Emergency Response at NBP, An Assessment

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EMERGENCY RESPONSE AT THE NEW BILIBID PRISON: AN ASSESSMENT I. INTRODUCTION The security of industry and the government and share the





Anticipatory Management or preparedness helps to avoid loss of lives and which properties, is and to assures the continuity of of the




facility after the disaster or emergency crisis. Every industrial facility should be equipped to cope with the hazards and disasters of todays complex world. Storms, fires, explosions, sabotage, civil disturbances,

and other disasters pose visible and anticipated threats. The same goes with the government institution, specifically the prisons. In prison facilities, the challenge of disasters is quite different and more ominous than that of the business industry. Riots, mass escapes, and threats of attacks from the leftist, rightist, and terrorist are the expected daily occurrence risks and and that must are be competently prevalent managed. and These be




addressed with proper planning and execution of emergency

response/preparedness or vigilance so that the recluse of the society will be effectively confined. Coordinated planning with local and national civil

preparedness council guarantees provisions for the fullest utilization assistance of available with resources. other Also, the mutual




assure help in cases of emergencies. Both of these are keys to prison community

preparedness. It helps to ensure continuity of operations and limits interruption of the prison system. In addition to these, plans should be well circulated so everyone is aware and is expected to execute it as planned anytime. Every facility, whether government or private firms regardless organization of size, will should be able establish to an internal lives and



property in time of any adversity and emergency. Emergency preparedness is regarded as the backbone for survival and recovery. Hence, recovery planning is very essential and also mandatory to secure the safety and security of the institutions personnel and property so as to continue its function and to carry out its primary mission. The prison institution is not exempted from it; rather it would








since it caters to a very high-risk group of individuals. This paper will present the assessment of the

Emergency Response at NBP. Specifically it will appraise the following: first, the plan second, existence in case of of viable riots written other the the

emergency prison written readiness



disturbances; emergency of the


responsiveness plan; it and in


preparedness NBP to execute




situations arises. But prior to the assessment of the NBP Emergency

Response, it is important to discuss first the emergency planning. This is to better understand its essentials,

features, types and elements as it is applied to NBP. II. EMERGENCY PLANNING Emergency planning is, first and foremost, the plan which includes the detailed set of policies and procedures to any reasonably foreseeable emergency or disaster that would affect the safety of people and assets of the

organization. The plan should be in written form, and it should stipulate in detailed manner the steps to be taken and should identify who the lead persons responsible to execute the plan in a given emergency. Note that there are

two key elements in any contingency plan: first, what is to be done; and second, who is to do it. Having a detailed plan of action ensures that the

right people, equipment and facilities are available in any crisis, and that everyone both the management and employees will know what to do, what to expect, and who is/are in charge. This crisis response must be swift and sure.

Confusion and panic are all too common and must be avoided. If the twin objectives of preventing or minimizing injury or accident to people, and preventing or minimizing loss of assets are to be achieved in an emergency, the key people in the organization must be able to act quickly and

responsibly. Advance planning has other advantages. It makes it

possible to enlist those who will be involved in the crisis situation. Since all facets of the organization will,

typically be affected, all should have some input in the planning. The committee approach, in fact, is most commonly used in developing emergency plans. This collaborative and cooperative effort enables the organization to anticipate and identify problems in different areas and to respond and be prepared to act on them accordingly. Types of Emergencies

While it is impossible to predict all emergencies that might occur, it is possible to make reasonable estimates of the vulnerabilities of a given facility in a particular geographical location. In the past decade, the most common emergencies have been fire, calamity, bomb threat, and

labor dispute, of which most organizations have specific contingency plans for these man-made and natural hazards, and these have already been discussed. Other threats may be relatively predictable for a given site, such as the

possibility of explosion, a spill or a chemical leak in a chemical plant. In developing emergency and disaster plans, priority should naturally be given to those areas of most immediate concern. The types of emergencies that require emergency plans include: airplane crash; bomb and bomb threat; building

collapse; civil disturbance; earthquake; fire; flood; riot; sabotage; strikes and pickets; utility failure; and storm. While game plan should exist for each emergency, a possible standard procedure should be adopted, since there are many common elements in the emergency response to any crisis. Whenever possible, the same chain of command should exist, the same communications, the same command post and control center, and the same first aid center. Evacuation

routes should be identical for a bomb threat or fire. An important rule in all such planning is to keep it simple. Employing common elements in all plan helps to eliminate confusion and uncertainty during the frantic first moments of disaster. Emergency Personnel and Equipment Records It is already stated that emergency plan should be in writing, preferably in an emergency planning manual, and copies of which members finance, should of and be immediately the available to

designated security, specific

management, other key

emergency with

team, its

employees should be




periodically and kept updated. Permanent records must be kept in a secure location (such as the (1) security names office), and phone and should of include the




personnel to be notified; (2) names of emergency forces as to assignments, location, and phone numbers; (3) names of back-up emergency forces; (4) list of emergency equipment and supplies, including type, location, quantity, back-up, and outside support; (5) building plans; (6) mutual aid agreement; (7) Outside organizations (police, fire,









numbers; and emergency planning. Security Responsibilities While it is impossible to stipulate the duties

involved by the security people in an emergency, it is suffice to mention that this is expanded from the normal expected functions. It is all about the smooth

coordination, involvement and anticipatory management that lead to the protection are of lives from and the properties. normal The





