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Field Crops Research 79 (2002) 123±137

Crop rotation, tillage and crop residue management

for wheat and maize in the sub-humid
tropical highlands
II. Maize and system performance
R.A. Fischera,b,*, F. Santiveria,c, I.R. Vidala,d
CIMMYT, Lisboa 27, Apdo Postal 6-641, 06600 Mexico, D.F., Mexico
ACIAR, G.P.O. Box 1571, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
Area de Cultius Extensius, Centre UdL-IRTA, Rovira Roure 177, 25198 Lleida, Spain
Facultad de Agronomia, Universidad de Concepcion, Casilla 537, Chillan, Chile
Received 6 February 2002; received in revised form 6 June 2002; accepted 12 June 2002


Cropping systems in the sub-humid tropical highlands are characterised by continuous cultivated cereal monoculture,
leading to serious erosion and fertility decline. There is a lack of information on improved agronomy, in particular crop
rotation, the use of legumes, reduced tillage and crop residue retention, designed to counter these problems. Over the period
1991±1995 an experiment was carried out in the central highlands of Mexico, at El Batan (latitude 198310 N, longitude
988500 W, altitude 2250 m) to test the effect of improved agronomy. Under rainfed conditions (mean annual rainfall 603 mm,
one crop per year), binary rotations of maize±wheat, maize±vetch, wheat±vetch and wheat±medic pasture were compared
with continuous wheat and maize. Most rotations were tested under the four combinations of tillage (zero versus cultivated)
and crop residue (retained versus harvested). All plots were split for nitrogen fertilizer, and appropriate herbicides were used
for weed control.
Maize after wheat outyielded continuous maize under all conditions of tillage, residue and nitrogen fertilization. Within the
maize±wheat rotation, zero tillage with residue retention was clearly superior (average yield across N levels of 5025 kg/ha at
10% moisture) to the other tillage-residue combinations (average 4249 kg/ha), and during dry periods, showed less wilting. With
continuous maize, yield was especially poor with zero tillage regardless of residue (average 3113 kg/ha), and this was associated
with poor early growth and variable stunting even under wet conditions and for which there is no clear explanation. Maize after
vetch yielded well with zero tillage (4372 kg/ha), but poorly with cultivation (3128 kg/ha), possibly due to less soil water at
sowing in the latter. The main treatment yield variation was associated with either wilting score or radiation interception or both,
all measured before tasseling. Observations of ponding and runoff during rain events indicated that runoff was negligible where
crop residue was retained on the surface with zero tillage, but signi®cant in all the other tillage-residue combinations. Without
nitrogen, maize after vetch outyielded the other rotations, but these latter yielded more with N, having a much greater response to
fertilizer nitrogen (18.4 kg/kg versus 4.5 kg/kg).

Corresponding author. Present address: ACIAR, G.P.O. Box 1571, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia. Tel.: ‡61-2-6217-0500;
fax: ‡61-2-6217-0501.
E-mail address: (R.A. Fischer).

0378-4290/02/$ ± see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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124 R.A. Fischer et al. / Field Crops Research 79 (2002) 123±137

The average net economic bene®t, calculated for each cropping system by partial budgeting, was best for farmer practice with
fertilizer, although vetch±maize with zero tillage and residue removal, and wheat±maize with cultivation and residue removal,
both with nitrogen fertilizer, were close behind this treatment. Residue retention was disadvantaged by the high value of residues
as fodder, and wheat rotations by the lower yield relative to maize, for no grain price advantage in the Mexican market.
# 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Zea mays; Triticum aestivum; Vicia sativa; Crop rotation; Zero tillage; Residue management; Net economic bene®t

1. Introduction cropping. The full background to the experiment

and its treatments has been explained in the preced-
The cropping problems of the sub-humid tropical ing paper (Fischer et al., 2002). This paper focuses
highlands of the world (central America, the Andean on the grain yield of maize crops in the ®rst two
zone, and eastern Africa) are well represented in the complete rotation cycles (4 years, 1992±1995) of the
highland valleys of central Mexico. The area has been experiment in the light of the expected bene®ts and
intensively cropped for many centuries and generally risks of the improved agronomy, before looking at
suffers serious sustainability problems arising from performance in economic terms across all cropping
erosion and decline in the chemical and physical systems.
fertility of the soil (Bravo Espinoza et al., 1993).
Average annual rainfall is from 400 to 800 mm, and
although concentrated in the summer months, is 2. Materials and methods
exceeded by evaporation throughout. Rainfed maize
is the principal crop in this region, with wheat and The experimental site was at El Batan (latitude
barley in the drier parts; continuous maize monocul- 198310 N, longitude 988500 W, altitude 2250 m, and
ture is the norm with one crop grown each summer average annual rainfall 603 mm). Weather for the
wet season. Usually the land is prepared for seeding reporting period, 1991±1995, has been fully described
by plowing and cultivation, following the removal or in the previous paper. The soil, a moderately heavy
grazing of the previous crop's residues. Evidence clay developed on colluvial sediments, is also
largely from temperate areas suggests that breaking described earlier. The maize rotations tested (one crop
maize monoculture can improve yields (Karlen et al., per year) were continuous maize (MM), wheat maize
1994), while incorporating legumes can improve soil (WM, MW) and vetch maize (VM, MV). There was
nitrogen status (Chalk, 1998), and reduced tillage phased entry of the two binary rotations so that in each
with crop residue retention offers great potential to year each phase of the rotation was present (WM
increase water available to the crop and reduce ero- referring to the maize phase in a given year following
sion (Lal, 1989; Blevins and Frye, 1993). Sometimes, wheat in the previous year). All combinations of
however, there can be negative effects arising from rotation, tillage (cultivation (C) versus zero tillage
reduced early plant vigour with zero tillage, or (Z)), and residue management (retained (R) versus
increased disease or pest levels or lowered early removed (H)) were tested, except, for lack of space,
season temperature with surface-retained residue, retained residue (R) with the VM rotation. These
or reduced available soil nitrogen with incorporated combinations formed 16 main treatments with maize,
residue. of which 10 were planted to maize in any year
The experiment referred to here was conducted in (Table 2); the whole experiment comprised 32 main
central Mexico to study, under reasonably controlled treatments laid out in two replicates as described
conditions, possible improved crop rotations, such as earlier (Fischer et al., 2002).
breaking the continuous maize with wheat or legumes, Management of the wheat and vetch phases is also
and likely better tillage and residue manage- described in Fischer et al. (2002), where it is pointed
ment options, in order to back-up on-farm research out that the vetch green manure was always preceded
in the surrounding region aimed at more sustainable in the same growing season by a short duration oat
R.A. Fischer et al. / Field Crops Research 79 (2002) 123±137 125

