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TRADE SERVICES FOR LEGALIZATION OF DOCUMENTS 4a. TRADE REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE (TRO) IN INDONESIA) - (Decree of the Minister of Industry and Trade No. 402/MPP/Kep/11/1997, dated 3rd November 1997)

THE MINISTER OF INDUSTRY AND TRADE Considering: - etc. DECIDES: To revoke : The Decree of the Minister of Trade No. 78/Kp/III/78 dated March 9. 1973 on the licensing of representative of foreign trading company. To stipulate: THE DECREE OF THE MINISTER OF INDUSTRY AND TRADE CONCERNING THE LICENCING OF REPRESENTATIVE OF A FOREIGN TRADING COMPANY.

CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1 1. Referred to in this decree as the representative of a foreign trading company shall be an Indonesian Citizen or foreign citizen appointed by a foreign company or group of foreign companies abroad to become the representative in Indonesia Referred to in this decree as a national company shall be an Indonesian corporate body not under the foreign investment scheme.


Article 2

The representative of a foreign trading company in Indonesia as meant in Article 1 may work as a selling agent and/or manufactures agent and/or buying agent.


Article 3


The representative of a foreign trading company working as a selling agent and/or manufacturer agent: a. Is allowed to introduce and promote the goods produced by foreign company or group of foreign companies abroad appointing him/her and to give information or directives on the use of import of the goods to domestic companies/consumers in Indonesia; Is allowed to conduct a market survey and control domestic sale in marketing the goods produced by the foreign company or group of foreign companies abroad appointing him/her; Is not allowed to do trade and conduct trade transactions from the initial to settlement stages, for instance by submitting tenders, signing contracts, setting claims and the like.




The representative of foreign trading company as a selling agent is allowed to: a. Conduct a market survey for the goods needed by the foreign company or group of foreign companies abroad appointing him/her and connect the foreign company or group of foreign companies abroad with domestic companies and give information and directives on terms of the export of goods to domestic companies Concluded contracts for and under the name of his/her company with domestic companies for the export of goods.


Article 4

1. 2. 3.

The import of goods from the representative of a foreign trading company as a selling agent and/or manufacturer agent shall be done by a national company. The representative office of a foreign trading company may appoint a national company as its agent for the products it promotes The appointment of the agent as meant in paragraph (2) shall be done with approval from the foreign company or group of foreign companies in the capacity as the producer or plant producing goods abroad.

Article 5


The representative of foreign trading company may have one head office of representative of the foreign trading company in one of provincial capitals


The representative of foreign trading company, with the approval from the foreign company or group of foreign companies abroad, may open branch offices in all provincial capitals outside the province where the head office is located, The head of the representative office of a foreign trading company, with the approval from the foreign company or the group of foreign companies abroad, may employ an Indonesian citizen or foreign citizen as the assistant to the head office of representative of the foreign trading company or the assistant to the branch office of representative of the foreign trading company.




The head office of the representative of foreign trading company and the branch office of the representative of foreign trading company shall hold a business permit of representative of foreign trading company issued by the Director General of Domestic Trade. The business permit of the head office of representative of foreign trading company shall begin to take effect on the date of issuance as long as the letter of appointment from the foreign company or group of foreign companies abroad appointing him/her is still valid.


Article 7


Any head office of representative of foreign trading company shall submit 3 periodic report once every six months to the Director General of Domestic Trade using the Specimen attached (Attachment), about: a. b. c. Its business activities, including those of the branch office of representative of foreign trading company; Workers both Indonesian citizens and foreign citizens its employs; Education and training course aimed at improving the technical know how of Indonesian workers it employs.


Any head office of representative of foreign trading company shall report any succession of head of the head Office, head of the branch office, assistant to the head of the head office and the head of the branch office as well as any change in the name and address of the head office and the branch office in Indonesia and the head office of the foreign company or group of foreign company.

Article 8

Any foreign citizen working for the representative office of foreign trading company shall employ at least 3 (three) experts and/or administrative officers of Indonesian nationality. Article 9


The use of foreign citizen(s) at the representative office of a foreign trading company shall hold an expatriate's working permit (IKTA) issued by the Minister of Manpower based on the recommendations from the Director General of Domestic Trade.


The foreign citizen(s) working for the representative office of foreign trading company shall hold a university degree or its equivalent, and have working experience for at least 3 (three) years in their respective field of task.



The requirements that shall be met to obtain the business permit of representative of foreign trading company are as follows: a. The letter of appointment made by the foreign company or group of foreign companies abroad shall at least contain the name of foreign citizen appointed as a representative, business line, the validity of the letter of appointment. The letter of statement about the foreign company or group of foreign companies abroad containing the name of company, the date of establishment, the legal status of company, the address of the head office and branch office as well as business line issued by the representative of the Republic of Indonesia in the country where the head office of the company is located, shall be equipped with the letter of statement that the concerned party will not do trade, except the activities as meant in Article 3 of this decree. The working program of the representative office or branch office of the representative of the foreign trading company. Business site permit issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs in the case the concerned regional administration. If after a maximum of 15 (fifteen) days the business site permit has not been issued, the evidence of delivery/receipt of application may serve as evidence to supplement this application for permit; The letter of statement on office space issued by the relevant regional office of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Fiscal statement issued by the taxation agency. Expatriate's working permit issued by the Ministry of Manpower and stay permit issued by the Directorate General of Immigration of the Ministry of Justice, especially for foreign citizens; Surety which must be paid by the head of the head office and the head of the branch office: 1) 2) Rp. 5,000,000, for foreign citizen Rp. 1,000.000, for Indonesian citizen.


c. d.

e. f. g.



The surety as meant in paragraph 1 letter (h) will be returned at nominal value of the surety if the representative of foreign trading company closes its business activities or is dissolved, except if the concerned party violates the existing regulations and the surety is declared confiscated for the state.

Article 11


The application for the business permit of representative of a foreign trading company shall be filed by the prospective head of the representative of foreign trading company to the Director General of Domestic Trade The application for the business permit of the branch office of representative of foreign trading company shall be filed by the head of the representative office of foreign trading company to the Director General of Domestic Trade. The applications as meant in paragraph 1 and 2 shall use the application form: - Indonesian citizen. specimen as meant in attachment II; - Foreign citizen, specimen as meant in attachment III.




The application forms are available at the Directorate General of Domestic Trade.

Article 12

1. 2.

