Chapter 11 Communication Applications

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Chapter 11: Making Groups Work Group norms = informal, often unstated rules about what behavior is appropriate

for a group Prescribed norm = a rule for appropriate behavior that is routinely taught to new group members; can be written or unwritten Emergent norm = any group norm that develops from the group interaction and the mix of the group members personalities; usually unwritten, arise from some need determined by group members Initiator = a member who works to get the group started toward achieving a group goal Facilitator = person who adds energy to group by helping group members follow through on tasks; glue that holds a group together Agitator = people who inject negative energy into the group process; 6 identifiable roles: nonparticipant, distracter, clown, complainer, critic, and absentee Nonparticipant = unconcerned w/ meeting group goal, does not contribute ideas, can drain positive energy and lower group morale, may create frustration and dissatisfaction Distracter = difficulty focusing on business of meeting, equates group time with social time, continual interruptions can be very disruptive Clown = diverts attention from a task he or she does not find interesting, can provide comic relief but typically overdoes it Complainer = has a negative attitude, repeatedly voices doubts or opposition to whatever the group is doing, creates an atmosphere of negative thinking that can be difficult for a group to overcome

Groupthink = name for poor decisionmaking in a group because group members have a stronger desire to agree with one another than to solve the problem Group dynamics = energy created as group members communicate and interact with each other in committees, teams, and other groups Factors affecting group dynamics = group norms, member personalities and behaviors, interaction roles, group purpose, and group tradition Group discussion = occurs when 3 or more people exchange ideas on a specific topic for a specific purpose Effective discussions are interactive, focused, organized, and cooperative. Task need = a need that relates directly to the business and goals of the group Maintenance need = relates to the feelings of group members and their relationships to one another

Effective nonverbal strategies in groups = dress and grooming, time, space and distance, eye contact, volume and tone, gestures and movement Using empathic listening skills Plan a meeting Meeting agendas typically include: Any announcement that should be made at the meeting A reading of the last meetings minutes, mostly applies to formal groups Any topics which were not completely discussed or resolved at the last meeting The topics to be discussed at the meeting A request for any special announcement to be made

Chairperson = initiator, facilitator, and agitator role combined Nonverbal responsibilities and skills = chairperson should try to maintain eye contact Questions to ask to evaluate group process: Your participation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Was I able to determine when emergent norms were not productive? Was I able to help change harmful norms? Was I able to assume the roles of initiator, facilitator, and agitator appropriately? Did I make appropriate and timely contributions to the group discussion? Did I use appropriate verbal and nonverbal strategies? Did I use effective listening skills? Did I perform needed research and group assignments? Did I help meet both the task and the maintenance needs of the group? Did I adhere to both prescribed and emergent group norms?

Group dynamics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Were the emergent and prescribed norms productive and helpful to the group? Did members provide a good balance in the roles they assumed? Were group members interactions positive, helping to meet both task and maintenance needs? Were negative interactions dealt with in a constructive and positive manner? Did all members participate and contribute to the discussion? Did all members exercise good listening skills? Was there enough positive energy in the group discussion?

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