forage crop. Except in the ®rst year (1991), when to test effects of residual as well as current N, each N
treatments were imposed on a barley stubble in early sub-plot was split transversely into three sub-sub-plots
May 1991, and in the second year when vetch crops which were allocated at random to three levels (0, 60,
were not terminated until February 1992, residue and 120 kg/ha, N1, N2, and N3, respectively) of
treatments and plowing were carried out in December supplemental N.
or early January soon after the maize harvest. With The environment was quite weedy. Knockdown
residue removal (H), maize stover was cut close to the herbicide (glyphosate) was applied ahead of seeding
ground, leaving <5% ground cover, whereas after to all Z plots, and pre-emergence triazine herbicide
wheat straw removal there remained a ground cover applied to all maize plots. At about 6 weeks after
of around 50%. Where maize residue was retained (R), seeding there was interrow hand hoeing in the C plots
the stover was chopped ®nely and spread evenly, and directed application of herbicide (oxy¯uorfen) in
leaving a ground cover of >90%. Retained wheat the Z ones. Each year maize plots received a granular
straw was unchopped and had an initial ground cover insecticide (carbofuran) in the whorl to control picudo
of >95%. Plots of the C treatment were then imme- or lesser billbug (Nicentrites testaceipes), and in 1995,
diately plowed, burying most straw in the case of CR, seed in three outside rows was treated with systemic
and subsequently cultivated as required for weed insecticide (imidacloprid) in order to study the effect
control and seedbed preparation. It should be pointed of control of corn root worm (Diabrotica sps). Bio-
out in the VM treatment, that although the maize cides were applied at standard recommended rates.
stover was removed, the vetch was terminated by A minimum set of measurements was made on all
close mowing and the biomass was either left on plots, comprising plant counts, measures of early
the surface (VMZH) giving an initial ground cover vigour (plant height, and radiation interception), ¯ow-
of about 50%, or plowed in VMCH at the same time ering date, grain yield and its principal components,
other plots were plowed. harvest index and kernel weight, from which biomass
Plots were 22 m  7:5 m wide, and maize was sown and kernel number per m were calculated, respec-
at a 75 cm row spacing with a zero till drill having tively. The inner six rows of the maize plots were
double disc openers with attached press wheel; plots harvested by hand after a random sub-sample of entire
were 10 rows wide. This drill had no dif®culty seeding plants were removed for cob number and harvest index
into the heavy amounts of maize and wheat straw in determination. Grain and stover sub-samples were
residue-retained treatments. Because of the risk of dried to 70 8C and ground for total N analysis. N
early frost (October), early sowing is critical for uptake at maturity was measured in 1992, 1993, and
maize, which was therefore sown at the ®rst oppor- 1995. Grain yield is expressed at 10% moisture.
tunity when all maize plots were considered to have Neutron moisture meter access tubes to 140 cm
suf®cient moisture for germination; this date ranged depth were installed in the centre of each N2 sub-plot
from 25 May in 1991 to 16 June in 1995. The best but installation was not completed in VM treatments
adapted early hybrid maize variety was sown each until December 1993. Readings were taken every 2±6
year at 60,000±80,000 plants per hectare. In 1991 this weeks at depth intervals of 20 cm and a local calibra-
was B8995, in 1992 TL-92A, and in subsequent years tion developed for soil water content. Total soil water
Blanca Precoz …CML246  CML242†. No fertilizer 0±100 cm (SW, mm) is presented because changes
was applied at seeding (the soil had a high level of below 100 cm depth were substantial and probably
available P and K, Fischer et al., 2002). However plots related to deep drainage. SW values were quite vari-
were split for supplemental nitrogen application able, but the absence of an occasion when all pro®les
(broadcast as urea) at around 35 days after seeding. dried completely under a well grown maize crop
The two levels of nitrogen (N1 ˆ no fertilizer; prevented the determination of the lower limit and
N2 ˆ supplemental N) were initially allocated at ran- calculation of available soil water, a procedure to
dom to the plot halves, with the same randomisation reduce variability.
being used in subsequent years. The amount of N Other plant and soil measurements were made as
applied each year varied from 50 to 100 kg/ha N the need and opportunity arose. Thus to estimate
depending on seasonal prospects. In 1995, in order relative differences in soil in®ltration, during several
126 R.A. Fischer et al. / Field Crops Research 79 (2002) 123±137

heavy rain storms, plots were scored visually for the Table 1
percent of soil covered with free water (percent of Total soil water (0±100 cm, mm) in April±May just before sowing
of maize and at the driest point during each maize crop: mean
ponding). In late August 1995 when the soil was
across 4 years 1992±1995a
estimated to be at ®eld capacity, soil strength was
measured with a recording 12.5 mm cone-tipped Rotation Tillage Straw Pre-sowing Driest crop
penetrometer (three probings per plot). Leaf rolling MM Z R, H 281 277
is a sensitive indicator of wilting in maize. A 0±10 C R, H 260 256
wilting scale was devised where 10 would constitute Mean 270 267
leaf death from water stress, and ®ve tightly rolled WM Z R, H 299 270
leaves, and zero not even tip rolling. Corn root worm C R, H 261 240
damage was assessed in 1994 and 1995, following a Mean 280 255
standard guide (Welch, 1977) for incidence and degree MM, WM Z R 299 288
of damage on roots of several plants dug from each Z H 280 259
plot. Percent ground cover of dead residue or green Mean 285 273
crop and green weeds, was estimated visually from C R 255 245
time to time as described in Fischer et al. (2002), and C H 266 252
radiation interception determined on occasions, using Mean 261 248
measurements from a linear photosynthetically active S.E. …n ˆ 4† 19 12
radiation sensor held above and below the canopy.
Source of variation (statistical significance)
Maize plant stunting was estimated visually by com- Rotation (R) ns ns
paring the size of stunted plants relative to best grown Tillage (T) * *

