(Zea Mays) Yields: Field Crops Research

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ELSEVIER Field Crops Research 55 (1998) 57-72

Improving maize (Zea mays)yields in semiarid highlands of

Kenya: agroforestry or inorganic fertilizers?
M.N. Mathuva, M.R. Rao*, P.C. Smithson, R. Coe
International Centrefor Research in Agroforestry (1CRAF), P.O. Box 30677, Nairobi, Kenya
Received 19 December 1996; accepted 26 May 1997


Farmers' maize (Zea mays) yields in semiarid Kenya are low because of low and erratic rainfall and soil nutrient
depletion. An experiment was conducted in Machakos, Kenya, during November 1989-July 1995 to explore the potential of
hedgerow intercropping (HI) with Leucaena leucocephala as an alternative strategy to the use of inorganic fertilizers for
improving maize yields in semiarid bimodal highlands. The study, conducted in a randomized block design with three
replications, evaluated on an operational scale with four treatments: sole maize with or without fertilizer; and HI with
prunings of L. leucocephala hedges used as green manure or with prunings and maize stover fed to oxen and manure
returned to soil. About 1.4 t h a - 1 of L. leucocephala foliar biomass and 1.2 t ha 1 manure were incorporated each season
in green-manure and ox-manure systems, respectively. Although sole maize responded to inorganic fertilizer in six of 11
seasons, maize yield was improved by HI, with prunings used as green manure, only once, 5 yrs after the commencement of
the study, when rainfall exceeded 500 mm. Over the experimental period, maize yields were 15% and 30% less in
green-manure and ox-manure systems, respectively, than in unfertilized maize, primarily because of the competition of
hedgerows with crops for water. The fodder system of HI recycled only 27% of N and 50% of P exported from the field in
fodder, grain and stover, and depleted nutrients more than the other systems. The green-manure system made a positive N
balance, with similar P depletion as in the fodder system. No changes were detected in soil organic carbon or cations in any
of the systems during the experimental period while extractable P was significantly improved by fertilizing maize. Net
present value of returns from fertilizing maize at 40 kg N and 18 kg P ha -1 was 10% higher than from the unfertilized
control. Fertilizer use would be 25% more profitable, however, if P were applied only to match the amount of P removed by
crop (9 kg P ha ~ per season) and if maize were not topdressed (amounting to 50% of the recommended N) in poor rainfall
seasons. Of the two HI systems, only the fodder system was more profitable than either system of sole-cropped maize
because the high value of fodder more than compensated the smaller maize yield obtained in HI. However, the fodder
system may not give higher economic returns than a sole L. leucocephala fodder bank. Hence, HI using competitive species
such as L. leucocephala and with the level of productivity observed in this study, is not appropriate for semiarid climates to
increase cereal yields, either directly through green manuring or indirectly by fodder production and nutrient cycling through
livestock. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords." Agroforestry; Alley cropping; Hedgerow intercropping; Maize (Zea mays); Leucaena leucocephala; Tree fodder; Semiarid
tropics; Nutrient budgets; Economic returns; Sustainability

* Corresponding author. Fax: + 254-2-521001; e-mail: m.rao@cgnet.com.

0378-4290/98/$19.00 © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PH S037 8-4290(97)00067- 1
58 M.N. Mathuva et al. / Field Crops Research55 (1998) 57-72

1. Introduction In addition to factors affecting the economic re-

turns, the adoption of agroforestry systems encoun-
Hedgerow intercropping (HI; synonymous with ters labour requirements for planting and pruning of
alley cropping) has been shown to increase soil hedgerows, problems with the availability of tree
fertility and crop yields in the subhumid and humid seedlings, ownership of trees, and for farmers own-
tropics on base-rich Alfisols and Entisols (Kang et ing oxen, the feasibility of carrying field operations
al., 1990). The system involves growing food crops with oxen. Although HI has been tested extensively
in the alleys formed by closely planted and fre- for its biological productivity in the tropics, the few
quently pruned hedgerows of woody leguminous socioeconomic studies that have been done were
species. The aboveground biomass thus harvested is based on results from small plots. Those studies did
either incorporated into the soil or applied as mulch provide some insight into the system; for example,
on the soil surface. On sloping lands, establishment labour requirement for HI was estimated to be greater
of hedgerows on contour was found to control soil than for sole annual cropping (Swinkels and Franzel,
erosion effectively (Kiepe and Rao, 1994). The po- 1997; Ngambeki, 1985) and HI gave higher eco-
tential of alley cropping to improve yields depends nomic returns only where crop yields were substan-
on the nutrients added or recycled through hedgerows tially improved, mostly in the subhumid and humid
if the local constraint is nutrient supply, and on the tropics (Ngambeki, 1985). In the semiarid tropics,
ability to increase soil water by increased infiltration the system was profitable over sole cropping only
and decreased runoff if the constraint is water. The when L. leucocephala was considered for fodder
net benefit of the system to crop production is instead of soil fertility improvement (Walker, 1987;
determined, however, by the extent of competition Rao et al., 1991). It is, however, important to exam-
between hedges and crops and by potential improve- ine the nutrient budgets of HI where hedgerow prun-
ments in nutrients and water. ings are used as fodder, as all fodder systems greatly
If species such as Leucaena leucocephala and increase the opportunities for nutrient losses.
Calliandra calothyrsus, which are palatable and yield The semiarid highlands of Kenya are character-
protein-rich fodder, are employed for hedgerows, the ized by 1300 to 1600 m elevation, low and erratic
biomass could be harvested for feeding livestock. rainfall (550 to 800 mm yr - l ) in two rainy seasons,
Studies in the subhumid coastal region of Kenya moderately fertile Alfisols but nutrient depletion be-
have demonstrated that the yields of maize (Zea cause of continued cultivation with few or no exter-
mays) intercropped with L. leucocephala and cow- nal inputs, and soil erosion (McCown et al., 1992).
pea could be increased substantially and the need for Maize yields on farms barely exceed 800 kg ha -1
fertilizer nitrogen reduced by returning dairy cattle and those of food legumes 500 kg ha- 1. Contrary to
slurry to the field (Mureithi et al., 1995). No such the general belief that soil fertility is not a problem
studies integrating agroforestry with livestock have in this region, earlier research has shown that maize
been conducted in semiarid tropics. If the hedges responds to 30 to 40 kg N ha -t (Ikombo, 1984;
exploit residual water and nutrients that crops cannot Nadar and Faught, 1984; McCown et al., 1992). But
utilize, then the system might result in increased few farmers use fertilizer because of the lack of
biological productivity compared with sole annual awareness, conflicting government policies, insuffi-
cropping. In the semiarid tropics where water is cient cash to buy fertilizer in time and high cost of
often limited, however, hedgerows were found to fertilizer. Farmers are aware of the value of farmyard
suppress crop yields through competition for water manure, but the quantity available is too small to
(Singh et al., 1989; Ong et al., 1991; Rao et al., cover the 2 to 3 ha of land cultivated annually by
1991; Jama et al., 1995). The success of alley crop- each household and manure quality is poor (Probert
ping in semiarid tropics depends on how well the et al., 1995). Food legumes with which maize is
competition between hedgerows and crops is man- intercropped or grown in rotation hardly benefit
aged through choice of suitable tree species, height maize as their residues are taken out for livestock
and frequency of pruning the hedgerows, and hedge feeding. Exploring alternative strategies for improv-
spacing. ing maize yields and overcoming farm-level con-
M.N. Mathuva et al. / Field Crops Research 55 (1998) 57-72 59