The application forms which have been filled out correctly shall be returned to the Director General of Domestic Trade no later than 1 (one) month after they are obtained; The applicants who have returned application forms and met the requirements as meant in Article 10 letter a, b and c, shall be given a certificate of temporary approval of representative of foreign trading company using the specimen as meant in Attachment IV for Indonesian Citizens and the specimen as meant in Attachment V for foreign citizen; The certificate of temporary approval of representative of foreign trading company shall be valid for 3 (three) months after the date of issuance. No later than 3 (three) months after the issuance date of the certificate of temporary approval of representative of foreign trading company, the applicant shall have met the requirements as meant in letter d, e, f, g and h. The holders of certificate of temporary approval of representative of foreign trading company who has met requirement as meant in paragraph 4 shall be given the business permit of the head officer of representative of foreign trading company using the specimen as meant in Attachment VI for Indonesian citizen and the specimen as meant in Attachment VII for foreign citizen. The business permit of the branch office of representative of foreign trading company shall be issued after the issuance of the business permit of the head office of representative of foreign trading company using the specimen as meant in Attachment Vlll for Indonesian citizen and the specimen as meant in Attachment IX for foreign citizens. The validity of the business permit of the branch office as meant in paragraph 6 shall be adjusted to the validity of the business permit of the head office of representative of foreign trading company.

3. 4.





The Director General of Foreign Trade shall be responsible for developing and controlling the business activities of representatives of foreign trading companies.


The business permit of the head office of representative of foreign trading company or the branch office of representative of foreign trading company may be revoked or temporarily revoked, if the concerned party : a. b. c. Fails to meet obligation and/or violates the provisions of articles 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of this decree; Closes or dissolves the business on her/his own; Commits or is accused of committing a Criminal offence in the economic sector or is liable to criminal penalty in the economic sector.


Matters which have not yet been provided for in this decree shall be stipulated by the Director General of Domestic Trade. Article 16 This decree shall begin to take effect on January 1, 1998. For public cognizance, this decree shall be announced by placing it in State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

4a. TRADE REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE (TRO) IN INDONESIA - Sample of Documents: i. To Establish a Trade Representative Office (TRO) in Indonesia Date: Our Ref: Direktur Bina Usaha dan Pendaftaran Perusahaan Direktorat Jenderal Perdaganagan Dalam Negeri Departemen Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Jalan M.I. Ridwan Rais No. 5 Jakarta Pusat Indonesia. Dear Sirs, Re: To Establish a Trade Representative Office in Indonesia We take this opportunity to declare our intention to establish a Trade Representative Office in Jakarta, subject to Department of Industry and Trades approval. (Name of Singapore Company) is a company duly organized and existing under the laws of The Republic of Singapore based on its Deed of Incorporation and Articles of Association dated ________________. The principal business address of the company is at (Address of Company). The company main activities in Singapore are business of sourcing, marketing and the distribution of ( Products) in the Far East and Southeast Asia. In view of the above, (Name of Company) hopes to establish a Representative Office in Jakarta, Indonesia to: 1. 2. 3. Conduct and promote a range of product(s)/equipment and supplies from manufacturer and producer Liase with end-users as well as distributors in advisory role and in providing after sales support and assistance and also technical improvements to the product(s) Conduct market research / survey and feasibility studies to as certain potential of our product(s) in Indonesia.

In the event that this application for the establishment of a Representative Office is approved, we will undertake to engage in only promotional and liaison activities and to adhere to all rules and regulations with respect to the operation of a Representative Office in Indonesia as stipulated by the Department of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, in the framework of Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Indonesia No. 402/MPP/Kep/11/1997 dated November 3rd, 1997. We would appreciate your favourable consideration of our intention to establish a Trade Representative Office and look forward to an early response from you. Yours sincerely, (Name of Company) ________________________ Name: Designation: Managing Director

Date: Our Ref: Direktur Bina Usaha dan Pendaftaran Perusahaan Direktorat Jenderal Perdaganagan Dalam Negeri Departemen Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Jalan M.I. Ridwan Rais No. 5 Jakarta Pusat Indonesia. Dear Sirs, Re : Letter of Appointment Referring to Decree of the Minister for Industry and Trade of the Republic of Indonesia No. 402/MPP/Kep/II/11/ 1997 dated 3rd November 1997 , I hereby certify that I, the undersigned have duly appointed the following person as the Chief Office Representative of our office in Jakarta, Indonesia. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of Representative: Nationality / Date of Birth: Passport No. / KTP No: Company Address in Singapore: Office Address in Indonesia: Activities in Indonesia: . . . . . Conduct and promote a range of product(s)/equipment and supplies from manufacturer and producer. Liase with end-users as well as distributors in advisory role and in providing after sales support and assistance and also technical improvements to the product(s). Conduct market research / survey and feasibility studies Will commence operation with effect upon approval by the Department of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Indonesia. 2 (two) years Renewable


Date of Appointment:


Period of Validity: Yours sincerely, (Name of Singapore Company)

__________________________ Name: Designation: Managing Director Attachment : Curriculum Vitae of Mr

Date: Our Ref: Direktur Bina Usaha dan Pendaftaran Perusahaan Direktorat Jenderal Perdaganagan Dalam Negeri Departemen Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Jalan M.I. Ridwan Rais No. 5 Jakarta Pusat Indonesia. Dear Sir, Re : Letter of Statement We hereby state that (Name of Representative), as the Chief Office Representative of (Name of Singapore Company) in Indonesia shall not engage in any activities other than promotion and liaison of sales and marketing support, and we shall adhere to all rules and regulations with respect to the operations of a Foreign Trade Representative Office in Indonesia as stipulated by the Department of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Indonesia in the framework of the Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Indonesia No. 402/MPP/Kep/11/1997, dated 3rd November 1997.

Yours sincerely, (Name of Singapore Company)

______________________________ Name: Designation: Managing Director

4a. TRADE REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE (TRO) IN INDONESIA - Sample of Documents: ii. Renewal of Trade Representative Office in Indonesia Date: Ref: Direktur Bina Usaha dan Pendaftaran Perusahaan Direktorat Jenderal Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Departemen Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Jalan M.I. Ridwan Rais No. 5 Jakarta Pusat 10110 Indonesia. Dear Sirs, Letter of Intent (Renewal of Trade Representative Office in Indonesia) (SIT No. ) This is to certify that (Name of Company) have registered a Trade Representative Office in Indonesia under Surat Izin Usaha Perwakilan Perusahaan Perdagangan Asing No. SIT. .. that will be expired on ... We hereby declare that its our intention to extend the appointment of (Name of Chief Representative in Indonesia) as the Chief Office Representative in Indonesia and renew our Representative Office that is officially registered at (Address of Office in Indonesia). We would appreciate your favourable consideration of our intention to renew the Representative Office license in Indonesia The activities of Representative Office in Indonesia: Promote and conduct market research and customers needs for our products and services. Liaise with end users as well as distributors in an advisory role and in providing after sales support and assistance Coordination business Schedules and Development Technical support and provide complete and individualized solutions, regardless of where the end user is located In the event that this replacement and renewal is approved, we will undertake to engage in liaison activities and we shall adhere to rules and regulations with respect to the operation of a representative office in Indonesia as stipulated by the Department of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, in the framework of Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Indonesia No 402/MPP/Kep/11/1997 dated 3 November 1997. Yours faithfully (Name of Company)

