told you she would come. Why wouldnt I? Because he is dying and young people do not like being around death. Answered Richard. I think that is a negative way of looking at Edmunds life. He is very ill and will have a shorter life than most of us. But he is living every day of his to the best of his ability. She defended. Now what shall we do this afternoon to help the day go by? Do you know any card games? Edmund asked. Yes, I know how to play most games even piquet. My brother taught me that game when he was abed with a chill he caught one winter and no one else would play with him. A man after my own heart. Laughed Edmund and he started to cough, causing Grace to fetch a glass of water for him. As she handed it over he thanked her and gestured for Richard to leave. I will take my leave now. Said Richard. I will see you at the end of the week. Thank goodness he has gone, what a sad man he is. Chortled Grace. Now lets play piquet. Where are the cards? They are on the desk in my study, the next room along the hall.

When it was time for Grace to leave she bent over and kissed him just as he had kissed her the day before. Can I see you tomorrow? At the same time? Edmund asked Grace. Yes and we can take a carriage ride to the Park this time. She hugged him and left the room leaving Edmund with a smile on his face. He was at the door at precisely nine oclock once more. He escorted Grace into the carriage; they drove slowly on through so that they could admire the scenery. This is so much better than yesterday, do you not think so? enquired Grace. Oh definitely. Replied the duke; with a smile. Let us pull over near the pavilion and have a look. Grace leaned over Edmund to gain a better perspective of the building and brushed against his thighs. He groaned as she regained her seat. I have not hurt you have I? she worried. No my dear you could not hurt me if you tried. We should return home as your aunt should be up by now. Only if I am permitted to visit you again this afternoon. I look forward to your visit. Before I go, just how much does my aunt know of your illness? Only what you must have told her. I told her that you were not well. I did not know if you would want your health to be discussed. Thank you for that, you are quite correct the fewer that know about my condition the more contented I will feel. She leant into him and kissed him. She quickly alighted the carriage and ran up the stairs and into her aunts townhouse. Grace found her aunt in the parlour reading. So she picked up a book from the table and started to read as well.

Why dont you invite Edmund over for supper one night? the countess suggested. Do you think tomorrow will be too soon? I do not know what Edmund has planned but if he is free that will be fine. I am visiting him again today while you nap. That is alright is it? That will be fine my dear. Said the countess. After the countess retired to her rooms Grace went next door. Edmund once more was seated in the parlour. Am I interfering with your rest period? I dont want to tire you. No my dear come and sit next to me. You make me feel alive. What shall we do this afternoon? Would you like me to read to you? I am told I have a very relaxing way of reading. That would be nice I have been trying to read the paper. It is on the desk in the corner would you mind reading it to me? She retrieved the paper and snuggled into him while she read the latest news items. When she had finished the first page she looked up into his eyes and he kissed her. Oh was all she could say and when her mouth opened he kissed her thoroughly. She responded by kissing him back. They pulled apart and she moaned then leaned into him once more. This must be heaven he thought to be kissed by one so innocent with such passion. They pulled apart again. You need to go now, he said as looked at the clock on the mantle, your Aunt will be worrying about you. I nearly forgot Aunt Grace asked if you would like to have supper with us tomorrow. So she knows you are here? Of course, will you come; you have no other plans do you? I would love to come. I have no other plans. Will I see you in the morning? Yes please. I will see you then good bye.

The next morning they went for a carriage ride to a different park. They stopped the carriage by a small stream. Edmund pulled Grace to him, she melted into his arms and kissed him in return with passion that Edmund knew he had never felt before. We better go home or I will not be responsible for my actions he said breathing heavily. I have not made you worse, have I? asked Grace worriedly. This has nothing to do with my health, my darling Grace. He sighed into her ear. The carriage returned and as she alighted she said I will see you this afternoon. Aunt Grace wants you to come with me after I visit you while she is napping. He felt decidedly euphoric as he went into his townhouse. Grace responded to him, even knowing how ill he was. He went upstairs to his rooms and lay down for a rest so he would be able to stay up for supper with the Countess and Grace. When Grace asked to see Edmund that afternoon, she was asked to wait for him in the parlour. Sorry to have kept you waiting. I was just resting. Would you like to play cards again ? he asked as he sat on the sofa. No I would like just to sit with you and talk. She sat on the sofa next to him then snuggled up to him. Are you sure you just want to talk? Grace looked at him mischievously, and then kissed him. He groaned and kissed her then started to kiss her ears and down her neck. She arched into him as she felt the need for more. No we cant do this, Grace. Go and get the cards we will play piquet; with my rules this time. Are they on your desk? Yes. While they played cards Edmund told Grace how he came to be so ill. It was an old war wound that had damaged his lungs. He had been quite healthy until last

