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Week 1: Setting Up a Development Environment Terminal Sublime Text XCode Rails Ruby Databases Week 2: Introduction to Github, HTML5,

CSS3, Ruby Apply push and pull commands in Github Practice designing a basic HTML site using the common tags and applying the new HTML5 tags Apply CSS to HTML sites to separate content from presentation/style Apply the fundamentals of object-oriented programming to Ruby by using variables, operators, conditionals, loops and functions Retrieve and apply Gems in a Ruby program

Week 3: Databases, Introduction to Ruby on Rails Describe and experiment with various relational database solutions (Postgres, MySQL, SQL) Describe and apply the MVC framework Describe how models work, and experiment with creating models for a web app Test out your models, create associations to your models, and determine how to query the data in a model Describe and apply routing to your app and implement controllers Apply a UI component to your app by integrating controllers with views Integrate your models with routing, controllers, and views

Week 4: Ruby on Rails Build custom apps by integrating routing, controllers, views, and databases Integrate forms into your web application Integrate authentication (login) into your web application Apply project management tools to your projects Apply branch, merge, fork and clone commands in Github

Deploy your application to Heroku

Week 5: JavaScript Describe how the integration of JavaScript and Rails works to make your application interactive Assign values to variables, understand data types, conditionals, loops, and functions Create objects and translate them into JSON Demonstrate how to manipulate the DOM using jQuery selectors Navigate and use the jQuery API documentation effectively Integrate events such as ready and mouse and keyboard events into your web application Week 6: AJAX Write JavaScript that allows the browser to communicate with the server without reloading the current page, to do things like validate or save form input and refresh images Trigger JavaScript events that interact with databases and integrate with Rails applications to create dynamic pages that load quickly and seamlessly Week 7: Testing, Debugging, Exception Handling Build functionality based on tests by applying test driven development techniques (TDD/BDD) using RSpec Write unit tests, functional tests, and integration tests Build Rails applications with testing in mind Week 8: Integrating with External APIs Describe what an API is and how to retrieve data from various third party APIs Practice using external APIs such as email APIs, SMS text messaging, maps integration, Twitter, and Flickr Implement payments into Rails applications using Stripe

Week 9: Computer Science

Create more efficient and elegant solutions to problems by applying fundamental computer science concepts to applications Differentiate between various data structures and their purpose (linked lists, stacks, hashtables, etc.) Build programs using the appropriate data structures and algorithms to optimize for performance Evaluate the Big O runtime of various algorithms used within applications

Week 10: Advanced Ruby on Rails Explore and assess the advantages of alternative database solutions (NoSQL) Create asynchronous solutions by applying queueing and messaging to an application Reduce expensive calls to the database by applying caching to an application Evaluate the analytics of a web application Monitor your site to track performance and uptime (Airbrake) Apply Bootstrap, SASS, and HAML to create cleaner front-end solutions Week 11: Additional JavaScript Frameworks Create more structured and maintainable code by applying the Backbone.js framework to your applications Recognize various other JavaScript frameworks such as Node.js Week 12: Security, Performance, and Optimization Make sure your application is secure by applying best practices to avoid site crashes and service attacks Simulate load testing on your applications Apply mcache techniques and CSS compression to optimize for performance Apply best practices in JavaScript to increase speed and utilize less bandwidth Final Project Presentations

Present your final project to the General Assembly community

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