_____________________ Name: Designation: Attachment: - A Copy of Business License (Surat Izin Usaha Kantor Perwakilan Asing)

Date: Ref : Director Trade Facilities Development and Registry of Companies and Businesses Directorate Jenderal Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Department of Industry and Trade Jalan M.I. Ridwan Rais No. 5 Jakarta Pusat 10110 Indonesia. Dear Sirs, Letter of Appointment (To Renew / Extend the Appointment of Chief Representative) (SIT No. .) Referring to the Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Indonesia No. 402/MPP/Kep/11/1997 dated 3rd November 1997, herewith, I the undersigned hereby wish to extend the appointment of (Name of Representative) as the Chief Representative for our office in Indonesia. Name : Nationality : Passport No. / KTP No.: Office Address in Indonesia: Registered Office Address Abroad: Activities of Representative: (Name of Representative) (Singaporean / Indonesian) (Singaporean & others / Indonesian Nationality) (Address of Representative Office in Indonesia) (Singapore Address) Marketing and Promotion of (eg. Computer Hardware and Software and Accessories), Providing Advisory role to Importers and Distributors, After Sales and Technical Support. : : (2) two years (renewable) Will commence operation with immediate effect upon approval by the Department of Industry and Trade of R.I.

Period of Validity Date of Commencement

Yours faithfully (Name of Company)

_____________________ Name: Designation:

Date: Ref:

Direktur Bina Usaha dan Pendaftaran Perusahaan Direktorat Jenderal Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Departemen Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Jalan M.I. Ridwan Rais No. 5 Jakarta Pusat 12920 Indonesia. Dear Sirs, Letter of Statement (SIT No. ) We hereby state that (Name of Chief Representative) as the Chief Office Representative of (Name of Company) in Indonesia, shall not engage in any activities other than sales promotion and liaison and we shall adhere to all rules and regulations with respect to the operation of a Representative Office in Indonesia as stipulated by the Department of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia in the framework of Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Indonesia No. 402/MPP/Kep/11/1997 dated 3rd November 1997.

Yours faithfully, (Name of Company)

_____________________ Name: Designation:

4a. TRADE REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE (TRO) IN INDONESIA - Sample Documents: iii. To Replace the Chief Representative and Renewal of Office and Change of Office Address in Indonesia Date: Ref: Direktur Bina Usaha dan Pendaftaran Perdagangan Direktorat Jenderal Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Departemen Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Jalan M.I. Ridwan Rais No. 5 Jakarta Pusat 10110 Indonesia. Dear Sirs, Letter of Intent Replacement of Chief Representative and Renewal of Office and Change of Office Address in Indonesia (SIT No. ) This is to inform that (Name of Company) have registered a Representative Office in Indonesia under SIT No. , that has expired on (Date of Expiry). We hereby declare its intent to replace (Name of Predecessor), the predecessor to (Name of Successor), as the successor of Chief Office Representative in Indonesia and change its office address at (Present Office Address in Indonesia) formerly located at (Former Office Address). The previous representative (Name of Predecessor) has resigned / left the office since (Date left) on his own accord / will .(letter of resignation is attached). We would appreciate your favourable consideration of our intention to renew the Representative Office license in Indonesia The activities of Representative Office in Indonesia: Promote and conduct market research and customers needs for our products and services. Liaise with end users as well as distributors in an advisory role and in providing after sales support and assistance Coordination business Schedules and Development Technical support and provide complete and individualized solutions, regardless of where the end user is located In the event that this replacement and renewal is approved, we will undertake to engage in liaison activities and we shall adhere to rules and regulations with respect to the operation of a representative office in Indonesia as stipulated by the Department of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, in the framework of Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Indonesia No 402/MPP/Kep/11/1997 dated 3 November 1997. Yours faithfully (Name of Company)

_____________________ Name: Designation: Attachments : Surat Izin Usaha Kantor Pusat (A copy Business License)

Date : Ref :

Resignation Letter from Predecessor

Direktur Bina Usaha dan Pendaftaran Perdagangan Direktorat Jenderal Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Departemen Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Jalan M.I. Ridwan Rais No. 5 Jakarta Pusat 10110 Indonesia. Dear Sirs, Letter of Appointment Replacement of Chief Representative and Renewal of Office Representative (SIT No. ) Referring to the Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Indonesia No. 402/MPP/Kep/11/1997 dated 3rd November 1997, herewith, I the undersigned hereby declare its intent to replace (Name of Predecessor), the predecessor to (Name of Successor), as the successor of Chief Office Representative in Indonesia. The details are as follows: Name Nationality Passport No. / KTP No. Office Address in Indonesia Company Address Abroad Representative Activities : : : : : : ./ .. .. .. .. Marketing and Promotion of our Products Conduct Market Research, Survey and Feasibilities Studies. Liaise with Importers, End-users as well as our Distributors in an Advisory role and providing After Sales and Technical support. (2) two years (renewable) Will commence operation with immediate effect upon approval from the Department of Industry and Trade (Preferably Month and Year)

Period of Validity Date of Commencement

: :

Yours faithfully (Name of Company)

_____________________ Name: Designation: Attachment: Curriculum Vitae (CV) of (Name Successor) - Photocopy Education Certificate, Passport & others

Date: Ref:

Direktur Bina Usaha dan Pendaftaran Perdagangan Direktorat Jenderal Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Departemen Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Jalan M.I. Ridwan Rais No. 5 Jakarta Pusat 10110 Indonesia. Dear Sirs, Letter of Statement (SIT No. ) We hereby state that (Name of Successor), the Chief Office Representative of (Name of Company) in Indonesia, shall not engage in any activities other than sales promotion and liaison and we shall adhere to all rules and regulations with respect to the operation of a Representative Office in Indonesia as stipulated by the Department of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia in the framework of Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Indonesia No. 402/MPP/Kep/11/1997 dated 3rd November 1997. Yours faithfully, (Name of Company)