responsibilities and it includes: Establish communication with police Activate emergency steps to protect people, property, & valuable information Mobilize an emergency guard force Control Movement of personnel & others Control entrances and exits Control classified and dangerous areas Control evacuation as ordered May diversify as in fire fighting, first

aid, etc

Thus, management



disaster where








will always play an active, vital and prominent role. III. THE NEW BILIBID PRISON The New Bilibid under Prison is one of of the seven penal line





agency under the Department of Justice. The construction of New Bilibid Prison started in 1936. It was established by virtue of Commonwealth Act No. 67 and officially became operational on November 15, 1940. It was officially named as the New Bilibid Prison on January 22, 1941, basically to differentiate it from the Bilibid Prison in Manila which later called as the Old Bilibid Prison. The prison reservation has had an original land area of 587 hectares, part of which was arable. Today after

series of proclamations, it was trimmed down to only 237hectares. The prison compound proper then, an area of 300 with a total

x 300 meters or a total of nine hectares

capacity of 3,000 prisoners, is what known today as the Maximum Security Compound. Today, various facilities were constructed to

accommodate the fast growing numbers of national prisoners. There are three prison camps, which house inmates according








minimum security prisoners. There is a separate facility for newly convicted inmates, juveniles, and inmates soon to be released. These are the Reception and Diagnostic Center, the Muntinlupa Juvenile Training Center, and the Halfway House, respectively. (Vinarao: BuCor Centennial Book, 1905 to 2005) As of June 31, 2005, the NBP has maintained 18,327 inmates inmates complemented ratio of by 641 prison guards or guard to





Accomplishment Report, January to June 2005) Peaceful atmosphere has generally prevailed inside the prison compounds. This can be attributed to the restoration of conjugal visits, and and other the intensive campaign and the against strict




implementation of safety and security procedures. As of June 2005, a total of 36 escape incidents

occurred. Majority of these escapes were minimum security inmates working in an open wall within the prison

reservation. It is worthy to mention that in the past three

decades, there has never been any emergency case that has not been curbed to its controllable level. Perhaps this is


possible because of existing emergency plan and contingency planning being stressed in the daily operations. The succeeding topics will focus on these aspects of security planning adopted at NBP in case of riots and

prison disturbances. IV. NBP EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES The basis of the NBP emergency response is embodied in the Bureau of Corrections Operation Manual specifically in Part IV Section 1 to 9 which explicitly identifies the component of emergency planning, the control center, the coordinator, the expected action to be taken and the lead person/s. Included also are the procedures to be taken in cases of jailbreaks, fire and other disturbances. texts of which are presented below:
PART IV. SECURITY PROCEDURES DURING EMERGENCIES, RIOTS, ESCAPES OR MAJOR DISTURBANCES SECTION 1. Emergency control center. A prison shall establish a Control Center to control, execute and monitor the proper and timely implementation of detailed plans of action to cope with the emergency situations caused by fires or conflagrations, riots or other violent disturbances, or escapes. The Control Center shall be under the command of the Superintendent or, in his absence, the Assistant Superintendent, and in the latters absence, the most senior prison guard present. SEC. 2. Riots and other prison disturbances. In the event of riots or other

The full


prison disturbances, all officials and employees of the prison were the incident occurs shall be placed on twenty-four-(24)-hour alert to perform such tasks as may be necessary to quell the disorder or normalize the situation. SEC. 3. Sounding of alarm. Whenever a riot or escape alarm is sounded, either by siren, bell or gun fire, all inmates shall be ordered to lie flat on the ground, face down and with arm and legs spread out. On such occasions, when warnings are disregarded, the guards shall use reasonable force to carry out the instructions. SEC. 4. Procedure during riots and disturbances. The following procedures shall be followed in the case of riots and other violent disturbances: a. At the sound of the first alarm, all inmates shall be locked up inside their respective cells/quarters. An inmate work crew shall be immediately returned to the prison compound or to previously designated areas for accounting and confinement after head count. b. If the disturbance occurs during visiting hours, all visitors shall be immediately ushered out of prison compound or if this is not possible, brought to a predetermined area inside said compound. In the latter case, the visitors shall not be allowed to leave said area or the compound until the disturbance has ceased and the inmate have been properly accounted for. c. At the same time, all guards who are not on duty shall be directed to immediately report to the Desk Officer. All critical posts shall be manned to prevent escapes. The most senior guard present shall take command of the custodial force and make assessment of the situation. d. All telephone calls to and from the prison compound shall be controlled. e. The Armorer shall issue the necessary anti-riot equipment and firearms. f. Based on his assessment of the prevailing conditions, the guard in command shall deploy the guards into the following groups:


1st Group This is the initial wave of anti-riot assault contingent who shall be armed with wicker shields, protective headgear, gas masks and night sticks or batons, when these are available. The objectives of this group are to dispense the rioters and get their leaders. 2nd Group This is the back-up force of the 1st Group who shall be equipped with tear gas guns and gas grenades. 3rd Group This is composed of guards who are trained in the proper handling and use of firearms. Under the direct command of the guard-in-charge, they shall provide covering fire to the first two groups. g. When the three groups mentioned above are ready, the guard-in-charge shall direct the inmate to cease and desist, to return to their respective cells and warn them of the consequences if they do not obey. The known leaders, if known, shall be addressed directly. h. If the inmates fail or refuse to heed the order to return to their cells, the guardin-charge shall sound the second alarm. Thereupon the 1st Group shall enter into the prison compound followed by the 2nd Group at a discreet distance. The third group shall be in strategic position, ready to fire if the lives of the guards in the 1st and 2nd Groups are endangered by overt violent acts of the inmates. i. The 1st Group shall be task with quelling the riot and getting the leaders of the rioting group. If they meet stiff resistance, the head of the Group shall immediately order their withdrawal. j. Thereafter the guard-in-charge shall order the 2nd Group to fire tear gas on the inmates. When the area where the rioters are found saturated with gas, the 1 st Group shall attack using batons to force the rioter into their cells and to get the leaders. The use of pressurized water from the fire truck, if any, may be resorted to.


k. At the earliest opportunity, the guardin-charge shall report the prison disturbance to the nearest police station and to the Director who shall in turn inform the Secretary. l. When the condition has become critical and the disturbance has reached full intensity, the guard-in-charge shall cause the sounding of the third alarm. At this instance, the Control Center shall notify all Police agencies nearby for assistance and them all other plans in connection with prison uprising shall then be executed. Nearby hospital shall also be notified if the situation demands. m. As an extreme measure to prevent mass jailbreak or serious assault upon the members of the prison administration, the selected marksman of the 3rd Group may be observed by the guard-in-charge to fire warning shots at the rioters. If the rioters do not desist, the order to fire shall be given but only to maim designated targets belonging to the rioting group. n. After the riot or disturbance, the following procedures shall be followed: i. Administer first aid to the injured; ii. Conduct a head count; iii. Segregate ring leaders and agitators; iv. Assess and determine the damage to the facilities; v. Investigate the causes of the riot and prosecute the ringleaders and other persons involved in the riot; vi. Repair the damage; vii. Adopt measures to prevent repetition of similar incidents; and viii. Submit a report on the incident to the Secretary. SEC. 5. Procedure during an escape or jailbreak. The following procedures shall be following in the case of escapes or jail breaks: a. When a jail break is in progress or has just occurred, the Control Center shall


immediately sound the alarm and the Superintendent or the Commander of the Guards shall be notified. b. At the first sound of the alarm, all inmates shall be locked in their respective cells while those in work detail shall be marched in orderly manner to their cells. c. All prison personnel who are not on duty shall report to the prison immediately and make themselves available for emergency deployment. The Armorer shall issue firearms to members of the custodial force who shall be immediately dispatched to strategic posts. d. A head count shall be made simultaneously in the different cells/quarter of inmates to determine the identity of the escapee. Prison personnel assigned to essential posts such as the powerhouse, kitchen, hospitals, fire stations, etc. shall also make a headcount of the inmates under their supervision and report the results thereof to the Control Center. e. If the identity of the escapee is established, his name and other personal circumstances shall be immediately flashed to all units of the Philippine National Police in the vicinity. f. Radio and television station and other news media shall also be notified of the escape and, if possible, provided with photographs of the escapee. g. A recovery team shall be formed by the Superintendent to proceed to all known lairs, hangouts, residence and houses of immediate relatives and friends of the escape. h. In case of mass jail breaks, all members of the custodial force shall be immediately issued firearms and assigned to critical posts to seal of all possible escape routes while teams search the prison premises. Prison personnel who are off-duty shall be required to report for duty immediately. i. If any prison officer or employee held hostage by escapee, reasonable caution to


insure safety shall be taken. If it is the Superintendent who is taken hostage, the Assistant Superintendent shall assume command. j. If no hostage was taken and the escapes is unable to leave the prison premises but refuses to surrender to the prison authorities, the basic plan for Riots or Disturbance shall be implemented. k. After the escape, the superintendent shall conduct and investigation relative to the escape to determine the liability of the officer/employee under whose custody the inmate escaped. A review of security procedures and an ocular inspection of the prison facilities shall also be made to determine the existence of any gaps or flaws. A report on the results of said review shall be submitted to the Secretary. SEC. 6. Emergency plans for calamities, etc. Subject to the available and funding resources, a prison shall establish emergency plans in cases of power failure and natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and other calamities. The plan shall cover the specific roles of prison personnel present, the alarm system to be used, the emergency power units to be utilized and the kind of security to be provided and such other matters as are necessary to insure the safety and security of prison personnel and inmates. Likewise, the plans shall also include detailed procedures for evacuation of inmates in cases of floods, earthquakes and other calamities, if such evacuation is necessary. SEC. 7. Features of emergency plans. Subject to the availability of funds and equipment, emergency plans shall contain the following basic elements or features: a. Fire i. A fire crew shall be formed consisting of prison personnel and inmates chosen according to their security classification/behavior, intelligence and aptitude. They shall man the prison fire truck, if any. ii. The inmates who are selected shall be housed separately from the


