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ELSEVIER Animal Feed Science Technology 66 (1997) 247-256

The effect of fertiliser nitrogen on the solubility and

rumen degradability of dry matter and nitrogen in
wheat grain
D.I. Givens, E.R. Deaville, A.R. Moss
Feed Eruluation and Nutritional Sciences, ADAS Dairy Research Centre, Drayton, Alcester Road, Stratford
upon Avon, CV37 !?RQ, UK

Accepted 22 August 1996


Seventy-four samples of wheat grain (c.v. Mercia) grown under a variety of different fertiliser
nitrogen (N) regimes were milled through a 3 mm screen. The rumen degradation characteristics
of dry matter (DM) and N were estimated using the polyester bag in situ technique and DM and N
solubility in water was estimated in the laboratory. The values determined in situ for the
immediately soluble (a) fraction for N (16.9 + 3.81%) and the rate (cl of N degradation
(0.128 k 0.0178 hh’) were both considerably lower than in previous reports in the literature. The
N content of the grain exhibited a strong curvilinear relationship with the total amount of N
applied as fertiliser. Increasing fertiliser N and the resulting increase in grain N contents tended to
reduce and increase ( P < 0.01) the immediately soluble and insoluble but degradable N fractions
respectively, although the relationships only accounted for about 10% of the variance. For both
statistical and theoretical reasons these relationships may not be applicable to other samples of
wheat. The work also showed that the water soluble DM measured in the laboratory was about ten
times lower than the immediately soluble DM measured in situ. A similar, but less pronounced
effect was seen for N where soluble N was on average only about 0.4 of the in situ zero hour loss
(21.2 L- 4.49%) and about 0.5 of the fitted a value (16.9 + 3.81%). This suggests that the in situ
technique can seriously overestimate the immediately soluble DM and N fractions of wheat and
probably other cereal grains. 0 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: Wheat grain: Ruminants; Rumen degradation; Fertiliser nitrogen

1. Introduction

It has been recognised for some time (Agricultural Research Council, 1984) that the
assessment of the value of dietary proteins for ruminant animals requires a knowledge of

0377-8401/97/$17.00 0 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

F’II SO377-S4Ol(96)01105-4
248 D.I. Givens et al./Animal Feed Science Technology 66 (1997) 247-256

the proportions of the dietary protein or nitrogen (N) that are immediately soluble in the
rumen, subsequently degraded in the rumen and that which reaches the small intestine
intact. More recently, this concept has been developed into a practical system for use in
the UK (AFRC, 1992) which also recognises the need to estimate the proportion of
dietary carbohydrate degraded in the rumen.
Despite the widespread use of cereals in ruminant diets, there are relatively few
reported measurements of the dry matter (DM), starch or protein degradability of cereal
grains in general and wheat in particular. Limited data for wheat, barley and oats have
been reported by MAFF (1990) and for wheat by Fahmy et al. (1991) although there are
no data related to specific varieties. Also, whilst there are now several reports (see for
example Dampney, 1992) which conclude that the application of additional fertiliser N
during the growth of the crop results in higher grain protein concentrations, there
appears to be little information relating fertiliser N or protein content of grain to its
rumen degradation characteristics.
The rumen degradation characteristics of ruminant feedstuffs are commonly assessed
by the in situ technique involving incubation of small samples in polyester bags in the
rumen for varying time periods (see Huntington and Givens, 1995). Material lost from
the bag is assumed to be soluble or to have been microbially degraded. In the case of
cereals, recent work (Michalet-Doreau and Cemeau, 1991) has indicated that different
treatments of the grain prior to in situ incubation can influence the values obtained and
that in some circumstances substantial amounts of fine particles are lost through the
pores of the bag. This study and that of Lindberg and Varvikko (1982) have therefore
raised doubts about the use of the in situ technique for estimating the immediately
soluble DM and N fractions in cereal grains.
Accordingly, the objectives of the present study were three-fold. Firstly, to obtain
mmen DM and N degradation characteristics of a range of wheat grains, secondly to
examine any relationships between grain N content, fertiliser treatment and rumen N
degradation characteristics and thirdly, to examine the applicability of the nylon bag
method for estimating the proportion of cereal DM and N immediately soluble in the