straints have been the preoccupation of the national cropped twice a year with maize-cowpea rotation
and international research programmes operating in until the start of the present study in the second
the region. season of 1989.
In the quest for improving maize yields in semi-
arid Kenya, we explored the potential of HI in 2.2. Experimental treatments
comparison with inorganic fertilizer, using L. leuco-
The study evaluated the following four cropping
cephala as the hedgerow species, with two manage-
ment options: (1) green-manuring of hedgerow prun-
1. M - F --- sole maize without fertilizer
ings; and (2) feeding the prunings to livestock and
2. HIg = hedgerow intercropping with clippings of
recycling manure. These systems were evaluated for
hedgerows as green manure
agronomic performance, economic returns and sus-
3. Him = hedgerow intercropping with ox manure
tainability, as examined by nutrient budgets.
4. M + F = sole maize with 40 kg N and 18 kg P
h a - ~ every season
2. Materials and methods The HI system used was the 'best-bet' prototype
based on previous studies at Machakos (Njiru, D.M.,
2.1. Site description 1991, unpublished; Jama et al., 1995) and at other
sites in the semiarid tropics (Rao et al., 1991),
The experiment was conducted on the research
keeping in mind the productivity of hedgerows and
station of the International Centre "for Research in
their potential for competition with crop. The HI
Agroforestry (ICRAF) at Machakos, Kenya (1°33'S,
plots had three hedgerows per plot and were larger
37°14'E and 1560 m above sea level). The site is
(about 550 m 2) than the sole maize plots, which
semiarid with an annual average rainfall of 755 m m
were 350 to 400 m 2. To prevent the roots of L.
(SD = 185), high rainfall variability between years
leucocephala hedgerows from interfering with neigh-
and seasons and average annual pan evaporation of
bouring sole maize plots, 0.5 m wide and 1 m deep
1800 ram. There are two distinct rainy seasons, with
trenches were dug along all plot boundaries, L.
330 (SD = 150) mm in the first season (mid-March
leucocephala roots are severed and trenches closed,
to July) and 365 (SD = 125) mm in the second
at the start of every second rainy season beginning in
season (mid-October to mid-February). The mean
1992 and also during the first rains in 1995. To
annual temperature is 19.2°C, August being the cold-
prevent erosion from plots upslope from entering the
est month with a mean monthly temperature of 17. I°C
plots downslope, trash bunds were constructed be-
while March is the warmest month with a mean
tween plots on contour at the start of each season
monthly temperature of 21.3°C. The soils are Kandic
using maize stover removed from plots, and runoff
Rhodustalfs (USDA soil taxonomy) and are repre-
diverted to outside the plots.The fertilizer rate for
sentative of the soils in semiarid Kenya (Kibe, J.M.,
M + F was based on the recommended rate for the
Ochieng, H., Macharia, P.N., 1981, unpublished).
semiarid zone in Kenya (Nadar and Faught, 1984;
The top 15-cm soil has the following characteristics:
McCown et al., 1992) and closely corresponds with
clay = 28% sand = 63%; pH (1:2.5 soil:water sus-
the expected N added or recycled through hedgerow
pension)=6.1; KC1 extractable M g = 1.3 cmol c
prunings in HIg (Jama et al., 1995). The experiment
kg-~; KC1 extractable Ca = 3.3 cmol c kg ~, bicar-
was initiated in November 1989 and continued until
bonate-EDTA extractable K = 0.6 cmolc kg -~, bi-
July 1995 in a randomized block design, replicated
carbonate-EDTA extractable P = 7.0 mg kg -~, or-
three times.
ganic carbon (acid-dichromate oxidation at 150°C) =
0.86% and bulk density = 1.56 g cm -3. The soil at 2.3. Plot management
the experimental site was moderately deep (1.3 to
1.7 m) and had 8.5% slope from north to south and L. leucocephala hedgerows were established in HI
about 3% slope from east to west. The area was systems, on contour, on 1 November 1989, using
brought into cultivation in 1983 after clearing the 6-month-old seedlings (accession 19/81 of prove-
native scrub vegetation and since then had been nance Honduras) at a spacing of 5.4 m between rows
60 M.N. Mathuva et al. / Field Crops Research 55 (1998) 57-72