other inmates in close proximity to the Control Center and/or the fire equipment and fire truck, if any. They may be issued special uniforms for easy identification. iii. At the first sign of fire, the Control Center shall sound an alarm either by means of siren or a bell, or at the same time, notify the fire department, police headquarters and other units that may help in putting out the fire and/or evacuating inmates. iv. The person in-charge of the keys to the storage for fire- fighting equipment, the emergency gates and gates of the different cells/brigades, should distribute the keys to the responsible personnel concerned. v. The fire crew shall immediately respond to the scene to put out the fire while the other prison personnel shall station themselves according to the plan. vi. All inmates in the affected area shall be required to help in putting out the fire. vii. If there is a need to evacuate government records, supplies and equipment, they should be evacuated to a safe place according to priority and placed under proper guard. viii. If there is a need to evacuate the inmates, they shall be evacuated in an orderly manner, using secure motor vehicles, if any or by any other means that will bring them to prearranged building or detention centers for their confinement. If the inmates are evacuated outside the prison, they shall be secured by handcuffs or other instruments of restraint. ix. When the all clear alarm is sounded, first aid shall be administered to the injured inmates and a physical count of inmates shall be made. Security check of the prison


to determine the extent of the damage shall also be done. x. If the security conditions allow, the evacuated inmates shall be returned to the prison. Otherwise, they shall be retained in the detention place where they were evacuated or transferred to another penal establishment as the Director may decide. xi. A thorough investigation of the causes of the fire shall be conducted by the Superintendent and the report thereon submitted to the Director and the local Fire Department. SEC. 8. Fire prevention. To prevent the occurrence of fire and to minimize its effects if such has occurred, the following rules shall be followed: a. Inmates shall be cautioned against the hazards caused by careless handling of lit cigarettes, inflammable materials, fuel, welding equipment, etc. b. Fire extinguisher shall be placed in close proximity to all housing units and located in strategic places in buildings, and work areas. c. Empty drums and cans shall be filled with water/sand and placed in strategic places for ready use. d. Keys to emergency exits, cells, brigades and storage places of fire-fighting equipment shall have distinct markings or tags, marked and shall be accessible to the guard on duty. e. Portable floodlights shall, when available, be placed in the Control Center in case of nocturnal fires. f. Government equipment shall be marked with tags or symbols for easy identification and priority evacuation in case of fire or other emergency. SEC. 9. Contingency plan. In any major prison disturbance, the Superintendent shall personally take immediate control and implement a standing contingency plan to repel the aggression and stabilize the situation. Drills shall be conducted


from time to time to familiarize personnel with their duties under said plan.









provides the essential components and elements of the plan such as: 1. Designating authority to declare an emergency and to order shutdown and evacuation, total or partial. 2. Establishing an emergency chain of command. 3. Establishing channels. 4. Designating post. 5. Establishing shift. 6. Establishing saving steps. 7. Designating equipment, facilities, and locations to be used in an emergency. 8. Communicating necessary elements of the emergency specific asset protection and lifetraining Emergency Teams for each an emergency headquarters, or command reporting responsibilities and

response plan to all affected personnel. 9. Communication with outside agencies. 10. Public relations and release of information.


While the authority to declare an emergency and to order shutdown and/or evacuation normally rests with the Superintendent, Superintendent this of sometime the is exercised camps. by Assistant is so



designated in the plan must be someone available or on call at all times. The person in charge of executing the plan has to have alternates to ensure coverage around the clock. He will be responsible for initiating action according to the plan in an emergency, ordering so and directing shutdown making and/or





announcements, and coordinating emergency responses. Often this emergency plan who in charge take is the of facilitys existing and to

administrator, organizational directions

will of down

advantage with


command, through

orders heads



supervisors, foremen, and working personnel. As indicated, specific responsibilities in the plan have to be spelled out in advance for prompt, efficient and effective execution. V. THE NBP CONTINGENCY PLAN DURING EMERGENCIES Historically, there were incidents of riots and other violent disturbance that occurred at NBP but it is notable


to mention that all remained to its controllable level. This can be attributed to its existing contingency plan in case of emergency situations which are embodied in

Operational Plans as exemplified below:

CONTINGENCY PLAN IN CASE OF RIOTS AND VIOLENT DISTURBANCES I. BACKGROUND A. General Prison riots generally center on complaints concerning prisoners conditions and demands for their improvement. In certain cases, these may be caused by the withholding of privileges previously allowed but are curtailed as new issues against them surface. Violent disturbances are almost always triggered by the animosities between rival inmates gangs, such as Sigue-Sigue Sputnik, Bahala Na Gang, Genuine Ilokano Gang, Batman and others. A fight between two gangs may escalate into free-for-all making it hard to control and may result in the increase of the number of casualties. Above conditions are made worse by the connivance and/or participation with inmates of some unscrupulous prison guards and NBP employees. B. Support Units 1. Special Action Forces 2. Adjacent PNP Stations 3. Adjacent Fire Stations 4. Adjacent Hospitals II. ASSUMPTIONS 1. The main target victims and/or hostages of rioting inmates are the Director, Assistant Director, Superintendent, Chief of the NBP Hospital and other prison officials and/or visitors. 2. During riots and disturbances, hostages and/or victims are mostly prison officials, hospital staff, prison guards, BuCor employees and other visitors. 3. Institution of new prison reforms will trigger the rise in the incidence of riots and disturbances.


