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Applied Soil Ecology 11 (1999) 17±28

Effects of aeration and moisture during windrow composting

on the nitrogen fertilizer values of dairy waste composts
Wei Shia, Jeanette M. Nortona,*, Bruce E. Millerb, Michael G. Paceb
Department of Plants, Soils and Biometeorology, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322, USA
Department of Agricultural Systems Technology and Education, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322, USA
Received 18 February 1998; accepted 24 April 1998


The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of turning and moisture addition during windrow composting on the N
fertilizer values of dairy waste composts. Composted-dairy wastes were sampled from windrow piles, which received four
treatments in a 22 factorial of turning (turning vs. no turning) and moisture addition (watering vs. no watering) at two stages
of maturity (mature vs. immature). Composts were characterized for their chemical properties. An 84-day laboratory
incubation of soils with addition of the composts at two levels was conducted to evaluate the inorganic N accumulation
patterns from the variously treated composts. Chemical analyses of variously treated composts did not differ between compost
treatments or maturity. In contrast, the inorganic N accumulation patterns differed between soils that received immature versus
mature turned composted-dairy wastes. The results suggested that turning was a more important factor than moisture addition
affecting the composting process. There was no signi®cant difference in inorganic N accumulation patterns among soils that
received different immature composts, while the N accumulation patterns observed for soils that received different mature
composts depended on compost treatments. Soils amended with mature composts treated by frequent turning had higher N
mineralization potentials (N0), mineralization rate constants (K), and initial potential rates (N0K) in comparison to soils with
composts that had not been turned. Soils with mature composts treated by watering had a higher N0, lower K, and therefore
similar N0K when compared to soils with composts that had not been watered. Soils that received mature composts treated by
watering and frequent turning had higher N mineralization potentials and N0 to total organic N ratios than soil alone, which
suggested that intensive management of composting would ensure positive N fertilizer values of dairy waste composts, if the
appropriate composting duration is completed. # 1999 Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: Windrow composting; Inorganic N kinetics; N mineralization potential; Manure; Nitrate leaching; Dairy waste

1. Introduction 1973; Wilson and Dalmat, 1986; Buchanan and

Gilessman, 1991; GarcõÂa et al., 1992; Schlegel,
Composting has been de®ned as a controlled-micro- 1992). The stabilization of organic materials, however,
bial aerobic decomposition process with the formation is relative because the agricultural utility of composts
of stabilized organic materials that may be used as soil as sources of plant nutrients depends on their further
conditioners and/or organic fertilizers (Golueke, decomposition in soils. Mature compost can be of
high value for crop nutrition, in contrast to immature
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +1 435 797 2166; fax: +1 435 797 compost which may result in net immobilization of
2117; e-mail: jennyn@cc.usu.edu soil N into the microbial biomass, and may induce N

0929-1393/99/$ ± see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0929-1393(98)00135-8
18 W. Shi et al. / Applied Soil Ecology 11 (1999) 17±28