and 0.4 m within rows. Two crops were grown per under a tree near the cattleshed and protected from
year in all systems. To permit good establishment of rain by covering it with another polythene sheet. L.
L. leucocephala, a less competitive and short-dura- leucocephala in Him was also pruned to 0.5 m
tion bean (Phaseolus uulgaris cv. Nyayo; maturity height. During the dry season, about 6 to 8 m
cycle about 90 days) was grown, using 0.45 m hedgerow was harvested daily to meet (together with
between rows and 0.1 m within the rows, in all stover) the needs of oxen. However, any regrowth of
treatments in the first season of the study. Maize (Z. hedges at the beginning of rainy season and later in
mays, cv. Katumani composite; maturity cycle about the midseason was harvested at the same time as
120 days) was used in all the subsequent seasons. those of HIg, and the material dried and preserved as
Maize was grown at a constant population (37,000 hay for feeding the oxen later when maize stover
plants ha -~) in all treatments at a spacing of 0.9 m from Him was available.
between rows and 0.3 m within the rows. The spac- A L. leucocephala psyllid (Heteropsylla cubana
ing between hedgerow and the adjacent maize row in Crawford) appeared in this trial in March 1993 and
HI systems was 0.45 m. Maize in M + F was fertil- seriously damaged the L. leucocephala growth in the
ized every season with 40 kg N h a - l and 18 kg P following months. The hedges were not sprayed
ha -~ in compound fertilizer, incorporated during initially, but when it became clear that they would
land preparation. In the 1995 first season, only 40 kg not grow without chemical protection, from Septem-
N ha-1 was applied because soil tests in the previ- ber 1993 they were sprayed about once every 3
ous seasons had consistently shown adequate plant- weeks, with dimbthoate 45 EC (at 1.2 ml 1-~ water),
available P. Inter-row cultivation was done by bul- cypermethrin 50 EC (at 1.5 ml 1-1 water) or lambda-
locks at 2 and 4 weeks after maize emergence; cyhalothrin 17.5 EC (at 2.5 ml 1-1 water). Spraying
within-row weeds were removed manually. As a was stopped in Him 2 weeks prior to harvesting the
p r e v e n t i v e m e a s u r e against stalk borers, hedgerows to avoid risk to animal health.
trichlorophon 2.5% (Dipterex) granules were applied
into maize whorls at 2 weeks after emergence. Maize 2.4. Data collection and analyses
stover was removed from plots in all systems, typical
of local farming practice, and valued in the economic Crop yields were determined by harvesting eight
analysis. quadrats of 32.4 m 2 (5.4 X 6 m) in the case of the
L. leucocephala was pruned for the first time l yr preliminary beans and four quadrats of the same size
after planting, at the beginning of the 1990 second in the case of maize, randomly spread over each plot.
season. L. leucocephala in HIg was pruned twice per The grain yields were adjusted to 13% moisture and
season to 0.5 m height and the prunings returned to stover yields to oven-dry weight determined on sub-
the soil as green manure. The clippings of the first samples by drying at 70°C for 48 h. Mean yields
pruning, done at the beginning of each rainy season, from each plot were subjected to the analysis of
were incorporated into soil during land preparation. variance. L. leucocephala biomass was determined
The clippings of the second pruning, done usually 4 by discarding a 2- or 3-m border at each end of the
to 6 weeks after maize sowing, were spread on the hedgerows and harvesting the middle 30 m length.
surface or incorporated if the pruning coincided with The three hedgerows within a plot were harvested
interculturing. separately, but final plot yield was estimated based
Prunings and maize stover from each plot of Him on the sum of all three hedgerows.
were fed to a pair of oxen and the manure collected Land slope was measured using a surveyor's level
separately and returned to the respective plots, where before the start and at the end of the experiment. In
it was spread uniformly and incorporated in the soil HI systems, elevation of the ground on either side
during land preparation. If manure available was (i.e., upslope and downslope) of all hedgerows and
small in any given season (say < 0.5 t h a - ~), it was distance between hedgerows in all plots were mea-
returned to the plots in the subsequent season after a sured and average slope in the alleys calculated.
sufficient quantity had accumulated. The manure was Soil water was monitored in the last two seasons
preserved on a polythene sheet spread on the ground of the study (second season of 1994 and first season
M.N. Mathuva et aL / Field Crops Research 55 (1998) 57-72 61

of 1995) in HIg and M - F. Two transects of alu- gen fixation (BNF) by L. leucocephala was made. In
minium access tubes (six per transect) were installed the absence of BNF, a correct nutrient budget cannot
across the alley between rows of maize and in the L. be estimated for HIg and Him, so a Nutrient Export
leucocephala row. In sole maize, three tubes were Index [NEI = (nutrient exported)/(nutrient recycled
installed between the rows at three randomly chosen or inputted)] was calculated as a relative measure of
places. Neutron counts were monitored using a neu- nutrient balance. An index greater than 1.0 indicates
tron probe (Didcot Instruments, UK) at 15-cm depth nutrient depletion and lower than 1.0 positive nutri-
intervals from 0.3 to 1.2 m at different times after ent balance.
crop sowing, and the count data were converted to
gravimetric water content based on calibrations de- 2.6. Soil nutrient status
veloped between counts and gravimetric water con-
tent. Bulk density was estimated in each replication The soil nutrient status was determined plot-wise
by taking samples of known soil volume at different in the topsoil (0-15 cm) at the beginning of the
depths on the profile wall of a 1.2-m-deep pit. Soil study and in August 1994 for all parameters. An
water in the top 0.3 m depth was determined gravi- additional sampling for soil carbon was done at the
metrically. Total soil water contents of the profile in end of the trial also (August 1995). Soil was col-
both seasons are reported for the two systems. lected from 10 locations in each plot, and a compos-
ite sample prepared for analyses by drying under
2.5. Nutrient budgets shade, crushing and sieving (2-mm sieve). Soil was
analyzed for organic carbon, exchangeable cations
The nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentra- and extractable phosphorus. Data were analyzed us-
tions of L. leucocephala prunings were determined ing ANOVA.
at every harvest, starting with the first season of
1992. The coppice growth of two plants from each 2. 7. Economic analysis
hedgerow was collected at each pruning, chopped
into pieces, and 0.5 kg of this material was dried at Average costs were used for operations unaffected
70°C and weighed. The material was ground in a by treatments such as land preparation, sowing and
Wiley mill to pass a 0.5 mm sieve and analyzed for interculturing. Where operations were affected by
N and P following the methods described by Parkin- different treatments, as was the case for insecticide
son and Allen (1975). The N and P removed through application, harvesting and threshing of crops, and
maize grain and stover harvests were also estimated hedgerow pruning and mulch or manure application,
each season, using the same procedures on a sample then treatment-specific costs were estimated. Cost of
of five maize plants chosen randomly from each plot ploughing and weed control twice per season by
at harvest. The nutrients recycled by L. leucocephala oxen was estimated (US$65 ha -1 ) based on average
or manure and those removed through maize har- hire cost among ox and non-ox owning farmholdings
vests in HIg and Him were estimated by multiplying in the area. The costs of inputs used were those
the tissue nutrient concentration with dry matter current in the first season of 1995. The inputs were
yields of the respective plant components. (labour at US$1.56 day-1, 50 kg ha-J of bean seed
Nitrogen and phosphorus contents of manure ap- at US$1.48 kg -1, 25 kg ha -~ of maize seed each
plied each season in Him were also determined. A season at US$1.3 kg -1, 5090 L. leucocephala
0.5 kg sample was collected from the replication-wise seedlings h a - I at US$27.8 per 1000; Average costs
manure generated and the material dried in shade for per season for insecticides were sole maize = US$13
several days before it was crushed, sieved and ana- ha-1 and HI systems = US$22 ha -~, compound fer-
lyzed. Nutrient budgets of the four systems were tilizer at US$0.38 kg - I , urea at US$0.4 kg -I and
estimated, based on the nutrients input into or recy- manure containing 1.8% N and 0.4% P at US$13.2
cled within the plots and nutrients exported from the t -1. Cost of manure was adjusted for nutrient con-
plots for the period March 1992 (first season) to July centration in different seasons. Value of outputs
1995 (first season). No estimate of biological nitro- (bean grain at US$390 t -1, haulms at US$26 t - l ,
62 M.N. Mathuva et al. / Field Crops Research 55 (1998) 57-72