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Wheat grains

A total of 74 samples of wheat grain (c.v. Mercia) were obtained from two growing
sites in 1990 and four sites in 1991. All sites were in England. The grains were made
available from a study (Dampney, 1992) which examined the effects of rate and timing
of fertiliser N on the protein quality of the grains for bread-making. Total N fertiliser
application rates ranged from 50 to 360 kg ha-‘. In general, growing sites had
ammonium nitrate applied at plant Growth Stages 23 and 31 (see Zadoks et al. (1974)
for definition of Growth Stage) followed by different rates of foliar urea at various
growth stages. Full details of the sites of origin and fertiliser N treatments are given by
Dampney (1992).
D.I. Givens et al. /Animal Feed Science Technology 66 (1997) 247-256 249

2.2. Rumen degradability studies

All 74 samples were each thoroughly mixed and a representative 500 g working
sub-sample of each obtained. The working samples were milled in their entirety using a
hammer mill (Christy Norris) fitted with a 3 mm screen. The 3 mm screen size was
chosen since the work of Michalet-Doreau and Cemeau (1991) showed that smaller
screen sizes led to the loss of large amounts of fine particles through the pores of the
polyester bags.
Each milled sample was thoroughly mixed and about 5.5 g of each accurately
weighed into each polyester bag (pore size 42 pm). The bags were incubated in three
rumen cannulated non-lactating dairy cows for 0, 2, 5, 8, 12, 24 and 48 h. The order of
sample incubation was randomised across all samples. Each time period was incubated
in duplicate in each cow. All bags for incubation were placed in the rumen just before
the morning feed. During the course of the work the cows were fed a basal diet of grass
silage (4.3 kg DM) and rolled mineralised barley (1.8 kg DM) in two equal meals at
08.30 and 17.00 h. Zero hour bags, which estimate the immediately soluble fraction,
were not incubated but were washed for 10 min in a domestic washing machine using
water at ambient temperature along with the bags containing the incubation residues.
Following washing, the bags and residues were spin dried in the washing machine for
6 min, dried at 60°C for 48 h and DM loss calculated for each bag.

2.3. Laboratory studies

The dried residues from the two bags from each cow at each incubation period were
combined. The combined sample, along with samples of original grain, were milled
through a Cycotec mill (Perstop Analytical, Bristol) fitted with a 1 mm screen. The
milled material was then analysed for total N content using the Kjeldahl method (MAFF,
The solubility of DM and N was also measured by saturating approximately 1 g of
milled (3 mm screen) grain in 40 ml of de-ionised water at ambient temperature for 1 h
with regular agitation. The samples were then filtered under vacuum onto a Whatman
grade 541 filter paper, washed with three portions of 40 ml of de-ionised water and the
filter paper residue dried at 100°C for 18 h. The filter paper plus dried residue was then
weighed to estimate DM solubility and then the insoluble N present was measured by
the Kjeldahl method.

2.4. Statistical analysis

The rumen degradation characteristics of DM and N was estimated by fitting the in

situ disappearance values to the exponential model of Brskov and McDonald (1979) viz:

P=a+b(l -e-“)

where:a is the the immediately soluble fraction; b is the insoluble but degradable
fraction; c is the fractional rate of degradation of the b fraction; and P is the
250 D.I. Givens et al./Animal Feed Science Technology 66 (1997) 247-256

disappearance value at time t. Fitting of the data was carried out by an iterative
procedure using the Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm to minimise the residual mean
The zero hour losses and a values for DM and N were compared with the respective
water solubility values measured in the laboratory. The DM and N associated with any
fine particles lost through the pores of the bags was estimated as (a-water solubility).
The effect of N fertiliser treatments on the degradability data were assessed by a
stepwise linear regression technique using Genstat (Lane et al., 1987). This involved
introducing into the regression model in order, the effects of year of harvest, harvest site,
total amount of N fertiliser applied and the timing of the N applied. This order was
chosen to remove the effects of year and site from the effect of N fertiliser. However,
since all sites were not represented in both years, the effect of site could not be fully
included in the model and is not considered further.

3. Results

3.1. Dry matter degradation characteristics

Table 1 shows the mean results for DM solubility, zero hour DM losses, calculated
fine particle loss and the DM degradation characteristics for the 74 wheat samples
studied. The DM of the wheats was extensively degraded with all potential degradables
(a + b) being in excess of 89%. There was, however, considerable variability in the
factional rate of degradation of the b fraction (0.192 f 0.0627 h-l). The DM solubility
values measured in the laboratory (5.5 f 0.154%) were some ten times lower than the in
situ derived immediately soluble DM expressed either as the zero hour loss (5 1.7 +
4.04%) or the fitted a valve. Accordingly the fraction assumed to be fine particles
passing through the bag pores was high (46.1 + 3.59%).

