Introduction of Cauchy Argument Principle in Nyquist Stability Analysis

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Introduction of Cauchy Argument Principle in Nyquist Stability Analysis

By Yong-Nien Rao

In Nyquist stability criterion, a very famous and key equation is

N =Z −P …(eq.1.1)
N is the net number of clockwise encirclement, Z is the number of zeros and
P is the number of poles

We will show how we could get this equation mathematically.

Winding number12
The intuitive description in winding number of the curve is equal to the total
number of counterclockwise rotations that the object makes around a point.

Z0 Z0 Z0

N(C,Z0)= -2 N(C,Z0)= -1 N(C,Z0)= 0


N(C,Z0) is the winding number

Z0 Z0 of curve C about a point Z 0

N(C,Z0)= 2 N(C,Z0)= 1

In complex analysis, the winding number of a closed curve C in the complex

plane ( z -plane) about a point z0 , denoted n( C , z0 ) , is defined by

1 dz
n( C , z 0 ) ≡ ∫ …(eq.2.1)
2πi C z − z0

For simplicity, we consider the z0 = 0 firstly.


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1 dz
n( C ,0) = ∫ …(eq.2.2)
2πi C z

Since z = re
dz = e iθ dr + ire iθ dθ
dz dr
= + idθ = d [ ln ( r ) ] + idθ
z r
Thus right side of (eq.2.1) could be
n( C ,0) =
2πi ∫C C
d [ ln ( r ) ] + ∫ idθ …(eq.2.3)

Because C is a closed curve, the total change of d [ ln ( r ) ] is zero. Thus (eq.2.3)

could be further reduced to
1 1
n( C ,0) = ∫ 2π ∫C
idθ = dθ …(eq.2.4)
2πi C

The graphic interpretation of ∫ dθ

C is just the total argument change of curve C . It

could be m * 2π for m is any integer because C is a closed curve. That is,

∫ dθ = m * 2π
C …(eq.2.5)

(Note: m could be negative. For example, when the C is a circle oriented

clockwise, m = −1 )
From (eq.2.4) and (eq.2.5), we get
1 n * 2π
n( C ,0 ) = ∫ dθ = =m …(eq.2.5)
2π C 2π
This is just the intuitive description of winding number. We prove (eq.2.2)

To generalize the case to z0 ≠ 0

Let p = z − z0

Then dp = dz
1 dp
And (Eq.2.1) could be n( C , z0 ) = 2πi ∫C p = m (from (eq.2.2)).

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The Argument Principle34
Let f be analytic in a domain D except at a finite number of poles. Let CA
be a piecewise-smooth simple closed curve oriented counterclockwise in D
not passing through any zeros or poles of f . Then
1 f ′( z )
2πi ∫CA f ( z)
dz = Z − P …(eq.3.1)

where Z is the number of zeros of f enclosed by CA in the z -plane and P is the

number of poles of f enclosed by CA in the z -plane.

Get the N=Z-P equation

Check the left side of (eq.3.1), it is just the case of (eq.2.2) in the f ( z ) -plane
(not z -plane). It is the winding number of a closed curve C
(Note: C is the curve of f ( z ) over CA in the f ( z ) -plane; In contrast, CA is
the curve in the z -plane.)
Thus we get
n( C ,0 ) = Z − P …(eq.3.2)

(eq.3.2) is very similar to (eq.1.1) except the orientation. The difference is the
encirclement is clockwise in (eq.1.1). If we define the counterclockwise
encirclement N ′ , we get
− N′ = N …(eq.3.3)

The N is just the winding number, that is,
N ′ = n( C ,0 ) …(eq.3.4)

In (eq.3.2), curve is counterclockwise. This, however, would not be a problem.

It is because in (eq.1.1), an unmentioned precondition is the Nyquist path,
which is also oriented clockwise. Nyquist path is just as the − CA in (eq.3.1).
And it refers to − C
From the complex analysis, the winding number holds
n( − C ,0 ) = −n( C ,0) …(eq.3.5)
We derive
− n( C ,0 ) = Z − P …(eq.3.6)
from (eq.3.2) and (eq.3.5) for the Nyquist analysis case
And from (eq.3.3), (eq.3.4) and (eq.3.6), we get
N =Z −P
Detail prove involves many complex analysis theory, please refer to
Peter V. O’Neil, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Third Edition, Chap 19~Chap22.

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