_____________________ Name: Designation:

4a. TRADE REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE IN INDONESIA - Sample Documents: iv. To Appoint an Assistant Office Representative in Indonesia Date: Ref: Direktur Bina Usaha dan Pendaftaran Perdagangan Direktorat Jenderal Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Departemen Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Jalan M.I. Ridwan Rais No. 5 Jakarta Pusat 10110 Indonesia. Dear Sirs, Letter of Intent Appointing an Assistant Office Representative in Indonesia (SIT No. ) We, (Name of Company), hereby confirm that we have established a Trade Representative Office in Indonesia Reference No. SIT. dated . which was issued by the Direktorat Jenderal Perdagangan Dalam Negeri under the Departemen Perindustrian dan Perdagangan of R.I., a copy of which is attached, and will expire on . . We, (Name of Company) declare our intent to appoint Mr. as an Assistant Office Representative at our Representative Office located at (Representative Office Address). The duties of our Assistant Office Representative will be to assist the Chief Representative to promote our products and to coordinate technical support as well as to liaise with our distributors in an advisory role in Indonesia. We would appreciate your favourable consideration of our intention to renew the Representative Office license in Indonesia In the event that this application is approved, we will undertake to engage in liaison activities and we shall adhere to rules and regulations with respect to the operation of a representative office in Indonesia as stipulated by the Department of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, in the framework of Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Indonesia No 402/MPP/Kep/11/1997 dated 3 November 1997. Yours faithfully (Name of Company)

_____________________ Name: Designation:

Attachments : - Surat Izin Usaha Kantor Pusat (A copy of Business License)

Date : Ref : Direktur Bina Usaha dan Pendaftaran Perdagangan Direktorat Jenderal Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Departemen Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Jalan M.I. Ridwan Rais No. 5 Jakarta Pusat 10110 Indonesia. Dear Sirs, Letter of Appointment Appointing an Assistant Office Representative in Indonesia (SIT No. ) Referring to the Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Indonesia No. 402/MPP/Kep/11/1997 dated 3rd November 1997, herewith, we the undersigned hereby declare our intent to appoint an Assistant Office Representative for our Trade Representative Office in Indonesia. The details are as follows: Name Nationality Passport No. / KTP No. Office Address in Indonesia Company Address Abroad Representative Activities : : : : : : ./ .. .. .. .. Promote our products and to coordinate technical support as well as to liaise with our distributors in an advisory role in Indonesia. (2) two years (renewable) Will commence operation with immediate effect upon approval from the Department of Industry and Trade (Preferably Month and Year)

Period of Validity Date of Commencement

: :

Yours faithfully (Name of Company)

_____________________ Name: Designation: Attachment: - Curriculum Vitae (CV) of (Name Successor) - Photocopy Education Certificate, Passport & others

Date: Ref: Direktur Bina Usaha dan Pendaftaran Perdagangan Direktorat Jenderal Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Departemen Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Jalan M.I. Ridwan Rais No. 5 Jakarta Pusat 10110 Indonesia. Dear Sirs, Letter of Statement (SIT No. ) We hereby state that (Name of Assistant Office Representative) as the Assistant Office Representative of our office (Name of Company) in Indonesia, shall not engage in any activities other than sales promotion and liaison and we shall adhere to all rules and regulations with respect to the operation of a Representative Office in Indonesia as stipulated by the Department of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia in the framework of Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Indonesia No. 402/MPP/Kep/11/1997 dated 3rd November 1997. Yours faithfully, (Name of Company)

_____________________ Name: Designation:

4a. TRADE REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE IN INDONESIA - Supporting Documents for Legalization of Trade Representative Office (TRO) in Indonesia

A. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Covering Letter Attn: The Commercial Attach Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia 7 Chatsworth Road Singapore 249761. ACRA (Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority) Instant Print-Out (Companys Business Profile) 10 Anson Road, 5th Flr., International Plaza, Singapore BIZ FILE (Internet) or DP (from the above address) Photocopy of Certificate of Incorporation of Company The Companies Act (Form 9 or 13) Bank Reference (Letter from the Bank) Letter of Authorization from Producer / Manufacturer


DOCUMENTS TO BE LEGALIZED BY THE COMMERCIAL ATTACHE, EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA, SINGAPORE Letter of Intent (*) NP Letter of Appointment (*) NP (To Enclose Curriculum Vitae & Education Certificate) Letter of Statement (*) NP (*) - Address to: Direktur Bina Usaha dan Pendaftaran Perusahaan Direktorat Jenderal Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Departemen Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Jl. M.I. Ridwan Rais No. 5 Jakarta Pusat - Indonesia NP - To be notarized by Public Notary, Singapore (2 original + 1 Copy)

C. Letter of Reference will only be issued by the Commercial Attach upon collection of the above documents.

4b. TO APPOINT AN AGENT OR DISTRIBUTOR IN INDONESIA - Key Differences Between Agents and Distributors


- A Representative of the Exporter - Not financially involved in Sale the Agent does not purchase the product from principal - Involved in facilitating import if required - Works for principal and is paid by principal in an agreed way normally sales commission. Payment is usually made following delivery of the good and after you have been paid. - Customer ownership is technically principals, but many well established agents have their own customer base, and some wholesalers may only buy through a certain agent. - Not normally responsible for after sales service - Distribution not normally the responsibility of the agent. distribution costs incurred by your agent. The Principal are responsible for

- Unlikely to be involved in funding promotional activity, though in some markets, e.g. the USA, agents are actively involved in introducing new products to customers - Will not usually have name and contact on exporters promotional support material. - No control of resale price - Does not accept credit risk for principal - In large markets such as the USA, separate Agents may be required for different states, territories or regions - Some markets are only served by an Agent, not Distributors. The principal have no choice - Represents principals company in the market and must do so to principals best advantage. - Exporter sells through an Agent


- A Customer of the Exporter - Buys for own account, i.e. the Distributor purchase the product from principal and then on-sells to customers - Imports the product - Marks up the supply price to cover additional in-market costs of ownership, distribution and invoicing/debt recovery. - The Distributor has after strong relationship with customers in the retail /wholesale field - Responsible for after sales service and in some cases warranty and guarantee issues. - Has responsibility for distribution - Helps pay for and undertake promotion and marketing of your product/service in the marketplace - Usually have name and contact details on exporters promotional support material. - Controls selling price - Accepts credit risk of buyers - In large markets such as the USA, separate Distributors may be required to service different states, territories or regions - Appointing a Distributor may be the only option for certain products in certain markets. - Usually the bigger the market the more links in the distribution chain, ie. In Japan, your product could pass through an importer, a Distributor, wholesaler, and a retailer before it reaches the end user. In similar export markets, a Distributor will also act as an importer. - Exporter sells to a Distributor

4b. TO APPOINT AGENT OR DISTRIBUTOR IN INDONESIA - Authorized Translation for the Registration of Agents / Distributors for Domestic and Offshore Goods / Products and Services

No.: Re:

01/DAGRI/INS/II/85 Registration of Agents/Distributors Domestic and Offshore Goods and Services. The Director of Domestic Business Development and Enterprise Registration Directorate General of Domestic Trade Ministry of Industry and Trade Jalan M.I. Ridwan Rais No. 5 Jakarta Pusat Indonesia.