de®ciency in crops (Golueke, 1973; Inbar et al., 1993). the N0 and rate constants derived by ®rst-order models
Although many physical, chemical, and biological indicate the quality of organic wastes and, to some
indices have been linked to the maturity of composts extent, can predict the productivity of soil systems
(Golueke, 1973; Forster et al., 1993; Mathur et al., affected by addition of these wastes (Campbell et al.,
1993), it is unlikely that any single index will be valid 1991). Although a long-term incubation experiment of
for all types of composts (Inbar et al., 1993). Farmers 16±30 weeks (Stanford and Smith, 1972; King, 1984;
who compost to manage agricultural wastes often O'Keefe et al., 1986) can ensure that most of poten-
judge the maturity of composts by their own methods, tially mineralized N is released and improve the
due to the lack of criteria of maturity or to the accuracy of estimated N0, the data from short-term
inconvenience of some indices. Consequently, the incubation experiments are also useful for assessing
application of composted materials may sometimes the relative N availability of different organic N
decrease available soil N to crops, and therefore, crop sources (Castellanos and Pratt, 1981; Beloso et al.,
yields. 1993; Kirchmann, 1991; Bernal and Kirchmann,
Windrow composting is a commonly used proces- 1992).
sing method. The microbial decomposition of organic The aim of the present study is to examine the
wastes is controlled by environmental factors affect- effects of turning and moisture addition during wind-
ing microbial activity within the windrow piles. Aera- row composting on the simple chemical properties and
tion and moisture are two very important factors the N fertilizer values of composts at two stages of
in¯uencing microbial activity; therefore, intensive maturity. We compared the inorganic N accumulation
management of the composting process by turning patterns and evaluated the N mineralization kinetics of
and moisture addition is likely to affect the N fertilizer the variously treated composts added to an agricultural
value of the ®nished compost. However, it has been soil in laboratory incubation experiments.
suggested that intensive management is not necessary
if time is not a constraint (Golueke, 1973). Longer- 2. Materials and methods
duration composting with little disturbance may be
used to manage organic wastes. It is currently 2.1. Compost sampling
unknown if intensive management of composting will
ensure positive N fertilizer values compared to less The starting compost material was feces and urine
intensive management. Since composts mainly con- of dairy cows with bedding material and additional
tain organic N, the rate and amount of N mineraliza- straw collected from the Animal Science Farm of Utah
tion are important for predicting N availability in soil- State University. The C:N ratio of the starting compost
receiving compost. material was 38:1. The wastes were arranged in 12
Incubation experiments are reliable for assessing windrow piles (2.4±2.7 m wide, 1.2±1.5 m high, and
soil N availability (Stanford and Smith, 1972; Stan- 9±10 m long) in a complete randomized-block design
ford et al., 1974), and have been used extensively to with three blocks and four treatments. Aeration and
compare the N supplying capacity of organic wastes moisture of windrow piles were controlled by turning
and to monitor the short-term behavior of organic and watering designed as a complete 22 factorial
wastes added to soils (King, 1984; Bitzer and Sims, (turning vs. no turning, and watering vs. no watering)
1988; Kirchmann, 1991; Bernal and Kirchmann, to form four treatments: (1) no turning/no watering
1992; Nugroho and Kuwatsuka, 1992; Aoyama and (NTNW); (2) no turning/watering (NTW); (3) turning/
Nozawa, 1993; CheÁneby et al., 1994). The ®rst-order no watering (TNW); and (4) turning/watering (TW).
mathematical model for simulating the inorganic N The T treatments were turned weekly, while the W
accumulation patterns is a useful tool for estimating treatments were watered only when the moisture of
the amount of mineralizable organic N and the rate at windrow piles dropped to 40% or below. Composting
which it is mineralized. The quantity of organic N that began on 20 September 1993 and ®nished on 22
is susceptible to mineralization according to ®rst- November 1993. During the composting period, 416
order kinetics, has been de®ned as the N mineraliza- and 832 L water were added to the water-treated
tion potential (N0) (Stanford and Smith, 1972). Both windrow piles on 29 September 1993 and 6 October
W. Shi et al. / Applied Soil Ecology 11 (1999) 17±28 19

Table 1
The chemical properties of immature composted-dairy wastes (meanSE)

Chemical properties Treatmentsa Treatment effects


Total C (%) 25.43.3 20.12.5 25.61.3 23.43.0 NSb

Total N (%) 2.00.2 1.90.1 2.00.1 1.80.2 NS
NH‡4 ±N (mg/g) 10583 1611 8277 5547 NS
NOÿ3 ±N (mg/g) 900398 1312518 885144 921178 NS
C:N ratioc 13.51.7 11.41.1 13.61.0 13.51.0 NS
pH (1:5 H2O) 8.50.3 8.30.2 8.60.1 8.60.2 NS
OD of 1:400 H2O extract (260 nm) 0.70.1 0.60.1 0.90.0 0.80.1 NS
Compost treatments: NTNW, no turning/no watering; NTW, no turning/watering; TNW, turning/no watering; and TW, turning/watering. See
Section 2 for details.
NS, not significant (p>0.05).
C:N ratio was calculated after subtracting the inorganic N from total N.

