Parish Pump June 2013

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June 2013

The Parish Pump was started in 1979 to provide a free community magazine in the parish. It began as, and still is, a joint venture, combining the church magazine and village magazine. The Parish Pump is sponsored by the Parochial Church Council and Debden Parish Council. Both bodies contribute financially to the cost of running the magazine by means of a donation, received annually. It is intended that the magazine reflects all aspects of village life within the parish and provides an opportunity for community matters to be raised. In addition to the information recorded in the magazine, our sister publication, the Debden Directory provides a host of useful contact numbers for services ranging from bus times, local plumbers, doctors and restaurants. If you do not have a copy, please contact a member of the committee.


The magazine has editors but no official reporters. Consequently, an interesting magazine depends on articles, news, etc. coming from people in the village. The th closing date for submitting material is: the 15 of each month. The editors job is to edit. This means fitting the material into the space available and trying to ensure there is a reasonable balance of views on controversial subjects etc. Consequently, it is not always possible to publish everything submitted and sometimes changes have to be made to the length of a contribution. Non topical articles cannot always be published in the next issue but will appear later unless you are told otherwise. Contributions of up to 400 words have a better chance of being published in full than longer ones. Please note that the present and past editions of the Parish Pump are now available on line on the new website and that any material submitted will be automatically featured on the website. If you wish to have your name and/or contact details (which must normally accompany any contributions) withheld from the printed edition and/or not to appear on the website, this must be stated at the time of submission. Copy for inclusion in the next edition should be emailed by the 5th of the month to;
There is also a folder in the shop for submission of written or typed copy. The current editors of the Parish Pump, who have the sole prerogative of the editorial policy (so dont blame anyone else) are; Mike Fairchild Ursula Lyons

Advertising rates per issue are; full page 10.00; half page 8.00; quarter page or less 6.00. Full payment in advance and an electronic copy of the ad should be sent to the Editors or Treasurer by email. Cheques should be made payable to The Parish Pump The other Committee members include Chairman: Judith Forster Treasurer: Alastair Secretary: Marion Bamfield Distribution: Caroline 2

E DITORIAL Good will first building block for our new village hall
Yes, weve heard it all before. But this time it appears there really is a new determination and commitment to get a new Debden village hall project off the ground. As we said in our editorial in the April Parish Pump, whats needed to build a new hall is the pooling of the resources and efforts of those who are working hard to bring the project to fruition - as well as new momentum. Since then significant strides have been made towards doing just that, resulting in a new design concept, a fresh approach to construction and a range of possible funding options to deliver a completed hall maybe in as little as 18 months. At the annual village assembly on May 1 a resident pleaded for the village to be kept informed about village hall plans. And rightly so. There has been a distinct lack of information to the point where many people have lost interest in a new hall or worse become cynical that there will ever be one. The latest initiative (page 4) is probably the best chance Debden will ever have to build a new hall. Success will depend on many things, not least raising the money. Because this scheme is likely to be a self-build project, it will also depend on the support of the many trades people in the village who will be contracted to build it, and also the willingness of residents of Debden to donate their skill and time. Completion will depend not on vague promises of help but on a contract with people in the village to pledge a number of hours to get the hall built. Whether you have specific skills, are a handy DIY-er or could make a stunning sandwich for the builders, Debden will need you. Sounds familiar? It was exactly that spirit that moved the village shop out of the old mobile home to the extension to the village hall that it occupies today - and we built it ourselves. In One Man and his Bike, the adventures of Mike Carter who cycled nearly 5,000 miles round Britain a book, incidentally, that Tony Vernon has read and maybe inspired him for his Lands End to John OGroats epic, page 8 the author writes about the abiding spirit of kindness and co-operation he encountered in many of the smaller communities he visited and how it enabled optimism to overcome adversity. Assume Goodwill, he called it. Thats the sentiment we need to turn our village hall aspiration into reality.

Mike Fairchild


New village hall moves a step nearer reality

The prospect of a brand new village hall for Debden has moved significantly closer with the formation of a new group to drive the project forward and the promise of a public meeting to explain the latest plans and timescale. Under new proposals the village could have a new hall by as early as the end of next year.
A group of residents, several with skills that would be needed to design and build a new hall, have held informal meetings over recent weeks to accelerate plans for a totally new hall built by a combination of contractors based in Debden and volunteers. At the annual village assembly on May 1, parish council chairman Andrew Tetlow announced that a special meeting had been held at which the new group met with members of the existing New Village Hall Committee to discuss the option of a new-build or the refurbishment of the existing building. He said the council would in due course arrange a public meeting to explain the latest situation to the village. At a second meeting there was agreement that a new-build was the preferred way forward. A business plan was presented for a new-build scheme with outline costs and a timescale indicating completion by the end of 2014. Shortly after we went to press, a third meeting was planned at which a new steering group was due to be appointed including a project leader and others to fill key roles including fund raising and recruitment of local builders and volunteers who would be responsible for a largely self-build project. Support from users Several attempts to build a new village hall have been made over more than 15 years including the ambitious 700,000 Inkpen Downie proposal outlined at the last annual assembly. None has got off the ground, largely due to lack of funding. The latest self-build proposal could cost as little as half the Inkpen Downie budget. Key decisions include the siting of the new building, the future of the sports pavilion, new planning requirements the previous proposal gained outline permission and legalities over land usage. The village shop would be a key part of any new scheme. Informal soundings indicate support for a new-build project from users of the existing hall. A full report on the outcome of the latest meeting including an outline of the building itself, the likely cost, sources of funding, timescale and the project team will be published in the July Pump. One key requirement to make the project achievable and affordable will be commitment from building industry contractors in Debden and volunteers to guarantee to commit skills and a specific amount of time to bring this long held ambition to fruition. 4