INSTRUCTIONS In the framework of improving the development of national trading companies appointed Agents or Distributors of the Domestic and Offshore Producers or Suppliers and country as well as in line with the implementation of Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 36 Year 1977 Re: Termination of Foreign Operational Activities in Trade Sector , it is deemed necessary to take more directed measures. In respect of the abovementioned matters, we herewith instruct as follows: 1. Any national trading company appointed as an Agent / Distributor of goods and services originating from the home country and abroad shall be granted a Certificate of Registration (Surat Tanda Pendaftaran). 2. The Certificate of Registration shall be granted upon request for Registration Application Form to be an agent / distributor provided free of charge as provided in the model Attachment 1 in Indonesia. 3. The Registration Application Form to be an agent / distributor shall be enclosed with: a. b. Trading Operation License; Letter of Appointment from the Producer or Supplier must have the proper certifications of endorsement (rectified) by the Commercial Attach of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia or Consulate General Office of Indonesia abroad prior to submission to the Department of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Indonesia.

4. The Certificate of Registration can only be granted to one agent appointed for the same type of goods from a certain brand within a certain marketing region. If there is more than one agent appointed by the supplier / producer, the Certificate of Registration shall be granted to the first applicant.

5. The Letter of Appointment as referred to in part 3b. of the above shall at least contain: a. b. c. d. e. Name and Address of the Producer or Supplier; Name and Address of Agent or Distributor; Type of kinds and brand of goods; Marketing Region; Period of Appointment and Validity, Duration and Termination Clause.

6. The Agreement shall at least contain: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Name and Address of the Producer or Supplier; Name and Address of Agent or Distributor; Type or kinds and brand of goods Marketing region; Rights and Obligations of the respective parties; Terms of Agreement, Termination and Settlement of Disputes; Period and Validity of Agreement.

7. In case the appointment is conducted by a supplier, the supplier shall be able to show approval from the producer. (Letter of Authorization from the Manufacturer or Producer; or Letter of Agreement / Contract of Producer and Supplier).


The Competent Company Officials shall sign the Letter of Appointment and/or Agreement for that purpose as stipulated in the deed of establishment of the company. The Letter of Appointment / Agreement of an Agent or Distributor by a producer or supplier shall minimally be valid for 2 years and the certificate of agency or distributorship shall be valid for 3 years.


10. The validity period of the Certificate of Registration shall be adjusted to the period of appointment of an agent or distributor, minimally for 2 years and the extension, thereof shall be based on the distributorship or agency agreement valid for every 3 years.


The termination between a producer or supplier and a agent or distributor prior to the expiry of the Certificate of Registration can only be made upon the agreement of both parties in writing by due observance to the CLEAN BREAKS.

12. The registration of agent and distributor shall be conducted by the Directorate Office of Domestic Business Development and Enterprise Registration, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Indonesia. This instruction shall be properly implemented. THE DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF DOMESTIC TRADE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY AND TRADE OF R.I.

4b. TO APPOINT AGENT / DISTRIBUTOR IN INDONESIA - Sample of Documents: i. Letter of Appointment Date : Our Ref. : LETTER OF APPOINTMENT (TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN)

We hereby certify (Name of Company), a company incorporated in the Republic of Singapore having its principal place of business at (Singapore Address of Company) , (Postal Code) is pleased to confirm the appointment of: (Name of Indonesian Company) (Company / Office Address) As our Agent / Distributor (exclusive or non-exclusive) for the Territory of the Republic of Indonesia for the following e.g. Oil and Gas Equipment, Supplies and Petrochemical Products and Services: (Name and Brand of Products) In accordance to the agency / distributor agreement dated ______________________ between (Name of Singapore Company) and (Name of Indonesian Company):Effective Date of Appt: Period of Validity: Termination Notice Period: Day / Month / Year Two (02) Years (subject to terms and conditions) 60 (sixty) days written notice by either party (example)


__________________________________ Name: Designation: For and Behalf of:

4b. TO APPOINT AGENT / DISTRIBUTOR IN INDONESIA - Sample of Documents: ii. Agency Agreement / Distributorship Agreement DISTRIBUTORSHIP AGREEMENT This Agreement, is made and entered into this (eg. 14th day of June, 2003) by and between (eg. BERRALD CORPORATION (S) PTE LTD), a company incorporated in the Republic of Singapore with offices at (eg. Telok Blangah Drive, Harbour Front Tower, #38-88 Singapore 168168) (hereinafter called "Manufacturer" / Principle) and (eg. PT. TROUVERE UTAMA) ("Distributor"), with offices at Jalan Mampang Kav. 1, Kuningan, Jakarta 52560, Republic of Indonesia. The parties hereto agree as follows: I. ASSOCIATION Distributor shall act as an exclusive or non-exclusive distributor of Manufacturer's / Principles Product Line as described in attached Exhibit A ("Products") throughout the countries of the Republic of Indonesia (the "Territory").


DUTIES 1. Distributor agrees to actively and diligently promote the sale of the Products in the Territory during the Term hereof. Manufacturer / Principle shall refer to Distributor inquiries for Products in the Territory. 2. Distributor agrees to promote in the Territory the Manufacturer's / Principles names and the Products during the Term hereof. Distributor agrees to notify Manufacturer / Principle of any leads of interest granted for any products.


ASSISTANCE BY MANUFACTURER / PRINCIPLE Manufacturer / Principle agrees to furnish Distributor with reasonable quantities of Manufacturer's / Principles catalogs, manuals, advertising literature and other sales aids that may be available by Manufacturer / Principle. Any such sales aids provided shall be in English. Manufacturer / Principle further agrees to provide Distributor with reasonable home office support and technical assistance upon terms and conditions to be agreed upon from time to time.


INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Distributor shall not use Manufacturer's / Principles trade names and/or trademarks without the prior, express written consent of Manufacturer / Principle. Under no circumstances shall Distributor, at any time, use Manufacturer's / Principle trade names, trademarks or other proprietary information as part of Distributor's corporate or trade name. Upon termination of this Agreement, Distributor shall remove all references to Manufacturer / Principle from its letterheads, advertising literature and places of business, and shall not thereafter use any similar or deceptive name or trademark intending to give the impression that there is any relationship between the parties.


