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Cuffs rained down on me

By ANNA-LISA PAUL Saturday, June 11 2011

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NIYOKA FOLKES, 17, cried yesterday as she relived the beating she got at Hoop of Life popular but no the hands of a schoolmate and her (the schoolmate) female relative while she dent in crime (Folkes) lay helplessly in a drain near the Barataria North Secondary School Stampfli retains Tranquil on June 2.
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The fight, which left Folkes dazed and bruised, was captured on a students cellular Faith, spirituality and prayer phones video camera and was widely circulated on the internet via several social websites including YouTube and Facebook. Foreign women held in hotel,
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In an interview yesterday, with her mother Karen Folkes and attorney Om Lalla who Pictures & Galleries has been retained to seek the familys interest, Folkes said a four -year friendship between herself and her attacker, who is also 17, ended with the attacker linking with a school gang. Folkes, a Form Five student who lives at Chinapoo Village in Morvant displayed scars along her head, shoulder and legs. Folkes said that nine months ago, she and the attacker were good friends for close to four years before a quarrel over petty issues such as who hair looks better, ended the friendship. Folkes said she became aware of a plan for her to be Officers of the Eastern Division beaten on the day of their final exam. Task Force, the Canine Unit and Adding that CXC History was her last exam which had been scheduled for the morning of June 2, Folkes said she left the school compound shortly after 1.30 pm, in company with another female friend. Walking along Third Avenue in Barataria, Folkes said, they were followed by her attacker and a group of 20 other st udents who kept egging on her (Folkes former friend) by shouting, stab her, stab her. Unable to get a taxi to the Croisee, Folkes said she and her friend took a different route in an attempt to evade the group but were followed onto Jogie Road by the group who were, jeering and cursing loudly.
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Stating that they were finally able to get a taxi and her friend made it safely into the RSS vehicle, Folkes said she was prevented from getting into the car. My former friend and another student pushed me awa y from the car, Folkes said.

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My ex-friend started to cuff me in my head, Folkes said. To compound matters, the attackers 27-year-old female cousin pulled up in another car, joined in the Crisis Hotline scuffle and Folkes was pushed into a drain at the side of the road. Have a problem ?

My former friend jumped in the drain and rained cuffs on my head. I could do nothing but just lie in the drain and take the blows, Folkes said. When the beating Check emergency phone ended, she added, her attacker was helped out of the drain by the cousin who wore numbers ... a bright pink top and who jumped into the drain and started to beat her. I was beaten senseless. There were other students standing and looking and no

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one came to my assistance while I was beaten in the drain, Folkes said. After the beating ended, the violent schoolgirl and her cousin entered a car which sped off. Disoriented and unable to see immediately following the assault, Folkes said she was helped out of the drain by an elderly gentleman who had witnessed the event, while another resident offered her a place to wait until the arrival of the police. Folkes said that when she heard about the planned fight, when classes had ended, she asked a school official for a lift to avoid being confronted by the school gang and her former friend. But he said no, that he was busy, Folkes said. Lalla said that letters were sent to Commissioner of Police Dwayne Gibbs and Education Minister Dr Tim Gopeesingh (SEE PAGE 8A) requesting their urgent intervention in the matter. Saying the ministry needs to put a Dean of Discipline in all schools, Lalla said Folkes never reported any of the cross-talk between herself and her attacker, during the school term, because there was no one to report it to. Stating that he would not allow the authorities to wash their hands of the matter, Lalla said: the time had come for measures to be put in place to prevent such occurrences and make students feel safe once again. Speculating that the incident could have escalated and that Folkes could have been suffered life threatening injuries or even killed, Lalla said the psychological repercussions will affect Folkes for a long time. Folkess mother Karen said the situation was heartrending even more so because she knew her daughters attackers. She said it was a sad day for this country when young people can engage in such behaviour.

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