The diversity thats Debden

The diversity of organisations and activities in Debden was amply demonstrated at this years Annual Parish Assembly on May 1.
The biggest turnout for some years heard reports of activities over the past 12 months from council representatives and the many societies that exist in the village. Parish council chairman Andrew Tetlow recalled how strong opposition from the council, district councillor Tina Knight and residents successfully fought off an attempt to separate Debden Green from the rest of the village under proposed boundary changes. Opposition was also mounted against suggestions of gypsy and traveller sites at Lovecotes Farm, Debden Green, which were subsequently withdrawn. He also promised a village meeting in due course to explain latest developments on plans for a new village hall (see previous page). Debdens county council member,

Also this month Parish Council annual meeting 7 Tony Vernons charity ride Parish Church

8 12

Barn Dance 9 & 33 Footpaths walk 18 Potato comp Alans BBC musical debut Village Shop Learn to glide Theatrical wedding Noras 90 18 19 20 21 22 23

Looking good for Best Village 23 Pentecostal Church British Legion History Group 26 32 34

Bathurst charity 40 FreeCycle Ursula Lyons reports on the history groups year to a well attended parish meeting Cllr Simon Walsh, said the council had achieved its target of a budget cut of 330 million and frozen council tax. Repairing potholes required an extra 11 million with 60,000 repairs since last summer. Wet weather caused problems on local byways continued on page 6 40

Tom Blomqvist 41 Football Events Information 41 42 43

Church services 44

Parish Assembly from page 5 when used by 4-wheel drive vehicles. Byway 37 (Hamperden End to Samsons Lane) had been put forward for winter closure. Julie Gibbons, headteacher at Debden School, said there were 146 pupils on the roll and the school was oversubscribed in some year groups. Approximately 50 per cent of pupils came from Carver Barracks and there was high turnover with pupils joining and leaving. The school underwent a four-yearly Ofsted inspection and last year was rated outstanding in an Anglican Church inspection. It took part in a range of sporting activities, provided after school clubs and had an active school orchestra and choir. It maintained close links with its partner school in Tang Ting, Nepal, and supported community activities including Debden Road Safety Week. Mike Fairchild, Debden Community Speed Watch Co-ordinator, said 11 volunteers operated up to twice a week in the village. If they were to operate daily as many as 1,000 drivers would be caught speeding through Debden every year. Because there were still too many incidents of speeding, Essex Highways had carried out speed checks to see if Debden warranted flashing 30mph signs and to consider a 20mph zone near the school. Further grants available Henry Blackie explained the background to the Searle Trust. To date grants of approximately 60,000 had been made. Funding was available for additional grants to village organisations for specific projects. Stewart Luck said a Residents Fund was set up four years ago to distribute village fete proceeds. Various groups in the village had received money from the fund which had a balance of 150 to which proceeds from the Barn Dance on 13th July would be added. He would be happy for the fund to be run by a formal committee if requested. Caroline Reeve reported that Debden Pre-School continued to be a very successful not for profit organisation and was currently oversubscribed. Improvements to the outside area had made a considerable difference. Further information can be found on the Pre-school website. Other reports were provided on behalf of Debden Local History Recorders Group (see AGM p 34), Debden Tennis Club, the Bathurst Charity (see p 40), Village Shop and Parish Pump. Copies of all reports will be available on the website:

Keep our village looking smart plea

Debden Parish Council has asked residents to keep the village tidy following the announcement that we have entered the Essex Village of the Year and Best Kept Village competitions. Cllr Andrew Tetlow, chairman, made the request at the Leaving Bobby and Virginia Chapman, who councils annual meeting which preceded the assembly. are moving from Debden, pictured with April
Gardner who is retiring from the council.

Councillors were formally re-elected at the meeting including Cllr Tetlow as chairman and Cllr Roger Forster as vice chairman. April Gardner, who has served on the council for four years, announced that she will be retiring. Andrew Tetlow thanked April for her hard work, especially in connection with fund-raising and organisation of the new childrens playground. Criminal incidents in the car park at Smiths Green have been reported to the police. At its next meeting the council will discuss the suggestion of cutting the hedge on the roadside to make the area more exposed. During an evening in which villagers enjoyed a glass of wine before the assembly, Cllr Stewart Luck proposed a vote of thanks to Bobby and Virginia Chapman for their contribution to the village since moving here in the 70s. They are moving from Debden Manor to Saffron Walden. Maybe he was overwhelmed by John gets that sinking feeling! events of the week (p 22) or had problems with an awkward reverse gear but this was the result when John Hare mowed too close to his pond. When forklifted out it started just fine! The Pump understands that John was actually distracted by thinking through his repertoire for the 60s/70s night when hell be on keyboard as one of The Two of Us at The Plough on June 1.