month when he caught a chill that developed into pneumonia. It was then that the doctors discovered the damage. I always thought that I would settle down when I met my perfect woman. You, my dear girl seem to be her. However with my future prospects I cant be selfish and ask you to stand by me. Selfish, it would be selfish of you not to ask me to love you, and be by your side. That would be selfish. We only have one life to live. You could be thrown by a horse and break your neck tomorrow. Then where would I be? You could have been killed when you received that initial wound. So please do not ask me not to love you as I already do. I knew it was so when I first saw you. When was it? Only three days ago; it feels as though I have known you a lot longer than that. I am afraid that you are stuck with me regardless of what you say. You are a dear girl! It is time to go next door for my visit with your godmother. They walked hand in hand to the townhouse next door. Greaves let them in and informed them that the Countess was waiting for them in the parlour. They went into the parlour where the Countess was waiting for them. Aunt Grace youre up early from your nap! Yes I am . Now would you both like to have afternoon tea? Thank you. After the tea tray had been set down, Grace was asked to pour the tea for their guest. While they were having their tea the Countess asked Edmund. What are your intentions to Grace? You seem to be monopolising her spare time. I know she says that you are ill and need comfort. What type of comfort is she giving you? Grace turned red. Aunt Grace, how could you ask such a thing? Its all right Grace, he said to Grace and turned to the Countess, Grace has been the soul of discretion. Not by what Lady Jane Hammersmith says. Yesterday morning you took the carriage to the park at the end of the street. You could quite easily have walked. It seems that the carriage afforded you less privacy than you counted on.

Lady Grace we did nothing wrong. The reason for the carriage was not privacy but rather for my health. As you know I have been suffering from pneumonia and walking to the park the first day exhausted me. I found it hard to breathe by the time we reached the gates. I decided that we should travel in the carriage so I could enjoy the outings with her. I am sorry my dear boy I had no idea... No one has. As to my intentions I have made them quite clear to Grace and she seems to think age is just a number. She has told me quite categorically that she will be with me for some time to come. As the tongues are wagging over imagined indiscretions maybe we should look at gaining permission for us to marry. Grace looked at Edmund with surprise. Marry you; you want to marry me so soon? Time is of the essence that is of course if you will have me as I am? I do want to marry you but will Father let us marry? Your mother and father have gone to the continent for a rest. I have been left in charge of you so it is my permission you need. Grace looked pleadingly to her aunt. If it is what you both want and to keep the gossip away I suppose I will give my blessing. Thank you, thank you. Grace threw herself into Edmunds arms lifted her face to his and kissed him. When do you think we shall have the engagement party? Aunt Grace asked the happy couple. There will be no engagement I will procure a special license so we can be married by next Friday. I thought you said that you had acted with discretion. We did but for reasons I do not wish to discuss as yet, the sooner we are married the better. It was Friday morning, Grace accompanied Edmund to see a solicitor, concerning their marriage, a nice old gentleman who wished them both well. He was

instructed by Edmund to apply for the special license for their marriage, next Friday. He had just returned when Richard arrived. Richard just the man I want to see. Will you stand up for me at my wedding next Friday? Are you mad? Youre going to marry that young girl. She has no title and no dowry you have no prospects... I know, but she loves me and was prepared to stand by me until my death without marriage. Then Lady Grace cornered me with some spiteful rumours Lady Jane Hammersmith was repeating to her. I seized the opportunity and Grace agreed to marry me. Me. I will have to have a word with her. She will be here for lunch soon. You can speak with her then. If she brings her aunt with her you cannot discuss my illness in front of her she does not know the full story. The ladies arrived promptly for lunch and Edmund introduced Richard formally to Grace as his best man next week. Richard gave Edmund a withering stare that Grace missed because she was intent on watching Edmund. Grace approached Richard and gave him a hug. Thank you so much for doing this for us, I have Aunt Grace standing up for me and Edmund has some one that he cares for to be there too. Will you ask your wife as well? We need to discuss where we are to be married and who will perform the ceremony. Edmund said. I think that it should be held in the back garden of my townhouse it is very pretty there. Agreed. They were interrupted by the butler announcing lunch was served in the dining room. They all proceeded to the dining room.