Table 1
Dry matter (DM) solubility, zero hour losses, fine particles and fitted degradation characteristics of 74 wheat
grain samples
Determinate Mean SD” cv b Minimum Maximum
DM solubility (%) 5.5 0.54 9.8 4.2 7.2
Zero hour DM loss (%) 51.7 4.04 7.8 41.7 61.6
Fine particles (%) 46.1 3.59 7.8 37.2 54.4

Fitted DM degradation characteristics:

a (%I 52.4 3.94 7.5 41.7 64.0
b (%I 41.5 4.24 10.2 31.5 54.6
a+b(%) 93.9 1.60 1.7 89.3 100.0
c (h-‘1 0.192 0.0627 32.7 0.048 0.427

a Standard deviation of population. b Coefficient of variation.

D.I. Giuens et al. /Animal Feed Science Technology 66 (1997) 247-256 251

3.2. Nitrogen content and degradation characteristics

Table 2 presents the mean results for N contents, N solubilities, zero hour N losses, N
associated with fine particles and N degradation characteristics for the 74 wheats. The
results show a wide range of N contents (18.3-29.9 g kg-’ DM) and indicates that the
N in the wheats was extensively degraded with the potential degradability (a + b)
nearing 100% in all cases. Whilst potentially degradable N varied little, there was
considerable variability in the immediately soluble N (a) and fractional rate of N
degradation (c).
The N solubility values measured in the laboratory were 2 to 2.5 times lower than the
in situ derived immediately soluble N expressed as either the zero hour N loss or the
fitted a value. The differences between N solubility and the immediately soluble N
values were assumed to be N associated with the fine particles lost through bag pores.
This fraction also showed a large variability. The fractional rate of N degradation (c,
0.128 f 0.0178 h- ‘) also showed variability but was not correlated with the rate of DM
degradation (r = 0.058).

3.3. Effect of nitrogen fertiliser on nitrogen content and degradation characteristics

Table 3 indicates the probability of an effect of rate and timing of N fertiliser and
harvest year on the DM degradation characteristics, the N content of the grain and on the
N degradation characteristics. Year of harvest had significant (P < 0.05) effects on all
factors except DM and N solubility and the rate of DM and N degradation. The rate and
timing of N fertiliser significantly (P < 0.05) influenced DM solubility and fine particle
loss and timing of fertiliser also affected the a and b values (P < 0.05).
The rate of N fertiliser had a much greater influence on the N degradation character-
istics with a significant (P < 0.01) effect on all variables except a + b, the potentially
degradable N, although there appeared to be little further influence of the timing of
fertiliser application. The amount of N fertiliser applied had a strong positive relation-

Table 2
Nitrogen (N) content, N solubility, N zero hour losses, N associated with fine particles (NAF’P) and the fitted
N degradation characteristics of 74 wheat grain samples
Determinate Mean SD a cv b Minimum Maximum
N content (g kg- ’DM) 24.0 2.01 8.4 18.3 29.9
N solubility (%) 8.3 1.84 22.2 4.2 12.8
Zero hour N loss (8) 21.2 4.49 21.2 12.8 33.4
NAFP (%c) 12.9 4.24 32.9 3.1 24.0

Fitted N dqrodation characteristics:

a (%c) 16.9 3.81 22.5 9.4 26.0
b (%o) 82.0 3.86 4.7 73.4 89.7
a+b(%) 98.9 1.06 1.1 95.2 100.2
c(h-‘) 0.128 0.0178 13.9 0.092 0.168

a Standard deviation of population. b Coefficient of variation (%‘c).

252 D.I. Giuens et al./Animal Feed Science Technology 66 (1997) 247-256

Table 3
The probability of an effect of rate and timing of nitrogen fertiliser and year on the nitrogen content and dry
matter and nitrogen degradation characteristics of wheat
Determination Inclusion in regression model

+ Year + Nitrogen rate + Nitrogen timing

DM solubility NS ** *
Zero hour DM loss *** NS NS
Fine particles *** * ***

Fitted DM degradation characteristics:

a *** NS **
b *** NS *
a+b ** NS NS

N content *** *** NS

N solubility NS ** NS
Zero hour N loss ** *** NS
NAFP *** *** NS

Fitted N degradation characteristics

a *** *** NS
b * *** *
a+b *** NS NS
C NS *** *

*, P-cO.05; **, P<O.Ol; ***, P < 0.002; NS, Not significant; NAFP, nitrogen associated with fine