Tony saddles up for local charity

To ride about 1000 miles on my bicycle from Lands End to John OGroats seemed a good idea about six months ago. Now my departure date of 22nd June seems uncomfortably close and I am not sure I have done enough training. When my youngest son did the ride two years ago, he seemed to manage after only regular 50-60 mile rides at weekends. However, what a person in their 30s can get away with is, perhaps, a bit different when you are 73! My ride is being undertaken with a group of about 20 others. Our bags will be carried in a van each day, so all we have to do is to follow the route Ready for LEJOG (thats Lands and get ourselves and our bikes to an End to John OGroats). Tony agreed destination each night. The prepares for his 1,000 mile epic. average daily ride is 71 miles and we ride every day continuously for 14 days. The route will be largely on smaller roads, which can often be hillier than main roads. Much depends on the weather. My greatest fear is unfavourable winds rather than rain. Fundraising target My aim is to try and raise a minimum of 2,000 for HomeStart Uttlesford, a local charity which provides support to families with at least one child under five. A team of trained volunteers provide regular support to families in difficulty. Any funds raised will be used to meet the costs of training the volunteers and to pay the salaries of the organisers who match families to volunteers and give guidance to the volunteers. I shall be meeting the full costs of my trip. If you would like to donate, please go to the Virginmoneygiving website and type in Tony Vernon ( This will take you to my donations page. Alternatively, if you prefer to send a cheque, please make it out to HomeStart Uttlesford and send it to me at Monks Farm, Debden Green, Saffron Walden CB11 3LX. A gift aid form is available. More information about HomeStart Uttlesford is available on their website. Tony Vernon 8


With the

Saturday, 13th July 2013
The Green Barn, Broctons Farm, Rook End Lane, Debden CB11 3LR Bar Open at 7:00pm Dancing from 7:30pm Tickets 12.00 Includes Hot Dog or Burger (or vegetarian option)

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We design delicious and stunning handmade personalised celebration cakes for every occasion. Weddings, birthdays, christenings, anniversaries, corporate and Christmas We are now supplying high quality everyday cakes to the Village Shop.
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Dear Friends, Will summer ever come? One or two sunny days have tantalisingly suggested warmer weather is on its way, only for the piercingly cold wind to return and send us scurrying for our jumpers and coats. We could certainly do with some warmth, particularly when we see the calendar of forthcoming events for June more details opposite. These events are real grounds for rejoicing as a wonderful sign of people in the community working together to bring pleasure and enjoyment to so many and raise much needed funds for the church. We can never underestimate the value of working together for the common good. Jesus said each person is like a different part of a body each part, no matter how insignificant, is vital to the body working as a whole. Each person, no matter who or what they are or do, is therefore essential and of inestimable value. Jesus said that when a community works in this way, including and valuing each person, amazing things happen and the community strengthens and grows. You might say this is a sign of the Holy Spirit at work, or you might simply say what a wonderful community and village. My farming friends tell me that the weather this last winter, with the heavy rain and continuing low temperatures, has been the worst they can remember. Everything is several weeks behind and there are fears that yields will be low. One farming friend says he feels so sad when he sees the state of his fields and yet he knows that farms in other parts of the country have been hit far worse. The farmers are a valued part of our community so please keep them in your prayers. God bless you all, Hilary I am always happy to visit, whether at home or in hospital. If you, or someone you know, would appreciate a visit please dont hesitate to ring me on: 01799 522616 From the Registers We welcome into the Church Family: Sofia Yates baptised 28th April.

Debden Church Youth Group

will next meet on Friday 7th June 5 9pm for Canoeing All of secondary school age, are very welcome
Please contact Hilary on 01799 522616 if you would like to come and for more details

The Church Mice . are celebrating on Monday 10th June at 10.30am

(Please note changed date)

Come and join them in Debden Church New Room For children 0 4 years old with a parent

Special Events at Debden & Wimbish Churches Sunday2ndJuneJointHolyCommunionDebdenChurch10am Guestpreacher:RevdCanonPhilipBanks,PrecentorofStEdmundsburyCathedral ___________ Saturday15 &Sunday16 June:WimbishChurchFlowerFestival Everydaylife:GenesistoJesus12noon6pmdaily FlowerDisplays,choirs,poetryreadings,lunches,afternoonteas Guidedwalksof4milesapprox.10.30amonSaturday15thJune&2.30pmon Sunday16thJune FestivalSongsofPraiseat11amonSunday16thJune Guestpreacher:Rt.RevdDerekBond,formerBishopofBradwell _____________ FestivalofSail:Windmills&BargesDebdenChurch11am5pm Saturday13thJulyExhibition,Activities&Gamesforchildren,Refreshments Sunday14thJuly:Exhibitiononly
th th


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Walk was just a piece of cake!

