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Ch.26 Ethics I couldnt believe it was over.

I pulled Bella into my arms as I heard the last of the Vulturi guard depart. I sensed, as Carlisle suspected, they would be back. However, for now, we were safe. I could hear Jasper and Alice, Emmet and Rosalie and Carlisle and Esme sharing similar expressions of relief. All I wanted to do was to hold Bella forever and never let her go. But as my memory of all that had transpired over the past twenty-four hours came crashing down on me, I knew I had to do what was right for Bella, as I was sure she would now choose. Son, I need to check on Jacob if the wolves will let me. I may need help... Are you willing? Carlisle asked, still embracing Esme. I looked down at Bella, feeling her warm body pressed to mine, breathing in her fragrant scent and feeling that familiar burn. Was I willing to let her go now to help the man who would steal her away forever? Is it clear? Seths thoughts penetrated my mind. Theyve left, Seth. Youre free to come over. I said, looking over at Carlisle, concern crossing his face. The huge tan wolf loped into the clearing, padding straight up to me, nose touching my hand in greeting. Sam sent me to tell you, they have convinced Jacob to phase back to human form, but it looks like hes already started healing... he broke off then as his concern over took his conscious thought. I saw, instead, the focus of his concern. Jacob broken and bruised, lying on a table, his right arm and leg broken in what appeared to be multiple fractures, stuck out in awkward, unnatural positions. The picture was sickening, and I understood his fear. You are invited to La Push to see if you can help. We cant take him to the hospital... again, Seths thoughts broke off.

Jacob has phased back, but he may need some medical attention. I trailed off now. Bella didnt need to hear the rest. I could protect her at least from this. Sam has waved the treaty to invite you to help. Can they tell if the bones are setting properly? Carlisle asked, avoiding speaking so as to reduce the stress on Bellas fragile mind. I shook my head, I think Ill come help you Carlisle I responded, then looked at Seth questioningly. That will be fine, Seth confirmed Sams approval. 1 Story Adaptation by Erica Bailey Eclipse EPOV Based on Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer Eclipse EPOV Based on Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer Edward, Bella looked up at me, eager yet hesitant, apologetic at the same time, Can I come? I want to see him... I want to see that Jacob is all right. I dont know if she should see that... and Charlie is there, Seth added. Bella, that might not be the best idea right now. Charlie is there, and we are supposed to be camping while you are shopping with Alice... She slumped her shoulders in disappointment and acceptance. Ill call as soon as he leaves. I promised. Thank you. She hugged me in response. Edward, we need to get over there. I want to do what I can to help him after all theyve done for us. The words were a cover for the concern he had for Jacobs rapidly healing body worried that if he didnt get there soon, the bones might heal over unset,

causing permanent damage. Ill take care of her Alice added, We can bring her as soon as its clear. I nodded. I gave Bella one final embrace, reluctant to let her go. She seemed just as reluctant... though that was likely due to her concern for Jacob. I left with Carlisle as we ran back to the house as quickly as possible, Seth on our tail, to pick up Carlisles car. It would have been faster to run directly to La Push, however, Charlie was there. In 8 minutes we arrived in La Push, at Billy Blacks house for the first time in all the years we had lived in Forks. Though we were in a rush to get there, my mind noted the quaint houses, the children running between the yards and through the streets, the strong sense of community and culture. I could see Bella here... She would fit in. I could imagine her sitting on the front porch of one of the houses, watching over a group of dark haired children... She could be happy. We quickly went in to find Jacob lying across the dining room table in obvious pain. Like Seths memory, his body was swollen, broken and bruised along his right side. Every breath, every movement was painful. He looked over as we walked in. Holy S! started a string of profanities as he had moved his head slightly. I didnt need to see in his mind that the pain was intense. It was evident in his eyes... though in addition to the physical pain was the deep rooted concern, would he ever walk normally again? Would he ever run? The combined pain kept a string of moans and profanities escaping from his mouth every few minutes. We were just heading back to town when I got the call on my cell phone. Carlisle stated, establishing our cover. I was closer, so I came right over, after dropping off Jasper and Emmett. Edward wanted to see if he could help.

2 Story Adaptation by Erica Bailey Eclipse EPOV Based on Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer Jacob looked up at me then in wonder, the movement triggering another round of strong language. Charlie seemed to accept the story without question as he looked over at Jacob with concern. Thank you Dr. Cullen... Edward. It wouldnt have been necessary if Jacob hadnt been riding that damn fool bike. He glared, You know, Ive seen thousands of accidents on these highways motorcycles are dangerous, Jacob. Bet youre glad she loves Cullen instead of me today, huh, Charlie? He offered a grim smile, but the movement caused another throb of pain, Mother F... Charlie cringed at the string of profanities, but didnt say anything more. Yes, well Carlisle started, I think I need to take a look at Jacob now. Im concerned he may have broken bones that might start healing without being properly set. I could hear Charlies appreciation for Carlisles concern and yet a slight wonder at his hurry. He had seen his fair share of broken bones in his time and knew there was quite a bit of time before the bones would begin to knit. He also wondered why Carlisle would agree to come here instead of insisting on Jacob coming to the hospital... Carlisle examined Jacob. Its as I thought the bones have already started to heal. Im going to need to re-break them. Edward, Im going to need your help to keep him steady while I do this. Can you handle that? Carlisles gaze bore through me along with his thoughts. He was really asking if I would help this man, my rival, knowing how I had felt about him, how I struggled with his hold over Bella. I swallowed... then nodded slightly. I would do this for Bella. She

