435-666 Assign 3 Solution

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Assignment #3 Solution Shallow Foundations Settlement

Problem 1. See class notes Problem 2. See class notes Problem 3.

Sample calculation 1. Calculate ov at 8m

' ov 18kN / m3 8m 9.81kN / m3 8m 65.52kN / m 2

2. Calculate ov at 8m
P 154000kN 871.46kN / m 2 7.5m 2

From the Pressure-bulb chart

Depth(m) 8m 18m 28m 0.33B 1.00B 1.67B Influence factor 0.600 0.200 0.100

' ov 871.46kN / m 2 0.6 522.88kN / m 2

3. Read b, a from the consolidation curve at ov and ov+ov respectively b = 0.02, a = 0.20 4. Calculate H
H H ( a b ) 10 0.18 1.8 m

5. Iterate at 18m and 28m


'ov 'ov + 'ov

Fig. 1 Stress distribution Curve Problem 4.

Fig. 2 - Stress sequence during construction under the mat of high-rises

Fig. 3 - Stress strain curve path during construction

Sample calculation 1. Calculate E0, Er at 22.5m

E0 (M P a ) 100 5 Z (m) 100 5 22.5 212.5M P a 212,500k P a

Er (MPa) 500 20 Z (m) 500 20 22.5 950MPa 950,000kPa

2. Calculate exc at 22.5m
' exc 20kN / m3 15m 0.7( Influence factor form the pressure bulb chart ) 210kN / m 2

3. Calculate bldg at 22.5m

' bldg

400,000kN 0.7( Influence factor form the pressure bulb chart ) 311kN / m 2 30m 30m

Depth(m) 22.5m 37.5m 52.5m 67.5m 0.25B 0.75B 1.25B 1.75B

Influence factor 0.70 0.30 0.16 0.09

4. Calculate exc , net at 22.5m


' exc 210kPa 2.2110 4 Er 950,000kPa

' ' bldg exc



101kPa 4.74 10 4 212,500kPa

These calculations ignore the effect of the normal stress in the 2 horizontal directions. This assumption leads a larger calculated settlement. 5. Calculate the compression of layer 1, H1
' ' ' bldg exc exc H1 H ( ) H ( exc net ) 15m 0.000695 0.01043m Er E0

6. Iterate at depths of 37.5m, 52.5m and 67.5m

Problem 5.
Surcharge Fill 7m Sand = 20kN/m
Cc 0. 2 1 e0


Clay Dense Gravel

C v

= 1.810-3 cm2/sec

= 18kN/m


1. Calculate maximum Settlement under embankment fill (no surcharge).

' ov 5 (18 9.81) 20.48 kPa

1 2 ' 20 7 140kN / m 2

Clay layer is thin compared to width of embankment. The influence factor is taken as one.

S max H

Cc ' ' 20.48 140 log ov ' 5 0.2 log 0.89m 1 e0 20.48 ov

2. Calculate requirement surcharge for maximum settlement in 6 months.

(1) Calculate time factor for 6 month. Hdr = 5/2 = 2.5m because of double drainage.


Cvt 6 30 24 3600( s) 1.8 107 (m 2 / s) 0.448 2 H dr 2.52 (m 2 )

For Tv = 0.448, U=73.2% (from Budhu(2000), p 165) 6

73.2% 73.2%

S 6 month ( fill surcharge) , and S6 months(fill+surcharge) = Smax(fill) S max ( fill surcharge) S max ( fill ) S max ( fill surcharge)

S max ( fill surcharge)

1.216 20.48 20.48

Cc ' 0.89m 20.48 H0 log ov ' 5 0.2 log 0.732 1 e0 ov 20.48

316.29kPa ( fill ) (s u r c h ra g) e 20 7 20 H s u r r cg h e a

Hs u r r 8.81m cg h e a
Place 8.81m of additional fill after checking that the pressure would not create a bearing capacity failure of the soil. Remove after 6 months.

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