Nineteen people gathered for the first Debden Footpaths Walk on Sunday 12th May. The weather threatened rain but the hardy walkers, led by Nicola McCahill, set off on a most enjoyable walk around Debden passing through Rowney Woods. The event concluded with scrumptious cakes and tea and thanks must go to the McCahill famly for hosting the event.

Spud competition latest

We are now two months into our competition with 14 entrants and the rivalry is hotting up now that most potatoes are already in pots. I have heard of plots various and nefarious to gain an advantage but rest assured our experienced and knowledgeable horticultural judges will sniff out any under-hand dealings. As the village Barn Dance is now on Saturday 13th July the weigh-in and judging will now be held on Saturday 20th July at 12 noon at The Plough so competitors and supporters please change the date in your diary. Brad Bamfield 18

Alans BBC musical quiz debut

I've long been a fan of the Radio 4 music quiz, Counterpoint, writes Alan McLean. Like a lot of people, I imagine, I would sit and listen and think 'I could have answered that!'. The questions cover every kind of music, from pop and jazz to classical, so often enough I would not have the faintest idea of the answer. Anyway, I thought it was time to give it a try and see if I was as good in the studio as on the sofa. My application form came back with a dozen questions, most of which I managed to answer. Then came a phone call from Lizzie in Salford (BBC Radio's new home). I would have to do an audition, answering 20 questions. 'Okay'. When did I want to do it? 'Now?' So Lizzie asked me the questions and I answered them, pretty well, I thought. In due course, the invitation came to become a contestant and attend a recording on April 15 at Broadcasting House The day came and, feeling a bit wobbly, I turned up - not at the bright new glass and steel block that is the new Broadcasting House, but in the old building where we were led into the famous BBC Radio Theatre. There were six of us for the two programmes and we were greeted by the producer who explained what was going to happen. First, there would be a rehearsal of one round for us to get used to the mikes, then straight to the recording where we would met Paul I thought Id give it a try Gambaccini, the quizmaster. He proved as witty and laid-back as he's always sounded to me on Radio 1 or Classic FM. He stressed the aim of the quiz was for us and the audience to have fun. The nerves disappeared The rehearsed round went well - oddly enough, the nerves disappeared once I got behind the mike. Then the audience were let in - 250 or so, rather more than I expected!- and the recording started. If I tell you that my answers included Billy Bragg, Berlioz, Luciano Pavarotti, Rowan Atkinson, and Radiohead, you will get some idea of the range of the questions. Anyway, somehow out of the masses of trivia with which my brain appears to be stocked I managed to get enough of them right to win the round. So now I'm into the semi-final, which will be recorded on June 21 and broadcast later in the summer. I gave Debden a name-check when introducing myself and will do so again. Debden on Radio 4! Wish me luck!


News from the Shop

Ice creams at the ready!
Hopefully we shall be welcoming in Flaming June by the time you read this! As always, through the Summer, we have a large selection of ice creams and cold drinks to enjoy, as well as many snack foods that can be easily eaten outside. We have recently bought a new set of scales to enable us to weigh larger items, for example fresh vegetables, more quickly and easily. We are also planning to increase the chiller space within the Shop by moving in the chiller, which is currently in the Stockroom. This will enable us to have more space to display chilled food and drink, making it easier for you to make your choice. Tracy Barker has recently agreed to join our regular team to serve in the Shop. Welcome Tracy and thank you very much.

Nina Manser

Shop Opening Times Monday to Friday ** Saturday Sunday 08.30 13.30 09.30 12.00 09.30 12.00 14.00 16.30 14.00 16.00 Closed

** The Post Office opens from 09.00 13.00 Mondays & Thursdays

Gliding - its as easy

as driving a car
If you've ever thought about learning to fly, now is your chance to give gliding a go. You may be surprised to learn that on days of good weather, gliders from Cambridge complete flights to as far afield as Wales, Devon or Yorkshire and back whilst remaining airborne for anything up to nine hours. The only fuel used is for the launch by tow plane or winch. If you can drive a car, you can almost certainly learn to fly a glider. It is the purest form of the sport and the most rewarding as the more you do, the more enjoyment you have whilst being much kinder to the wallet than powered flying. Gliding is a sport that is genuinely open to all where one can learn to fly from the age of 14 through to those who take it up on retirement. Its an exciting and sociable way to learn to fly providing an opportunity to keep on learning. Take a trial lesson The Cambridge Gliding Centre, situated at Gransden Lodge airfield near Longstowe to the west of Cambridge, is a mere fifty minute drive from Debden. One of the countrys premier venues, it presently has a few vacancies for additional trainees. If you wish to try before joining, the opportunity exists to take a trial instructional flight for a hands on experience. Vouchers for these trial flights are often purchased as presents for friends or relatives. Call 01767 677077 to say when youd like to come and arrangement will be made for someone to show you around. Much more information can be found on the website If you'd like to discuss gliding with someone in the village, give me, Phil Jeffery, a call on 01799 542744. Phil Jeffery


Newlyweds play the leading roles

Romance and more than a touch of theatre were in the air for the wedding of Katherine Hare and James Gant at Debden Parish Church. Katherine, the daughter of John and Celia Hare of Freemans Farm, works as a theatre director. She attended Debden school and will be remembered for her appearances in local shows including the Debden pantos. James, who lived originally in Great Sampford, is an actor and member of the cast of Les Miserables in the West End where he will have an opportunity to play the second male lead part of Javert, the policeman, as well as other roles. The couple live in London. The transport was quite theatrical too: a 1932 Rolls Royce to take John and Katherine to the church and a prettily decked out tractor-drawn trailer driven by Neil Francis to transport guests back to Freemans Farm for the reception.