1993. For details of composting process (see Pace, 2-month composts are therefore de®ned as mature
1995). Three compost samples (6 kg each) were composts.
taken by coring to include different zones (upper The composts were analyzed for total C and total N
vs. lower, and inner vs. outer) of each windrow pile. by dry combustion methods (Leco-CHN 1000, St.
These samples were composited and about 500 g sub- Joseph, MI), for inorganic N by extracting with 2M
samples retained for further chemical analysis and KCl (1:10 compost:KCl) followed by colorimetric
incubation experiments. Windrow compost was analysis using a Lachat Flow Autoanalyzer (Quik-
sampled at two dates: 1 month and 2 months after Chem Systems, 1992, 1993), and for optical density
the initiation of composting. Temperature of the wind- (OD) of the water extract by UV absorption method
row piles was monitored every other day and used to (Mathur et al., 1993). The chemical properties of
judge the maturity of composting (Pace, 1995). Since composted-dairy wastes are given in Tables 1 and 2.
the temperature in 1-month windrow piles was sig-
ni®cantly above the ambient air temperature, the 1- 2.2. Incubation experiment
month composts are de®ned as immature composts. In
contrast, the temperature in 2-month windrow piles The Millville silt loam (Typic Haploxeroll) soil
was approximately equal to the air temperature, and from 0±15 cm depth (30% sand, 53% silt, and 17%
did not increase in the days following turning. The clay) was collected in bulk (Greenville Farm, Utah

Table 2
The chemical properties of mature composted-dairy wastes (meanSE)

Chemical properties Treatmentsa Treatment effects


Total C (%) 21.92.3 18.33.0 23.40.1 23.02.2 NSb

Total N (%) 1.70.1 1.70.2 1.80.1 1.90.1 NS
NH‡4 ±N (mg/g) 231154 40634 8372 6128 NS
NOÿ3 ±N (mg/g) 379202 823258 292175 66191 NS
C:N ratioc 13.71.4 11.63.0 13.20.4 12.50.6 NS
pH (1:5 H2O) 8.61.4 8.30.3 8.70.2 8.70.2 NS
OD of 1:400 H2O 0.70.1 0.40.1 1.00.2 0.80.2 NS
See Table 1 for compost treatments.
NS, not significant (p>0.05).
C:N ratio was calculated after subtracting the inorganic N from total N.
20 W. Shi et al. / Applied Soil Ecology 11 (1999) 17±28

State University, Logan, UT) for the incubation mineralized at time t, N0 is the N mineralization
experiment. The soil chemical characteristics were: potential, and K is the mineralization rate constant
1.17% organic C, 0.10% total N, C:N ratio 11.7, (Stanford and Smith, 1972). The standard errors of the
43.7% CaCO3, and pH 8.2. Moist soil was sieved N0 and K were calculated using SigmaPlot 3.0 (Jandel
through 2 mm screen before use. Scienti®c, 1995 San Rafael, CA).
For evaluating the effects of turning and moisture
addition during windrow composting on the N ferti- 3. Results
lizer values of composted-dairy wastes, the soil and
composts were mixed at levels of 1.1 g (low) or 3.3 g 3.1. Soil N mineralization as affected by the
(high) composts (dry wt. basis) per 100 g soil (corre- additions of mature composts
sponding approximately to 20 or 60 Mg (dry wt. basis)
composts haÿ1). The soil±compost mixtures (equiva- The soil inorganic N accumulation patterns were
lent to 10 g dry wt.) were put into 120 ml specimen signi®cantly different following the additions of the
cups with a 2 mm diameter hole in the cover for gas differently treated mature composts (NTNW, NTW,
exchange, and placed in an incubator at 2028C. The TNW and TW) at both low and high levels (Fig. 1).
soil gravimetric water content was adjusted to 21% Throughout the 84-day incubation period, NOÿ 3 ±N
(about 60% water holding capacity) every 3 days.
Eight cups were prepared for each composting treat-
ment replication. Ten grams of soil without compost
was also incubated as a control. After 0, 14, 42 and
84 days, two randomly selected samples were with-
drawn from each treatment replication and extracted
with 2 M KCl (1:5 soil:KCl) by shaking for 1 h.
Extracts were ®ltered through pre-rinsed Whatman
#1 ®lter papers and ®ltrates frozen until analyzed for
inorganic NH‡ ÿ ÿ
4 - and …NO3 ‡ NO2 †±N as described