plants. Straw (S) ns ns

The crop data were analysed separately each year, RT ns ns
using a statistical model which speci®ed as main RS ns ns
TS ns ns
treatment effects the factorial combinations of rota-
tion, tillage and residue management, and as a sub- a
MM: continuous maize; WM: maize after wheat; VM: maize
treatment, nitrogen fertilization, as described in after vetch; Z: zero till; C: cultivated; R: crop straw or residue-
Fischer et al. (2002). Correlation analysis was often retained; H: crop straw or residue harvested.
carried out based on main treatment mean yields in
order to examine associations of yield variation with
other variables: correlations signi®cant at P < 0:10, shown, because it was only measured in 1994 and
<0.05, or <0.01, are designated ‡, * and **, respec- 1995, is treatment VM: it averaged 48 mm drier than
tively (generally d:f: ˆ 8). Maize performance was the mean of MM and WM in those years.
interpreted initially in the light of the already men- After sowing there were often rainless periods and
tioned likely effects of the various treatments on evapotranspiration was always high so that periods of
growth and water relations. water stress commonly arose in mid season (e.g.
August). More substantial soil drying usually took
place as rains tapered off during grain ®lling (Octo-
3. Results and discussion ber±November), and providing early frost did not cut
green area and transpiration, as it did in 1995. The
3.1. Soil moisture and evapotranspiration second column in Table 1 shows the average SW at the
driest points under the crops, being September 1992,
Soils dried to around 40 cm depth during the long November 1993 and 1994, and August 1995. Again
dry fallow period leading up to the onset of rains in there was a signi®cant effect of tillage …Z > C† and a
May±June, followed by the sowing of maize as soon as strong tendency for ZR, with maximum surface resi-
the topsoil was wet enough. Average total soil water, due, to exceed ZH. In 1994 and 1995, VM was 30 mm
0±100 cm (SW, mm) just prior to sowing (Table 1) drier than MM and WM. In conclusion, SW was
showed a signi®cant effect of tillage …Z > C†. Not mostly increased by Z, presumably because it avoided
R.A. Fischer et al. / Field Crops Research 79 (2002) 123±137 127

the drying effect of the plowing and cultivation, and yields were high (average 6570 kg/ha, Table 2); harvest
was reduced by a preceding year of vetch. Besides soil index averaged 38.5%, ranging from 36.0 to 39.9%
water tended to be higher with full residue retention across main treatments. Being the ®rst year, there were
under Z (treatment ZR), in accord with observations of no rotations to test, but tillage and residue effects on
much reduced runoff (see later). yield were valid. Only the former was signi®cant, Z
It is possible to estimate crop evapotranspiration clearly outyielding C by 11%; kernel number was 9%
(ET) by adding rain (and the single 1995 irrigation) on higher. The nitrogen by tillage interaction was weakly
the crop to the SW decrease sowing to maturity, signi®cant …P < 0:10†, with a positive response under
assuming no runoff or deep drainage. The average Z and none under C (Table 3). The superior perfor-
decrease was not great (only 41 mm), and variation in mance of Z maybe related to the 3 days earlier seedling
ET values were dominated by in-crop rainfall (see emergence and greater growth observed in Z plots
Fischer et al., 2002), being 644 mm (1992), 717 mm during the ®rst few weeks after seeding. For example
(1993), 885 mm (1994) and 421 mm (1995). Years light interception was signi®cantly higher in Z (61%)
1993 and 1994 had well above average in-crop rain- than in C (56%) on 12 July (50% anthesis 12 August).
fall. However, soil water change below 100 cm, indi- Better seedbed moisture or soil seed contact during
cative of deep drainage, and observations of runoff in the hot dry days immediately after the May seeding
some treatments, suggest that these values are likely to could have helped zero till maize, although bulk soil
be overestimations of true ET, and that treatment moisture, 0±20 cm, was similar for Z and C when
effects cannot therefore be accurately calculated. sampled on 10 June.

3.2. Maize crop performance 3.2.3. 1992

There was a period of moderate water stress from
3.2.1. General mid June to early July, and again in early September
Stands of maize (60,000±80,000 plants/ha) were grain yields were moderately high, but ranged greatly,
always satisfactory. Billbug damage to foliage was from 2370 kg/ha in VMC to 6861 kg/ha in WMZ
effectively controlled each year with insecticide. (Table 2); harvest index also ranged widely, from
Foliar diseases were negligible. There was effective 18.5 to 44.4% (average 36.8%). Grain yields were
control of most weeds in all maize plots following pre- dominated by the highly signi®cant rotation by tillage
emergent triazine herbicide each year. Tolerant weeds interaction, in which yield responded positively to C in
such as Oxalis and Taraxacum which emerged later, MM, but negatively in WM, and especially in VM.
showed little effect of treatment, and were controlled There was a large and highly signi®cant response to
reasonably well by directed herbicide (Z) or hoeing nitrogen (50 kg N/ha), a response which again tended
(C). Given the height and competitiveness of maize, to be greater with zero tillage, and less after vetch
weeds were clearly even less of a factor in the maize (Table 3).
crops than they were in the case of wheat. Because of In 1991±1992 vetch was allowed to grow until late
the variation from year-to-year, maize grain yields February 1992 in order to bene®t from an unusual
(Tables 2 and 3) are discussed separately for each year, January rain of 70 mm, after which residue and plow-
before overall mean yields are considered. Yield ing treatments were applied. Soil water was not
components were measured as outlined, but only recorded in these plots in 1992, but they were managed
relationships to yield are presented: harvest index identically to the VW plots, which the previous paper
values are mentioned because of their relevance to showed had less soil water at seeding than other wheat
estimating the amount of crop residue. Some key traits rotations. This is therefore likely to have also been the
associated with yield each year are summarised in case with VM, and especially VMC, for which the
Table 4. plowing in February 1992 gave a very cloddy surface
conducive to further soil drying. This is corroborated
3.2.2. 1991 by maize wilting scores on 10 July at the end of the
Features of 1991 were the early sowing (21 May), ®rst dry spell (Table 4), and the signi®cant correlation
and the generally favourable moisture supply. Grain of grain yield with this score (r ˆ 0:81), and with
128 R.A. Fischer et al. / Field Crops Research 79 (2002) 123±137

Table 2
Effect of rotation, tillage and crop residue (straw) management, and on grain yield (kg/ha)a (10% moisture) of maize, 1991±1995b

Rotation Tillage Straw 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Meanc