maize grain at US$144 t -1, stover at US$26 t - 1 , fuelwood. The hedges did not produce any substan-
wood at US$27.8 t-l and L. leucocephala fodder at tial quantity of wood in subsequent prunings and the
US$185 t -~) were based on the average prices pre- entire aboveground biomass thereafter was therefore
vailing during March to August 1995. L. leuco- used as green manure or ox fodder. The average
cephala fodder was valued on the basis of the di- yield of L. leucocephala prunings across seasons
gestible crude protein equivalent of commercial dairy was similar for the two HI systems at 1.4 t h a - 1. The
meal. Digestibility of L. leucocephala protein (22% two HI systems did not differ significantly in most
crude protein in fodder) was considered as 60% seasons, and whenever they differed, it was because
(Wheeler et al., 1994) while that of local dairy meal the hedges had been pruned in different times of the
supplement (15% crude protein) as 80% (Patterson, season. Average yield of L. leucocephala prunings
R., ICRAF, personal communication). was similar between the two rainy seasons; the first
Financial analysis of the four cropping systems rainy reason averaged 1.5 t ha -1 (SE = 0.27) com-
was conducted in each season, taking input costs and pared with 1.3 t ha -1 (SE = 0.14) in the second
output value into account. Net returns calculated season. The yield of L. leucocephala prunings was
plot-wise after deducting the input costs from the not related to seasonal rainfall because the hedges
gross value of the outputs were subjected to standard were able to utilize residual water from one season
ANOVA. Net present values (NPV) of the four to the next season. Little biomass was harvested in
cropping systems across seasons were calculated in the 1993 first season because of a severe infestation
each plot using the 1995 discount rate (10% per of L. leucocephala psyllid. The three hedgerows
season) and were analyzed by ANOVA. The sensi- within a plot behaved similarly in their biomass
tivity of economic returns of the systems to different yields in different seasons (data not presented), which
price scenarios was assessed by calculating the NPV indicates that root pruning effectively controlled any
at different maize and bean grain prices (50, 75, 125 potential interference between plots and it did not
and 150% of present price), fertilizer prices (75 and affect normal growth of hedgerows.
125% of present price) and fodder value (75 and Manure was applied for the first time in the 1990
125% of present value). second season, and in six subsequent seasons, at
quantities varying from 0.44 t to 3.63 t ha-1 (Table
1). The average quantity of manure applied per
3. Results
season was 1.23 t ha - l .
3.1. L. leucocephala prunings and manure
3.2. Maize yields
When L. leucocephala was pruned for the first
time at the beginning of the 1990 second season, it Unfertilized sole maize produced more than 2 t
produced about 1 t ha -1 of foliar biomass (Table 1) ha-1 when rainfall exceeded 400 mm in a season
and 1.5 t ha-1 of wood; the wood was removed as and even with 300 mm rainfall when distribution

Table 1
Yield of L. leucocephala prunings from the two hedgerow intercropping (HI) systems and manure returned to H i m system at Machakos,
Systems 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Mean
2a 1a 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
L. leucocephala prunings (t ha 1)
HI (green manure) 0.94 1.27 0.83 1.64 2.22 0,17 1.43 1.47 1.33 2.78 1.41
HI (ox manure) 0.96 1.66 0.92 2.67 1.37 0,19 1.73 1.43 1.38 1.92 1.42
SED b 0.12 0.18 0.04 0.29 0.08 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.14 0.39
Manure added (t h a - 1)
HI (Ox manure) 2.11 0.44 - 2.89 0.99 - 0.90 - 3.63 1.96 1.23

al = first season (mid-March to July); 2 = second season (mid-October to mid-February).

bStandard error of difference of means.
M.N. Mathuva et aL / Field Crops Research 55 (1998) 57-72 63

Table 2
Grain yields (t h a - 1) of beans and maize in unfertilized (M - F) and fertilized (M + F) sole crops and hedgerow intercropping (HI) systems
from 1989 to 1995 at Machakos, Kenya
System Bean Maize
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Mean
2a 1a 2 1 2 1 2 1b 2 1 2 1
Sole crop (M - F) 1.38 2.42 1.80 1.40 1.66 1.98 2.78 - 2.48 2.01 2.23 2.67 1.95
HI (green manure) 1.23 1.75 1.66 0.92 1.24 1.17 2.99 - 1.27 1.23 3.09 2.82 1.65
HI (ox manure) 1.47 1.65 1.39 0.87 1.05 1.00 2.28 - 1.33 1.35 2.25 1.83 1.37
Sole crop (M + F) 1.44 3.18 2.27 1.89 2.41 2.27 3.95 - 2.79 2,25 3.85 3.52 2.59
SED 0.24 0.14 0.23 0.22 0.18 0.35 0.33 - 0.31 0.26 0.38 0.33 0.10
Seasonalrainfall(mm) 294 483 364 226 399 253 804 50 317 234 524 289

al = first rainy season or 'long rains' (mid-March to July); 2 = second rainy season or 'short rains' (mid-October to mid-February).
bCrop failed due to poor rains in the first season of this year.

during the season was uniform (Table 2). In all such Bean and L. leucocephala did not affect each
seasons (which were six of 11), sole maize gave a other in the 1989 second season, when the experi-
significant response to fertilizer, twice in the first ment was first established. While the sole-cropped
season and on four occasions in the second season. bean produced 1.41 t ha -~ grain, the intercropped
The yield increase over unfertilized maize varied in bean produced on average 1.35 t ha-1 despite losing
these seasons from 0.75 to 1.62 t ha-1 (i.e., 30 to 8.3% land area to L. leucocephala. In the following
73% increase over the control). Maize stover yields season (i.e., 1990 first crop), maize yields in both the
due to fertilizer application increased by a greater HI systems were significantly less than that of unfer-
margin of 0.85 to 1.88 t ha -~ (42 to 137%) than the tilized sole maize. Maize was harvested 10 out of the
grain yield increase (Table 3). Stover yields were 11 cropping seasons; the crop in the 1993 first
slightly more variable than grain yields, and the season failed because of poor rainfall. From the 1990
average harvest index over seasons of fertilized maize second season (i.e., after commencement of L. leu-
(54%) was slightly lower than that of other treat- cocephala pruning), alley maize in HIg gave signifi-
ments (58%). The magnitude of response to fertilizer cantly lower yield than the unfertilized sole-cropped
was dependent on the amount and distribution of maize in four seasons and yields similar to the sole
rainfall. Absolute yields and response to fertilizer crop in four seasons. The alley maize gave signifi-
were greater in second seasons because of higher and cantly higher yield than the unfertilized sole maize
more reliable rainfall than in first seasons. only once, in the 1994 second season, 5 yrs after the