I know my minister will perform the ceremony if he is free next Friday morning. Aunt Grace added. You will meet him on Sunday, Grace. Will you attend Sunday service with us Edmund and that way he will meet both of you. I will be honoured to escort you to church on Sunday. Might I have a private word with Grace before you leave Lady Grace? Richard enquired. Richard escorted Grace to the study, closed the door, and then asked Do you know what you are letting yourself in for? You are going to hurt him with your thoughtless acceptance of his proposal? I have no intention of hurting Edmund at all. When he is so ill that he cannot arise from his bed in the morning are you going to be there for him? Have you really thought through the repercussions of marrying Edmund? Yes I have and as I told Edmund, before I even knew of his illness, I felt a connection between us. When he told me his age I told him, as I firmly believe that age is just a number, that his age had no bearing on my feelings. As to the objection on the grounds of his health; who knows how long we will live? He could have died when he was wounded in the first instance. He could ride a horse tomorrow and be thrown and break his neck. I do not believe the fact that there is a certainty that he will die before he is much older in any way detracts from the love that I can give him and help him live the rest of his life, rather than have him sit awaiting death. All right, all right, you have convinced me. As to those scurrilous rumours you more than anyone should know why we used a carriage instead of walking Grace left the study, went to Edmund kissed him goodbye. I will see you later. She whispered in his ear, to her Aunt, Come on its time we left. Watching the ladies leave Richard said She really is a woman to be reckoned with. She put me in my place. I am pleased to say it will be an honour to stand up with you next Friday. You will bring Amelia with you?

Yes. So I will see you next Friday at the Countess townhouse at ten oclock? Thank you. Yes I will see you then. It was finally Friday morning. Grace was so excited the night before she could hardly sleep. Today she would marry Edmund. The reason for the rush to be married made her frown, and then she thought of the time that they would spend together at Weyburne Hall. It had taken her one whole day to convince him that she did not need the city; the country would be fine, away from all the gossip. The ceremony went well until Grace had to say the words, until death us do part it was then she went pale and could hardly speak. Well Grace how does it feel to be a Duchess Edmund teased. I didnt even think about that. I was more enamoured of you than any title. I was quite surprised when Jamison your butler addressed me as Your Grace. It is a little confusing isnt it? Yes it is. He laughed with her. You dont mind that we will take three days to reach my home, when it should take just a day and a half, do you? Of course not we agreed that a nice, slow, quiet journey was the best. What did I do to deserve you? You waited for me. Then she encouraged him to put his head on her shoulder and rest for the remainder of the journey that day. It was Sunday afternoon, the third day, when they approached the entrance to Weyburne Hall. At the entrance Grace was enthralled by the size of the country house. Dont worry youll get used to it. Edmund assured her. He introduced her to Mrs. Hollis the housekeeper and Bilingsworth the butler. They both smiled as they each curtsied or bowed Lady Grace. We will have supper early; take Lady Graces luggage up to my room.He turned to Grace, Would you like to tour the house.

I will have a full tour tomorrow, with Mrs Hollis. However I would like to see where your bedroom is. It is upstairs... Well I will be highhanded and look through all the rooms on the ground floor and have a suite set up down here. There is a solar and spare parlour that will be suitable. He lead her into the drawing room to wait for supper. They consummated their marriage that night. They both slept until noon. They went downstairs and had a leisurely lunch. Edmund showed her the rooms on the ground floor and she agreed that the solar and spare parlour were ideal. They moved into the downstairs suite and four weeks later Grace was violently ill in the morning and the afternoon. This went on for a few days and Edmund finally called his doctor. Dr. Fraser arrived quickly. When Edmund greeted him he was relieved to see that Edmund was well. Why did you call me? he asked. You seem quite well. It is my wife, she has been ill these past few days. I heard that you had married. Does she know? Yes, and she loves me any way. She is in our suite. Dr Fraser went to go up the stairs. Edmund stopped him. No our suite is where the solar used to be... Graces idea. I heard through local gossip that she was being a bit pernickety about her sleeping arrangements. This is for me, not her. He snapped, You of all people should realise that. Oh yes, I had not thought that far ahead. Well I am thankful that she has. Now lets go and see our patient shall we? a rather chastened doctor asked. Ten minutes later, Well I have some good news, Lady Grace is expecting.

