2000 Spanish Irregular Verbs

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2000+ Spanish Irregular Verbs 2nd edition

free sample booklet

by Danny Major
© Copyright 2007. All rights reserved
2000+ Spanish Irregular Verbs Sample Booklet

Why do language students have the wrong

mindset about Irregular Verbs?
Stop! headline news....Irregular Verbs are more often than not the
most difficult part of any language to learn, but why?
The common belief amongst language students of all languages is that irregular verbs do not
follow patterns like the regular verbs, therefore making them very difficult to learn and master.

The truth is, that when it comes down to it, the problem lies with a student’s often misguided
concerns regarding the potential difficulty of learning the irregularity of a verb, the actual task is
actually no more difficult than learning the conjugations of a regular verb.

Strange statement to make I know but look at it this way.....

In Spanish there are three ‘regular’ verb types, so called because they follow a regular set pattern.
Each pattern relating to different verb endings,these endings are; -ar; -er; and –ir.

Now you’ve probably already learnt or memorized the endings for each conjugation for each of
these verb groups and have been told that you will have no option but to memorize each irregular
verb as they are all different.

This is misleading!

Nearly all Irregular verbs follow formations that other irregular verbs copy therefore enabling them
to be put into groups.

In my opinion if these ‘irregular verbs’ can be grouped they can and should be treated as regular
verbs also.

Great! you are probably saying, I’ve now got more regular verb groups to learn !

But remember that I started this report by stating that the inherent fear students have is of the
difficulty learning irregular verbs compared to regular verbs.

This simple declassification of irregular verbs into a regular type grouping should dismiss any
anxieties once felt

You should remember this...

Learning is a state of mind, believing something is difficult often leads to to it being just that, so
you need to get the right mindset, think positive and your learning experience will mirror that
belief and as a result your studies will become easier.

‘2000+ Spanish Irregular Verbs’ will provide you with all the variants and groupings of irregular
verbs you will ever need to make learning these specific verb groups much easier than ever

So please study this free booklet and you will see how ‘2000+ Spanish Irregular Verbs’ can and
will prove itself an invaluable aid to your studies

Thank you and enjoy.