Table 3
Bean haulms and maize stover yield (t h a - 1 ) in unfertilized (M - F) and fertilized (M + F) sole crops and hedgerow intercropping (HI)
systems from 1989 to 1995 at Machakos, Kenya
System Bean Maize
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Mean
2a 1a 2 1 2 1 2 1b 2 1 2 1
Sole crop (M - F) 0.87 1.76 1.37 1.20 1,02 1.97 1.38 - 2.10 1.18 1.37 2.05 1.40
HI (green manure) 0.94 1.43 1.38 0.91 1,19 1.15 1.35 - 1.22 0.92 1.75 1.80 1.19
HI (ox manure) 0.97 1.32 1.44 0.78 0.81 1.06 1.04 - 1.58 0.97 1.27 1.11 1.03
Sole crop (M + F) 0.88 2.99 2.37 1.38 1.87 2.66 2,29 - 2.54 1.63 3.25 2.91 2.17
SED 0.18 0.14 0.26 0.27 0.21 0.47 0,18 - 0.45 0.21 0.44 0.44 0.16

al and 2 refer to first and second rainy seasons of the respective years.
bcrop failed due to poor rainfall in this season.
64 M.N. Mathuva et al. / Field Crops Research 55 (1998) 57-72

450 a) 1994 second season

commencement of the study when the rainfall ex- I Sed weeks
ceeded 500 mm. Alley-cropped maize in Him yielded 400 I Sed systems
significantly less than unfertilized sole-cropped maize 350
in six seasons and similar to the sole crop in other
300 - - - HIg
seasons. Between the two HI systems, the green-
°" ~ M-F "o
manure system caused less reduction in maize yield 250
(15% over all seasons) than the ox-manure system g 200 Tasseling~ Si~king Harvest~
(30% overall). The difference was greater in first .=
150 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
rainy seasons than in second rainy seasons, which ,-j
o 0 5 10 15 20
was directly related to less rainfall in first seasons.
b) 1995 first season
Maize growth across alleys of HI was generally 450

uniform, but in some drier-seasons, rows adjacent to I Sed weeks

I Sed systems
L. leucocephala seemed to perform better than in the 350
middle of the alleys. Maize yields in the fertilized
sole system and the two HI systems were linearly
related with seasonal rainfall ( r 2 = 0 . 4 7 to 0.59, 250
"o .e
P < 0.05) whereas the relationship between yields of 200 Tasseling~ ~ilking H . . . . t~,
unfertilized sole maize and rainfall was not signifi-
cant. Yields of different systems did not reveal any
5 10 15 20
significant time-related trends over seasons; how- W e e k s after s o w i n g
ever, yields of HIg and M + F tended to exhibit
Fig. 1. Total soil water in 1.2 m profile depth under hedgerow
positive trends over time and maize in Him and
intercropping (HIg) and unfertilized sole maize ( M - F) at differ-
M - F exhibited N-deficiency symptoms during early ent times during the 1994 second season and the 1995 first season
stages of growth in the last two seasons of the study. at Machakos, Kenya.

3.3. Terracing
two systems narrowed at certain times of the season,
Hedgerows were found to serve as physical barri- soil water under HIg was always less than that under
ers to whatever small erosion that occurred and thus, M - F. Less soil water in HIg was due to less water
conserve the soil. This was evident from the forma- particularly at depths below 50 cm, which was more
tion of terraces with 20 to 25 cm high risers (at the pronounced in the 1995 first season because of less
base of hedgerows) and reduction of slope from the than normal rainfall.
initial 8.6% to 5.3% in the alleys over years.
3.5. Nutrient budgets
3.4. Soil water
Nitrogen and P concentrations of L. leucocephala
Measurement of soil water in the wet 1994 second prunings were unusually low in the first season of
season and the dry 1995 first season indicated the 1993 because of psyllid damage to L. leucocephala
total soil water status under HI and M - F systems foliage (Table 4). For the other seasons, N concentra-
in contrasting seasons (Fig. 1). Except at the begin- tion of prunings varied from 2.4% to 4.3% and P
ning of the season, total soil water under both sys- concentration from 0.13% to 0.27%. Nitrogen and P
tems in 1994 was greater than in 1995 because of concentrations of L. leucocephala prunings did not
43% greater rainfall, One week after sowing, HIg in differ significantly between the two HI systems (data
1994 had 40 mm less water to 1.2 m than M - F, not presented), but their concentrations in prunings
and this situation continued throughout the season. In harvested in midseason were significantly higher than
the following 1995 first season, at 2 weeks after those in the first prunings harvested at the beginning
sowing, the profile under HIg had 90 mm less water of rainy season. Midseason prunings of the green-
than under M - F. Although the gap between the manure system contained 3.8% N and 0.24% P
M.N. Mathuva et a L / Field Crops Research 55 (1998) 57-72 65

Table 4
Nutrient concentration and yield of L. leucocephala prunings and nutrients recycled in hedgerow intercropping (HIg) over six seasons from
October 1992 to July 1995 at Machakos, Kenya
Season Prunings(t ha - I ) Nutrient concentration (% dry matter) Nutrients recycled (kg h a - l)
Nitrogen Phosphorus N P
1992(2) b 2.22 2.85 4.31 0.13 0.27 75.1 4.4
1993(1) b 0.17 1.61 - 0.11 - 2.7 0.2
1993(2) 1.43 2.43 3.88 0.15 0.26 44.5 2.7
1994( 1) 1.47 3.02 3.63 0.19 0.20 46.6 3.0
1994(2) 1.33 3.54 3.88 0.21 0.22 49.0 3.0
1995( 1) 2.78 3.60 3.56 0.13 0.25 93.4 5.8
Total 9.40 . . . . 313.3 19.1
Average 1.57 2.84 3.85 0.15 0.24 52.2 3.2
SED (PS vs. MS) 0.24 0.011

aps = preseason and MS = midseason prunings of each crop cycle.

bl and 2 in parentheses refer to the first and second rainy seasons of the respective years.

compared with 2.8% N and 0.15% P in the prunings son by L. leucocephala in HIg averaged 52 kg N and
harvested at the beginning of the season. 3.2 kg P ha -1 (Table 4). Nutrients recycled per
A three-fold variation was observed in N and P season through manure in Him averaged 20 kg N
concentrations of manure among seasons (Table 5). and 3.7 kg P ha -~ (Table 5). Thus, the ox-manure
The manure applied in the 1994 second crop season system recycled less than one-third the quantity of
contained the lowest N (0.9%) and P (0.17%), while nitrogen, but 16% more P than the green-manure
that applied in the 1993 second crop season con- system.
tained the highest N (2.9%) and P (0.52%). Maize harvested from M + F contained signifi-
The amount of N and P recycled through L. cantly higher N concentration in its grain (1.73% _+
leucocephala prunings or manure varied among sea- 0.10) and stover (0.60% ___0.03) than that harvested
sons, depending on the L. leucocephala biomass from other systems. Those systems did not differ
harvested or the manure applied and their respective significantly among them and averaged over seasons
nutrient concentrations. Nutrients recycled per sea- 1.50% (SE = 0.05) N in grain and 0.52% (SE = 0.05)

