Birds of A Feather Flock Together.: A Bird in The Hand Is Worth Two in The Bush

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Birds of a feather flock together.

People of the same type seem to gather to-gether. (Proverb.) Bob and Tom are just alike. They like each others company be-cause birds of a feather f lock together. When Mary joined a club for redheaded people, she said, Birds of a feather f lock together.

behind the eight ball

in a difficult or awkward position. (Informal. Refers to billiards, a game played with numbered balls.) Bob broke his wifes crystal vase and is really behind the eight ball. I ran over the neighbors lawn with my car, so Im really behind the eight ball.

beginning of the end

the start of the final phase of something or of someones death. When he stopped coughing and remained still, I knew it was the beginning to belabor the point, but the sooner we get these things settled, the better. If the speaker would agree not to belabor the point further, I will place it on the agenda for the next meeting.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush .Something you already have is bet-ter than something you might get. Bill has offered to buy my car for $4,000. Someone else might pay more, but a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. I might be able to find a better price, but a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

the black sheep of the family the worst member of the family. Mary is the black sheep of the family. Shes always in

trouble with the police. He keeps mak-ing a nuisance of himself. What do you ex-pect from the black sheep of the family?

bone of contention the subject or point of an argument; an unsettled point of dis-agreement. Weve fought for so long that weve forgotten what the bone of con-tention is. The question of a fence between the houses has become quite a bone of contention

break the ice to initiate social interchanges and conversation; to get something started. (Also literal.) Tom is so outgoing. Hes always the first one to break the ice at parties. Its hard to break the ice at formal events. Sally broke the ice by bidding $20,000 for the painting.

catch one with ones pants down to catch someone doing something, especially something that ought to be done in se-cret or in private. (Informal. Use with caution. This refers to having ones pants down in the bathroom.) John couldnt convince them he was innocent. They caught him with his pants down. Did you hear that John took the camera? The store owner caught him with his pants down.

come out of the blue to appear suddenly as if falling from the sky. (The blue refers to the blue sky.) This idea came out of the blue, and I think it is a good one. Sally showed up at the party even though no one told her where it was. She just came out of the blue.

Could be worse satisfactory, but not as bad as it could be. Q: How are things? A: Could be worse. Things could be worse, and in a little while, they probably will be.

couldnt be better completely satisfactory. I feeling great and couldnt be better. We had a wonderful time and our vacation couldnt have been better

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