MM Z R ± 5092 2780 3361 1106 3085

H ± 5030 3382 3622 528 3141
Mean 5061 3081 3492 817 3113
C R ± 5538 3682 5282 1498 3999
H ± 5478 3715 4355 1379 3731
Mean 5508 3698 4808 1439 3863
Mean 5284 3390 4150 1128 3488
WM Z R ± 6957 5743 5763 1642 5026
H ± 6765 4164 5064 728 4180
Mean 6861 4953 5414 1185 4603
C R ± 5343 5357 4948 1682 4333
H ± 5739 4313 5340 1537 4232
Mean 5541 4835 5144 1609 4282
Mean ± 6201 4894 5279 1397 4443
VM Z H ± 4794 5582 5834 1277 4372
C H ± 2370 4564 4593 983 3128
Mean ± 3582 5073 5213 1130 3750
MM, WM Z R 6877 6025 4262 4562 1374 4056
Z H 6939 5897 3773 4343 628 3660
Mean 6908 5961 4017 4453 1001 3858
C R 6289 5440 4520 5115 1590 4166
C H 6173 5609 4014 4837 1458 3980
Mean 6232 5525 4267 4976 1524 4073
S.E. …n ˆ 2† 325 536 853 308 228 280
Overall mean yield 6570 5311 4328 4814 1236 3922
Nitrogen response 5.5 20.5 19.8 10.4 5.9d
(kg grain/kg N)
Source of variation (statistical significance)
** ** ** * *
Rotation (R) ±
** ** **
Tillage (T) ns ns ns
Straw (S) ns ns ns ns ns
** ** ** *
RT ± ns
RS ± ns ns ns ns
TS ns ns ns ns ns
** *
RTS ns ns ns ns

Nature of the growing season

Moisture supply Wet Dry June Wet Very wet Very dry, frost
Mean of nitrogen levels.
Abbreviations as for Table 1.
Mean of 1992±1995.
Response to N2, 60 kg N/ha.

percent radiation interception on 19 August (0.73), kernel weight were small and not related to yield,
kernel number (0.98), biomass (r ˆ 0:76), and despite the early September dry spell when VMC
harvest index (0.91), but not kernel weight. Fifty again showed greatest wilting. It is concluded that
percent anthesis was on 26 August, and effects on the differential early water stress and its effects on
R.A. Fischer et al. / Field Crops Research 79 (2002) 123±137 129

Table 3
Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on maize yield (10% moisture) in cereal (mean of MM and WM) and legume (VM) rotations, averaged across
tillage and residue treatments, and in the presence of zero tillage (Z) and of cultivation (C), averaged across all rotations and residue

Rotation/tillage Nitrogen 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1992±1995

(75 kg N/ha) (50 kg N/ha) (100 kg N/ha) (100 kg N/ha) (120 kg N/hab) (92 kg N/ha)

MM, WM N1 5159 2934 4161 907 3290

N2 6325 5352 5274 1504 4614
Response (kg/kg) 33.3 24.2 11.1 5.0 18.4
VM N1 3359 4949 4839 1209 3589
N2 3803 5198 5588 1079 3917
Response (kg/kg) 8.9 2.5 7.5 1.1 4.5
S.E. of response (kg/kg) 5.1 2.4 2.4 0.9
Z N1 6512 5042 3082 3998 752 3219
N2 7304 6413 5578 5459 1270 4680
Response (kg/kg) 10.6 27.3 25.0 14.6 4.3 17.8
C N1 6215 4555 3590 4585 1182 3478
N2 6248 5404 5063 5214 1576 4312
Response (kg/kg) 0.4 17.0 14.7 6.3 3.2 10.3
S.E. of response (kg/kg) 2.5 3.4 1.6 1.6 0.6

Source of variation (statistical significance)

** ** ** **
Nitrogen ns
** *
Nitrogen  rotation ± ns ns
‡ ‡ ** *
Nitrogen  tillage ns
Nitrogen  straw ns ns ns ns
Abbreviations as for Table 1.
This is actually the N3 rate, since it gave highest yields in 1995.

growth explains the lower yields of VMZ, and espe- tillage (Table 3). Main treatment effects on yield were
cially VMC, but not the yield differences whereby closely related to kernel number (r ˆ 0:91), harvest
WMZ outyielded MMZ, which may re¯ect bene®cial index (0.80) and biomass (0.87), but not to kernel
effects of breaking the continuous maize sequence. weight.
The rotation and nitrogen responses and their inter-
3.2.4. 1993 actions are in the direction expected if the vetch
The early growing season was very wet, especially legume was improving soil nitrogen status in a wet
in July. Even so there was moderate wilting in August season, but this does not explain the poor yield of MM,
at times in some treatments. Maize yields were only especially MMZ. Wilting at times in August (50%
moderate on average (Table 2), but they ranged anthesis late August) was greatest in VMC (average
widely, from 1073 kg/ha (MMZR at N1) to score 3.3, other treatments <2.0) and possibly con-
6680 kg/ha (WMZR at N2). Harvest index averaged tributed to its lower yield, but not to the other yield
33.3% (range 25.0±40.5%). Despite a high main plot differences noted. More signi®cantly during July
error, grain yields showed a highly signi®cant effect of when it was still wet, patchy reduced leaf appearance
rotation, with VM and WM exceeding MM. Retained and stunting of maize plants began to be observed: it
straw tended to depress yield with MM and increase it was clearly greatest with rotation MM, with Z tillage,
with WM. There was a strong response to nitrogen and with no nitrogen (N1), but it was still very evident
fertilizer (100 kg N/ha), which was much greater with in MMZH at N2. In early August before any obvious
MM and WM than with VM, and was greater with zero water stress, growth reduction relative to the best plots
130 R.A. Fischer et al. / Field Crops Research 79 (2002) 123±137

Table 4
Maize crop traits associated with grain yield variation in response to rotation, tillage and residue retention; years 1992±1995a

Rotation Tillage Residue 1992 1993 1994 1995

b c c
RIc (%)
Wilt score RI (%) Stunting (%) RI (%) (4 August) Wilt scoreb Soil strength
(10 July) (19 August) (12 August) (4 August) (July±August) (MPa)d