deserved someone who was whole, who was fully healthy and able to care for her. If she was to choose him, I would do what I could to make sure he was someone who could take care of her, protect her. Im going to set the bones now. Carlisle said to Billy, It may be painful for Jacob. Billy nodded in understanding at the warning. Charlie, I think Im going to need some fresh air. It is a little crowded in here. Can you take me out front? Charlie maneuvered Billy out the door, followed by several of the pack, leaving Carlisle and I with Jacob, and Sam. I dont think I can give you much for the pain, Jacob Carlisle said, after the room cleared, Anything I give you at this point will lessen your mental control. I am guessing youll need that to keep from fazing while I reset your bones? He looked to Sam. Sam nodded, I think you are right. Ill do what I can to help him. 3 Story Adaptation by Erica Bailey Eclipse EPOV Based on Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer Carlisle turned back to Jacob. Jacob, Edward is going to hold you while I re-break the bones and set them properly. If I dont do this you wont regain use of your arm and leg. Do you understand? Jacob took a deep breath and nodded. Standing across the table from Carlisle, I stepped up and held his core in place with one hand, putting the other on his shoulder. Jacob winced under my touch, but said nothing this time, only glaring at me. Again, he breathed carefully and tried to establish a sense of calm. First Ill reset the breaks in the arm. Carlisle advised as he took a

hold at various points along his forearm. Then, in a quick move there was a loud crack and Jacobs forearm lay in a more natural position. SON OF A - Jacob yelled, shivering slightly. Carlisle and I both stepped back and waited. Stay calm, Jacob Sam said in a soothing but authoritative voice. Jacob took a few deep breathes and relaxed. Im going to continue with the upper arm. Are you ready? Carlisle asked, already putting his hands into position, as I stepped back up to the table to brace him. Jacob nodded and as swiftly as the first, there was the loud sound of bone breaking and his upper arm lay normally. YOU SLIMY BLOODSUCKING F- Jacob released his pain in another long string of profanities. We waited while he shivered and fought for control, Sams calm, careful voice guiding him. We continued this slow, painful and profanity ridden process as Carlisle reset his shoulder, two breaks in his leg and finally bandaged up his ribs... I could hear Charlies disapproving tone at the language which he could clearly hear from the front yard. At least Edward is always polite... would never use that kind of language around Bella...more responsible When it was over, Jacob lay breathing heavily, laboring under a dull ache, that was a mild discomfort in comparison with the pain he was carried in with. The contorted expression in his face was gone. Though his body was still swollen and bruised, it looked normal. Im sure Billy will want to see his son now. Carlisle stated, prompting Sam to go to the door. Billy followed him in with Charlie pushing his wheelchair, followed by the rest of the pack.

Billys face was full of pride. He knew the kind of effort and control this had taken Jacob. 4 Story Adaptation by Erica Bailey Eclipse EPOV Based on Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer Well, youre looking much better, Jacob. Dr. Cullen must have done a good job! Charlie looked appreciatively at Carlisle, and then me. Well, Id better get home. Im sure Bella will be along soon. I think they were planning a shopping trip today. Ill be sure to send her on home as soon as I see her. Carlisle replied. See ya... take care Jacob stay off those motorcycles... Sure, sure. He said with a faint smile. Billy, he tipped his head and headed off. After the cruiser drove away, I picked up the phone to call Bella. Edward, how is he? Is he alive? Is he okay? Her worried voice pounded me with questions. Yes, hell be fine. I suppose youll want to come see for yourself? Can I? Charlie just left. Ill come get you. You dont need to do that. Ill drive over. It might be difficult to hide the truck if Charlie returns besides Im faster. I argued. Truthfully, I just wanted to see her again, to hold her one last time before she saw him. I was there in minutes, throwing her on my back and racing back to La Push. Is he really going to be okay, Edward? she asked. Yes. Carlisle reset his bones. He will make a full recovery. I reassured her. I just feel so... her voice trailed off into a sob.

