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Dwara & Bahya in Jaimini Dasas

By Iranganti Kalyan Raghavan, India.

he editor of Saptarishis Astrology wanted my revered father, Sriman Iranganti Ranga Charya to write on Dwara & Bahya for Saptarishis. But in view of my fathers minor indisposition, my father asked me to prepare a write-up on it under his guidance. Let me first do Padabhivandanam to my father from whom I have been learning astrology, and begin this write-up as follows:

Kalyan Raghavan is the son of the

famous astrologer & scholar Iranganti Rangacharya. Kalyan a shy introvert person is a software professional based in Hyderabad who has been learning Jaimini astrology from his father from a very young age. This is his debutant article for any magazine and it is expected that he writes 100s of articles in Jaimini astrology with the grace of his guru and father Shri Iranganti Rangacharya.

The concept of Dwara-Bahya is found in the Jaimini Sutras.

1 --
maline dvra bhye nave nidhana dvra dvreayoca mlinye 2-1-27

-- 2

daraye dvra tatastavatibha bhyam 2-4-2

So the rule of dwara-bahya is of use in not only Ayurdasas but also in phalitha dasas.

Reckoning of Dwara-Bahya in the ayur dasas like Hora dasa, Atmanadi dasa etc:
The dasa sign (in Hora dasa or Atmanadi dasa etc) which begins is the Dwara and is
Jaimini Sutramritam Iranganti Rangacharya Page No. 190 2 Jaimini Sutramritam Iranganti Rangacharya Page No. 274

also the Bahya, the 2nd dasa sign is the dwara and its bahya is the 3rd sign, the 3rd dasa sign is the Dwara and its Bahya is the 5th, the 4th dasa sign is the Dwara, and its Bahya is the 7th, the 5th dasa sign is the Dwara and its Bahya is the 9th, the 6th dasa sign is the Dwara, its Bahya is 11th. The same are the Bahya signs for the rest of the six Dwara dasa signs. If the dasa sign which begins is even, the dasa signs run reversely and the Bahya count is reverse. But a typical Dwara-Bahya count is recommended by Vriddhas to some phalitha dasas which have padakrama order.

tadida caraparyya sthiraparyya dvayo trikoakhya day ca pka bhoga prakalpana

Padakrama Order:
If the dasasign which begins is cardinal (chara) and odd, the dasasigns succeed regularly and directly, if it is cardinal and even, the dasasigns succeed reversely. For example Aries begins, so the dasa signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and the Bahya signs are Aries(1), Gemini(3), Leo(5), Libra(7), Sagittarius(9), Aquarius(11), Aries(1), Gemini(3), Leo (5), Libra (7), Sagittarius (9), Aquarius (11) respectively.

If the dasa sign which begins is fixed and odd, the dasa signs run in the order of every 6th in the direct order. For example the dasa sign that begins is Leo. The dasa signs are Leo, Capricorn, Gemini, Scorpio, Aries, Virgo, Aquarius, Cancer, Sagittarius, Taurus, Libra, Pisces. Correspondingly the Bahya dasa signs are Leo (1), Gemini (11), Aries (9), Aquarius (7), Sagittarius (5), Libra (3), Leo (1), Gemini (11), Aries (9), Aquarius (7) Sagittarius (5), Libra (3). If the dasasign is fixed and even, the dasa signs run reversely in the order of every 6th and the Bahya signs run reversely in the order of 1, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3 dasasigns.

If the dasa sign that begins is a dual sign, the order of the dasa signs is 1, 5, 9 and if even it is reversely in the order of 1, 5, 9. The Bahya signs are 1, 9, 6, 3, 11, 8, 1, 9, 6, 3, 11, and 8.

Let us see some examples on how to use this concept.

Date of Birth: 11-5-1973 at 9.46 (taken from saptarishis-1) page-72

Chara Dasa (method-1 in Jaimini Sutramritam, page 263)

Chart 1: Birth Ascendant is Gemini (dual sign). So Charadasa begins from the birth ascendant, Gemini. The dasa signs are Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Leo, Sagittarius, Aries Virgo, Capricorn, and Taurus.

Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Dwara (Paka) Gemini Libra Aquarius Cancer Scorpio Pisces Leo Sagittarius Aries Virgo Capricorn Taurus

Years 3 8 4 12 10 11 5 2 3 8 5 12

Bahya3 (Bhoga) Gemini (1) Aquarius (9) Scorpio (6) Leo (3) Aries (11) Capricorn (8) Gemini (1) Aquarius (9) Scorpio (6) Leo (3) Aries (11) Capricorn (8)

Copy Editors Note: The numbers in the brackets in this column are the respective count from the first dasa sign.

11-5-1973 15(Gemini=3+Libra=8+Aquarius=4) -------------11-5 - 1988 12 Cancer -------------11-5-2000 10Scorpio -------------11-5-2010 11 Pisces (Bahya is Capricorn the 4th of which is occupied by Sun & Mercury, and the 5th is occupied by Saturn and Venus, so the period gives good name, progeny and official status). -------------11-5-2021 5 Leo ------------------11-5- 2026 12 Sagittarius ------------------11-5-2038 3 Aries -------------------11-5-2041 8 Virgo ------------------11-5-2049 5 Capricorn -----------------11-5-2054 12 Taurus ----------------11-5-2066 ----------------The padakrama order of the dasa signs and the Dwara-Bahya reckoning is same in all the Phalitha dasas in the case of cardinal and fixed dasa signs which begin. But in the case of Charaparyaya dasa, the order of the dasa signs varies from the dual sign to begin. So the Bahya(bhoga) also varies. Let me illustrate the point in the Chart-2 below Chart 2: Date of Birth: 12-9-1980 at 7-25 am. Birth Ascdt =Virgo

Chara Paryaya dasa begins from the Ascendant, Virgo which is a dual sign. Since it is even too the dasa signs run reversely. The dasa signs from Virgo are Virgo, Gemini, Pisces, Sagittarius, Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio, Cancer, Aries, Capricorn, Libra. The Bahya signs are respectively Virgo (1), Pisces (7), Virgo (1), Pisces (7), Cancer (3), Capricorn (9), Cancer (3), Capricorn (9), Taurus (5), Scorpio (11), Taurus (5), and Scorpio (11). Here let me cite a karika in respect of Dwara-Bahya (Paka-Bhoga) in general in respect of Padakrama reckoning of the sign-dasas.

care tanu (1) ducikya (3) suta (5) asta (7) pit (9) lbhaga (11) sthire lagna (1) aya (11) navama (9) jy (7) pacama (5) vikrama (3) dvandvabhe tanu (1) dharma (9) ari (6) sahaja (3) upntya (11) radhrabha (8) yugme vilomdojetu kramt syurbhya raya In the case of Chara Paryaya dasa, the Dwara-Bahya reckoning differs from the dual sign to begin as seen in the chart given above. Similarly according to the order of the dasa signs of Sthira Paryaya dasa, the Dwara- Bahya dasa signs could be written. However the results depend more on the Bahya dasa signs of the three phalitha dasas viz. Trikona, Chara Paryaya, Sthira Paryaya Dasas.

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