4. Inmates take advantage of riots as an occasion or opportunity for escape. 5. Rioting inmates can be neutralized through their Bosyos and Mayores. 6. Reasonable force is necessary to control and contain riots and disturbances. 7. Riots and disturbances usually occur at the BuCor Maximum Security Compounds. III. EXECUTION A. Planned or calculated riots/violent disturbances 1. Chief Investigation and Intelligence Section confirms information on the existence of plans to state riots or disturbances and reports the same to the Prison/Penal Farm Superintendent. 2. Upon confirmation, efforts should be made to prevent its occurrence by: a. Conducting dialogues with gang leaders to enable proper authorities to ascertain the reasons behind the planned riots and take appropriate preventive actions. b. Increasing the strength of custodial force detailed at the security compound concerned. c. Coordinating with support units to send contingents in a worst case scenario. 3. In case preventive measures fail, prescriptions for spontaneous riots shall be pursued. B. Spontaneous riots/violent disturbances 1. The first person to notice or discover the occurrence of a riot or disturbance shall immediately alert other guards/personnel by shouting riot, riot or by firing three successive shots into the air or by blowing the whistle continuously. The prison guard nearest to the siren switch, who has observed the commotion or has heard the warning or has been informed by radio, will sound the general alarm. 2. All inmates not actually involved in the rioting will be immediately locked-up in their respective cells. 3. The BuCor Director, NBP Superintendent and other authorities must be immediately informed of the incident.


4. If the disturbance occurs during visiting hours, all visitors shall be ushered out from the visiting premises to a safe place of considerable distance from the riot area. 5. Simultaneously all available prison guards to include those residing within the reservation will immediately report to the NBP Superintendent, the Commander of the Guards, or the Officer of the Day and will make themselves available for emergency deployment. Main gate and all other escape routes must then be closed to prevent jailbreaks. The OIC will assess the situation and if it so warrants, will call immediate assistance from the Muntinlupa Police, Fire Department and/or Hospital and inform the BuCor Director and the NBP Superintendent of the prevailing situation. 6. When things are set, the OIC with the use of installed sound system shall direct the inmates to cease and desist from fighting, and ask them to return to their respective cells/dormitories or face possible use of force. Known gang leaders shall be called by their names and shall be asked to try to stop the riot/disturbance. 7. The armorer shall immediately issue firearms, teargas canister and gas masks to alert personnel. All F/As shall be tagged/receipted (two copies) for immediate issuance and retrieval. 8. If efforts of the OIC fail, he shall form 2 groups as follows: Group I composed of SWAT personnel armed with batons, tear gas and gas masks. Group II composed of PGs and personnel trained in firearms handling, ready to fire upon orders of the Superintendent when the lives of the guards are in danger. 9. Superintendent then orders the throwing of teargas upon clearance with the Prison/Penal Farm Superintendent. The number of canister thrown shall be enough to produce the desired effect. When the area is saturated with gas, the personnel with gas masks shall attack the inmates using the batons to force the rioter to halt and to get their leaders. Responding policemen shall be on standby for possible assistance. 10. If the fire crew arrives and the disturbance is still in progress, pressurized water from the fire truck will be used to disperse the


rioter. The NBP fire truck shall be ready at all times to assist in quelling the disturbance. 11. In a worst-case scenario where there is an imminent danger of mass jailbreak or serious assault upon the members of the custodial force and responding policemen and firemen, selected marksmen from the 2nd group may be ordered to fire by the NBP Superintendent only after due warning by oral command, whistles or warning shots. Extreme caution must be exercised to ensure safety of responding forces and innocent inmates. Fires aimed at rioters must not be primarily to kill but to maim only. 12. Custodial personnel assigned at the prison towers shall prevent the possible escape of inmate rioters who may attempt to climb over the perimeter fence. They shall also warn the SWAT teams of the particular areas of disturbance and shall assists through radio or oral communication, in directing any possible assault against the rioters. 13. Custodial personnel/SWAT deployed inside the Maximum Security Compound shall give due priority in securing areas considered critical, such as: a. NBP Hospital b. Control Gate c. Gate 4 d. Building 1 e. Building 14 f. Post Tower 8 14. To minimize the danger of any riot spilling to other security compounds, Medium Security Compound inmates shall be locked in their respective cells in case of riots in the Maximum Security Compound or other compounds. Moreover, the Minimum Security Compound and other buildings close to the Depot shall also be locked to prevent possible escapees from seeking refuge thereat. 15. When the need arises, out-of-duty PGs living within the NBP Reservation and other male NBP employees shall, upon being informed of the occurrence of a riot/disturbance, make themselves available to the NBP Superintendent who shall give them instructions to act as possible reinforcements. 16. During riots, the central gates interconnecting the different building/dormitories


inside the Maximum Security Compound shall be closed to contain the disturbance within a particular location its spread to adjacent areas. 17. After the riot or disturbance, the following procedures shall be undertaken: a. NBP Hospital personnel administer first aid to the injured; b. Oversees conduct headcount; c. Team leader of Group II supervises the segregation of leaders and agitators; d. Perimeter guards double check security of compound premises; e. Chief, Intelligence and Investigation Section conducts thorough investigation of the incident and prosecute those who have violated laws, rules and regulations; f. General Services Division personnel repair damages in the prison compound; g. The Penal Superintendents or a study group adopts effective measure to prevent repetition of similar incidents; h. Prison/Penal Farm Superintendents submits report to Director, Bureau of Corrections; i. A spot report on the riot/disturbance incident shall be immediately prepared for the information of the Department of Justice and/or other higher authorities. IV. OTHER INSTRUCTIONS 1. Duty RCN personnel and switchboard operators shall reserve the use of available communication access equipments to the on-going operations. 2. An ambulance shall always be on standby during riots and disturbance ready to evacuate the wounded/injured and other victims. 3. In case of brownout/power failure when a riot is in progress or is imminent, the Transportation Section shall utilize available vehicles to illuminate the gates of the security compounds and other probable escape routes. 4. News reporters and other media representative shall not be allowed to take part in the anti-riot activities. They shall be prohibited from interfering in any way in the conduct of operations to contain the disturbance.