SALES FORCE Distributor shall maintain a competent and experienced sales force sufficient to adequately serve the Territory.


CUSTOMER SERVICING Distributor shall maintain in the Territory sufficient inventory of the Products so as to permit filling and shipping against current customer orders normally shipped from Distributor's warehouse stock. Distributor agrees to notify Manufacturer / Principle if it opens any new offices or branches or closes or ceases to operate through one of its offices or branches.


ORDERS/ACCEPTANCE/PRICE AND TERMS 1. All orders from Distributor are subject to approval and final acceptance by Manufacturer / Principle. Price lists to Distributor shall be as set forth in Exhibit B (as revised from time to time by Manufacturer in its sole discretion) in effect on date of shipment. For nonstandard Products which are sold to Distributor for resale, the price shall be as quoted to Distributor at time of inquiry, provided that the inquiry is within thirty (30) calendar days of order entry. 2. Payment to Manufacturer by Distributor shall be in United States / Singapore currency. Upon the placing of order(s), Distributor shall cause an irrevocable confirmed letter of credit to be issued by a Singapore financial institution satisfactory to Manufacturer / Principle, in favor of said Manufacturer / Principle, unless another arrangement is previously approved in writing by Manufacturer / Principle.

VIII. WARRANTY AND FORCE MAJEURE 1. Manufacturer / Principle warrants that all Products delivered hereunder shall be of Manufacturer's / Principles standard quality. MANUFACTURER / PRINCIPLE MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED: THERE ARE NO IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 2. Manufacturer / Principle shall not be liable for damages resulting from delays in shipment or inability to ship due to normal production and shipment delays or those resulting from acts of God, fires, floods, wars, sabotage, accidents, labor disputes or shortages, plant shutdown or equipment failure, voluntary or involuntary compliances with any law, order, rule or regulation of governmental agency or authority; or inability to obtain material (including power and fuel), equipment or transportation, or arising from any other contingency, circumstances or event beyond the control of the Manufacturer / Principle.


LIMITATION OF LIABILITY No claims of any kind, whether as to materials delivered or for non-delivery of materials from Manufacturer Principle, and whether arising in tort or contract, shall be greater in amount than the purchase price of the products in respect of which such damages are claimed; and the failure to give notice of the claim to Manufacturer / Principle where the order was placed within sixty (60) calendar days from the date fixed for delivery shall constitute a waiver by Distributor of all claims in respect of such Products. In no event shall Manufacturer / Principle be liable for special, indirect or consequential damages. Any claim with respect to defective Products or breach of warranty must be promptly made and shall apply to Products properly used, stored, applied and maintained.


RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MANUFACTURER AND DISTRIBUTOR Distributor is not an agent, employee or legal representative of Manufacturer / Principle, but an independent contractor. Distributor does not have any authority to assume or create any obligation or responsibility on behalf of Manufacturer or bind Manufacturer / Principle in any manner whatsoever. The relationship between manufacturer / principle and Distributor is that of vendor and vendee. Distributor further agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Manufacturer / Principle harmless from and against any and all claims of third parties that would not have arisen but for an act or omission by Distribution that is contrary to the aboveacknowledged relationship or any other term hereof.


TERM / CANCELLATION 1. This Agreement shall become effective as of the date hereof upon execution by an officer or other authorized representative of the Manufacturer / Principle in Singapore and by an authorized representative of Distributor and shall remain in effect for 2 (Two) years thereafter unless previously terminated by either party for any other reason upon not less than thirty (30) calendar days prior written notice to the other party. 2. Without limitation, the following events shall constitute grounds for termination by Manufacturer / Principle: (a) if Distributor shall file or have filed against it a petition in bankruptcy or insolvency or if Distributor shall make an assignment for benefit of its creditors of if Distributor's viability as a going concern should, in Manufacturer's / Principles judgment, become impaired; (b) if Distributor fails to provide and maintain a proper and sufficient sales force; (c) if Distributor degrades and places in bad repute the name and reputation of Manufacturer / Principle expressly or by virtue of its methods of handling and/or promoting the Products; (d) if Distributor fails to meet any other of its obligations hereunder; or (e) if Distributor fails to meet minimum purchase goals, as defined in Exhibit C.

3. Except as may be otherwise determined pursuant to the laws of the jurisdiction where Distributor has its principle office, Manufacturer / Principle shall have no liability to Distributor by any reason of any termination or cancellation of this Agreement by Manufacturer / Principle, including without limitation, liability for direct or indirect damages on account of loss of income arising from anticipated sales, compensation, or for expenditures, investments, leases or other commitments or for loss of goodwill or business opportunity or otherwise. 4. Upon termination by either Manufacturer / Principle of Distributor, Manufacturer / Principle shall have the option of buying back from Distributor any new unsold Products purchased from Manufacturer, at the prices charged to Distributor, less Manufacturer's / Principles then applicable restocking charge, if any, and less any additional expenses incurred by Manufacturer arising out of termination by Distributor


NONDISCLOSURE All information transferred or otherwise revealed to Distributor by Manufacturer / Principle under this Agreement, including but not limited to, engineering information, manufacturing information, technology, know-how and price books or lists, will at all times remain Manufacturer's / Principles property. Distributor shall at all times hold such information confidential and shall not disclose any such information if not otherwise within the public domain. Upon any termination of this Agreement, or as Manufacturer / Principle directs from time to time, Distributor shall promptly return all such information to Manufacturer / Principle, together with any copies or reproductions thereof. Distributor's obligations under this section shall survive any termination of the Agreement.

XIII. CERTAIN PRACTICES Distributor acknowledges that certain laws of the Republic of Singapore applicable to the Manufacturer / Principle, but which may not be applicable to Distributor, impose fines or penalties on Manufacturer / Principle in the event Manufacturer / Principle makes payments to foreign government officials for the purpose of influencing those officials in making a business decision favorable to Manufacturer/ Principle. In addition, Manufacturer / Principle and Distributor may be subject to similar laws or requirements of the country of destination of the Products. Distributor agrees upon reasonable request by Manufacturer / Principle to give Manufacturer / Principle reasonable written assurance that the Distributor has done nothing to cause liability to Manufacturer / Principle under the above-mentioned laws.

