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Sunday, 10th June 2012 (TT Wk 7) 4pm in the JCR

SU Meeting: Agenda A: Officers Reports B: Motions Lacrosse Pitch at Merifield: This SU notes: 1. that currently the college lacrosse team has nowhere to play friendly games 2. that there is a lot of spare ground at the Merifield sports ground during Michaelmas and Hilary This SU believes: 1. that in order for college sport to flourish it is vital to have regular games 2. that given the colleges recent success in lacrosse it would be a shame for the club to fall into decline 3. that the creation of a lacrosse pitch at the sports ground would be beneficial to the club and students wishing to participate This SU resolves: 1. to mandate the sports officer and president to approach college about the possibility of the creation of a lacrosse pitch up at Merifield Proposed by: Dominic Hewitt Seconded by: Nick Williams C: Matters for discussion: Discussion of a Merifield Gym Subsidy (Proposed by Felicity de Vere)

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