2.3. Statistical analysis

The effects of treatments NTNW, NTW, TNW, and

TW on the chemical properties of composted-dairy
wastes were statistically analyzed using a rando-
mized-block design. The means of inorganic N of
the two lab incubation replications were used to
analyze the effects of composting treatments. The
inorganic N produced by soil alone was not subtracted
from that of the soil treated with compost before data
analysis. The effects of composting treatments
(NTNW, NTW, TNW, and TW) and factors (T and
W) on the accumulated soil inorganic N dynamic
patterns were statistically analyzed by a repeated time
measurement method (SuperANOVA, 1989 Abacas
Concepts, Berkeley, CA). To compare the inorganic N
Fig. 1. Experimental (points, nˆ3) and simulated (lines) soil-
accumulation patterns, a nonlinear regression (Sigma-
accumulated inorganic N with time as affected by additions of
Plot 3.0, 1995, Jandel Scienti®c, San Rafael, CA) was mature composts treated by NTNW (no turning/no watering), NTW
used to derive the best ®t to the ®rst-order model given (no turning/watering), TNW (turning/no watering), and TW
by NmˆN0(1ÿeÿKt), where Nm is the accumulated N (turning/watering) during composting process.
W. Shi et al. / Applied Soil Ecology 11 (1999) 17±28 21

Table 3
The N mineralization potential (N0) and rate constant (K) of soil mixed with differently treated mature composted-dairy wastes

Levelsa Treatmentsb Mineralization potential SEc Rate constant (K) SEd (10ÿ3)
(N0) (mg/g) (10ÿ3) (dÿ1)

Low NTNW 22 4.3 15 1.6

NTW 26 0.3 16 2.7
TNW 22 0.6 33 0.1
TW 40 2.4 14 1.7
High NTNW 24 0.4 38 5.2
NTW 33 1.5 26 0.3
TNW 34 0.2 55 2.2
TW 43 0.9 33 1.3
Low level, 1.1 g compost per 100 g soil; high level, 3.3 g compost per 100 g soil.
See footnote for Table 1.
SE, standard error of mineralization potential.
SE, standard error of rate constant.

was the major form of inorganic N and it steadily The treatment effects on soil N mineralization
increased (data not shown), which suggested that kinetics can be subdivided into the effects of turning
ammonia volatilization and denitri®cation were not (T vs. NT), moisture addition (W vs. NW), and their
major fates for inorganic N. The model parameters, N interaction. Signi®cantly different N mineralization
mineralization potentials, and rate constants are given kinetics occurred in those soils with addition of com-
in Table 3. posts treated by T versus NT, and W versus NW. The
Soil N mineralization potentials and rate constants turning and moisture addition factor effects during
increased with the higher rate of compost added. The composting on the soil N mineralization parameters
soil with composted-dairy wastes treated by TW had are given in Table 4.
the highest N0 at both low and high levels. Although Both the N mineralization potentials and rate con-
the soil with addition of TNW composts had a lower stants of soils which received T compost were higher
N0 in comparison to that with addition of TW com- than those with the addition of NT composts. When
posts, the release of available N was similar for a short comparing the effects of composts treated with W to
period of time (about 40 days) due to the higher rate NW, the soil N mineralization potentials and rate
constant (Fig. 1 and Table 3). constants had opposing effects. Therefore, for a short