Table 5
Nutrient concentration and total nutrients recycled through cattle manure applied in hedgerow intercropping (Him) over six seasons from
October 1992 to July 1995 at Machakos, Kenya
Season Manure (t ha- l ) Nutrient concentration (% dry matter) Nutrients recycled (kg h a - l )
1992(2) a 0.99 2.56 0.37 25.3 3.4
1993(1) a . . . .
1993(2) 0.90 2.86 0.52 25.7 4.7
1994(1) . . . .
1994(2) 3.63 0.90 0.17 32.7 6.2
1995(1) 1.96 1.77 0.41 34.7 8.0
Total 7.48 - - 118.4 22.3
Average 1.25 - - 19.7 3.7

al and 2 in parentheses refer to the first and second rainy seasons of the respective years.
66 M.N. Mathuva et al. / FieM Crops Research 55 (1998) 57-72

N in stover. Treatment differences were not signifi- 3.6. Soil nutrient status
cant for P concentration, which averaged over sea-
sons 0.27% (SE = 0.02) P in grain and 0.07% (SE =
There were no significant changes in soil organic
0.02) P in stover.
carbon and exchangeable cations in the topsoil ( 0 - 1 5
Nutrient budgets o f the four cropping systems
cm) over 5 yrs in any of the cropping systems (Table
over three years (1992 second season through 1995
7). The only significant change was in available
first season) indicated the removal of most nutrients
phosphorus, which decreased by 38% in M - F and
through maize and L. leucocephala prunings in H i m
35 to 44% in HI systems. Available P increased in
(433 kg N and 46 kg P h a - l ; Table 6). Only about a
the M + F system significantly, however, from 7 mg
quarter of the N and half of the P removed were
k g - 1 at the beginning of the study to 17 mg k g - 1 at
recycled back to the plots through the return of ox
the end o f 5 yrs in 1994.
manure. Although the N and P r e m o v e d from M + F
in the three years totaled 316 kg N and 54 kg P
ha -~, this system ended with a loss of 136 kg N
3. 7. E c o n o m i c returns
while gaining 33 kg P because o f fertilizer input. The
quantities of nutrients removed through maize har-
vests in HIg and M - F were similar, but nutrient The HI systems required 22 to 31% more labour
depletion was greater in the latter as there was than M - F, primarily for managing hedgerows,
neither nutrient input nor recycling. The N E I indi- prunings a n d / o r manure. M + F required 22% more
cated a positive N balance for HIg, m a x i m u m N labour than M - F, mostly for transporting of fertil-
depletion for H i m and moderate N depletion even in izer to the field and its application, and for handling
M + F. The index further indicated more or less of increased produce. Profits from HIg were more
similar P depletion for HIg and Him, but a positive P variable than from any other system. The H i m gave
balance for M + F. significantly higher net returns than M + F in five of
12 crop seasons, M - F in seven of 12 and HIg in

Table 6
Nutrient budgets (kg ha -1 ) of four cropping systems estimated over six crop cycles from October 1992 to July 1995 at Machakos, Kenya
System Input a Export b Balancea Recycled
c NEId
Grain Stover L. leucocephala Total
M- F 0 180 48 - 229 - 229 0 -
HIg 0 173 48 - 221 -221 314 0.70
Him 118 130 34 269 433 - 315 118 3.67
M+ F 240 228 88 - 316 - 136 - 1.57
SED 19.2 7.6 - 25.5

M- F 0 32 4 - 36 - 36 0 -
HIg 0 34 5 - 39 - 39 19 2.05
Him 22 24 5 17 46 - 24 22 2.09
M+ F 87 43 1l - 54 33 0 0.62
SED 3.7 0.7 - 4.0

aNutrients added through fertilizer or manure. Biological nitrogen fixation by L. leucocephala was not considered in the input and balance
of HI systems.
bNutrients removed through maize harvests and L. leucocephala prunings.
CRecycling refers to the nutrients returned through green manure or ox manure.
dNutrient Export Index = (Nutrient exported)/(Nutrient recycled or input).
M.N. Mathuva et al. / Field Crops Research 55 (1998) 57-72 67

Table 7
Changes in soil nutrients in 0 - 1 5 cm soil layer over a 5-yr period (6 yrs for organic C) under four cropping systems at Machakos, Kenya
Systems Organic Available Total exchangeable cations
C (%) P (ppm) (cmol c k g - r )
1989(2) a 1995(1)" 1989(2) 1994(1) 1989 (2) 1994 (1)
M - F 0.88 0.82 7.9 4.9 5.7 6.6
Hlg 0.86 0.88 6.9 3.9 5.1 4.5
Him 0.83 0.80 8.7 5.7 4.1 3.8
M + F 0.83 0.91 7.3 17.0 5.9 5.3

SED systems 0.06 2.17 1.30

SED seasons 0.03 1.17 0.35
SED systems in different seasons 0.07 2.73 1.39
SED systems in same season 0.07 2.34 0.70

al and 2 refer to the first and second rainy seasons of the respective years.

nine of 12 (Table 8). Returns from this system were of HIg, and 36% and 24% higher than that of M - F
less than from M - F and M + F in the first two and M + F, respectively. The NPV of HI systems
seasons, when L. leucocephala fodder was not yet could have been higher by US$84 if no control
harvested and it suppressed crop yields. Returns measures against the L. leucocephala psyllid were
from Him were similar to those of M + F in four of required.
12 seasons when maize response to fertilizer was Although Him was very sensitive to fodder value,
high due to good rainfall. Returns from HIg were it was the most profitable system over a wide range
lowest in all seasons. Of 11 seasons in which maize of maize grain prices (Fig. 2). Returns from M + F
was grown, M + F gave significantly higher returns matched those of Him, if the market price of maize
than M - F in four seasons; it gave similar returns to and bean grain increased by 27%, or fertilizer price
M - F in six seasons and made the maximum loss in dropped by 25% and grain prices increased simulta-
one season when crops failed due to poor rains. In neously by 15%. The fodder system lost its eco-
that particular season of crop failure, the Him system nomic advantage if market value of L. leucocephala
showed the minimum loss. fodder dropped by 25%. Fertilizing maize at the
The net present value of the four systems indi- recommended rate of 40 kg N and 18 kg P ha-1
cated that M + F was 10% more profitable than would not be any more profitable if either grain
M - F (Table 8). The NPV of HIg was lowest with prices drop by 16% or fertilizer prices increase by
only 42% of the returns of the control M - F. The 25%. However, if the fertilizer price increases by
NPV of Him was about three times higher than that 50%, at least a 20% increase in the market value of