5. Religious adviser/volunteers shall assist in evacuation procedures and help in administering first aid to the wounded/injured. 6. During riots, all gates shall be closed to prevent visitors and other unauthorized persons from disturbing/delaying the restoration of peace and order within the security compound. 7. Additional custodial guards shall be posted outside the perimeter fence to foil any possible attempt by outside force who may take advantage of the commotion cause by the riot to rescue some inmates. 8. When the outbreak of riots become imminent, nearby hospitals and medical clinics shall be promptly informed and advised to make prior arrangements to accommodate possible emergency patients. 9. Custodial guards and other anti-riot personnel shall, at all times, observe maximum tolerance in containing riots and disturbances. V. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES The procedures to be implemented in case of prison disturbance and other emergencies that may transpire inside the NBP Maximum Security Compound are stated below. These general procedures with appropriate revision shall be adopted in the other BuCor Security Compounds. A. At the sound of siren/alarm 1. All personnel inside the Administration Building must immediately proceed to their respective office entrance and shut the door close. Upon security notice, everyone shall: a. Stand up and walk briskly and in an orderly manner towards the main door; b. Once outside the door, walk towards Gate No. 1 and go outside; and c. While moving out must religiously observed the following: 1). Do not panic; 2). Avoid unnecessary noise; 3). Do not run; 4). Assemble at the Flag Pole area and wait for further instructions. 2. Office orderlies


a. The designated personnel of an office shall lock the door behind him and shall see to it that their respective are assembled in the Social Hall; b. A uniformed guard from the Commander of the Guards Office shall take charge of the assembled orderlies and shall see to it that all are accounted for and at stand guard; c. The civilian personnel then proceed outside and assemble with the group at the Flag Pole area; and d. The same procedures shall apply with the offices in the second floor. B. The alarm/siren shall be sound twice as soon as the situation is under control.


LETTER DIRECTIVE There is continuity in the emergency planning

operations operant and mandated by the present leadership. Besides those stipulated in the Corrections Operation

Manual, there are memorandum to highlight the importance of being vigilant and responsible. The other emergency

preparedness plans are in the form of Letter Directive. Example is presented is to set below. a The purpose of this in letter of





emergency situations.
LETTER DIRECTIVE 01/04 PAGMAMASID REFERENCES a. Bureau of Corrections Operating Manual dated 30 March 2000. b. Directors guidance 2. GENERAL 1.


This letter directive set forth the operational guidance in conducting pro-active and reactive measures and contingency operations during the observance of the Lenten Season within the NBP reservation area. 3. SITUATION a. Recent developments in Metro Manila is alarming where suspected ABU SAYYAF GROUP (ASG) Terrorist were arrested with explosives materials and one of the demands of the group is the unconditional release of all Moslem brothers in government custody. b. Considering that three (3) top leaders of ASG and JEMAAH ISLAMIYAH (JI) namely Hector JANJALANI, Mohammed AMIN and Argus DWARKINI, an Indonesian National, are detained at the Maximum Security Compound of the New Bilibid Prison, rescue operations or any offensive action to bring havoc to BuCor is not remote. 4. MISSION Intensify pro-active defense and security measures to preempt violent disturbances within colony reservation area. 5. EXECUTION a. Directors Intent Secure the NBP against the threat, to maintain the stability and orderliness within the prison reservation and confinement area. b. Concept of Operation This security and contingency operation is a continuing activity that has two distinct stages. ALERT LEVEL I (Pro-active security measure) This ALERT Level I is designed to predict or preempt the probability of occurrence of crises at the same time prepare to handle them when they occur. ALERT LEVEL II (Reactive/Emergency Crisis Situation) This ALERT Level II is when the crisis/emergency situation occurs. This involves planning for probable crisis situation to enable the bureau to react when crisis occur. The Bureau must organize, plan and maintain readiness of special reaction and constrict security when the need arises. ALERT LEVEL I (PRO ACTIVE SECURITY MEASURE)


1) The NBP shall organize one (1) Ready Reaction Platoon with appropriate vehicles under the direct supervision of the Assistant Director for Prison and Security and ready for deployment to conduct counter offensive, direct actions and special reaction operations to preempt violent disturbance within the prison reservation and inside confinement area, on order. 2) Strengthen the security of the main gate and strict implementation in the conduct of checkpoint and curfew hours with the reservation area. 3) Intensify intelligence, counter intelligence, searching and active security patrol within reservation areas and inside confinement facilities. ALERT LEVEL II (REACTIVE/EMERGENCY CRISIS SITUATION) 1) The NBP shall activate and organize the Control Center as provided in the BuCor operating Manual to orchestrate, execute, synchronize and monitor the timely implementation of detailed action plan/contingency operations during crisis or emergency situation. 2) At this stage, the Ready Reaction Platoon will be under the direct supervision of the Crisis Management Team. 3) All officials, employees, prison guards shall be placed on Heighten Alert Status (24 hours alert duty) to perform specific and implied tasks as may be necessary to quell the disorder and normalize the situation. 4) Whenever the alarm Siren is sounded, all prison guards, employees shall take their respective pre-designated defense and security post immediately. Likewise, all inmates shall be ordered to lie flat down on the ground, face down and with arms and legs spread out in case of riot, and/or padlocked in their respective dorms in case of attack. c. Directorial Staff Supervision 1) NBP Superintendent a) Maximize deployment of assigned prison guards to secure the NBP.