Table 4
N mineralization potentials and rate constants of soils as affected by addition of mature composted-dairy wastes treated by T. vs. NT and W.
vs. NW during composting

Levelsa Factorsb Mineralization potential SEc Rate constant (K) SEd (10ÿ3)
(N0) (mg/g) (10ÿ3) (dÿ1)

Low NT 24 1.9 16 2.1

T 29 0.2 21 0.3
NW 20 1.5 25 0.4
W 33 1.2 15 1.0
High NT 28 0.3 31 1.0
T 38 0.2 42 0.6
NW 28 0.2 48 1.0
W 38 1.1 30 2.1
See footnote for Table 3.
Factors: NT, no turning; T, turning, NW, no watering; W, watering.
SE, standard error of mineralization potential.
SE, standard error of rate constant.
22 W. Shi et al. / Applied Soil Ecology 11 (1999) 17±28

Fig. 2. Experimental (points, nˆ6) and simulated (lines) soil-accumulated inorganic N with time as affected by addition of mature composts
treated by T (turning) vs. NT (no turning) and W (watering) vs. NW (no watering).

time (<40 days), composts treated with W or NW have and mature composts. The soil inorganic N accumula-
similar N supply capacity (Fig. 2). tion patterns were not signi®cantly different between
immature and mature composts for the NTNW and
3.2. Soil N mineralization as affected by the NTW treatments, while there was a signi®cant differ-
additions of immature composts ence in inorganic N accumulation patterns between
immature and mature composts for the TNW or TW
There was no signi®cant difference in inorganic N treatments.
accumulation patterns among differently treated The turning and moisture addition effects on the N
immature composts (Fig. 3). Also, no signi®cant dif- supply capacity of composts can easily be observed in
ference existed for the effects of T vs. NT and W vs. Fig. 6. There was a signi®cant difference in inorganic
NW (Fig. 4). Results were similar for soil with high N accumulation patterns following addition of turned
level of compost addition (data not shown). compost (immature vs. mature), while no signi®cant
difference existed between unturned immature and
3.3. Comparison of soil N mineralization with mature composts. There were signi®cant differences
additions of mature vs. immature composts in inorganic N accumulation patterns between imma-
ture and mature composts treated by both W and NW.
The N supply capacity of composted-dairy wastes
were related to the composting duration (Fig. 1 vs.
Fig. 3), and to the aeration and moisture conditions 4. Discussion
during the composting process (Tables 3 and 4). Fig. 5
shows the effects of turning and moisture addition on One way to evaluate the N fertilizer value of organic
N accumulation patterns of soils mixed with immature wastes from incubation experiments is to subtract the
W. Shi et al. / Applied Soil Ecology 11 (1999) 17±28 23

Fig. 3. The N accumulation patterns of soil mixed with differently treated immature composts treated by NTNW, NTW, TNW, and TW. See
Fig. 1 for treatment definitions.