© Copywright 2007 3
2000+ Spanish Irregular Verbs Sample Booklet

Past Participle: enviado

enviar: to send Gerund: enviando
Indicative [indicativo]
Present [presente] English [inglés] Present Perfect [pretérito perfecto] English [inglés]
yo envío I send yo he enviado I have sent
tú envías you send tú has enviado you have sent
el/ella envía he/she sends el/ella ha enviado he/she has sent
nosotros enviamos we send nosotros hemos enviado we have sent
vosotros enviáis you send vosotros habéis enviado you have sent
ellos/ellas envían they send ellos/ellas han enviado they have sent
Imperfect [pretérito imperfecto] Pluperfect [pretérito pluscuamperfecto]
yo enviaba I was sending yo habίa enviado I had sent
tú enviabas you were sending tú habías enviado you had sent
el/ella enviaba he/she was sending el/ella habίa enviado he/she had sent
nosotros enviábamos we were sending nosotros habίamos enviado we had sent
vosotros enviabais you were sending vosotros habίais enviado you had sent
ellos/ellas enviaban they were sending ellos/ellas habίan enviado they had sent
Preterite [pretérito] Past Perfect [pretérito anterior]
yo envié I sent yo hube enviado I sent
tú enviaste you sent tú hubiste enviado you sent
el/ella envió he/she sent el/ella hubo enviado he/she sent
nosotros enviamos we sent nosotros hubimos enviado we sent
vosotros enviasteis you sent vosotros hubisteis enviado you sent
ellos/ellas enviaron they sent ellos/ellas hubieron enviado they sent
Future [futuro imperfecto] Future Perfect [futuro perfecto]
yo enviaré I will send yo habré enviado I will have sent
tú enviarás you will send tú habrás enviado you will have sent
el/ella enviará he/she will send el/ella habrá enviado he/she will sent
nosotros enviaremos we will send nosotros habremos enviado we will have sent
vosotros enviaréis you will send vosotros habréis enviado you will have sent
ellos/ellas enviarán they will send ellos/ellas habrán enviado they will have sent
Conditional [condicional] Conditional Perfect [condicional anterior]
yo enviaría I would send yo habrίa enviado I would have sent
tú enviarías you would send tú habrίas enviado you would have sent
el/ella enviaría he/she would send el/ella habrίa enviado he/she would have sent
nosotros enviaríamos we would send nosotros habrίamos enviado we would have sent
vosotros enviaríais you would send vosotros habrίais enviado you would have sent
ellos/ellas enviarían they would send ellos/ellas habrίan enviado they would have sent
Subjunctive [subjuntivo]
Present [presente] English [inglés] Present Perfect [pretérito perfecto] English [inglés]
yo envíe I send yo haya enviado I have sent
tú envíes you send tú hayas enviado you have sent
el/ella envíe he/she sends el/ella haya enviado he/she has sent
nosotros enviemos we send nosotros hayamos enviado we have sent
vosotros enviéis you send vosotros hayáis enviado you have sent
ellos/ellas envíen they send ellos/ellas hayan enviado they have sent
Imperfect [pretérito imperfecto] Pluperfect [pretérito pluscuamperfecto]
yo enviara I was sending yo hubiera enviado I had sent
tú enviaras you were sending tú hubieras enviado you had sent
el/ella enviara he/she was sending el/ella hubiera enviado he/she had sent
nosotros enviáramos we were sending nosotros hubiéramos enviado we had sent
vosotros enviarais you were sending vosotros hubierais enviado you had sent
ellos/ellas enviaran they were sending ellos/ellas hubieran enviado they had sent
or or
yo enviase I was sending yo hubiese enviado I had sent
tú enviases you were sending tú hubieses enviado you had sent
el/ella enviase he/she was sending el/ella hubiese enviado he/she had sent
nosotros enviásemos we were sending nosotros hubiésemos enviado we had sent
vosotros enviaseis you were sending vosotros hubieseis enviado you had sent
ellos/ellas enviasen they were sending ellos/ellas hubiesen enviado they had sent
Future [futuro imperfecto] Future Perfect [futuro perfecto]
yo enviare I will send yo hubiere enviado I will have sent
tú enviares you will send tú hubieres enviado you will have sent
el/ella enviare he/she will send el/ella hubiere enviado he/she will sent
nosotros enviáremos we will send nosotros hubiéremos enviado we will have sent
vosotros enviareis you will send vosotros hubiereis enviado you will have sent
ellos/ellas enviaren they will send ellos/ellas hubieren enviado they will have sent
Imperative [imperativo] Present Continuous [presente continuo]
yo yo estoy enviando I am sending
tú envía send! tú estás enviando you are sending
el/ella envíe send! el/ella está enviando he/she is sending
nosotros enviemos send! nosotros estamos enviando we are sending
vosotros enviad send! vosotros estáis enviando you are sending
ellos/ellas envíen send! ellos/ellas están enviando they are sending

© Copywright 2007 4
2000+ Spanish Irregular Verbs Sample Booklet

Irregular verb Group 1a: i of the stem is stressed in parts of the present tenses.

Other verbs in this group;

aeroenviar send by air malcriar spoil

ataviar dress up mecanografiar type
ataviarse dress oneself up microfotografiar microphotograph
autografiar autograph mimeografiar mimeograph
averiar damage piar whine
averiarse have a breakdown pipiar chirp
biografiar write a biography of porfiar persist
cablegrafiar cable radiografiar x-ray
caligrafiar write in a stylish hand radiotelegrafiar radiotelegraph
calofriarse feel chilly reenviar redirect
confiar entrust reliar roll
contrariar contradict resfriar give someone a cold
coregrafiar choreograph resfriarse catch a cold
criar raise rociar douse
dactilografiar type sequiar inhale
desafiar dare telegrafiar cable
descarriar misdirect vaciar empty
descariarse lose one’s way variar change
desconfiar be distrustful
desliar untie
desvariar be delirious
desviar deflect
enfriar cool
espiar spy
esquiar sky
estenografiar take down in shorthand
estriar groove
expatriarse emigrate
expiar atone for
extraviar lose
extraviarse get lost
fiar credit
fiarse trust someone
fotografiar photograph
fotografiarse have one’s photo taken
guiar guide
hastiar tire
hastiarse tire of
liar tie up
liarse become muddled
litografiar lithograph

As you can see above, there are 60 verbs alone that follow this irregular verb pattern!

‘2000+ Spanish Irregular Verbs’ , covers 66 different variations of irregular verbs encompassing well
over 2000 verbs in doing so. If you are a student of Spanish I am sure it is one tool you can’t do

© Copywright 2007 5

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