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Jenna Wang All Quiet on the Western Front: Quotations Log Chapter 1: Page 12- The idea of authority,

, which they represented, was associated in our minds with a greater insight and a more humane wisdom. Paul has his first exploration of how the older generation betrays the younger generation by convincing them to sacrifice their lives for empty ideals of patriotism and honor. When he realizes this, Paul reacts to this failure with anger and disdain. Chapter 2: Page 26- But by far the most important result was that it awakened in us a strong, practical sense of esprit de corps, which in the field developed into the finest thing that arose out of the warcomradeship. Throughout their army experience, the soldiers had learned to work together and act as family. Comradeship was an important concept that Paul and his comrades learned and it kept them alive. Chapter 3: Page 44- The army is based on that; one man must always have power over the other. Paul and his comrades believe that the authorities had acted differently before getting their titles that boosted their power. After they get more control, they forget their purpose and focused their minds about getting more power. Chapter 4: Page 56- By the animal instinct that is awakened in us we are led protected. Paul observes the transformation that soldiers undergo when heading into battle. To survive, it is necessary for the soldiers to sacrifice the thoughtful parts of their minds and rely, instead, on animal instinct. Chapter 5: Page 95- Beyond the sky-line is a country with flowers, lying so still that he would like to weep. Beyond the abyss of sorrow and death, there is still life going on. Paul and his friends had realized that, even though they only know the negatives of life, life is still beautiful on the other side of the front.

Chapter 6: Page 101- No soldier outlives a thousand chances. All the soldiers believe in Chance and trust their luck. No matter what, they are determined to keep fighting till the end. Chapter 7: Page 141- We have seen nothing like it in years, nothing like it for happiness, beauty and joy. When Paul and his comrades see the girl on the poster, they realize that there is still beauty in life, though they only know the despair and fear in it. Chapter 8: Page 193- I perceive behind them only the suffering of the creature, the awful melancholy of life and the pitilessness of men. Life is pitiless and filled with awful melancholy. War has separated friends and families under pressure to kill innocent young men. Chapter 9: Page 223- Why do they never tell us that you are poor devils like us, that your mothers are just as anxious as ours, and that we have the same fear of death, and the same dying and the same agonyForgive me, comrade; how could you be my enemy? Paul realizes for the first time that, despite the dictates of nationalism, Duval is fundamentally no different from him. Paul observes that the war has forced men, who are not enemies, to fight each other. Chapter 10: Page 263- I see how people are set against one another, and in silence, unknowingly, foolishly, obediently, innocently slay one another. Paul realizes that he and his comrades are set against other men of the same generation with no cause and innocently kill one another on command. Chapter 11: Page 273- All other expressions lie in winter sleep, life is simply one continual watch against the menace of death; it has transformed us into unthinking animals in order to give us the weapon of instinctit has reinforced us with dullness, so that we do not go to pieces before the horror, which would overwhelm us if we had clear conscious thoughtit has lent us indifference of wild creatures, so that in spite of all, we perceive the positive in every moment, and store it up as a reserve against the onslaught of nothingness.

Paul and his comrades have gotten used to this animal instinct during the war. They perceive the positive of every movement and keep it ready for the violent attack of nothingness.

Chapter 12: Page 295- Let the months and years come, they can take nothing from me, they can take nothing more. After Paul is left all by himself, with all his friends dead, he makes this statement that Time cannot take anything anymore from his miserable life because there is nothing more to lose.

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