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A Hybrid Incomplete Exponential Sum With Application to Aperiodic Hamming Correlation of Some Frequency-Hopping Sequences
Zhengchun Zhou, Xiaohu Tang, Member, IEEE, Yang Yang, and Udaya Parampalli, Member, IEEE
AbstractIn this paper, an upper bound for a hybrid incomplete exponential sum over nite elds is derived. This bound is then used to obtain lower and upper bounds for aperiodic Hamming correlation of frequency-hopping sequences based on power functions. Index TermsAperiodic correlation, exponential sum, frequency-hopping sequences (FHSs), Hamming correlation, hybrid sum.


REQUENCY-HOPPING sequences (FHSs) are an integral part of spread spectrum communication systems such as FH-CDMA systems (for background, see [2] and [16]). For example, in multiple-access frequency-hopping packet radio networks, each transmitter is assigned a unique signature sequence for controlling the frequencies used by the radios for consecutive packets within a frame. This multiple-access method has recently received renewed interest in vehicular communication technologies. Assuming frame asynchronism and packet synchronism, whenever two or more radios transmit their packets simultaneously in the same frequency, the collided packets are capable of destroying each other. To maximize the throughput, we have to minimize the number of such coincidences between the signature sequences. This factor has been modeled as Hamming correlation and the systems need large sets of frequency-hopping patterns having good Hamming correlation properties. Traditionally, it is the periodic Hamming correlation of FHSs that has received most attention in the literature. The study of the periodic Hamming autocorrelation of FHSs can be traced back

Manuscript received September 14, 2011; accepted June 03, 2012. Date of publication June 26, 2012; date of current version September 11, 2012. Z. Zhou, X. Tang, and Y. Yang were supported in part by the National Science Foundation of China under Grants 61201243 and 607720866, in part by the Key Grant Project of Chinese Ministry of Education under Grant 311031, in part by a Foundation from the Major State Basic Research Development Program of China (973 Program) under Grant 2012CB316100, in part by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under Grants SWJTU12CX053 and SWJTU12ZT15, and in part by the Application Fundamental Research Project of Sichuan Province under Grant 2012JY0022. Z. Zhou is with the School of Mathematics, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China, and also with the National mobile communications Research Laboratory, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China (e-mail: X. Tang and Y. Yang are with the Institute of Mobile Communications, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China (e-mail:; U. Parampalli is with the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Vic. 3010, Australia (e-mail: Communicated by M. G. Parker, Associate Editor for Sequences. Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TIT.2012.2206109

to the seminal work of Lempel and Greenberger [11] in which the well-known LempelGreenberger bound is established. In 2004, Peng and Fan [13] made a subsequent contribution by deriving the bounds on the periodic Hamming correlation of sets of FHSs. During these four decades, numerous constructions of FHSs meeting these bounds (see [4][6], [8], [11], [18], [19], [21], and [22], and the references therein) have been proposed. The periodic correlation properties of sequences determine the number of users in the system and the error rate [9]. The aperiodic and partial period correlation properties affect the performance of synchronization and acquisition of the code sequence at a receiver [7], [9]. While a vast amount of knowledge exists for periodic Hamming correlation properties of FHSs as mentioned previously, relatively little is known about aperiodic and partial correlation properties which are also of great importance due to both theoretical interests and practical application scenarios where the synchronization time is limited or the hardware is complex [7], [13]. Recently, the partial Hamming correlation of FHSs has been discussed in [7] and [20]. Some lower bounds and optimal constructions meeting the bounds were developed. On the other hand, for the aperiodic Hamming correlation of FHSs, only lower bounds were reported [13] to the best of our knowledge. However, these bounds depend directly on the bounds for periodic correlation. Sometimes, the values of bounds could be negative and thus are not useful for any analysis. Hybrid exponential sums over nite elds and Galois rings have attracted attention because of their links to coding theory, cryptography, and sequences. The particular question of efciently determining the values of hybrid exponential sums seems to be very hard. The general strategy of attacking the problem is to give some nice estimations rather than to calculate the specic values. This has been done by many researchers [1], [3], [10], [14], [15]. The estimations of certain hybrid exponential sums have been applied to obtain bounds on aperiodic inner product correlation of binary direct spreading sequences [10], [14] and sequences over Galois rings [15]. They are also used to construct constrained error-correcting codes [1], and Boolean functions with high nonlinearity [3]. In this paper, we address the problem of deriving bounds on aperiodic Hamming correlation of some FHSs. We rst derive an upper bound for a hybrid incomplete exponential sum over nite elds, and then use this bound to obtain lower and upper bounds for aperiodic correlation of the FHSs based on power functions in [4], [5], and [8]. The outline of the paper is as follows. In Section II, we give the notations and the necessary preliminaries required for the

