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T H E O R WA c h r o n i c l e s

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. Isaiah 55:8
April/May 2013

FA M I LY: G r e e t i n g s f ro m t h e O r w a s

Praise Report:
Wonderful visit with Stacies family. Elis healing from recent illnesses

The Lord has been teaching us so much about patience and flexibility these days. We are anxious to get started on the orphanage, but have to wait until the funds are raised in the US. The leaders of Africa Harvest of Hope are working hard in the US to get that done. In the meantime, we are waiting and have had down time. You may think, thats great enjoy it while it lasts its the calm before the storm. We get that, but we are both used to working hard every day and feel a bit restless. During times of discouragement, we wonder .Lord, whats going on? We are here! We have a plan! Its then that we are reminded that His ways are not our ways and we must trust in His timing. Who are we to argue with the maker of the universe? So, while we are waiting, we want to be open vessels. God use us as much as you can, in any way you can. We have been looking for opportunities where we can be of use and spread the gospel in ways we may not have planned originally. We are continuing our work with our church, Yesu Anaweza. George teaches on Sunday mornings (although now that Pastor Zac is back, he gets trade off with him) and then he leads a discipleship class Sunday evenings. Currently they are studying the book of James, verse by verse. After that class, Stacie leads a womens prayer/accountability/Bible Study group. Each week they look at different topics such as pride, envy, forgiveness, etc and see how they can refine the rough edges to become women of God. We have a few exciting things in the works. It looks like George will be helping another ministry from the US out in Kenya for a couple weeks as they lead a medical outreach camp. He is offering his services as a lab technologist and will also be available to translate, teach or help out in anyway they need. At the camp they expect to help around 1500 people who would otherwise not have access to health care. Also, we are planning a youth camp at our church in Moshi. We estimate 50 kids will come spend the weekend with us as we spend time together in the word, in worship and in prayer. Well be teaching about lessons we can learn from the life of David, who is known to be a man after Gods heart, but who was very much flawed, like us. We thank you for being a part of what we are doing here and would love your prayers while we are in this waiting stage of ministry. With love from Tanzania, George, Stacie and Eli Orwa.

Prayer Requests:

We are in need of a car. We can get a used one for $15000$20,000 and currently have about 10% of that raised.

For the provision of basic lab equipment

Funding for additional ministry work such as school scholarships and food baskets for widows.

For the health of Georges family in Kisumu and favor as they deal with some family land issues.

George, Stacie & Eli Orwa

P.O.BOX 8893 MOSHI, TANZANIA Tel: +255714200660 +255659140159

George and Stacie Orwa work with Africa Harvest of Hope and are sent by Rancho del Rey Church. They have to raise 100% of the funds to support their work. If you feel called to join their financial support team, tax deductible monthly or one time donations can be sent to: Rancho del Rey Church 5651 Palmer Way Suite C Carlsbad, CA 92010 Or online at
Be sure to note their name in the memo line.

Check out our blog for stories, photos and prayer requests. We update it frequently to keep you involved:

Visit from Home

Our First Visitors!
Being away from our friends and family never is easy. We adjust to being far from home, but our hearts always ache to be there. We know God has called us to be in Tanzania which helps when the waves of homesickness hit. Fortunately, our hearts were full of joy in April as we welcomed Holly, Stacies mom, and Al. Seeing them for the first time in the airport was very exciting. We had been praying for and looking forward to this moment for a long time.
Holly, Al, George, Stacie & Eli

Georges family in Kisumu. It was really fun to show them home in Kenya. We were blessed to have the time and flexibility in our schedules to focus on our time with them. They were able to become familiar with Moshi and visit the church we are working with. We also had lots of time to laugh, cook and play cards. Seeing them go was hard, but we are so thankful for the sacrifices they made to visit us. Its not an easy journey to get here and it meant so much to us that they came. We love you and miss you Mom and Al!

We had three lovely weeks with them. During that time, they got to meet George and Eli for the first time and were able to bond with them. In addition, we spent a few days with

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