Happy 90th Nora! Is this a record?

Nora Woolner is pictured about to enjoy her cake at one of her 90th birthday parties! Nora turned 90 on 23rd April and, despite her years, was still up for a family lunch on 21st April and a family tea on 12th May. We think Nora could be the oldest lady in Debden. Are we right? asks daughter-in-law Stephanie Watson.

Spring had sprung and just in time

Spring had sprung and there was even a hint of summer when the judges in the Village of the Year and Best Kept Village made their initial visit to Debden. Hanging baskets, daffs and early-flowing shrubs helped to show us off to best advantage. Fingers crossed!


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Enjoy good company, a wide selection of wines, beers and great food! Starters A small selection from our menu Deep fried Brie with Cumberland sauce Strips of crispy chicken sweet and sour sauce King Prawns in a tomato chilli and garlic sauce Main Courses A small selection from our menu Smoked haddock au gratin Rib Eye Steak (10oz) or T Bone (16oz) Half Oriental Duck with plum sauce Home made steak and kidney pie cooked in Guinness Pasta and vegetarian dishes Plus Bar Snacks menu Sunday lunch Selection of starters Main courses Roast topside of beef and Yorkshire Pudding Succulent slow roast pork and Yorkshire pudding Fish dish of the day Vegetarian dish of the day All mains 8.95, book for 12-12.30pm, 7.95 Selection of sweets Fish & Chip Night Wednesdays Take-away 7.95, eat in 8.95 Music Night 1st Wednesday of the month Quiz Night 3rd Wednesday For bookings telephone Stuart or Margaret 01799 541899 Tuesdays - Fridays 6pm - 11pm Saturdays 12pm -11pm Sundays 12pm - 5pm
60- 70s NIGHT 1st of June Live music with Just The Two of us (former members of The Raveons). Dig out your nostalgic 60s gear and enjoy the fun. A blast from the past. Basket meals 45


News from Debden Pentecostal Church

Dear Friends, We were very pleased to have another visit from Maureen Lee recently. She was attending an event in the village and stayed over so that she could speak at our Sunday morning meeting. We were delighted to see Maureen looking so well. Maureen spoke from the passage in chapter 15 of the Gospel of John about the lame man waiting for someone to carry him to the water when Jesus came along and healed him. She used this story as an illustration of Gods amazing grace. God can meet with us and deal with our needs, not because we deserve it in any way but just because God is so caring and patient with us. Psalm 145 verse 8 puts it like this: The LORD is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.. John Newton penned these words that were published in 1779: Amazing grace! How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found; Was blind, but now I see. Through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come; 'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. God bless, Simon Gale

Debden Pentecostal Church

Thaxted Road, Debden

Weekly Programme
Sunday 11.00 am Morning Worship 6.30 pm Sunday Evening services will be held on 5th and 19th May Wednesday

10.30 to 12 noon Coffee Morning

Please contact Paul Baker on 01440 710416 if you need information about the church.

Special note

Special Dates in June

June 2nd will be the 60th anniversary of the coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We continue to pray for Her Majesty for good health and a continued long and happy reign.

Debden Pentecostal Church


Police visits to the Shop will take place on:

Thursday 27th June Thursday 25th July Thursday 29th August Rambler Walks: For details Footpaths Secretary: Alan Goffee 01371 876792 Website: Sat 15th June 10 miles A walk through Stour Valley way Sat 22nd June 10 miles Meet at Bardfield Saling Wed 26th June 5 miles Meet at Widdington Church 28

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Have a wonderful day learning something new at our beautiful timbered barn it is great fun with a wonderfully relaxed atmosphere Wednesday, 5th June - Weave your own Willow Obelisk with Graham North Friday, 7th June - Simple & Stylish Ways with Seasonal Flowers Thursday, 25th July - Children's Cookery Class - Available Thursday, 12th September - Macaroons & Meringues Tuesday, 17th September - Baking Bread (hands on) Thursday, 19th September - Sweet & Savoury Tarts & Perfect Pastry

To reserve a place and for further details see or telephone 01 799523411
The Barn, Cole End Farm, Wimbish, Saffron Walden, CB10 2LJ