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subsequent sections. In Section III, we give the estimation of a hybrid incomplete sum over nite elds. In Sections IV and V, we, respectively, derive and discuss the bounds for aperiodic Hamming correlation of some FHSs. Finally, we give some concluding remarks in Section VI. II. PRELIMINARIES A. Characters of Finite Fields and Gaussian Sums Let be a prime, and a power of . For a positive integer , the trace function from the nite eld to its subeld is dened by

aperiodic Hamming correlation function of by


is dened

where if and 0 otherwise. It is easy to see that, for any

For any positive integer , let be the of unity. Let , , be the additive characters of

th root , i.e.,

which is just the periodic Hamming correlation of shift , and denoted by . C. Notations

and at the

Let given by

, be the multiplicative characters of

where and is a primitive element of . By convention, we suppose and are the trivial additive character and trivial multiplicative character of , respectively. For any , the character dened by is character of denotes the comcalled the conjugate character of , where plex conjugate of . For any additive character and multiplicative character of , the Gaussian sum is dened by

Henceforth, we x some notations for convenience, which will be used throughout this paper. 1) is a power of a prime ; 2) for a positive integer ; 3) is an integer with and ; 4) , , and ; 5) is a given primitive element of ; is a subgroup of with order 6) generated by ; 7) and are the additive and multiplicative characters of dened before. III. HYBRID INCOMPLETE SUM OVER FINITE FIELDS The key ingredient for the proof of our main result consists of estimating the following hybrid incomplete exponential sum.

The following results are useful in the sequel. Fact 1: For any and any with if if .

Theorem 1: Let numbers with

, be


where Lemma 1 (see [12, Th. 5.11]): The Gaussian sum satises for for for If and , then , , ,

. Then for any nontrivial additive character


(1) . be the Proof: Let group containing all multiplicative characters of , and be a subset of . It is easy to check that is a subgroup of with order , and each character annihilates , i.e, for all . It then follows that if otherwise.

B. Hamming Correlation Functions of FHSs Let be an alphabet of available frequencies. Let be the set of all FHSs of length over . Given any two sequences and in , the



Thus, we have




In this section, we shall apply the above hybrid sum to get bounds on aperiodic Hamming correlation of some FHSs in [4], [5], and [8]. Recall that is a positive integer with and . Ge et al. [8] constructed a family of frequency sequences from the power function which is a generalization of the constructions in [4] ( ) and [5] ( ). Specically, Ge et al. constructed a family of FHSs with length as where and . Note that for any , since mod for any . Thus, is a nontrivial multiplicative character. According to Lemma 1, for any (2) where , (3) Theorem 2 [8]: The sequence set in (2) consists of FHSs of length whose periodic correlation satises It then follows that where or . Furthermore, has optimal periodic Hamming correlation properties with respect to the periodic PengFan bound in [13]. In what follows, we focus on discussing the aperiodic correlation properties of the FHSs in . Note that for any two FHSs and in (4) for any . By Theorem 2, we only need to consider the aperiodic correlation function for . According to (3), can be calculated as , and for each

(5) where we use Fact 1 twice, respectively, in the fourth identity and the last identity due to , where otherwise. Obviously, . Dene if only for the trivial case: and 0 and




By the inverse discrete Fourier transformation, we have (7) The following two lemmas together with Theorem 1 will lead to the bounds for the aperiodic correlation of the FHSs in . Lemma 2: For any integer

Proof: Based on (5) and (7), for any

, we have

Proof: By (6), for any


Note that only if and which is the trivial case. Thus, when or (i.e., ), the bounds in (9) follow from Lemmas 3, 2 and Theorem 1. If is odd, we obtain the following result due to Sarwate [14, Lemma 1]: (8) If is even, the inequality in (8) can be derived in the same way. The proof of this lemma is done. Lemma 3 [8]: For any nontrivial additive character of 3. First, the bound of (9) can be rewritten as (10) Note from Theorem 2 that the periodic Hamming correlation of any two FHSs and is equal to for any or which represents the total number of frequency coincidences between and (at the shift ) over the full period. Thus, the average number of frequency coincidences between and over a correlation window with length is equal to (11) This average number of frequency coincidences can be viewed as an estimation of the actual frequency coincidences between V. DISCUSSION ON THE BOUNDS In this section, we shall discuss the bound of (9) in Theorem

We now are in a position to introduce the bounds on the aperiodic Hamming correlation of FHSs in . Theorem 3: Let be the set of FHSs dened by (2). Then for any two FHSs and in , the nontrivial aperiodic correlation function (i.e, or ) satises (9) at the bottom of the page.