We are having a baby! Yes it would seem so: in eight months time. Thank you, doctor. Can you see yourself out I must speak with Grace. He left the doctor in the entrance and went to see Grace. She was sitting on the day lounge a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. Did he tell you? Were to be blessed with a child. Yes, this will make my life complete. I need to notify Richard and have Mr Handley, the solicitor, send a clerk out to change my will. I will see to it now. Mr Handley came personally to see to Edmunds new will. Richard sent a letter in reply congratulating them and stating that both he and Amelia would be returning in one month. Two months later Richard was sitting in the drawing room of Weyburne Hall, talking with Edmund. Country life has agreed with you. You have made it past the first milestone and are still up and around. Yes although I must admit Grace helps me to offset my difficulties. If my suite of rooms were still upstairs, as they would have been if not for her, my problems would be more noticeable. I cannot walk from here to the stables any more. My world is becoming smaller, but Grace adjusts to this by asking for the carriage to be brought to the front door. You do know that your staff thinks that she is being overly dramatic because of her pregnancy, dont you? Yes and I know that there are rumours about that she married me because she was already pregnant. I just wish the staff would help squash that rumour as they had to clean the sheets the next day. So you really hadnt despoiled her as the city rumour mill is espousing. I told you I hadnt. I was going to ask only for her friendship. Your staff seems to have divided loyalties when it comes to Grace.

They believe that she is the reason for my not attending to all of my duties. That she has me at her beck and call. Richard it hurts me, but she says as long as they are respectful of her wishes she will endure anything to make me happy. Grace knocked on the door at that point and entered the room. Richard, nice to see you again, when is Amelia going to visit next? We are all coming to supper next Friday. Good I will see you all then. She walked over to Edmund and kissed him before she left via the French doors that opened onto the garden. Chapter Five Three months later, Grace was lying next to Edmund on their bed. Feel that kick, here give me your hand and I will show you where to feel. What a strong fellow he is. He might be a she. He would not dare. He laughed. Then more seriously, You do realise that my six months is up? I know isnt it wonderful. You do seem to be struggling for your breath a lot more frequently. I think perhaps you should start at least having every breakfast in bed and then give yourself more time to be able to do other things in the day. You will still get up for breakfast though I wont have you martyr your name any more it is time the staff knew the truth. I will have breakfast in bed and call a staff meeting at eleven oclock. That decided he rang for his valet to give the directions to Bilingsworth.

You are all wondering why I have called you together. It is because of the rumours that are being spread concerning my wife. Henry, you are my valet, as such you help me to dress each morning. Have you noticed anything over the past few weeks?Edmund was seated on a chair so that he could conserve his energy. Yes sir I have but it is not my place to say. Could you please say now?

Well each morning it has taken longer to dress you and you seem to be tired at the effort of even dressing. That is correct. I will now tell all of you that I have been suffering with a lung problem for the past few months. Six months ago I was told by the top medical men I would have three to six months to live. It was at this time that I met the Lady Grace, a true lady she is too. Somehow it has been rumoured that she is selfish and wants things her way for her. If you think back the first thing she requested was bedroom suite on the ground floor, not for her convenience but mine, within a month of returning here I could not walk up the stairs. Grace had seen that this would embarrass me and had the bedroom moved for me. Not for her, me. Having the carriage come to the front of the hall was not for her comfort but for me so that I would not feel inadequate. he paused. He looked around at his staff; all except Mrs. Hollis were embarrassed. I told them she wasnt as bad as she seemed. Ive always had an easy conversation with her Grace when I needed anything for the house and for any of you who needed help it was her I went to and she has always listened. Thank you Mrs Hollis. Maybe you can help with that particularly nasty rumour concerning our child. What rumour, sir? I have not heard anything. Would one of you, who has heard the rumour please tell Mrs Hollis. The upstairs maid, Jenny, stepped forward. In the village it is said that the child might not be the masters or if it is that was why they married in haste. That her Grace somehow seduced him to better herself after all she is only a merchants daughter. I had not heard all of that. The duke fumed. As to the Lady Graces former station in life she is now the Duchess of Weyburne and as such should be afforded that respect. I am sure you of all people as well as Mrs Hollis should know that the child is mine conceived after our wedding vows. Begging your pardon, Your Grace, interjected Mrs Hollis, Jenny has only been the upstairs maid for the past five months. The upstairs maid at the time was Eliza. She left to marry the local smithy. But I can attest to the fact that her grace was a virgin when she arrived as it was I who helped Eliza change the sheets that morning.