MM Z R 1.0 76 26 53 47 0.1 1.98

H 2.5 71 59 49 42 4.1 1.83
C R 1.0 81 17 67 68 1.8 0.95
H 1.0 71 8 61 68 2.5 1.07
WM Z R 1.0 80 6 74 63 0 1.62
H 1.5 84 9 68 57 3.4 1.81
C Z 1.5 74 3 61 71 1.2 1.03
H 1.0 77 2 64 70 1.4 1.06
VM Z H 4.5 78 5 75 61 2.8 2.06
C H 6.0 69 3 66 69 2.4 1.15
Correlation 0.82** 0.73* 0.61‡ 0.76* 0.63* 0.71* ns
with yield
Abbreviations as for Table 1.
0±10 scale.
RI: radiation interception.
Average of penetrometer readings between 4.5 and 18 cm.

due to the stunting averaged 43% for MMZ and 13% residue retention in the MM rotation decrease yield
for MMC (Table 4); for other main treatments it was with Z by 262 kg/ha and increase it with C by 946 kg/
<10% and unlikely to have affected yield. Stunting ha, while retention had the exact opposite effect in
was also associated with a longer anthesis to silking WM (‡698 and 392 kg/ha, for Z and C, respec-
interval, and reduced radiation interception (Table 4). tively). Thus maize straw on the surface, as with zero
The stunting symptoms resembled damage from corn tillage, tended to hurt yields but wheat straw helped
root worm (Diabrotica sps., J. Mihm, pers. commun.) them. Besides overall, zero tillage decreased yield in
but were not investigated further in 1993. There MM and increased it in other rotations, and rotation
seemed little doubt that the stunting was the cause WM outyielded MM. The response to nitrogen
of the poor yield of MM relative to other rotations. (100 kg N/ha) was highly signi®cant but less than in
1992 and 1993; as in 1993, it was greater under Z than
3.2.5. 1994 under C (Table 3).
Rains were again favourable in 1994, especially in Treatment MMZ, as in 1993, appeared to grow
August, although dryness and soil hardness in some poorly from as early as mid July. Its radiation inter-
zero till treatments without residue (e.g. MMZH, and ception in early August was signi®cantly lower than
WMZH) delayed sowing until 8 June. Some wilting all other treatment combinations, even though Z was
was observed in MMZH in early August (score 3, all always somewhat lower than C in other rotations as
other treatments 0), but after then, rains were regular well, and this was correlated with yield (Table 4).
and substantial, and there was no further wilting. Three plants per plot were evaluated in August for
Yields were moderately high (Table 2), but again corn root worm damage. There were no signi®cant
ranged widely from 2087 kg/ha (MMZR with N1) differences and only slight levels of damage on up to
to 6627 kg/ha (WMZR with N2). Harvest index varied 50% of the roots. Fifty percent anthesis was reached
less, from 32.8 to 38.8% (average 36.4%). Amongst on 1 September except for MMZ which was delayed
main treatments, shown in Table 2 grain yields, is the by 1 week. Effects of main treatment (and N) on yield
highly signi®cant three-way interaction which saw were closely related to variation in kernel number
R.A. Fischer et al. / Field Crops Research 79 (2002) 123±137 131

(r ˆ 0:87), kernel weight (r ˆ 0:68), and biomass (ZH) had the highest average wilting score (Table 4).
(r ˆ 0:94), but not the small differences in harvest Yield differences were correlated with those in wilting
index. Results suggest that some major but unknown score (r ˆ 0:71), in kernel number(r ˆ 0:97) and
factor associated with continuous maize operated in in biomass (r ˆ 0:94), and not with the smaller
1994, as in 1993, to depress MMZ (both MMZR and differences in kernel weight and harvest index. It is
MMZH) growth, radiation interception and yield. suggested that under the relatively dry post-sowing
conditions, zero tillage in the absence of retained residue
3.2.6. 1995 (ZH) reduced growth both directly due to high soil
In 1995, because of a delay in the rains, maize strength (see later) and indirectly by increased plant
planting was late (16 June). Post-sowing was also dry water stress. Crops never recovered from this early set
with moderate to severe moisture stress before a back, but the promise of the better grown treatments was
salvage irrigation of 25 mm was applied on 12 August. not fully realized because of the early frost (e.g. MMZR
After then rainfall was just adequate, but on 10 and WMZR had the highest ®nal biomass (4500 kg/ha)
October an early frost (0.9 8C in the screen) destroyed but the lowest harvest indices (<30%)). It is not clear
all green leaf tissue, the maize being only 4 weeks why the VMC crop performed poorly, but it has always
after the average date of 50% silking (11 September). had the lowest soil water, if not the highest wilting score.
Thus grain yields were the lowest recorded in the 5 There was no response to the seed treatment with
year period (Table 2). They also ranged greatly, from imidacloprid insecticide in terms of plant growth.
only 405 kg/ha (MMZ with N1) to 1841 kg/ha (WMC Corn root worm damage, scored in August, was slight
with N3). Harvest index averaged 37.4% (range 29.1± to moderate, apparently independent of growth reduc-
44.2%). The strong rotation by tillage interaction tions, and not markedly affected by tillage, residue,
arose because Z depressed grain yield in MM and rotation, or insecticide.
WM but increased it in VM. There was also a strong
tillage by residue interaction in MM and WM: Z 3.3. Mean grain yield 1992±1995
depressed yield much more in the absence of straw
than in its presence. Despite the water stress, there was a Analysis of variance for mean grain yield across the
small response to nitrogen in cereal rotations but not 4 years showed a signi®cant three-way interaction
after vetch (Table 3), and not shown, a greater response between rotation, tillage and straw management
with straw retention than without (‡870 kg/ha versus (Table 2). The cause is to be found in comparing
‡324 kg/ha). The N response was unaffected by N the two cereal rotations (Fig. 1). WM was generally
fertilization in earlier years. better than MM, but this was especially so in the case
Growth differences became evident as early as the of WMZR which averaged 5026 kg/ha. MMZ had the
stage of the fourth fully expanded leaf, with ZH falling lowest yield (3113 kg/ha), regardless of straw man-
behind, and ZR becoming taller, relative to cultivated agement, and straw management made little differ-
treatments CR and CH. The poor growth of ZH per- ence in either rotation if the seedbed was cultivated
sisted throughout, especially in MM and WM rotations. (C). There was a bene®t in terms of reduced water
Wilting appeared by 22 July in all ZH plots and the stress of surface-retained straw in both WMZ (wheat
average of six scores between then and 10 August straw largely present giving 65% cover after sowing)
(Table 4) showed a close inverse relationship to plant and MMZ (maize straw with a cover of 50%) for on
height measured in the same period (r ˆ 0:83). several occasions wilting scores for both were low
Wilt score also correlated negatively with SW at the relative to other treatments and did not differ (Table 4).
time (r ˆ 0:81) and there is little doubt that the However there was only a yield bene®t in WMZ,
height differences seen in 1995 re¯ected differential suggesting that when there was no wheat break crop,
soil water stress, although there was still some of the some strong negative effect of pests or diseases coun-
within plot stunting variability seen in 1993 and 1994. teracted any bene®cial effect of water stress reduction.
Zero till treatments with substantial retained straw A negative effect due to early season soil cooling as
(MMZR, and WMZR) were remarkable for having found at higher latitudes (Lal, 1989) is very unlikely
no wilting throughout, while zero till without straw given the high temperatures in June when the maize
132 R.A. Fischer et al. / Field Crops Research 79 (2002) 123±137