0 100 200 300 400
Total fertiliser N applied (kg ha-‘)

Fig. 1. Relationship between total nitrogen fertiliser applied and nitrogen concentration of the wheat grain.
D.I. Givens et al/Animal Feed Science Technology 66 (1997) 247-256 253

- 0 ___ ,~~_. ,_ I-~: -1.. 1 I

16 16 20 22 24 26 26 30 32

Nitrogen content of grain &kg’DMl

Fig. 2. Relationship between nitrogen content of the wheat grain and nitrogen degradation constants a and h.

ship with the N content of the grain. The relationship which is shown in Fig. 1 was
significantly (P < 0.05) non-linear and described by a second order polynomial:
N content (g kg-’ DM) = 16.5 + 0.0509 NA - 0.00007 NA’, R* = 58.4%, r.s.d =
0.130, where NA is total nitrogen fertiliser applied (kg ha-’ 1.
Increasing amounts of fertiliser N tended to reduce the fitted a value for N whereas it
tended to increase the value of b. The simple linear regressions relating to these
variables were:a N (%) = 20.8 - 0.0187 NA, R* = lO.O%, r.s.d = 3.62, P < 0.01 b N
(%) = 78.0 + 0.0189 NA, R* = lO.O%, r.s.d = 3.66, P < O.Olwhere NA is total nitrogen
fertiliser applied (kg ha-‘).
Similar relationships (Fig. 2) existed between the N content of the grains and the
fitted a and b values for N viz:a N (%) = 32.7 - 0.658 NC, R’ = 10.9%, r.s.d = 3.60.
P < O.Olb N (%) = 67.0 + 0.624 NC, R* = 9.4%, r.s.d = 3.67, P < O.Olwhere NC is the
nitrogen concentration in the grain (g kg-’ DM).
All of these relationships whilst being highly significant (P < 0.01) showed a low
variance accounted for, although it should be noted that any influence of factors such as
year and site of harvest are included in these relationships.

4. Discussion

The limited values in the literature for immediately soluble DM (fitted a or zero hour
values) for ground wheat are broadly in agreement with the current findings (Table 1).
Fiems et al. (1990) and MAFF (1990) reported values of 55% and 45% respectively
although more recently, Malcolm and Kiesling (1993) reported zero hour values of
24.5% for wheat ground through a 2 mm screen. It is clear however, that in the present
254 D.I. Giuens et al. /Animal Feed Science Technology 66 (1997) 247-256

work zero hour loss and fitted a values for DM overestimated the water solubility of the
wheat by a factor of about 10. This broadly agrees with the findings of Michalet-Doreau
and Cemeau (1991) who reported for barley (ground to pass 3 mm screen) a fitted a
value of 30.4% compared with a solubility of 9.0%. Weisberg et al. (1990) proposed a
mathematical correction to account for situations where polyester bag measurements
overestimate initial solubility due to loss of fine particles. This correction assumes
however, that the fine particles lost have a fractional degradation rate equal to that of the
remaining b fraction. For wheat where it is probable that much of the fine particle
fraction lost is starch, this assumption must be questionable. Indeed Kim et al. (1996)
have recently demonstrated that the fitting of degradation data for cereal grains
containing large amounts of fine particles leads to an overestimation of degradability
and an underestimation of the fractional degradation rate.
The N contents of the wheat grains (Table 2) are broadly in agreement with the
values (range 15.5-25.8 g N kg-’ DM) reported by MAFF (1990) for 45 samples of
wheat obtained from a number of sources. Thus the range in N contents obtained in the
present work appears to be representative of that found in practice despite being
obtained from a fertiliser N experiment. However, the N degradation characteristics
obtained in the present study (Table 2) differ considerably from those reported by
MAFF (1990) for seven wheats. In particular, the fitted a values from the present work
(mean 16.9%) were much lower than obtained by MAFF (1990) which reported a range
from 39 to 53%. Also of note is the much lower rate of N degradation obtained
(0.128 f. 0.0178 h-‘, Table 2) than reported by MAFF (1990) (range 0.22-0.51 h-l).
Fahmy et al. (1991) reported a N solubility in water for wheat (c.v. Camp Remy) of
26.2% and Herrera-Saldana et al. (1990) a zero hour loss for N in wheat of 72.5%, both
of which are much higher than the current values (N solubility, 8.3 + 1.84%). One
reason for the lower a and solubility value in the present work compared with the
findings of MAFF (1990), Fahmy et al. (1991) and Herrera-Saldana et al. (1990) may
relate to the small screen sizes used by these workers (1 mm, MAFF, 1990; 0.8 mm,
Fahmy et al., 1991; 1 mm, Herrera-Saldana et al., 1990) during sample milling, whereas
a 3 mm screen was used in the present study. Screen size has been shown (Michalet-
Doreau and Cemeau, 1991) to be an important factor in determining the a value for N
in a range of feeds, although wheat was not included in their work. Another reason for
the lower a values and solubility of N in the present work may relate to the fact that the
wheat studied was a breadmaking type, the protein of which may have been richer in
gliadin and glutenin proteins than in non-breadmaking varieties. Gliadin and glutenins
are known to be less soluble and less readily degraded than the cytoplasmic albumin and
globulin proteins (Fahmy et al., 1991). More work is needed to measure the N
degradation characteristics across a range of wheat types and to relate this to the proteins
present in the grain.
An important finding is the fact that, under the present experimental conditions at
least, the in situ technique overestimated the water solubility of N. On average, water
solubility of N measured in the laboratory was only about 0.4 and 0.5 of the in situ zero
hour value and the fitted a value respectively. These differences are assumed to relate to
the loss of N associated with fine particles lost through the pores of the nylon bags. This
assumption seems to be reasonable since Michalet-Doreau and Cemeau (1991) showed
D.I. GiLlens et al. /Animal Feed Science Technology 66 (1997) 247-256 2%