There was an uncomfortable stirring. The reason I have had this meeting with you is so that my wife will not have issues with any of you when my time comes. My wife wants me to enjoy the time I have left. So far I have lived past my allotted time; however I am finding it difficult to speak even now. He paused and started to gasp for air. Thank you for your time, please leave the room and Billings will you let my wife know that I am waiting in here. They left quietly. Thinking over what had been said. The staff stopped complaining about the eccentricities of their duchess, the rumours eased as whenever they were voiced near any of the staff from Weyburne Hall instead of ignoring what was said they defended her. They did this without informing everyone of their employers health. Over the next two months Edmunds health deteriorated to such an extent that he could no longer walk. He found it hard to eat. Graces presence kept him cheerful. She had him dressed each day carried out to the porch and seated on a lounger. She would read to him feed him soft foods and delicacies to encourage his appetite. Talk to him about their child, made sure he could feel every movement. At night she would hug him close to her keeping his chest and head elevated so he could breathe more easily. It was then that he asked Grace to have Richard call on him. Richard was at his country home he had returned two days before. When Richard walked in Edmund asked Grace to have him helped into the study so he could talk to Richard privately. Well she certainly proved me wrong. If its possible she seems to love you even more than when she first met you; even though you have lost your looks.Richard commented wryly. I told you she was my mate and that she would look after me. These past eight months have been heaven. Grace has made me realise that life is for living even though I know I will die sooner rather than later, I would not have changed anything in my life. Richard looked at his friend hard and long. You really were quite lucky that Toby threw his ball too hard that day werent you.

Yes, I just wanted to know that you will look after Grace and our child after I die. I need to know that there will be someone to help her through all the legalities that will arise. You know I will. My perception of her has changed ever since I asked her to leave you alone and let you die in peace. That would not have gone down too well. Even now she will not let me think of dying I have to live to my last breath. Thats Grace for you. Richard smiled at his friend, who by then was gasping for breath and unable to talk any more. Ill fetch her for you now shall I? Edmund nodded. Grace came in with two footmen and had them carry Edmund to their rooms. Thank you for coming have you put his mind at ease? I believe so. You look after yourself and the baby wont you? Edmund helps me to look after myself he lets me know when I do too much, and I know he worries. He is in pain as well but he refuses to take the amount of laudanum that Dr Fraser has prescribed and I support him as the few times he does take it life passes him by. Yes he is to live until his last breath. He told me. I will be here for the next two months call me any time you need me. Ill let myself out; you go and see to Edmund. Thank you and I will take you up on that offer. Over the next month Edmund became weaker Dr. Fraser visited daily. Do you know what today is? Grace asked Edmund as she opened the heavy curtains leaving the soft ones closed for Edmunds eyes to adjust. You know? Yes you made it to thirty eight that deserves a celebration. If you dont tell Dr Fraser I will get you a glass of port. You spoil me.

I know isnt it wonderful.She held the glass to his lips and let him sip it slowly. I think that we might be having a double celebration today our babe might be born today I can feel the cramps that Dr Fraser warned me to watch out for last week. She rang the bell and then sat on the bed with another cramping sensation. When Mrs Hollis appeared she groaned through yet another cramp Could you call Dr Fraser back I think that I am having the baby. Also have James fetch Lord Richard and the minister, Mr Brown. Thank you. Dr Fraser arrived an hour later. Richard had managed to have Grace moved to the spare bed in the second room of the suite. She was trying to be brave and not scare Edmund with her pain. After another hour Richard was called into the room to see Grace and her baby sitting up happily. Can Richard take our son to Edmund so he can see him? Yes but only for a short visit. Richard ask him to name him please. Edmund tried to sit up to see his son.You have a son, Edmund a fine strong young man he is too. Grace asked if you could name him. Tears streamed down Edmunds cheeks. Against all the odds he had been here to see his son and Grace had given him the gift of naming him. With Richards help he held his son and said to Richard, I think we shall name him Royce I think thats a fine name dont you? Yes, now I think that Dr Fraser wants all of you to rest. Gently he lifted Royce from Edmund and went to see Grace. Dr. Fraser was just telling Grace to sleep and feed the baby as necessary. When Richard handed Royce to Grace he said Edmund named him Royce. There was movement in the hall. Billings announced, Mr Brown is here. Good send him in. said Grace as she arose from her bed. We need to have Royce baptised with his father present. She continued. Richard and Dr Fraser can be witnesses, Richard you are still going to be his godfather? Naturally.

The ceremony was a simple one performed in Edmunds bedroom. When only Richard was left in the room with the small family he smiled at them and said, Goodnight Edmund, Grace and little Royce Edmund. Ill leave you now and come over first thing tomorrow morning. Grace fell into a deep sleep; she woke before dawn and carrying Royce she walked into the main bedroom where Edmund was laying. Edmund was breathing very heavily gasping for each breath. Grace sat behind Edmund and lifted his chest and head so he could breathe easier; she placed Royce in his arms and held them both. Thank you for such a wonderful son; he even has your red hair. No. Thank you, he rasped you have made me whole my love. He traced his finger along Royces chin then breathed his last breath. Grace cried for a time hugging both Edmund and Royce, and then finally rang for help.

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