XIV. NOTICES All notices and other communications required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been served or delivered 1. when personally served or delivered to one party by the serving or delivering party; or 2. when deposited in the mail, postage prepaid by the serving or delivering party addressed to the other party as follows:

If to Manufacturer/ Principle (Postal Address): ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

If to Distributor (Postal Address): ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________


VARIOUS This Agreement constitutes the entire and only agreement between the Manufacturer / Principle and Distributor with respect to its subject matter and there are no understandings or representations of any kind, express, implied, oral, written statutory or otherwise, not expressly set forth herein. No alteration or modification of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by the party to be bound thereby. 1. This Agreement is not assignable in whole or in part by either party without express written consent of the other. 2. If Distributor consists of either two or more individuals or partners, each shall execute this Agreement on behalf of Distributor and each individual signing shall be jointly and severally liable to Manufacturer / Principle with respect to the obligations of Distributor under this Agreement. 3. This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Singapore and the official language of this Agreement for all purposes shall be English.

DISTRIBUTOR: ___________________________ By: (Full Name) Title: (Designation)

MANUFACTURER / PRINCIPLE ________________________ By: (Full Name) Title: (Designation)

Exhibit A Product Line:


Appendix B Distributor Price List

Appendix C Exclusions

Sample Clause: Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

BUSINESS PRACTICES A. In the performance of their obligations under this Agreement, Agent shall comply strictly with all laws, regulations, orders and policies having the force of law, of _____________________________, and where applicable, all laws, regulations, orders and policies having the force of law of any other jurisdiction, including without limitation, the Republic of Singapore. B. In furtherance of the Agent's obligations hereunder, the Agent represents, warrants and agrees that, in connection with the performance of its duties hereunder, it shall not make any payments, in money or any other item of value or make any offers or promises to pay any money or any other item of value to (a) any government official, (b) any foreign political party, (c) any candidate for foreign political officer or (d) any other person or entity, with the knowledge that such payment, offer or promise to pay will be made to any government official for the purpose of influencing such government official to make one or more business decisions favorable to Principal, Agent, or both. C. Agent further represents that no government official is a principal, owner, officer, employee or agent of any entity in which Agent has an interest, and no government official has any material financial interest in the business of the Agent. D. In the event of any breach by Agent of any of its representations, warranties or covenants contained in this Article, Principal may, in its sole discretion in addition to any other remedy provided herein or otherwise provided by law, immediately terminate this Agreement without notice or indemnity and in such event, Agent shall forever forfeit all rights to all fees and commissions which shall accrue and/or have been earned but which have not been paid as of the date of such termination.

INDEMNIFICATION Notwithstanding the provisions set forth above in Article ____, Agent shall indemnify and hold harmless Principal against and from any claim, loss, damage or expense (including attorneys' fees and disbursements) (a) arising from any breach by Agent of any representation, warranty, covenant or other obligation of Agent under Article ____ of this Agreement, (b) resulting from any unlawful act committed by Agent or any agent of Agent thereof, or (c) which Principal may sustain by reason of any act, omission or misrepresentation of Agent or Supervisor or any agent thereof.

4b. TO APPOINT AGENT / DISTRIBUTOR IN INDONESIA - Sample of Document: iii. Letter of Authorization from Manufacturer / Producer

Date: Our Ref.: The Industry and Trade Attach Embassy of the Republic of Indonesian Embassy 7 Chatsworth Road Singapore 249761.

Dear Sir, Re : Letter of Authorization from Manufacturer / Producer We, the undersigned a company whose registered office is at (Address of Principle Office Abroad) declares to have appointed (Singapore Company) a company whose registered office is at (Singapore Company address), as our exclusive distributor in the territory of Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and other Far East or Southeast Asia region. (Singapore Company), is therefore duly authorised by (Principle Office Abroad) to import to distribute the (Name and Brand of Products) as well to participate in public and private tenders. Such appointment in force and effect from (Date) shall remain valid up to (Date).


__________________ President Director / Vice President) (Company Abroad / Manufacturer or Producer Overseas)

4b. TO APPOINT AGENT / DISTRIBUTOR IN INDONESIA - Sample of Documents: iv. Letter of Statement

Date: Our Ref:

The Commercial Attach Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia 7 Chatsworth Road Singapore 249761. Dear Sir, Letter of Statement This is to certify that this is our first application for the appointment of (Name of Indonesian Company) as our distributor / agent (exclusive or non-exclusive) for our product (Name of Products) in Indonesia. We do hereby declare that we have not appointed any distributor / agent in Indonesia for this (trade name) product other than the above company.


______________________ Name: Designation:

4b. TO APPOINT AGENT / DISTRIBUTOR IN INDONESIA - Supporting Documents for Legalization of Letter of Appointment TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN and Agency / Distributorship Agreement

A. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Covering Letter Attn: The Commercial Attach Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia 7 Chatsworth Road Singapore 249761. ACRA (Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority) Instant Print-Out (Companys Business Profile) 10 Anson Road, 5th Flr., International Plaza, Singapore BIZ FILE (Internet) or DP (from the above address) Photocopy of Certificate of Incorporation of Company The Companies Act (Form 9 or 13) Letter of Authorization from Producer / Manufacturer / Owner Letter of Statement To declare that this is the first application for the appointment of an agent/distributor for the products and services in Indonesia.

B. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION (SURAT TANDA PENDAFTARAN sebagai Agen / Distributor di Indonesia) For Renewal / Extension of Appointment / Agreement, a copy of the above document from the Department of Industry and Trade, Directorate General of Domestic of Trade, Indonesia is required for submission.


DOCUMENTS TO BE LEGALIZED BY THE COMMERCIAL ATTACHE, EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA, SINGAPORE Three (03) sets of Agency or Distributorship Agreement to be notarized by Public Notary, Singapore. (2 sets original + 1 set photocopy) Three (03) copies of Letter of Appointment TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN (2 copies original + 1 photocopy)

4c. TRADEMARKS - Sample of Document:


Statement use of Trademarks (Renewal of Trade/Service Mark Registration or Filling a Request for Record of Assignment of Trademark/Service Mark Registration or Declaration Letter STATEMENT USE OF TRADEMARK (SURAT PERNYATAAN PENGUNAAN MEREK)

I/We the undersigned (Saya/kami yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini) : Acting to this present as (Dalam hal ini bertindak selaku) Of and therefore on behalf of (Oleh karenanya untuk dan atas nama) A company organized under the Laws of (Perusahaan yang didirikan menurut Undangundang) : :

Do hereby declare that the trademark/service mark (Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa merek dagang/ merek jasa : Residing/having principal office at (Beralamat/berkantor pusat di) :

is used by me/us on the goods or services as described in the certificate of registration / assignment of registered trademarks agreement / deeds of assignment agreement. This statement is made for: (dipakai oleh saya/kami untuk barang-barang/jasa-jasa seperti yang tercantum dalam sertifikat/perjanjian penggunaan merek. Pernyataan ini kami buat untuk keperluan:) ( ( ) ) Renewal of said trademark/service mark registration. (Pembaharuan pendaftaran merek dagang/merek jasa tersebut diatas) Filing a request for record of assignment of said trade mark/service mark registration. (Mengajukan permohonan pengalihan hak dari pendaftaran merek dagang/merek jasa tersebut diatas)

