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PARTEA I__________________________________________________________________(60 de puncte)

I. Read the following text and create questions to which the underlined words are the answers: England used to be covered with great forests. Back to the twelfth and thirteen centuries, people were afraid to go to these forests. There were few roads and the forests were often the home of bands of robbers and outlaws. The outlaws were people who had been accused of some crime and who had run away to escape the law. Punishment in those days was always harsh and often unjust. Life in the forest was cold and rough, but if you stayed hidden you were safe. If you hid away you would be declared an outlaw, someone who was living outside the law. The outlaws were living from killing wild animals, but many of them stole from passing travellers as well. One of these bands of outlaws became famous not just for its cruelty. Their leader was called Robin Hood . He and his men lived in the Sherwood Forest, in the North of England, and they were as fierce and sometimes as cruel as any of the others. (5x4=20 puncte) II . Complete the dialogues: 1 . A : I went to see my grandma in hospital yesterday . B : ... 2 . A : Arent you ready yet ? B : 3 . A : Why are you cycling to work ? B : 4 . A : Is Peter at the party ? B : (4x2=8 puncte) III . Rewrite each sentence , so that the meaning stays the same (dont change the word): 1 . How do you feel about going to Disneyland this year? like a) Would ................................Disneyland this year? 2 . Both John and Mary like cinema . does b) John likes cinema...................... Mary. 3 . I would like to be a computer programmer one day. work c) I would like programmer one day. 4 . Can you describe yourself when you were a child? as d) How ......................................a child ? (4x2=8 puncte)

IV. Put the verbs in brackets in present simple or present continuous: 1. She.. (read) at the moment. 2. .(you, go) to work by car? 3. I (not watch) TV every night. 4. I.. (not watch) TV at the moment. 5. We. (see) our parents every week. 6. (you listen) to the radio now? 7. I (not get up) at 7 oclock every morning. 8. Peter (talk) to Susan now. 9. My brother(be) always angry. 10. We(not/talk)very often. (10x1=10 puncte) V. Fill in the blanks with the or zero article (): 1. Are you going to spend your evening at home or do you intend to go to .Queens concert? 2. Everybody knows that .. Danube flows into Black Sea. 3. Is a lion .. most ferocious animal? 4. I have ordered refrigerator online. 5. hen is known to lay eggs. 6. Her brother has no taste in . art or music 7. He decided to go and live inAlps. (7x2=14 puncte)
PARTEA a II-a_______________________________________________________________30 de puncte)

Describe your favorite way of spending the weekend.

Olimpiada BAREM DE EVALUARE SI DE NOTARE Clasa a XI-a Se puncteaz oricare alte formulri/ modalitti de rezolvare corect a cerintelor. Nu se acord punctaje intermediare, altele dect cele precizate explicit prin barem. Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota final se calculeaz prin mprtirea punctajului total acordat pentru test la 10.
PARTEA I________________________________________________________________________ (60 de puncte)


(5x4=20 puncte) Possible questions: 1) When were people afraid to go into great forests? 2) What kind of people lived in these forests? 3) How was the punishment in those days? 4) What was their leader name? 5) Where did he and his men live? II. (4x2=8 puncte) Possible answers: 1) B: How does she feel? 2) B: No, Im not ready. 3) B: Because my car broke down yesterday. 4) B: No, hes at home. Hes ill. III. (4x2=8 puncte) 1)-a: Would you like to go to Disneyland this year? 2)-b: John likes the cinema and so does Mary. 3)-c: I would like to work as a computer programmer one day. 4)-d: How were you as a child? IV. (10x1=10 puncte) 1)-is reading; 2)-Do you go; 3)-dont watch; 4)-not watching; 5)-see; 6)-Are you listening; 7)-dont get up; 8)-is talking; 9)-is; 10)-dont talk. V. (7x2=14 puncte) 1)-the; 2)-the, the: 3)-the; 4)-the; 5)-the; 6)-no article, no article; 7)-the.
PARTEA a II-a_________________________________________________________________ (30 de puncte 4 points for appropriately beginning and ending: - 2 points the beginning - 2 points the ending: 6 points for correct grammar structures and connectors 5 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary 10 points for covering the aspects demanded by the task 3 points for a balanced structure (greeting/introduction, content) 2 points for the general impression

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