water relations. Perhaps the often very cloddy soil

surface common after plowing in VMC encouraged
greater soil water evaporation during the long dry
period leading up to sowing, at which time VMC
averaged about 25 mm drier than VMZ in 1994 and
1995. In the VW rotation, VWC also showed consis-
tently lower soil water than VWZ (Fischer et al.,
Maize yield was consistently more responsive to N
fertilizer than wheat, and this response tended to
interact more with main treatments. Thus there was
often a greater response after cereal (Table 3), sug-
gesting VM has a nitrogen supply advantage. Exclud-
Fig. 1. Maize grain yield (10% moisture, kg/ha) as affected by ing the MM rotation, where other problems seemed to
rotation (MM, WM, VM), tillage (Z, C) and residue management be affecting yield (see above discussion), and exclud-
(R, H); mean of 1992±1995 and N levels (see text for explanation ing 1992 when soil moisture for VM rotations was
of symbols).
likely much lower, without N fertilizer (N1), VMZH
actually outyielded WMZR by 439 kg/ha. However at
N2 VMZH underyielded the top performing WMZR
was sown and the excellent performance of maize in by 636 kg/ha. Another way of looking at this: without
wheat straw. But the break crop effect seems real nitrogen there was an advantage for maize after vetch,
under zero tillage, since MMZH without retained but when N fertilizer is supplied, wheat is a better
residue yielded as poorly as MMZR (and well below precursor crop, especially if there is zero tillage and
WMZH). This depressing effect of continuous maize straw retention. This is likely due to more residual
(without tillage) was associated with the stunting moisture from the previous year with WM compared
phenomenon seen in 1993 and 1994. Observations, to VM, reinforced when rains began again by more
including exhaustive root ones in 1994 and 1995, moisture because of the greater degree of ground cover
failed to identify any treatment effects on pest or from wheat straw and its greater persistence compared
disease incidence in maize or associated with the to vetch residue. Under the CH regime, across 1993,
stunting. Reductions in yield with continuous zero till 1994 and 1995, VMCH yielded somewhat less than
maize (compared to maize after soybean) have simi- WMCH ( 349 kg/ha). Again this effect interacted
larly been attributed in eastern USA to unknown with nitrogen level such that at N1 VMCH was equal
underground effects (e.g. Wolfe and Eckert, 1999). to WMCH, while at N2 it was clearly inferior
More detailed studies are needed to resolve this issue. ( 696 kg/ha). Eliminating the nitrogen advantage in
Finally it is notable that studies in northwest Mexico this case also seemed to leave VMCH at a disadvan-
with a WM rotation under irrigation and running for 8 tage, possibly again because of less residual moisture
years (Limon-Ortega et al., 2000), also revealed the with VM, and moisture losses with cultivation after V.
clear yield advantages of WMZR over WMZH and The greater apparent soil N supply after V that is
WMCR treatments that were seen here. suggested by lower reponses to N agrees with Vidal
In the VM there was a large overall advantage of Z Parra (1994) who showed greater soil N mineralisation
over C (Fig. 1, note tested only with maize residue after V in 1993. It also agrees with total N uptake by
removal), something also seen each year (Table 2). maize measured in 1992, 1993 and 1995: at N1, uptake
Wilting score in 1992 was higher in VMC than in after vetch averaged 115 kg/ha, 19 kg/ha greater than
VMZ (Table 4), but the reason for this is unclear. Even after wheat.
though vetch residue remained on the soil surface in In all years except 1995, there was a tillage by
VMZ, it decomposed rapidly and immediately after nitrogen interaction, such that the N response was
sowing the residue ground cover averaged only 13% greater with Z (Table 3). Zero tillage is likely to have
and was unlikely to be enough to have in¯uenced reduced mineralization before and after sowing relative
R.A. Fischer et al. / Field Crops Research 79 (2002) 123±137 133

