Chapter 13 Communication Applications

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Chapter 13 Leader = someone who influences or inspires others to act in specific ways to accomplish a common goal Appointed leader

= given his or her leadership position by a person in authority Emergent leader = chosen by peers or members of his or her group because of his or her personality, power in the group, or the special circumstances of the group task Three ways to determine what type of person typically makes a successful leader: Leadership traits Leadership styles Leadership functions

Trait approach = assumes that leaders share certain personality traits that help them lead successfully Effective communication skills Desire to be a leader Originality or creativity Intelligence

Style approach = assumes that leaders communication method and use of power with followers determines his or her success Authoritarian Democratic Laissez-faire Balanced

Authoritarian leader = leader who uses power to force followers to do what he or she wants them to do Democratic leader = invites followers to participate in decision making, trying to get a majority to agree with and commit to decisions Laissez-fare leader = gives up his or her power to the members of the group, leads with a distinctly hands-off style Balanced leader = strives for an equal focus on both tasks and relationships in order to be most effective Functional approach = an approach to leadership that suggests that successful leaders both recognize and actively perform needed tasks Preparation = an important aspect of leadership Plan tasks

Evaluate followers Evaluate resources Plan communication

Power = the ability of one person to get others to behave in a particular way or to carry out certain actions 6 main types of leadership power Legitimate power Reward power Coercive power Expert power Informational power Referent power

Resistance = force generated within a person that keeps him or her from accepting anothers use of power Legitimate power = the power assigned to anyone who holds a particular position, office, or title Reward power = the ability to repay others in exchange for complying with a given direction Coercive power = the ability to force others to do something by punishing them Expert power = held by the person who knows the most about the work that must be done Informational power = held by individuals who has access to needed information Referent power = influence held by someone who is respected, liked, or otherwise admired by his or her followers

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