Table 8
Net benefits in each cropping season and total net present value (US$ ha -x ) over 12 seasons from four cropping systems
System 1989(2) a 1990(1) a 1990(2) 1991(1) 1991(2) 1992(1) 1992(2) 1993(1) 1993(2) 1994(1) 1994(2) 1995(1) Total NPV b
M- F 304 193 130 68 69 168 258 - 105 224 163 188 269 1241
HIg 83 103 134 - 25 - 1 20 251 - 110 - 21 - 10 235 206 523
Him 172 92 245 192 130 461 396 -76 296 272 270 400 1692
M + F 326 222 132 64 103 138 346 - 188 192 123 358 358 1362
SED 42 17 29 37 21 71 39 9 43 32 55 43 70

a I and 2 in parentheses refer to the first and second cropping seasons of the respective years.
bNet present value at 10% discount rate per crop season, US$1 = KSh54.
68 M.N. Mathuva et al. / Field Crops Research 55 (1998) 57-72

(Nadar and Faught, 1984). Studies in Machakos and
other semiarid environments have demonstrated that
maize yields could be improved by inorganic N
through fertilizers or organic N through green ma-
2500 Him (125"P - nuring (Njiru, D.M., 1991, unpublished; Cooper et
al., 1996). Green manuring based on transferring
~'~ 2000
biomass produced on separate fields has not been
Him (100)-
adopted by farmers because of the need for extra
land to produce green manure and the large amount
' M-F ," of labour required for transporting the material (Co-
oper et al., 1996). In situ production of green manure
,, "~'----'-- HIg
Z through HI does not seem to be a solution for
~ :: ~:'~"-----'---'r" t ~ , M + F ( 1 2 5 ) increasing maize yields in semiarid environments
such as Machakos, as intercropped maize yields in
most seasons were either significantly reduced or
60" 80 100 120 140 160
unaffected compared with those of the sole maize
system. These results are similar to those from other
Grain price (% of present price)
semiarid areas (Singh et al., 1989; Ong et al., 1991;
Fig. 2. Net present values of unfertilized ( M - F ) and fertilized Rao et al., 1991).
(M + F) sole maize and hedgerow intercropping systems, managed The reduction of maize yield in HI could be
as green manure (HIg) or fodder system with recycling of ox
attributed to the competition between hedgerows and
manure (Him), estimated at current (i.e,, 100%) costs of inputs but
at different grain prices of maize and beans. Sensitivity of Him
crop for growth resources. There was no competition
and M + F for 125% and 75% of current fodder value and for light as hedges were periodically pruned to 0.5 m
fertilizer cost respectively are shown at different grain prices. and maize rows close to hedges grew similar to or
even better than those in the middle of the alley.
maize is required for fertilizer use to remain prof- Competition for water between hedges and crop was
itable. On the other hand, if fertilizers become the major cause for reduced yields in intercropping.
cheaper by 25%, fertilizer use is profitable over a This was evident from lower soil water status under
wide range of grain prices. Returns from HIg were HI than under sole cropping in both seasons when
lowest over a wide range of maize price. Him and soil water was measured during the crop cycle and
M + F would have similar sensitivity to labour wage also the positive relationship between yield and rain-
because of similar labour requirements. fall. The hedgerow trees, because of their perennial
growth, extracted soil water even during the dry
season and left the profile much depleted of water
4. Discussion compared with the amount under the sole crop at the
beginning of each cropping season. This was con-
4.1. Productivity of sole maize vs. HI systems finned by Govindarajan et al. (1996) from monitor-
ing of soil water throughout the 1993 second season
An average yield of 2 t ha -1 season - I from of this experiment and by Mclntyre et al. (1997) in
unfertilized sole maize system in this trial was prob- another HI study with Senna spp. at the same site.
ably because of good crop management, and because The soil profile in this study was never recharged
the site was not depleted of nutrients (Table 2). In fully even during the 1994 second season when
spite of this, response of maize to fertilizer in six out rainfall was 43% more than normal, indicating that
of 11 seasons indicates that nutrients were a limiting soil water could be inadequate for crop growth under
factor in seasons with good rainfall. The response HI in seasons with less rainfall than the 1994 second
could be attributed mostly to N as soils having 5 to 7 season. This further points out that water deficits in
ppm of available P, as in this study, only occasion- HI systems extend from one season to another.
ally displayed a response to P fertilizer in the region Runoff was not measured in this study, but even
M.N. Mathuva et al. / Field Crops Research 55 (1998) 57-72 69

if the hedges conserved some extra water by prevent- previous eight seasons. Lower yield in Him was due
ing overland flow and increased infiltration (Kiepe to recycling of a smaller quantity of nutrients through
and Rao, 1994), the negative effect of competition, ox manure (20 kg N and 4 kg P ha -1) than through
at least during the study period, was more than the green manure in HIg. This was evident from N
positive effect of conservation. The hedgerows with deficiency symptoms observed on maize in Him in
their well-established and spread-out root system the later years of the study when there was adequate
outcompeted the crop, which has to develop its root rainfall.
system every season. L. leucocephala hedges were The hedgerows did not pose any difficulty for
observed to produce greater fine root density than land preparation and interculturing using oxen. They
Senna siamea or Gliricidia sepium hedges within the did, however, prevent cross cultivation, which is
crop root zone (Rao et al., 1993) and spread their commonly practised for effective weed control on
roots throughout the alley uniformly (Govindarajan flat to moderate sloping lands. And, weed growth
et al., 1996). within the hedgerows was encouraged and could be
It appears that alley cropping with L. leuco- removed only manually. Weed observations indi-
cephala will have a beneficial effect on crop yield cated three to six times greater weed biomass in the
only when a minimum rainfall is available to meet hedgerows than in the alleys for equivalent areas.
the water needs of both hedge and crop and adequate Nevertheless, these effects might not be major deter-
prunings are incorporated into the soil. This was rents to the adoption of HI if substantial improve-
evident in the 1994 second crop season when sea- ment were made in crop yields or fodder production.
sonal rainfall exceeded 500 mm. The lack of re- In the absence of sole L. leucocephala in the
sponse of alley-cropped maize in spite of higher study, the advantage of Him for fodder production
rainfall in the 1992 second rains indicates, however, over block planting of sole maize and sole L. leuco-
that the beneficial effect of alley cropping may not cephala (for fodder) could not be assessed precisely.
be obtained within a few seasons of the establish- A sole L. leucocephala fodder bank in an experi-
ment of the system, if the amount of biomass har- ment adjacent to this study was found to yield 17.2 t
vested is small, as in this study. (dry fodder) ha -1 yr -1 during 1989 to 1991, when
Foliar biomass harvested from L. leucocephala the annual rainfall of 775 mm yr-J as well as its
and other hedgerow species in subhumid and humid distribution between the seasons were similar to the
environments, where HI was found to have positive long-term pattern (Jama et al., 1995). Using that as a
effects, was of the order of 5 to 6 t h a - 1 y r - 1 (Kang control, the land equivalent ratio (i.e., the land area
et al., 1990). Furthermore, studies have shown that N required as a sole crop system to produce the same
from organic residues is less available than from yield as from 1 ha of intercropping) for Him worked
inorganic fertilizers because factors such as adequate out to be 0.87, which indicates that intercropping L.
soil water, time and method of application of prun- leucocephala and maize is less productive than sole
ings affect the release of nutrients in relation to crop cropping.
demand (Cooper et al., 1996). Given these factors,
the plant-available nutrients from 1.41 t h a - l biomass 4.2. Nutrient cycling
returned (47 kg N and 2.9 kg P h a - l recycled) each
season in this study could be very small. Nutrients Nutrient concentration of L. leucocephala prun-
recycled through root turnover would be small as ings harvested at the beginning of rains was low
biomass input through root turnover per season hardly because of more woody biomass and older foliage
exceeded 0.5 t ha 1 (Govindarajan et al., 1996). than the prunings harvested midseason, whose nutri-
This may explain the lack of significant increase in ent concentration was high because of the high pro-
crop yield from HIg over sole maize in the 1992 portion of fresh growth of L. leucocephala after the
second season, even with adequate rainfall while the start of the rains and probably greater N 2 fixation
significant response in the 1994 second season, when under adequate soil moisture conditions. Nutrients of
rainfall was again adequate, could be due to the the preseason prunings might have been more effi-
cumulative effect of biomass incorporated over the ciently utilized by the crop than those harvested in
70 M.N. Mathuva et al, / Field Crops Research 55 (1998) 57-72