to cultivation, as is commonly observed. Indeed N 3.5. Additional soil water issues with maize
uptake by maize under N1 in 1992, 1993, and 1995
averaged 102 kg/ha for C and only 89 kg/ha for Z. In contrast to wheat (Fischer et al., 2002), soil water
Lower N supply, and less plant water stress, would seemed a more important determinant for maize yield.
both tend to increase the response to N with zero Firstly this in¯uences the chance of sowing early
tillage. (before 1 June), which is critical to ensure silking
Because of the various interactions described in August before the probability of rain falls much,
above, the best 4-year mean yield was obtained with and for the avoidance of damage from early frost, such
WMZR at N2 (5945 kg/ha), which was also the high- as occurred in October 1995. In four of the ®ve seasons
est yielding crop in each year. The poorest yield was studied, it was estimated from seedbed observations
from MMZR at N1 (1936 kg/ha), being especially that the ZR treatment in particular, with a residue
poor relative to other treatments in wet years. From ground cover always >50%, appeared to reach a state
the above discussion it seems these differences can be of moisture suf®ciency for sowing and germination
ascribed to nitrogen fertilizer (N2 versus N1), to from 2 to 15 days before other treatments. C seedbeds
greater soil moisture at sowing in WM, and to negative were usually the driest, presumably because of the
effects of the MM rotation in the absence of cultiva- drying caused by plowing and then ®nal soil prepara-
tion. That zero till maize performed best when incor- tion during May. On one occasion (1995), however, it
porated in a WM rotation with residue retention and was ZH after M, with a low ground cover from residue,
with N fertilizer complicates its promotion amongst which was the least ready to sow, because of its
farmers currently practising continuous cultivated exposed hard dry surface.
maize with residue removal, a treatment (MMCH) The second aspect relating to soil water was the
which averaged 3093 kg/ha for N1, and 4320 kg/ha observation on several occasions and contrary to
for N2. expectation, that after heavy rain events, there was
runoff from zero till maize plots. This was not mea-
3.4. Penetrometer results in 1995 sured, but ponding must precede runoff, and scoring
the percentage water ponding on the plots at the end of
Penetrometer readings were made on all maize plots a 22 mm fall over 30 min on 15 June 1995, just before
on the 15±18 August 1995, when irrigation the week seeding, illustrates the point. Z plots had steadily
before and subsequent rains meant all plots were near increasing ponding percentage as ground cover fell
®eld capacity. Comparing areas of zero tilled plots below around 60% (Fig. 2). The barest Z plots were
with and without stunted maize plants showed no following maize with stover removal (ZH); they
associated difference in soil strength to 18 cm soil showed 20% cover (maize stumps, dead and green
depth, thus differences in soil strength seem unlikely weeds), 60% ponding and obvious runoff. ZH after
to be involved in the stunting problem. There was wheat had more cover (35%) and less ponding (30%).
however a highly signi®cant increase in resistance in There was no ponding on ZR plots which all had more
Z compared to C plots, regardless of rotation or than 90% cover, and there was clearly no runoff. Nor
residue management (Table 4); this is commonly was there much ponding on C plots (<15%), presum-
noted (Lal, 1989). Between 4.5 and 18 cm depth, soil ably because they were recently cultivated; neverthe-
strength averaged 1.81 MPa for Z compared to less there was a clear advantage for CR plots compared
1.03 MPa for C. The values for Z are only moderate to CH ones (2% ponding versus 8%) even though there
for soil strength at ®eld capacity: some studies suggest was little surface residue on each (7% versus 2%).
that maize root growth could be affected by such Crop residue incorporation is well know to improve
differences (e.g. Veen and Boone, 1990). Nevertheless soil structure and in®ltration (e.g. Whitbred et al.,
the superior performance of the WMZR treatment, 2000). After seeding, the maize and wheat grew
and the reasonable performance of WMZH and rapidly, providing crop cover, but the crop residue
VMZH treatments, indicates that soil strenth could was also decomposing rapidly, and particularly with
not have been a very signi®cant limiting factor in our MZH, the smooth sloping interrow spaces remained
environment. bare and exposed, and on occasions contributed to
134 R.A. Fischer et al. / Field Crops Research 79 (2002) 123±137

even though the distorted Mexican market then valued

wheat somewhat less. Maize stover and wheat straw
are valued at 33% of the grain price and 90% (70% for
wheat) is assumed harvestable; total straw available
was calculated from grain yields and harvest indices.
Oat forage is valued at N$ 0.60/kg dry, and medic
pasturage at the same value. Cultivation costs asso-
ciated with treatment C (plowing, cultivation and
harrowing) amount to N$ 400/ha, while knock down
herbicide associated with treatment Z cost a relatively
high N$ 343/ha: thus C and Z differ little on this cost
Fig. 2. The relationship of percentage surface covered by ponding basis. Seed and seeding costs, and harvesting costs, are
during a rain storm on 15 June 1995 and percentage of ground assumed to be the same in each cropping system. Urea
cover by crop residue for zero till (®lled triangle) and recently
cultivated (®lled square) treatments.
fertilizer cost N$ 1.28/kg, amounting to N$ 256/ha for
maize (average of 92 kg N/ha) and N$ 192/ha for
wheat (69 kg N/ha). Post-seeding herbicides and
runoff. The higher plant density with wheat and the insecticide cost N$ 565/ha across all maize crops
narrower rows appeared to be more effective in runoff and N$ 760/ha for all wheat crops. No cost is allowed
control. With cultivated plots, as the season progressed for mowing of vetch, or livestock shepherding on the
after sowing the rains caused slumping and surface medic, although the latter would be needed in the
crusting so that they began to behave more like ZH absence of fences.
plots. The results for the most common farmer cropping
The third aspect of maize relating to soil moisture systems and possible improvements on these are
is the longer duration of maize relative to wheat, for shown in Table 5. The ®rst and second rows (MMCH
maize did not lose its green area until 6 weeks after at N1 and N2, respectively) are the ones closest to
wheat (except in 1995 when the October frost district practice, and in fact show the sixth highest
reduced this difference to 1 week). Thus there is and highest gross margins, respectively. Stover har-
likely to be a drier soil pro®le after maize than after vesting contributes considerably to this, con®rming
wheat: 36 mm less water was measured at wheat the economic surveys in central Mexico of Erenstein
sowing after maize than after wheat (Fischer et al., (1996). The yield decline with MMZH pulls its gross
2002) and this tended to be the case at maize sowing margin down, while the lack of stover sales penalises
(10 mm less, Table 1). This could be an additional MMZR despite its better grain yields. The VMZH
reason why maize in the MM rotation performed less rotation, both with and without N, is quite successful
well than maize in the WM one (and one possible because of the stover sales in 1 year and oat forage
reason why wheat tended to do better in WW than in ones the next. The WM rotations, with the good grain
MW, Fischer et al., 2002). yields, suffer from the problem of all rotations with
wheat, namely somewhat lower grain yields than
3.6. Comparative performance of cropping systems maize, other things equal, and higher post-emergence
weed control costs. Besides WMZR with N2, despite
One useful way to compare the performance of the having the best maize yields, is even lower because of
cropping systems over the 4 years of study is to the lack of residue sales. However amongst rotations
perform a partial budget analysis, even though the containing wheat, WM is the best, only approached
results will depend very much on the prevailing prices by WWCH with N2 (a common farmer practice in
of inputs and outputs (1995 prices, when 6 new drier areas, although often the straw is burnt) and
Mexican pesos (N$) were approximately equal to WWZH with N2, which both have the bene®t of
$US 1 were used). To do this some reasonable sim- annual straw sales. In contrast WWZR with N2, with
plifying assumptions are made. The price of wheat no straw sales, is not competitive. Finally the VWZ
grain is assumed to equal that of maize (N$ 0.75/kg), and PWZ rotations were intermediate between the
R.A. Fischer et al. / Field Crops Research 79 (2002) 123±137 135

Table 5
Partial budget analysis of mean performance of some of the tested cropping systems averaged over the 1992±1995 perioda