contribution of mineralized organic N from the soil We found that mineralization potentials and rate
alone. The N mineralization potential and rate con- constants were often opposing factors. With increas-
stant of soil without any addition of compost was ing time, estimated N mineralization potential
27 mg/kg and 0.016/day, respectively. If the N pro- increased, whereas rate constant decreased, as
duced by the soil alone is subtracted, our data show observed by Stanford and Smith (1972). Also, the
that only soils treated with mature compost that had rate constant varies with the calculation methods
been turned and watered can supply substantial avail- (Lindemann and Cardenas, 1984). Such drawbacks
able N, which is about 3% and 6% of the organic N in are believed to come from the simpli®ed assumption
the composts for the high and low levels, respectively. in the ®rst-order model that there is only one pool of
Our results are consistent with those obtained by mineralizable organic N. Some efforts to overcome
Castellanos and Pratt (1981), where the net N miner- this problem have concentrated on using relatively
alization of composted-dairy wastes was about 5% of complicated mathematical models (Lindemann and
the organic N in a 10-week incubation with soil and at Cardenas, 1984; Sierra, 1990; Hadas and Portnoy,
least 4% of the organic N was available to plants in a 1994). However, models of mineralization that repre-
10-month greenhouse experiment. sent multiple pools of mineralizable N, each with their
On the assumption that N availability is related to individual rate constants, are often over-parameterized
total N content, the N fertilizer value of composts can for the available data (Richter and Benbi, 1996). An
also be assessed by the index of N0/total N. It has been alternative for evaluating N supply capacity of organic
suggested that if the ratio of soil N0/total N is wastes is to use the product of N mineralization
increased, then the compost is having a bene®cial potential and rate constant de®ned as the initial poten-
effect on the soil N availability (Campbell et al., tial rate of N mineralization (N0K) (Campbell et al.,
1991). The results calculated with our data are given 1991) as an index of mineralization. It has been
in Fig. 7. After normalized to total N, it is shown that demonstrated that initial potential rate of C miner-
the soil with composted-dairy wasted treated by T and alization (comparable with N0K) is a more suitable
W at both low and high levels can improve or at least index for linking decomposition process with chemi-
maintain the soil N supply capacity. cal composition than C0 and K used separately, and it
24 W. Shi et al. / Applied Soil Ecology 11 (1999) 17±28

in soil organic N due to various cultural and manage-

ment practices. The N0K values for soils freshly
amended with composted-dairy wastes are given in
Table 5. The trend is that T composts have higher
values of N0K than those of NT composts, whereas
there is no difference in the values of N0K between the
W and NW.
Composting is a microbial decomposition process;
therefore, any environmental factors bene®cial to
microbial activities will increase the decomposition
rate and potentially improve the physical and bio-
chemical nature of composts. The amounts and com-
position of amendments such as straw will also impact
the compost characteristics. In windrow composting,
the aeration is performed by turning the windrow piles
periodically. Signi®cant effects of turning on micro-
organisms within the windrow piles have been
reported (Insam et al., 1996). Although functional
changes in the microbial community with the com-
posting process is a basic characteristic, the change is
more rapid when the compost windrows are turned
(Insam et al., 1996). In our experiments, the turning
accelerated the decomposition process resulting in
mature composts with relatively higher N0, K, and
N0K. The T treatment resulted in a signi®cant differ-
ence in N accumulation patterns between immature
and mature composts. The effect of turning on the
Fig. 4. The N accumulation patterns of soil mixed with immature
composts treated by T vs. NT and W vs. NW. See Fig. 2 for factor decomposition rate of composting process may also be
definitions. demonstrated by the temperatures of windrow piles
monitored near the end of composting process (Pace,
1995). The T windrow piles cooled down faster than
is thought that C0K can be a more precise index than those NT indicating a more complete decomposition
the individual parameters C0 or K (Saviozzi and process. The effect of watering on the ®nished com-
Riffaldi, 1993). The product N0K has been effectively posts can be shown by the higher N0, lower K, and
applied as an index of short-term N supply capacity similar N0K when compared to the NW treatments.
(Campbell et al., 1991) for distinguishing the change The similar N0K of W and NW-treated composts

Table 5
Initial potential rate (N0K) of N mineralization of soil amended with mature composted-dairy wastesa

Treatments Low level High level Factors Low level High level

(mg/g/day) (mg/g/day)

NTNW 0.34 0.90 NT 0.38 0.86

NTW 0.42 0.88 T 0.62 1.58
TNW 0.73 1.85 NW 0.50 1.33
TW 0.56 1.44 W 0.49 1.14
Compost treatments, levels and factors as defined in Tables 1, 3, 4, respectively.
W. Shi et al. / Applied Soil Ecology 11 (1999) 17±28 25

