1917 McLaughlin Cover Letter

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. Roll Numbers. 1-27 : ' 1 £ : : 2 1 : 1 t 2 200 100 201 5 ne W826 328-551 832-600 601-652 653-7683 784-924 926-1063 2064 1065-1219 1220-1265 aria 1661-1675 267691686 1687-1797 ‘1788-1798 1793-2068 2059-2201 2208-2542 2348-28446 2345-2366 2367-2667 2668-2677 2678-2691 155 ar 148 236 26 n 101 266 1 : t ACE OF MARCH 4, 1917 CHAP. 161.--an set for the restoration of ennuities to the Medeweken- ton end Wabpakoota (Sentee) Sioux Indiens, declered forfeited by the Act of February sixteenth, eighteen Imndred ai xty- thre! Be it eneoted by the Senate and Houss of EKeprecentatives of the Unit~ eo States of americs in Congress assembled, That juriediction be, end here- by fe, conferred upon the Court of Claine to heer, detemine, ma rendor final judgment for any balence. that may de found due the Medowokanton and Wehpakoota Bands of Sicux Indims, otherwise known es Senteo Sioux Indien with right of eppeel, es in other cases, for any. mrmities that may be as~ eerteined to be due to the said bends of Indians under oni by virtue of the treaties between esid bands end the United States, dated September twenty- ninth, eighteen hundred ani thirty-seven (seventh Statutes at Large, pe five hundred end thirty-eight), and dugust fifth, eighteen hundred end fif- ty-one (Tenth stetutes at » page nine hundred and fifty-four), ae if the act of forfeiture of the anmities of said bends approved February eix- teenth, eigh men hundred end cixty-three, hed not been pesced: Provided, thet the court in rendering judgment shall secertain and include therein the amount of accrued amnuities under the treety of September twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred ena thirty-seven, up to the dete of rendition of judemen em ehell determine ani incl the present value of the seme, not inolus- ing interest, ani the ospitel eum of said ennuity, which shall be in lien of eeia perpetuol enmity grented in ceid treaty; anf to ascertain end sot off sgeinet sny smomt fomd dus under seid treaties all moneys paid to e214 Indians or expended on their account by the Goverment of the United States since the troaties wore ebrogeted by the Act of Fobruery sixteenth, @igh ten honfred ant sixty~three: Provided, That the treaty of spril twon ty-eighth, efghtoon hundred and oixty-eight chell not be o bar to recovery, JUDGMENT OF THE COURT OF CLADS. (£85,926). Medewokenton enf Wehpekoote Bends of Sioux Indians, otherwise know a8 Santee Siour Indians v. The United States. Thie case heaving been heard by the Court of Claims, the court, upon the evidence, maka the following Zindings of fact: RUCRE REXEL RLTARKE KK TTR AKAXTTET. on the foregoing fects, the court, decides, os 6 conolusion of lev, tied to recover the sum of $386,697.89. It ic that the pleintiffs ere enti therefore adjudged, ordered, and decresd thet the pleintifts recover of ant from the United stetes the cum of Throe Hundred end Eighty-six Thousam Five Hundred end Ninety-seven Dollere and Eighty-Nine Cents ($566,597.89) + QRVER FIXING

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