b) Assign pre-designated defense/security position to each prison guards for strengthen security of the NBP. c) Organize and standby one (1) fully armed Ready Reaction Platoon with complete equipment in from of the Admin Building ready for deployment on orders. d) Intensify intelligence, counter intelligence and patrol within NBP reservation and inmates confinement area. e) Coordinate with the nearest PNP or AFP Stations for reinforcement as necessary. f) Establish checkpoint along main road going to Admin Building, Medium and Maximum Security Compound and subsequently conduct intensive search of all vehicles including PUJs/Tricycle and be ready to engage at all cost as the situation dictates. g) Establish semi-permanent barricades/concertina wires to the Admin Building, Medium and Minimum Security Compound and Main Gate. h) In case of ALERT Level II, secure the three (3) subject inmates figured out as terrorist in a safe place inside the Maximum Security Compound and padlocks all dorms, lock all gates specially the Control Gate and Gate 1. i) Direct the FOD to augment the Main Gate on call and establish check point at Justice Triangle. j) To perform other task as directed. 2) Administrative Division a) Issue appropriate orders for the assigned members of Ready Reaction Platoon. b) Coordinate with PNP/AFP elements in the area for force augmentation as necessary and consolidate at the Main Gate for further inspection. c) Perform other task as directed. 3) General Service Division a) Provide one (1) vehicle with driver and fuel to transport the RRP. Vehicle on standby alert in front of administration


building every 1700H, ready for deployment of order. b) Provide other special services as requested. c) Perform other task as directed. 4) Supply Division/Armory a) Issue FA and Basic Load ammunition to all Prison Guard. Priority of effort will be to the designated Ready Reaction Platoon. Guard on Duty, Security and other details on that order. b) Provide Metal Detector and fish-eye search mirror for the use of security detail at Main Gate. c) Provide special services/incentives to deployed personnel. Priority of effort will be on directly engaged personnel. d) Be ready to re-supply or provide logistic and other equipment as necessary or as requested. e) Perform other task as directed. 5) Medical Coordinators Office a) Provide medical assistance to all personnel. Priority of effort will be on engaged personnel. b) Alert one (1) medical team with ambulance ready for deployment on orders. c) Priority of Medical Evacuation will be on engaged personnel. d) Coordinate with the nearest medical station/hospital for medical assistance. e) Perform other task as directed. 6) Public Information Officer a) OPR (Office Primary Responsible) for the control of TRI Media and publication of press releases and/or new information and other articles as necessary or as requested in coordination with the Office of the Director. b) OPR for the coordination and arrangement of Press Conferences as necessary or as the director may desire. c) Perform other task as directed. 7) Executive Assistance for Intelligence, Operation and Special Investigation Group, ODC


a) Intensify intelligence and counterintelligence to preempt violent disturbance and inmate confinement area. b) OPR for the inner security of the Director and his immediate family. c) OPR for security of Directors Office and Directors Quarters. d) Provide daily password/countersign every 1700H e) Provide tactical and Operations assistance to Crisis Management Center (Control Center) as necessary as directed. f) Provide Tactical and Operational assistance and technical supervision and or augmentation to the designated or as directed. g) Conduct direct action/special operations as necessary and/or augmentation to the designated or as directed h) Perform other task as directed. 8) Signal Division (RCN) a) Provide appropriate communication equipment. Priority of effort will be on the Office of the Director/Superintendents/Ready Reaction Platoon/Guard on Post/Security on that order. b. Prepare or update primary and alternate radio net diagram. c) Perform other task as directed. d. Coordinating Instructions 1) Lateral coordination is encouraged 2) Prison superintendent and OIC to submit IMPLAN (Attention XA for Operations, ODC) NLT + 2400 hours upon publication. 3) C2 and CMC location initially at Monitoring Office, ODC. Alternate TBAL. 4) Submit SITREP every + 01 upon deployment. 5) Ensure all Post Towers are manned and ready to engage armed intruder or threat at all costs. 6) Priority of message thru radio/telephone/messenger on that order.


7) In case of emergency or crisis situation, custodial personnel (PGs) residing inside prison reservation area shall immediately report to the Admin Building for proper disposition/accounting prior to occupation of the designated position. 8) Custodial Personnel residing outside the prison reservation areas shall report to the designated consolidation area (TBAL) immediately upon notice or information of the alert status for accounting prior to occupation of the designated position. 9) Primary Casualty Evacuation Point will be at Admin Building lobby. Alternate TBAL. 10) When the ALERT Level II is in effect, all civilians and other personnel who are not involved in this operations and are loitering in from of Admin Building or Area of Engagement (AE) shall be gathered at the Admin Building lobby or nearest safe place for their safety. 11) Be ready for the conduct of walk through/dry run/in-announced call-to-arms (Camp Defense/Contingency Operations) anytime upon publication. 12) This letter Directive shall take effect upon publication.

VII. CONCLUSION As differed from business and industrial facilities, the New Bilibid Prison has a distinct and peculiar set-up when it comes is to emergency continuous situation. challenge Inherent from to its in




testing its physical, personnel and security strength. The prevalence of escape, riots and other prison disturbance is the order of the day that prison administration must

address objectively, competently and humanely.