Fig. 5. Soil inorganic N accumulation patterns as affected by the addition of immature and mature composts. See Fig. 1 for treatment

re¯ects that these composts have similar short-term N because de®ned indices are not completely valid for
supply capacity (<40 days), subsequently those which all the composts from different sources of organic
were watered will supply more available N than those wastes under different management. The maturity of
not watered. During the composting period, there were composts has been re¯ected in a number of physical,
only two times when the windrow moisture was found chemical, and biological indices of color, odor, tem-
at or below 40% and water was added to windrow piles perature, pH, cation exchange capacity, C:N ratio,
of the W treatments. Even with these relatively minor NH‡ ÿ
4 -N to NO3 -N ratio, patterns of organic C:N ratio,
additions, the temperature of windrows that received soluble organic matter, and dehydrogenase activity
water was generally higher through the composting (Golueke, 1973; Forster et al., 1993; Inbar et al., 1993;
period (Pace, 1995), which re¯ects higher microbial Mathur et al., 1993). The composted-dairy wastes
activities. The results suggest that if composting is sampled at 1 month and 2 months after initiation of
performed in a dry environment when evaporation is composting are de®nitely at different stages of matur-
high and precipitation is insuf®cient to maintain the ity, as shown by the different soil inorganic N accu-
windrow moisture above 40%, watering windrow piles mulation patterns (Figs. 1, 2, 5, 6). However, chemical
might produce stronger effects on the N fertilizer properties of organic C:N ratio, pH, and soluble
values of composts. organic matter (OD) had no signi®cant differences
The N supply capacity of composts following between immature and mature composts and among
application depends on the degree of stabilization differently treated mature composts (Tables 1 and 2).
of organic wastes, which is usually identi®ed by Similarly, in a study of the composting process with
indices of compost maturity. However, it is not easy cattle manure the investigators observed that a fast
to assess the biological maturity of composts, partly change occurred in the chemical properties of C:N
26 W. Shi et al. / Applied Soil Ecology 11 (1999) 17±28

Fig. 6. Soil inorganic N accumulation patterns as affected by addition of immature versus mature composts (factors T vs. NT and W vs. NW).
See Fig. 2 for factor definitions.

ratio, soluble organic matter, cation exchange capacity one another by pH, C:N ratio, soluble organic matter,
and humus component during the ®rst month (Inbar et or other simple chemical properties, but may have
al., 1989; Inbar et al., 1993), followed by a period with different inorganic N accumulation patterns, espe-
little change of the chemical indices. However, the cially when turned frequently. While the mature com-
changes in chemical structure and functional charac- posted-dairy wastes with different turning and
teristics were easily identi®ed by C-13 nuclear mag- watering treatments could not be differentiated by
netic resonance and infrared spectroscopy (Inbar et al., simple chemical properties or temperatures, they
1989). Our observations show that changes in the N could be distinguished by their inorganic N accumula-
supply capacity of composts treated by extended tion patterns.
composting are not indicated by their simple chemical The chemical indices C:N ratio, pH, and soluble
characteristics. organic matter were not suitable for predicting the
positive or negative N fertilizer value of composted-
dairy wastes. Watering and frequent turning accelerate
5. Conclusions the decomposition rate of dairy wastes during the
composting process, and the composted-dairy wastes
The N supply capacity of composted-dairy wastes is treated by frequent turning and watering have higher
controlled by the quality and quantity of formed N fertilizer values than those not turned or not
stabilized organic matter, which is determined by watered. Consequently, intensive aeration and moist-
the composting duration, and the aeration and moist- ure management (turning and watering) during com-
ure of windrow piles. Immature and mature com- posting of dairy wastes will ensure positive N fertilizer
posted-dairy wastes may not be distinguished from values in soils following the application of composts.
W. Shi et al. / Applied Soil Ecology 11 (1999) 17±28 27

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