The important thing is to join

The Royal British Legion was established in 1921 with the specific role of helping those wounded in WW1. The last surviving veteran from the First war passed away last year but since WW2 there has hardly been one year when British troops have not been deployed on active service across the world. After each conflict the RBL has been there to pick up the pieces. Best known for the annual Poppy Appeal and Remembrance Day Services, the Legion is a campaigning organisation that promotes the welfare of current and former serving members of the British Armed Forces. Whatever your personal views over the political reasons for their deployment in Afghanistan, they are there, carrying out their duties and suffering the most appalling casualties in the most hazardous and harrowing conditions. Never more than now do they need our support. One of the best ways of supporting our troops is to join your local Branch of the RBL. Even in this harsh economic climate, when money is short, it only costs 14 per year to become a Member. An example of where your money goes is the new Personnel Recovery Centre located at Colchester (see opposite for details of August 3 visit). Regarding active involvement in the Branch, you can do as little or as much as you feel like. The important thing is to join. An application form to join the RBL can be obtained from our Branch Secretary: Mrs Chris Griffin, Rowney House Thaxted Road Debden CB11 3LW Tel: 01799 540587 Alternatively contact me (01371 831806). Roger Burgess, Chairman, Debden Branch RBL

2014 marks the centenary of the start of World War One


Between2.00and5.00p.m.(MinibusdepartsDebden12.00midday) SATURDAY3rdAUGUST2013COLCHESTER 10PLACESAVAILABLE CONTACT:CHRISGRIFFIN(01799540587)ORROGERBURGESS(01371831806)

Yi Hah! Barn Dance Saturday July 13

Plans are now finalised for this years Debden Barn Dance. It will be held on Saturday July 13 in the Green Barn at Broctons Farm, Rook End Lane. The licensed bar is open from 7pm and dancing starts around 7.30pm. Tickets at 12 include a hot dog or burger with a vegetarian option. Family tickets at 39 for two adults and 2 children under 16. As with last years highly successful barn dance, music will be provided by the Scampering Rogues. Caller, Mike, will show you just how easy it is. Tickets from the Village Shop. Proceeds to Debden Residents Fund for local good causes. So, dust off those stetsons and dig out those cowboy boots! THAXTEDFETE


11.00amEvent1BestPuppyEvent2BestTrickEvent3BestDog Event4BestBitch 12.30pmAgilityDisplay 13.00pmEvent5AgilityTestEvent6VeteranDogEvent7FancyDress Event8Obedience TrophiesandRosettesforeachEventplusBestinShowAward ComperedbyRogerBurgess,yourveryownDebdenRBLBranchChairman JOINUSFORAFUNDAY




A very productive year and membership up

The Annual General meeting of Debden History Recorders took place on 18th May with the Chairman, Elisabeth Blackie, giving a report on the work of the Group over the past year. Once again it had been a very productive time with a number of activities and projects. These included the Diamond Jubilee celebrations with a memorabilia exhibition, a Senior Residents Tea Party and the commissioning and distribution of 250 commemorative mugs to children under 11. There had been two talks as well as a social evening; the Group had been given a number of documents and other historic papers which had been scanned and digitally recorded and there were now approximately 400 photographs uploaded on to the Groups computer as well as hard copies in folders. Research and Voice recordings Several people had completed original research on a range of topics: Henry Blackie on facts relating to those individuals listed on the War Memorial tablets, Colin Magness on the Old Slaughterhouse in Debden Green and Elisabeth Blackie on places of worship in the village past and present. There were now oral recordings of three residents views of life in Debden before, during and after the last war. A special mention was made of the invaluable contribution made by Vic Gunn by scanning and digitising a very large number of documents for the Group. Membership Membership was up 15 per cent from last year. The Treasurer reported that the Group was still in the black but that the balance had gone down since last year. The next step would be to decide the future and to that end, members of the Group would be sent a questionnaire in the near future asking for views on what activities and events they would like to see. Exhibition of Records Members were able to see a range of the records collected which included copies of Parish Council Minutes form 1929 -1974, a 20 year diary of Mabel Lindsell, the Minutes of the Debden Womens Wednesday Social Club from 1934 -2002 and the collection of photographs. In addition there was also the opportunity to see the display on Places of Worship in Debden: past and present that had been exhibited during the Church Fayre last December. 34