With the existence of a sound emergency plan, the NBP has already made the first step of avoiding an emergency situation to progress into a total disaster. The emergency procedures and other emergency plans

that have been presented in this paper are only some of the measures being executed by the NBP administration in

addressing these challenges. These emergency procedures and plans, through the years, have proven to be effective and operant in addressing prisons challenge and concerns. It details the role to of each employee so as to to be vigilant and





damages/injuries and normalizes the prisons operation the soonest possible time. So, can NBP effectively respond the emergency

situation like riots and other man-made prison disturbances based on the parameter set? Among the parameter used are: first, existence of viable written emergency preparedness plan in case of riots the and other man-made of the prison written




emergency preparedness plan; and third, the readiness of the NBP in case emergency situations arises. Evaluating the present position of the NBP based on the requirements imposed by an ideal emergency plan, the


existence of a viable written emergency preparedness plan is in place. NBP follows these written plans based on the type of emergency cases. The entire organization has

matured in terms Emergency Preparedness. The procedures to be undertaken in case of man-made emergency situations are incorporated in detail at the BuCor Operating Manual,

Operation Plan and Letter Directive. Likewise, the prison administration has anticipated

every possible emergency scenario---both natural and manmade--and has prepared plans for each emergency. It

recognized the importance of good plan. The NBP emergency plan is not only in writing but precisely and specifically imbibes by the organization. As to the responsiveness of the written emergency

preparedness plan, the written emergency plan is considered responsive appoints in terms of its substances details in and contents. and It





writing the action to be observed, the individuals role, and the location of control center, and the evacuation site. On the third parameter, the readiness of the NBP to respond when the emergency situations arises, this cannot be totally ascertained. There are no absolute measures to quantify and qualify the readiness since there is no major


catastrophe or emergency cases that occurred in the past three decades. The last emergency cases occurred was in early eighties where involving more than mass 70 escapes prisoners Also, thus, of were Hukbong massacred emergency its real

Makabayan, along the

perimeter where


simulated defeated




purpose --- ascertaining the readiness in case of emergency situation. However the response time of personnel to the

emergency cases was at all time prompt. For the first five minutes when the emergency was reported, Emergency Response Teams (ERT) was already in their respective stations. It is in this regard that emergency readiness should be reached. It means that preparation has reached the point where the personnel promptly react to save life and protect property once the facility is hit or threatened by a major emergency situation anytime with confidence and competency. However, because of the constant movement of personnel, the termination and/or retirement of some and the hiring of new staffs, the dissemination process of the plan is greatly disrupted. There must be parameters to indicate whether

transmission of information is effectively done. Likewise, the principles of unannounced dry-ran is not being


observed. Emergency exercises should be unannounced so that gaps and lapses in the plan recognized and re-written to suit the present conditions and problems. VIII.RECOMMENDATIONS The NBP Emergency preparedness, given the emergency procedures and plans it has devised, is surely one step ahead of any emergency situation. However, for the

procedures and plans to be effective, certain steps must be undertaken in enhancing the skill of its personnel and

upgrading its equipment. Personnel and equipment are always supplementing one another. In this regard, the following recommendations are

worthy of considerations: Continuous security orientation/seminars and in-

service trainings should be undertaken to enhance the skill and awareness of the prison personnel in the importance of their role during emergency situation. Include Emergency plan and its drill as part of the performance appraisal test of the prison guards and other staff. It may serve as a gauge or basis for promotion or recognition.


IEC materials are deployed to each office for daily reminder or the emergency diagram to be place in

conspicuous and strategic areas within the vicinity. A program knowledge placed. Include in the budget allocation as one of the specifically and destined of the to challenge must be the in



priority project the procurement of equipment needed during emergency situation. Emergency plan should be reduced in booklet form and well disseminated to every member of the emergency

response team. Periodically exercises, at testing least the twice plan a or conduct for the dry ran



proper, and effective execution of the emergency plan should emergency situations occurred. Drill must be done regularly in unannounced manner simulating

emergency cases. Appraisal must be done to identify gaps and lapses of the emergency preparedness plan. No matter how exact and accurate the plan, it should be well disseminated, tested, updated, and re-written to address some of the recognized problems.








emergency exercise must be done to reinforced positive attitude and responses.



Bureau of Corrections. Bureau of Corrections Operating Manual. New Bilibid Prison, 2000: (NBP Reservation, Muntinlupa City, 1776) Gion Green & Robert J. Fisher. Introduction to Security. Butterworth Publisher, 1987: (80 Monvale Avenue Stoneham, MA 02180) James F. Broder. Risk Analysis and the Security Survey. Butterworth Publisher, 1984: (80 Monvale Avenue Stoneham, MA 02180) James V. Bennet.I Chose Prison. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1969: (United States of America) Office of the NBP Superintendent. Contingency Plan In Case Of Riots and Violent Disturbances. New Bilibid Prison, 1998: (NBP Reservation, Muntinlupa City, 1776) Office of the Asst. Director. Oplan Pagmamasid. Bureau of Corrections, New Bilibid Prison, 2004: (NBP Reservation, Muntinlupa City, 1776) Philippine Society of Industrial Security. Certified Security Professional Review Manual. PSIS, 2003: (Legaspi Tower 3000, Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City)

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