midseason. This is because preseason prnnings were In spite of large differences in nutrient balance
incorporated in the soil, which enhances their de- among treatments, there were no significant changes
composition, providing greater opportunity for the in soil nutrient status even after 5 or 6 yrs of
released nutrients to meet crop demand. The midsea- cropping. Similar results were reported from other
son prunings could not be properly incorporated into parts of the tropics (Szott et al., 1991; Rosecrance et
the soil in the standing maize crop. Although the al., 1992; Danso and Morgan, 1993). The lack of
amount of nutrients recycled through the green- change in soil properties in the present study could
manure systems was small, the fact that crop growth be attributed to: (1) the inadequate amount of nutri-
in HI was limited by water might have restricted the ents added through the small quantity of
maize response to recycled nutrients. biomass/manure produced each season; and (2) the
The quantity of manure applied differed across inability of soil tests to pick up short-term changes in
seasons due to different quantities of maize stover the soil that may occur mostly in the labile pools of
and L. leucocephala prnnings harvested. Similarly, nutrients.
the quality of manure also differed over seasons due
to differences in the proportion of maize stover to L. 4.3. Economic returns
leucocephala biomass fed, the proportion of twigs to
foliage in L. leucocephala and the time available for The highest NPV occurred with Him due to high
decomposition of organic residues in the manure value of L. leucocephala fodder, which more than
heap. Thus, the N and P concentrations of manure compensated for the loss in maize yield and the
applied in the 1992 and 1993 second seasons were slightly greater amount of labour required for manag-
high as the quantity and proportion of L. leuco- ing the L. leucocephala hedgerows and for manure
cephala biomass available to feed the oxen in the application. If the cost of manure was not considered
previous seasons was high and time available for (for the case of farmers who would not apply ma-
decomposition of residues was longer. In spite of nure), the NPV of Him would have been higher by
taking good care in the collection and preservation of US$89, or 31% higher than M + F and 44% higher
manure, considerable quantity of nutrients must have than M - F. Exclusion of manure would not have
been lost, particularly of N through volatilization and affected maize yields within the timeframe of our
urine, which was not collected. Hence, the N recy- study and thus, altered the relative standing of Him
cled to plots through manure in Him was very small compared with other systems, as maize yields of this
and represented only 27% of that exported through system were affected in most seasons by water stress
maize and L. leucocephala harvests, which over rather than by nutrient stress. The poor returns from
years resulted in N depletion in this system. The HIg were due to low maize yields. These results
effect of greater N depletion in Him was visible confirm previous studies that in the semiarid tropics
through N deficiency symptoms in the later seasons hedgerow prunings are more valuable as fodder than
of the study whenever rainfall was adequate. In the for improving soil fertility (Darnhofer, I., 1992, un-
case of P, a large amount was recycled in Him than published; Rao et al., 1991; Walker, 1987), when
in HIg because of the return of P contained in maize rainfall is limited and erratic.
stover, which was fed to oxen, whereas maize stover With 28% greater value for L. leucocephala fod-
was not incorporated in HIg. der than for maize grain, and its greater production, a
Farmers who do not own livestock (about 25%) L. leucocephala fodder bank will obviously be more
rarely buy and apply manure to crop fields, and some profitable than Him. Returns from Him would not
farmers may divert manure to high-value crops and exceed even those from a block planting system in
fields near their homestead. In such a situation there which the land is divided between sole crops of L.
would be greater nutrient depletion and lower maize leucocephala and maize in the same proportion as
yields in Him than were observed in this study. The grown in Him (i.e., 17% L. leucocephala:83%
high nutrient depletion in Him points out that maize maize). This is because the land equivalent ratio of
yields in this system cannot be sustained in the long Him, which is a measure of intercropping yield
run unless external inputs are added. advantage over sole planting, did not exceed 1.0.
M.N. Mathuva et al. / Field Crops Research 55 (1998) 57-72 71

Psyllid attack was unexpected in this trial, and if it farmers maintaining improved dairy cattle and in-
persists, farmers would not be interested in L. leuco- vesting in dairy meal, sole planting of L. leuco-
cephala even for a fodder system. The psyllid infes- cephala and maize is better than their intercropping;
tation has substantially reduced by the first rains of and (4) the fodder system of hedgerow intercropping
1997, however, and it may soon disappear with the may become worth considering, if nutrient depletion
buildup of natural enemies, as what happened within resulting from the removal of fodder is corrected by
a few years of its appearance in southeast Asia in the external inputs and hedgerows fulfill additional func-
early 1980s. tions such as soil conservation on sloping lands.
Fertilizing maize was profitable whenever rainfall
exceeded 300 mm rainfall. The additional benefit of
fertilizer ( y ) over the sole maize control in relation
to rainfall ( x ) was expressed as y = - 6 9 + 0.32x.
Based on long-term data, the probability of receiving
Financial support for the research reported here
300 mm or more of rainfall in the first rainy season
has come from the Swedish International Develop-
of the year is 57% and for the second rainy season
ment Agency (SIDA). Roland Buresh, Cheryl Palm
68%, which means that fertilizer use would be prof-
and the Editor-in-Chief of the journal have made
itable in three of every five seasons. Based on the
many useful comments.
accumulation of available P in the soil, it is doubtful
that P is required every season. Addition of P fertil-
izer, for example, only at a replenishment rate
matching with P removed by the crop (i.e., 9 kg References
ha-1 per season), would reduce the expenditure on P
fertilizer and increase the NPV of M + F by US$134. Cooper, P.J.M., Leakey, R.R.B., Rat, M.R., Reynolds, L., 1996.
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