Cropping systems Phase Income Expenses Net benefit

Grain Forage Tillage N fertilizer Herbicide

MMCH N1 2320 1323 400 0 565 2678
MMCH N2 3240 1456 400 256 565 3475
MMZH N2 2783 1174 0 256 908 2793
MMZR N2 3155 0 0 256 908 1991
VMZH N1 Maize 3406 1402 0 0 908 3113b
Vetch 0 2670 0 0 343
VMZH N2 Maize 3473 1745 0 256 908 3191b
Vetch 0 2670 0 0 343
WMCH N2 Maize 3345 1579 400 256 565 2920b
Wheat 2669 821 400 192 760
WMZR N2 Maize 4459 0 0 256 908 2499b
Wheat 2997 0 0 192 1103
WWCH N1 2537 799 400 0 760 2176
WWCH N2 3002 916 400 192 760 2566
WWZH N2 2944 875 0 192 1103 2524
WWZR N2 3039 0 0 192 1103 1744
VWZR N1 Wheat 2975 0 0 0 1103 2100b
Vetch 0 2670 0 0 343
VWZR N2 Wheat 3059 0 0 192 1103 2045b
Vetch 0 2670 0 0 343
PWZR N1 Wheat 2974 0 0 0 1103 2136b
Pasture 0 2400 0 0 0
PWZR N2 Wheat 3256 0 0 192 1103 2181b
Pasture 0 2400 0 0 0
Binary rotations comprising maize (M), wheat (W), oats/vetch (V), and/or medic pasture (P), with cultivation (C) or zero tillage (Z), and
with residue retention (R) or harvest (H), without or with supplemental N fertilizer (N1, N2); 1995 values in new Mexican Pesos (N$) per
hectare per year.
Average of both phases.

two WW rotations shown, bene®ting from higher seeding date compared to MZR for which ample
wheat yields, and forage income in alternate years surface residue retains soil moisture from the early
almost as high as the wheat grain income. Nitrogen summer rains.
fertilizer gave little or no advantage (<N$ 100/ha per Short term gross margins may not re¯ect well long
annum) in all legume±cereal rotations, whereas in term effects. Cultivation with residue removal, espe-
continuous cereal rotations the gain was very worth- cially if weeds are controlled by interrow cultivation
while (>N$ 400). as is common, is likely to be the worst for soil
This simple analysis suggests that, in the short term structure, runoff and hence soil erosion. MMZH with
at least, the farmer practice of continuous cultivated bare soil after crop residue removal appeared to be
maize with stover removal (MMCH) and a little N little better in this regard because of the relatively hard
fertilizer is probably the best amongst all the alter- setting nature of the soil, despite its vertic tendencies.
natives tried. But there is one disadvantage of MC (and The zero till residue removal treatment with wheat
MZH) treatments not shown in Table 5, which is the was not so bad, as some 30% of the wheat straw
lower chance of them being seeded at the optimum always remained and gave reasonable soil protection.
136 R.A. Fischer et al. / Field Crops Research 79 (2002) 123±137

Cultivation with residue retention, even though the economically if there is full residue retention. Legume
residue is quickly buried and does not protect the soil wheat rotations maybe satisfactory if weed control
from rain drop action, can be expected to gradually costs can be contained. The maize crop was more
improve soil structure, and in®ltration other things complex. Continuous maize without cultivation was
being equal. Zero tillage with residue retention how- inferior in terms of grain yield due to the unexplained
ever appeared to immediately eliminate the runoff/ stunting problem, which needs further investigation.
erosion problem, presumably because the soil was Other maize treatment effects seemed, as with wheat,
protected from rain drop action; as well long term to be related to soil water and N fertility, maize being
bene®ts for soil structure can be expected. more responsive to both of these than wheat, espe-
In the longer term nutrient balances are also impor- cially when the stress coincided with ¯owering. In this
tant, although we can only comment on nitrogen. regard zero tilled maize in full wheat residue was often
Residue retention keeps an extra 25 kg/ha per crop outstanding. But, as with wheat, the forage value of the
(wheat), or 60 kg/ha per crop (maize), of nitrogen residue appears, in the short term at least, to outweigh
(as well as other mineral elements) in the system. its value as a surface mulch, and contributor to soil
The experiment was however too short to see any structure and nutrition, for subsequent crops. Time-
bene®t for this positive effect of residue. The rotations liness of sowing is critical for maize in this environ-
with vetch (and especially with medic in the case of ment and treatment effects on this need to be studied
wheat) might be expected to have a better nitrogen more closely (for example modelled), as zero till with
balance than continuous cereal (Fischer et al., 2002). retained residue may have a signi®cant advantage in
With the N fertilizer application and legumes, perhaps this regard. Besides maize was observed to show
the balance is even positive, especially for maize with more runoff, with the interrow serving as a preferred
its lower grain N%; this would be of long term bene®t. channel unless well covered with residue from the
One clear drawback, however, with these legume± previous crop. Future work needs to pay more atten-
cereal rotations was the greater weed pressure, espe- tion to these runoff losses. Many of the treatments
cially with wheat under Z (Fischer et al., 2002). On described here have been continued in the same plots,
some occasions full post-seeding weed control (up to and Sayre et al. (in press) describe the results for
three herbicides) was unnecessary in WW and MW, years 1996±2000.
but it was always needed with VWZ and especially
PWZ, and the weed population appeared to be increas-
ing over the 4 years of the experiment (Fischer et al., Acknowledgements
The authors wish to thank the following persons
who contributed substantially to the experiment at
4. Conclusion various times between 1991 and 1995: CIMMYT
staff, Vicente Calixto, Manuel Olivares, Miguel Mar-
Experiments about cropping systems and soil man- tinez, Jaime Lopez-Cesati, Etienne Duveiller, John
agement are always complex, and one with six rota- Mimh, David Bergvinson and Ganesan Srinivasan,
tions, two tillage, two residue and two N levels, is and visiting scientists, Samuel Roman, Vicente Espi-
going to be especially complex. As an exploration of noza and Claire Fudge.
possibilities and problems the present experiment,
however, was successful, although it is obvious that
4 years is too short to reveal longer term changes. References
Wheat grain yield responses to treatment were never
large and could largely be explained on the basis of Blevins, R.L., Frye, W.W., 1993. Conservation tillage: an ecological
approach to soil management. Adv. Agron. 51, 33±76.
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