Portrait of a Village brought to life

After the AGM of the Local History Recorders, over 40 people listened to a most comprehensive and entertaining account of village life by Elisabeth Blackie. We were reminded that in 1850 the population of Debden was just over 1000 but by 1901 it had fallen to 644; one reason for this could have been the trend towards smaller families. In 1851 just over 75% of the population living in Debden had been born in the village whereas in 1901 the percentage was down to 59. Occupations during the mid- nineteenth century were mainly in agriculture although the censuses give evidence of blacksmiths, boot makers, shopkeepers, tailors as well as publicans. Most farms belonged to Debden Hall Estate and the main crops were wheat, oats, barley and beans. Buildings changed for purpose and location. Some of the places Elisabeth mentioned included shops and post offices. In 1886, Samuel Purkiss opened his shop and Post Office in what is now Red Brick House in Deynes Road; in 1922 Mrs Rogers took over the shop and the Post Office was taken over by George Amos Rowlinson in what is now The Old Forge. In 1929 Mrs Peterson took over the Post Office at The White House and ran it until the early Eighties. In Debden Green the Post Office was run by Joseph Bunting. The Great Fire of Debden in 1907 resulted in the loss of several houses in the High Street, in an area from the Congregational Chapel to beyond the Plough. The school was built in 1852 with money donated by the Rev Henry Hodgson. Elisabeth gave examples of some of the reasons for absence; as was to be expected in a rural farming community many children were needed at home on occasions to help with work on the farm with one boy being required to help scare the birds from the cherry tree! Elisabeth touched on the various places of worship in Debden besides the Parish Church; these included the Brethrens meeting hall, the Congregational chapel and the Pentecostal Church. Debden had more pubs in that time than nowadays with five in total: The Fox (formerly known as The Cross), The White Hart, the Old Ship, The Plough and The Three Horseshoes in Debden Green. The publican of The Fox was also a thatcher and farmed several acres. The above is just a snapshot of the points made in Elisabeths talk which was illustrated with original photos. It was thoroughly appreciated by the audience who were given a wonderful portrait of our village between 1850 and 1950. Ursula Lyons


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Recently retired Maths teacher offering extra tuition for GCSE and A levels Contact: Lucy Chapman Sharon, Thaxted Road, Debden Tel:01799 543864 Hearing Help Uttlesford Problems with you NHS Hearing Aid?
Obtain FREE help and advice at:SAFFRON WALDEN at the Day Centre in Hill Street on the Last Saturday of each month from 9.45 til 11.30 am or at THAXTED at The Surgery, Margaret Street on the Last Thursday of each month from 10.00 am til Noon
For more information call 01799 599790 (9am 4pm) Regd. Charity No. 289280 38


2 Adjoining cottages in the village of Burnham Market one sleeping 6 and the other 4. To let separately or together. 2 miles from Holkham, 11/2 miles from coast, enclosed south-facing garden, off-street parking. Lovely beaches, golf courses, bird watching etc! Please ring Christine Rhodes on 07831 627678


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Bear with us during Almshouses restoration

As outlined at the village meeting, the Bathurst Charity, which owns and manages the four Almshouses (almost opposite The Plough), has been working with a firm of chartered surveyors to establish a scheme of works for routine maintenance and upgrade of the properties. We have appointed a local building firm, Pickfords of Dunmow, to carry out the works that are scheduled to start in early June and run for approximately five weeks, assuming that the weather is kind and there are no unforeseen problems. Work will include updating damp proof courses, re-pointing chimneys, replacement of doors and general tidying up and redecoration inside and out. External works will necessitate the use of scaffolding to gain access to the roof and chimneys, hopefully without encroaching on the footpath but there may be times when the footpath in front of the Almshouses is blocked. The works have also been scheduled over a longer period to reduce the number of men and trades on site at any one time to keep disruption to a minimum. We hope to use property number one, just vacated, as a site office. Therefore, we are asking the village to bear with us during this period. For example, in addition to occasional footpath blockages, there will be some dust arising from the works and there will be additional vehicles parked on the High Street from time to time. If anyone has a particular problem, either contact myself or Roger Forster who are overseeing the works on behalf of the Charity and we will see what can be done. As I also said at the village meeting, we are short of a couple of Trustees. Anyone who has some time to commit to the charity should contact me or our erstwhile chairman of Trustees, Charlie Murphy. Andrew Burchall


OFFER: wooden bird table; quantity of paving bricks; metal cold frame [01799 541308] OFFER: Golf clubs (various) and bags. XC skis. [01799 540480] OFFER: 18" petrol self-propelled mower - engine needs attention [01799-541863]. OFFER: drop-side cot, wood and mattress. [01279 850562] OFFER: Printer ink cartridge: Canon 40 Black (Pixma PG opened but unused. (01799-540529)
Email your FreeCycle notice to:

It is up to the person offering the item and the person receiving it to make all arrangements. The responsibility is entirely between them. The Pump has no responsibility, legal or otherwise, for the running of the scheme.

editors@the 40

Double podium for Tom

Red Bull Junior Tom Blomqvist celebrated a strong weekend at Hockenheim with a double podium. Tom, who lives with Andy and Jane Pearce in Debden when hes in the UK, was hopeful that the recent test at Vallelunga would help with the pace of the Eurointernational car. Race one Tom (right): It wasnt a bad week-end was under wet conditions - not were definitely moving forward unusual at the infamous Hockenheimring. Qualifying 4th meant a good start for the young Junior and whilst the rain proved too much for some of the other drivers, Tom kept his car on track and brought it home in 3rd place - his second podium of the season. A dry race two saw Tom start from the second row of the grid but a small mistake meant 2nd place was nabbed by Briton Josh Hill and Tom had to stay focused on holding on to P3 and secured another podium finish. For Race 3 Tom and the team took a chance on an amended set-up to try to correct inconsistent oversteer/understeer but the changes exaggerated the problem and Tom could only manage an 8th place finish. STOP PRESS: Tom climbed into the top six of the FIA Formula 3 European Championship driver standings at Brands Hatch Indy Circuit on May 18/19 with top six results in races one and two and a fifth place finish in race three.


