Key Lesson Elements What Is The Teacher Doing? What Are The Students Doing?

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Name: Kelsey Wheaton Overview

Unpacked Benchmark, CDAS, CRS, or IL State Standards. Social/Emotional Development 32.B.Ka Describe the way people are similar and different 32..B.Kc Accept and interact with peers and adults of ethnic groups other than own Language Arts 3.C.K Use drawing and writing to convey meaning and provide information

Subject/Time: LA 10-1030


Key Lesson Elements What is the Teacher Doing? What are the Students Doing?
Do Now (1-2minutes): Hi class, I need your eyes on me in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Good. (teacher will narrate to make sure all students are on task) Sitting at table. Modeling sitting correctly

State Lesson Objective & Lesson Agenda Today we are going to be learning about how we are all alike and different. You will also be using your writing and drawing skills to create an all about you plate. I Do Input (1-2 Key teaching points): identifying similarities Check for Understanding: (5-7 min) I need you to listen very closely to me. If I say something that you agree with, without talking-I need you to raise your hand. If you dont agree with it, then you dont raise your hand. So, if I say I like to ride my bike and I like to ride my bike I will raise my hand, but if I dont like to ride my bike I wont raise my hand. So, if you agree what should you do? (call on student) What about if you disagree (call on student) Good, lets begin. 1. I like to eat pizza 2. I went to the beach this summer 3. I like to play sports 4. I have a brother or sister at home (Narrate who has their hand raised. . .) What did you notice when we were doing this activity? Raise your hand if you would like to make an observation (call on students) It seems like we have lots of things in common! We Do Guided Practice: identifying both similarities and differences Check for Understanding: (10-15 min) We saw that we have lots of the same interests in our classroom, but now we are going to explore our differences too. Mrs. Fulson, would you come help me out? Miss Fulson and I are going to try to come up with 1 thing that we have in common and one thing we dont have in common. (model thinking aloud questions with Annette) Miss Fulson, do you have any pets? What is our favorite animal? What is your favorite food? etc Now, we have these two hula hoops. Mrs. Fulsons gets one and I get one. We are going to hold them out in front of us when we speak. (I will speak, Annette will speak, then when we say what we have in common we will overlap the hula hoops to show that we share the same thing.)

Sitting at table. Modeling sitting correctly Tracking speaker Sitting at table. Modeling sitting correctly Tracking speaker Responding to the teacher

Objective(s) SWBAT: Procedure SWBAT sit at the desks at voice level zero and follow directions. Content SWBAT use drawing and writing to provide information about themselves. SWBAT identify at least 1 similarity and one difference they have with 1 other classmate.

At a level 1 the students will be working together to come up with similarities and differences. Students will sit quietly (level 0) while others are sharing their presentations.


Now, I am going to assign you partners and your job is to find one thing you have in common with your partner and 1 thing you have that is different. Remember when you are working with your partner today you need to use good listening skills. When your partner is talking you need to listen. Your partner will listen when you talk too. (Miss Fulson and I will model good listening skills and not good listening skills) Mrs. Fulson, Miss Goss, and I will be walking around to help you. When you hear your name I want you to stand up at a level zero and go stand by your partner Who can tell me what you need to do? (call on student). Very good. At a level 1 you need to find 1 similarity and 1 difference. You have 5 minutes. When I say go, you may begin, GO Partners will already be assigned. Students will be able to go to a quiet place in the classroom. Teachers will circulate. Class, mouths closed in 5, 4, 3, 2,1. Now, we are going to share our similarities and differences with our classmates. Remember, when others are sharing we need to stay quiet and keep our eyes on them. Who would like to go first? -Students will share

Vocabulary words/Key Concepts: Similarities/differences

You Do Independent Practice: Check for Understanding: (10 min) Please walk back to your chair at a level zero and eyes on me in You are going to decorate this plate. You will write your name on this plate and then draw and write about things you like to do (show example) Here is my name. On my plate I drew a cat because I have a cat, and I drew my family members, and this is a picture of me fishing! You will be working at a level 1 at your table. Miss Goss, Mrs. Fulson, and I will be walking around and helping you. What do you need to put on your plate? (call on student). Very good. (write on board the requirements, name and at least 3 pictures/drawings) You have 10 minutes. Circulate and help when students are working. When finished collect plates

Students will be at a level 1 Sitting at table. Modeling sitting correctly Tracking speaker Responding to the teacher Working independently at table.

Modifications/ Accommodations Material and concepts are at an age appropriate level


Exit Ticket (aligned to lesson objective) or assessment:


Materials & Technology

Closing/Preview for next lesson: 2-3 minutes Who can tell me what they learned today? (student response) Yes, we learned that we have lots of similarities and differences within our classroom!

Crayons/colore d pencils Paper plates Hula hoops ribbons



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