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Ch#9 Section 3 The Peculiar Institution ========1======== American law in the early 1800s did notprotect enslaved families

At any time, a husband or wife could be sold to a different owner, or a slaveholders death could lead to the breakup of an enslaved family ========2======== Marriage between enslaved people was notrecognized by law. Their marriage ceremonies included the phrase until death or separation do us part. This recognized the possibility that their life together might end with the sal e of one spouse. ========3======== Enslaved people were not allowed to marry by law, but they created their own m arriage ceremonies. A vital feature of African American culture was to establish network of relati ves and friendsextended family that would raise the children if a father or mot her were sold ========4======== In 1808 Congress passed a law prohibiting new slaves from entering the country , but slavery was still legal. ========5======== Congress outlawing the slave trade in 1808 meant that no new slaves could enter the United States. By 1860, almost all the enslaved people in the South had been born there. ========6======== African Americans born in the United States didpractice African customs. They continued to enjoy African music and dance and passed traditional African folk stories to their children ========7======== Christianity became a religion of hope and resistance to enslaved African Amer icans. Their beliefs were expressed in spirituals, African- American folk songs that i s part of AA culture Spirituals provided a means of expression as well as secret communication bet ween slaves ========8======== Slave codes (laws) were written to control slaves and prevent slave rebellion. ========9========

Gabrial Prosser planned a rebellion to capture Richmond Virginia, and massacr e whites An informer gave the plot away and Prosser along with 35 others were convicted and executed ========10======== Nat Turnerled the Rebellion A popular religious leader among his fellow slaves who taught himself to read and write In 1831 Turner led a group of followers on a brief, violent rampage in Virgini a killing 55 white citizens He was hanged, but his rebellion frightened whites and led to more severe slav e codes ========11======== Between 1830 and 1860 slave codes became more severe slaves were prohibited from assembling in large groups and from leaving their ma sters property without a written pass It was also a crime to teach enslaved people to read or write because Southerners believed an illiterate slave was less likely to rebel ========12======== Armed rebellions were rare Most enslaved people resisted slavery by working sl owly or pretending to be ill Occasional resistance include setting fire to plantation building or break ing tools Resistance helped African Americans endure their lives by striking back at whi te masters ========13======== . most slaves who succeeded in running away escaped from the Upper South ========14======== Some enslaved African Americans tried to run away to the free states in the No rth. But, getting to the North was almost impossible, especially from the Deep Sout h Some fugitive slaves were captured and returned to the South. Runaways who we re returned to their masters faced harsh discipline. ========15======== The Underground Railroad A network of safe houses owned by free blacks and whites who opposed slavery ========16======== Harriet Tubman I was the conductor of the Underground Railroad for eight years, andI never ran my train off the track and never lost a passenger ========17========

The most widely known African American abolitionist. Frederick Douglass He escaped a life of slavery after teaching himself to read and write. Eventually he settled in the North and edited an antislavery newspaper the Nor th Star. He also gave powerful speeches insisting that African Americans not only recei ve their freedom but full equality with whites. ========18======== Even if an enslaved man or woman escaped to the free states in the North, they were not always safe there In some Northern communities, fugitive slaves were captured and returned to t he South ========19========

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