by direct measurement that barley milled through a 3 mm screen lost 8.7% of its N
through the nylon bag pores. This compares with a mean N associated with fine particles
value calculated by difference of 8.6% in the present work (Table 2), although there was
considerable variability around this value. The results, therefore, question the use of the
method for estimating both the DM and N degradation of grain, especially if used in
conjunction with fine grinding. It is noteworthy that the loss of DM through bag pores
was very much greater than for N. Thus it is probable that use of this technique for
estimating the rate and extent of starch fermentation in the rumen is also very
questionable. More research is clearly needed in this area to develop more suitable
In agreement with the current work (Fig. I), other studies (e.g Dampney, 19921 have
shown a strong relationship between the amount of fertiliser N applied and the N content
of the grain, yet there appear to be no reports which relate fertiliser N application to the
N degradation characteristics. The negative relationship (P < 0.01) observed between
the a value for N and the amount of fertiliser N is, however, in accordance with the
findings of Salmon (1992) who showed that additional fertiliser N either as ammonium
nitrate or urea increased the N content of breadmaking wheats by increasing the amount
of the less soluble gliadin and especially glutenin proteins. The concentrations of
albumin and globulin proteins remained unchanged. This tends to question whether the
relationships between the N content of the grain and the a and h values for N (Fig. 2)
are causal or merely indications of the fertiliser treatment and whether the observed
effects of fertiliser N on a and b values for N would also apply to non-breadmaking
wheats. Further work is needed to examine this area.

5. Conclusions

The present work has shown that the N content, N solubility and DM and N
degradation characteristics of bread-making wheat can vary considerably. The values
obtained for the immediately soluble N and the rate of N degradation were both
considerably lower than in earlier reports and the rates of DM and N degradation were
independent of each other. The N content of the grain was strongly related to the amount
of fertiliser N applied during growth. Whilst increasing fertiliser N and hence increasing
grain N contents tended to reduce and increase the immediately soluble N and insoluble
but degradable N respectively, the relationships were not strong enough to be of use for
predicting unknown samples. In addition, the use of grain N content for predicting u and
b values for N across different types of wheat is questionable. The experiment also
showed that the polyester bag in situ technique can severely overestimate the immedi-
ately soluble DM and to a lesser extent, the immediately soluble N content of the wheat
and it is probable this would also be so for other cereal grains.


The funding of this work from the UK Home Grown Cereals Authority is gratefully
acknowledged. We also wish to thank the technical staff in ADAS Feed Evaluation and
256 D.I. Giuens et al. /Animal Feed Science Technology 66 (1997) 247-256

Nutritional Sciences, in particular, the efforts of K.D. O’Sullivan. For undertaking the
statistical analysis of this study, we are grateful to H.H. Spechter of the ADAS
Biometrics Group.


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