So close!

Debden's last game of the season finished with a 2-1 win over Cambridge Ambassadors. Debden's first goal came from Chris Pearce who ran the whole pitch from outside his own 18-yard box to make it 1-0. Cambridge equalised shortly before half-time. Debden came out in the second half looking to repeat the previous time these two teams played which saw Debden win 8-1. Halfway through the second half Zak Rayner scored to seal the win for Debden. Despite an unbeaten run in 2013, Debden finished 4th in the league and missed out on promotion by just two points! Chris Pearce


Saturday 1st June 6070s Night with The Plough, 8pm Just the Two of us p7

Saturday 13th July

Debden Barn Dance

Broctons Farm, 7pm

p9 & 33

Saturday 20th July

Potato competition weigh-in Carver Barracks Open Weekend

The Plough 12 noon Carver Barracks


Saturday Jul 27 & Sunday Jul 28

Saturday 3rd August

Royal British Legion Minibus, Debden visit to Chavasse 12 noon VC House


The Parish Pump is printed by Copycats

"Providing Vocational Opportunities to

Adults with Learning Difficulties" For printing needs call Owen Bryant Call 01799 522145 to obtain a quote.
Thursdays: Mothers and Toddlers 1012 noon Memorial Hall 2nd Friday of each month: 2nd Friday Club for newcomers to the village to meet and greet 8pm onwards at The Plough If you planning to hold an event in the village in 2013/2014, please check against dates above to avoid clashes and give your dates (even provisional) to the editors who will post on the website calendar. 42

In response to readers requests for more information, here is a list of telephone numbers that may be useful. Please inform the editors if any are out of date or incorrect.


Essex Police 101 NEW non emergency (15p per call) Neighbourhood Police 07779 037084 Hospitals Addenbrookes, Cambridge ...... 01223 245151 Princess Alexandra, Harlow ...... 01279 444455 Doctors Newport.... 01799 540696 Thaxted .... 01371 830213 Saffron Walden: Borough Lane ......... 01799 524224 Gold Street.. ........... 01799 525325 Rectory Practice .01799 522327 TEDS (out of hours)....... 01371877410 Dentists (Saffron Walden) Church Street.. ....... 01799 528555 High Street.. ........ 01799 521357 Hill Street... ......... 01799 528209 London Road... 01799 523194 New Road........ 01799 521265 NHS Radwinter Road Hospital ... 0800 7833396 Churches St Mary the Virgin & All Saints Rev Hilary Davey ........... 01799 522616 Pentecostal Church Paul Baker 01440 710416 Debden Shop 01799 541348 Karen Roper (manager) 01799 541634 Footpaths Nicola McCahill 01799 541411 Village Hall Hire Tony Hudson . 01799 541577 pref. email;. Schools Debden Primary 01799 540302 Pre school .. 07845 101809 Newport Free Grammar.. 01799 540237 SW County High .. 01799 513030

Friends 01799 525351 Transport Train times .. 08457 484950 Ticket booking 0800 566566 Stansted Airport01279 680500 Noise Complaints.0800 243788 Village link buses 5 & 3...08457 000333 Debden Clubs Football (Eddie Minet). 07766 970296 Tennis (Roger Forster) ... 01799 541409 Table tennis (Jim Watson) 540721 Badminton (Richard Simmonds) 541084 Karen Howarth School of Dancing ........................................ 01279 651535 Building Services Watson and Woolner ...... 01799 541846 RA Gunn 07708 493432 Plumber G MacSwan 07877 193292 Plumber C Wolff.............. 01799 543679 Chimney Sweep (Jessica Hayes) 01799 540232 Neighbour Watch ..01376 556232 County Councillor Simon Walsh District Councillor Tina Knight .. 01799 540881 Parish Council Members Andrew Tetlow .01799 541502 (Chairman) Roger Forster .. 01799 541409 (Open Spaces) April Gardner 01799 542288 (Play Area and Parish Pump) Stephen Jasper ...01799 543141 (Localism Bill) Stephanie Watson 01799 540721 Stewart Luck . 01799 540866 Richard Simmonds .. 01799 541084
Debden Shop and Post Office opening hours, p20



2nd June : First Sunday after Trinity 10am Joint Holy Communion Guest preacher Revd Canon Philip Banks

9th June : Second Sunday after Trinity

9.30am Family Service 16th June : Third Sunday after Trinity

11am Holy Communion

Flower Festival 11am Songs of Praise Joint Service with guest preacher Rt Revd Derek Bond

23rd June : Fourth Sunday after Trinity

9.30am Matins 30 June : Fifth Sunday after Trinity


11am Holy Communion

10am Joint Holy Communion PRIEST-IN-CHARGE : Rev. Hilary Davey (01799) 522616 CHURCHWARDENS : Micka Brown (01799) 540395 Nina Manser (01799) 541863 PCC SECRETARY : Tony Vernon (01371) 830801 website :


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