I/we acknowledge that willfull false statement may be subject to penalties before court. (Saya/kami menyadari bahwa keterangan yang dibuat tidak benar dapat dikenakan sanksi di depan pengadilan.) Date (Tanggal) : .. .. ____________________________ (Notary Public)

Signature (Tanda tangan) : Before me :

SURAT PERNYATAAN DECLARATION Sesuai dengan ketentuan pasal 10 ayat 1 sub (a) Undang-Undang Merek No. 19/1992 dan pasal 2 sub (a)/pasal 9 ayat 1/pasal 13 sub (a) Peraturan Pemerintah No. 23/1992 untuk melengkapi permintaan pendaftaran/perpanjangan masa berlaku/pencatatan pemindahan hak atas merek : In compliance with the provision of article 10 para 1 (a) Trademark Act No. 19/1992 and of Article 2 para 2 (a)/Article 9 sec. 1/Article 13 (a) Goverment Regulation No. 23/1992 and so as to meet the requirement in the application for registration/renewal/assignment of the mark : Saya/kami : the undersigned, I/we :

dengan ini memberikan pernyataan bahwa : hereby solemnly declare :

Saya/kami adalah pemilik yang sah atas merek tersebut di atas yang akan didaftarkan di Kantor Merek Republik Indonesia; dan merek tersebut tidak meniru merek orang lain baik keseluruhan maupun pada pokoknya. I am are the rightful proprietor(s) of the above referenced mark being applied for registration with the Indonesian Trademark Office; and this mark is neither a substantial nor deceptive duplication of any mark owned by another person. Saya/kami secara aktif masih dan akan tetap memakai merek tersebut di wilayah hukum Republik Indonesia baik oleh kami sendiri maupun oleh orang lain yang kami ijinkan melalui perjanjian lisensi, untuk jenis barang atau jasa sesuai dengan pendaftarannya. I/we have been using and will continue to use the mark by myself/ourselves or by a licensee under a licensee agreement within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, on goods or services as designated in the registration. Kami/saya sebagai penerima hak atas merek di atas akan memakai merek tersebut untuk jenis barang/jasa sesuai dengan pendaftarannya di wilayah hukum Republik Indoensia. As an assignee of the mark, I/we undertake to use mark on the kinds of goods or services as designated in the registration within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

Demikian surat Pernyataan ini kami buat dengan sebenarnya agar dapat dimaklumi adanya. And that all statements made herein of my own knowledge are true and that all statements made on information and belief are believed to true. Tanggal ........................................................ 20 ................ Date ............................................................. 20 ................

By : ............................................................... Name/Title

4c. TRADEMARKS - Supporting Documents for Legalization of Trademarks

A. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Covering Letter Attn: The Commercial Attach Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia 7 Chatsworth Road Singapore 249761. ACRA (Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority) Instant Print-Out (Companys Business Profile) 10 Anson Road, 5th Flr., International Plaza, Singapore BIZ FILE (Internet) or DP (from the above address) Photocopy of Certificate of Incorporation of Company The Companies Act (Form 9 or 13) Letter of Authorization from Producer / Manufacturer

B. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION (SURAT TANDA PENDAFTARAN) For Renewal of Trademarks / Service Mark Registration or Filing a Request for Record of Assignment of Trademarks / Service Mark Registration, a copy of the above document from the Department of Justice and Human Rights, Directorate General of Trade Mark, Indonesia is required for submission.


DOCUMENTS TO BE LEGALIZED BY THE COMMERCIAL ATTACHE, EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA, SINGAPORE Three (03) copies of Statement Use of Trademark to be notarized by Public Notary, Singapore. (2 copies original + 1 photocopy)

4d. LETTER OF INTENT (TO PURCHASE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS FROM INDONESIA) - Sample Document: i. Letter of Intent Date: Our Ref: PT. Perkebunan Nusantara II (Persero) Jalan Tanjung Morawa Km. 15.5, Deli Serdang Medan 20362. Sumatera Utara Indonesia. Tel: (061) 794 0055 Fax: (061) 794 0233 Dear Sir, Letter of Intent to Purchase (eg.Crude Palm Oil) We take this opportunity to declare our intention to purchase (eg.Crude Palm Oil products) from your organization in Medan, North Sumatera. (Name of Singapore Company) is a company duly organized and existing under the laws of The Republic of Singapore based on its Deed of Incorporation and Articles of Association dated (e.g. 30th February 2002). The principal business address of the company is at (Companys Address). The companys principle activities in Singapore are e.g. Wholesale Trade, Import and Export, Marketing and the Distribution of Agricultural Commodities include Rubber, Palm Oil, Coconut, Cocoa and General Spices . In view of the above, we, (Name of Singapore Company), hereby confirm with full responsibility that we are willing and able to enter into a contract for the purchase of the following commodity as specified below and that funding is available including any import/export permits needed to fulfill this purchase; Product: Origin: Total Quantity: Quantity per month: Destination Port: Delivery Terms: Size of Shipments: Packing: Payment Methods: Palm Oil Crude (Indonesia North Sumatera, Aceh) (95,000 96,000MT per year) (7,000 8,000 MT per month) (Tokyo) (i.e. spot 1, 2 or 3 months) (i.e. 5,000, 15,000,MT) (i.e. Bulk, 50 kg cylinder container or) (i.e. 100% funded LC, Revolving LC w/10% Blocked, SLC, T/T)

We understand that this letter of intent is a starting point for further negotiations and operates as a framework under which the transaction can proceed. We look forward to working with your organization on this important business proposal. Thanking you, we wish to remain. Sincerely, (Name of Singapore Company)

(Name) Managing Director

4d. LETTER OF INTENT (TO PURCHASE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS FROM INDONESIA) - Supporting Documents for Legalization of Letter of Intent

A. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Covering Letter Attn: The Commercial Attach Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia 7 Chatsworth Road Singapore 249761. ACRA (Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority) Instant Print-Out (Companys Business Profile) 10 Anson Road, 5th Flr., International Plaza, Singapore BIZ FILE (Internet) or DP (from the above address) Photocopy of Certificate of Incorporation of Company The Companies Act (Form 9 or 13)


DOCUMENTS TO BE LEGALIZED BY THE COMMERCIAL ATTACHE, EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA, SINGAPORE Three (03) copies of Letter of Intent to Purchase Agricultural Products from Indonesia to be notarized by Public Notary, Singapore. (2 copies original + 1 photocopy)

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