Bella, it will be okay. Its my fault... Its all... I could feel her shaking on my back. We were near the house, so I slowed, pulling her around to my front and holding her, wishing I could ease her guilt. Bella, theres nothing you could have done. Dont rake yourself over the coals. Besides, were here. You dont want him to see you like this, do you? 5 Story Adaptation by Erica Bailey Eclipse EPOV Based on Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer No she whimpered a little more, then took a deep breath and calmed herself. Okay, Im ready. I led her in the house. Jacob is resting in his room now, Bella. You can go in and see him, but he wont be much company Im afraid. Carlisle advised. Whats wrong with him? Bella asked, worried. His right arm and leg were broken... and several of his ribs. Unfortunately he started healing before I could help him so I had to re- break his bones to set them properly. Carlisle and I both noticed the colour drain from her skin. We knocked him out, Bella. He stretched the truth for the sake of her mental health, Hes completely out now. You can see him, just not for a long time. I held her hand as she opened the door, taking in the sight before her. It wasnt pretty, but it was far less gruesome then the site of his broken body when we had first arrived. Oh... my... Bella whispered, tears rolling down her face. I squeezed her hand gently, offering what comfort I could. Hes healing so quickly it didnt make sense to put him in plaster.

We used braces to hold him steady though so the bones heal properly. Carlisle advised. She looked ill with worry. Standing beside her, I felt like the best friend, the one holding her hand while she looked over the man she loved... It was as if I had traded places with Jacob. For once, I could truly empathize with how he had felt these past few months. I gave her a small hug, Ill leave you for a few moments. She sat down on the bed as I walked out with Carlisle. How is she? Carlisle asked as I closed the door to Jacobs room. Shell be okay. She is mostly just worried about him. Shell be fine if he is. Im just glad he is out now... He wont be for long. His body just burned through the first dose I gave him after his bones were set. At first, I didnt know if there was any use... He mused, his medical mind trying to figure out this new puzzle... And how about you? He looked back at me. I shrugged. There wasnt much I could say, or really wanted to say given the location. I was racked with guilt and worry guilt over all I had put Bella through the past few days...over the past two years for that matter and worry about what I would do when she left me. 6 Story Adaptation by Erica Bailey Eclipse EPOV Based on Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer Carlisle laid a comforting hand on my shoulder. It will all work out, Son... We sat in silence for a few moments and then the silver cell phone rang. Alice. Carlisle answered... Thank you. He hung up. We need to get Bella back. Charlie is suspicious. He is deciding

between coming to check on Jacob, coming to check on Bella, or staying at home and waiting. She needs to get back and be prepared. Shes a lousy liar. I noted grimly. Alice has some bags from shopping. Shell talk her through it. I hated to put one more weight on her shoulders, another obligation to the Cullen family to me. But Carlisle was right. I knocked on the door before opening. Bella hadnt moved from where I had left her, sitting cross-legged on the end of the bed. Bella, Jacob needs his rest. I reached for her hand, And Alice called. You need to get home. Charlie knows I am back and hell start to get suspicious. She nodded sadly as she took my hand, rose and left with me. I ran her back to Alice to prepare her for her obligation, perhaps the last obligation she would ever have for my family. You need to go back, Edward. Charlie is still undecided. He may return to La Push, Alice advised as I neared. I rolled my eyes at her insistence, but complied. Bella, Ill go back and watch over Jacob... Ill see you later. I swallowed as I wondered at what later would entail. Dont worry, Edward. It will all work out, Alice chastised my glum expression. Ill talk to her, help her deal with today. Shell be fine, Edward. However, she didnt call forth a vision for me to see to confirm her words. Carlisle and I stayed at the Black house for most of the afternoon. Hes healing amazingly fast. Its actually quite satisfying to see the results so quickly. Carlisle mused. I just watched over him, imagining what my life would be like without Bella how I would manage when she was with him. I pictured her walking down the

isle, on Charlies arm, dressed in white but now Jacob was waiting for her. The pain of that vision almost crippled me. I needed to be happy for her. Would I stay in Forks to see that happen? I didnt know, but I thought I would at least want the option. Son? Carlisle interrupted, its time to go. Bella has gone home to Charlie and Jacob is healing well. 7 Story Adaptation by Erica Bailey I grimly nodded my head. *** Alice found me in my room, sitting on the couch staring at my bed... at our bed. I was torturing myself, I knew holding the ring box in my hand, staring at the bed where she had finally agreed to marry me. The stone of the ring caught the light, sending a glimmering sparkle toward my face, but no light could brighten the dark melancholy I was in, as I re-lived every moment of that precious night. Edward? I ignored her. Edward, what are you doing? I shrugged, not trusting my voice. Edward, shell be fine. I looked up at her and saw my tortured expression through her eyes. Whats wrong? She flew to my side... No wonder Jasper... her passing thought lost as she wrapped her arms around me... Its going to be fine, Edward. She showed me the vision of our wedding, still strong in her mind, avoiding any view of Bella. I shook my head in disbelief. I just came to tell you, Bella went to see Jacob, or at least I assume she did. I saw her in her truck on the road to La Push, then she disappeared. My head fell to my hands... the ring box to the floor.

NO, Edward... Listen to me! She wants you. She needs you. Look at me! Alice grabbed me as I saw Bella, sitting in her truck, holding her sides, sobbing... 8 Story Adaptation by Erica Bailey

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