Chapter 3 Communication Applications

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communication begins with the individual intrapersonal communication: effective communication skills are critical to achieving professional and

social success intrapersonal communication is a form of self-talk, or inner speech = includes questions and comments one makes to self self-talk is a powerful influence in life self-talk includes Thinking things through Interpreting events Interpreting messages of others Responding to own experiences Responding to interactions with others

Spoken aloud or processed mentally = positive self-talk increases focus, concentration, performance Perception = process people use to assign meaning to data about self or world; much self-talk is based on perception Three steps of perception processes: Sensory Selective Personal

Sensory perception = physical process of taking in data through senses; seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching Selective perception = mental process of choosing which data or stimuli to focus on from all that are available to you; constantly bombarded with info; Making perception choices = takes focused communication energy to select and concentrate on most important stimuli Factors that influence selections: Intensity = more intense or dramatic the stimulus, the more likely we are to notice it Repetition = people tend to notice repetitious stimuli Uniqueness = people usually notice things that are new, unusual, unexpected, or unique Relevance = we often notice things that mirror our own interests, needs, and motivations

Managing selective perception =

1. 2. 3. 4.

Stay alert ask self what you need to focus attention on screen out distractions and noise monitor the way one selects data

personal perception = involves organizing and sorting data to which to pay attention; creating your own understanding of reality; becomes basis for judgments and decisions you make personal perception is influenced by: communication skills = difficulty in encoding/decoding values = reflect priorities: What is important? Beliefs = people feel strongly about beliefs, will fiercely defend them Culture = part of a family culture, community culture, organizational culture; different parts of world have different cultures, affects every aspect of life Bias = consistent attitude, viewpoint, pattern of perception Prejudice = preconceived notion or judgment; pre-judge; stem from negative emotions and opinion Attitudes = generally classified as either positive or negative Expectations = expect something to be like Knowledge = influences perception; what you know and what do not know influence how to organize, interpret information

Perception check = question that helps determine accuracy and validity of perceptions Feed-forward = offer an explanation that you want to make or a reason or explanation for a question, request, or offer Self-concept = self-perception; view one has on self Self-concept is defined by: Real self = core self, who you really are Perceived self = who you see yourself to be Ideal self = who you want to be now or in the future Public self = the self freely disclosed to others; in public situations Private self = the self not shared with others; in private Professional self = who you are in job or profession Social self = who you are when you interacted with other individuals, in groups, society, or social situations Intellectual self= who you are as a student and a learner; part of you that acquires and uses knowledge Emotional self= part of you that uses and processes feelings

Physical self = who you are physically; concept of body, athletic ability, gracefulness, coordination, level of attractiveness; physical health and well-being Artistic self = part that is creative or artistic

Self-fulfilling prophecy = a prediction or expectation of an event that shapes your behavior, making the outcome more likely to occur; 2 types: from self concept and from what others think perceived and actual from interactions with others Self-disclosure = deliberate revelation of significant information about self that is not readily apparent to others Johari window: 1 (open): known to self and known to others 2 (blind): not known to self and known to others 3 (hidden): known to self and not known to others 4 (unknown): not known to self and not known to others

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