. In [14], Sarwate obtained an upper bound on the aperiodic inner-product autocorrelation of binary -sequences (i.e., ). The inner product autocorrelation of the binary -sequence is dened by

. and over a correlation window of length (i.e., ), and the maximal estimation error is given by Sarwate [14] derived the following bound on the magnitude of aperiodic inner product autocorrelation of : (13) where ed to . Due to , this bound can be simpli-

By (10),

is upper bounded by

Moreover, we check for small values of that the actual maximal estimation errors are much smaller than those given by the bound. We compare and in Table I, for , and . This means that the average number of frequency coincidences given by (11) may be an useful estimation for the aperiodic Hamming correlation of the FHSs based on the power functions dened before. Now we compare our bound with the PengFan bound developed in [13]. Let consist of FHSs of length over an alphabet with size . The maximal aperiodic Hamming correlation of is dened by

By the denition of aperiodic Hamming and inner-product correlation, we have the following identity for binary sequence :

The following bound on

is due to Peng and Fan [13]: (12)

Based on this identity and the bound of (9), we immediately obtain the bound of (13). In this sense, the Sarwate bound can be viewed as a special case of our bound. As pointed out by Tietvinen [17], although there is a gap between the Sarwate bound and the actual inner-product correlation, it is a challenge to nd new methods which yield better results. Note that an improvement of our bound in (9) will naturally lead to an improvement of the Sarwate bound. It may be also a challenging problem to nd new methods which yield better results. VI. CONCLUDING REMARKS In this paper, bounds on the aperiodic Hamming correlation of FHSs from power functions were derived based on an estimation of a hybrid incomplete exponential sum over nite elds. It may be interesting and challenging to present nice bounds on the aperiodic Hamming correlation of other known FHSs in the literature. The reader is invited to attack these problems. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank anonymous reviewers and the Associate Editor M. Parker, for their valuable suggestions and comments that much improved the quality of this paper. The rst author is also grateful to Prof. Igor Shparlinski for helpful discussion on the hybrid incomplete exponential sum. REFERENCES
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It is easy to check the necessary condition for is or , since and . and thus Thus, the PengFan bound is negative when make no sense in most cases. For the two remainder cases where or , it is not difcult to verify that the proposed lower bound in (9) is larger than that in (12) when . Therefore, as far as the sequence set is concerned, our lower bound in (12) is tighter than the PengFan bound. When , the sequence set consists of a single sequence, namely the -sequence , where . Thus, the inequality in (9) gives the bounds on the aperiodic Hamming autocorrelation of -sequences over



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Zhengchun Zhou received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in mathematics and the Ph.D. degree in information security from Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China, in 2001, 2004, and 2010, respectively. He is currently an associate professor with the School of Mathematics, Southwest Jiaotong University. His research interests include sequence design and coding theory.

Xiaohu Tang (M04) received the B.S. degree in applied mathematics from the Northwest Polytechnic University, Xian, China, the M.S. degree in applied mathematics from the Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, and the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from the Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China, in 1992, 1995, and 2001 respectively. From 2003 to 2004, he was a postdoctoral member in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. From 2007 to 2008, he was a visiting professor at University of Ulm, Germany. Since 2001, he has been in the Institute of Mobile Communications, Southwest Jiaotong University, where he is currently a professor. His research interests include sequence design, coding theory and cryptography. Dr. Tang was the recipient of the National excellent Doctoral Dissertation award in 2003 (China), the Humboldt Research Fellowship in 2007 (Germany).

Yang Yang was born in Hubei Province, on Jan., 4, 1983, received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Hubei University, Wuhan, China, in 2005 and 2008, respectively. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China. His research interest includes sequences and cryptography.

Udaya Parampalli (M89) was born in Parampalli, a village in the Udupi district of Karnataka, India. He received the B.E. degree from Mysore University in 1985 and the M.Tech and Ph.D. degrees from Indian Institute of Technology (I.I.T), Kanpur, in 1986 and 1993, respectively, all in Electrical Engineering. He was a research scholar at I.I.T, Kanpur from 1985 to 1991. From 1992 to July 1996, he was a Member Research Staff at Central Research Laboratory, Bangalore. From 1997 to 2000, he was an ARC research associate at the Department of Mathematics, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. He was a visiting professor in Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary Canada in the second half of 2008. Since February 2000, he has been working at the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, of the University of Melbourne, Australia, currently as a Senior Lecturer. His research interests are in the area of cryptography and sequences over nite elds and rings for communications and information security.

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