Conscious Breathing: Held First Wednesday of Each Month Via Skype

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JUNE 2013

This month brings a real sense of acknowledgement of the energiesboth old and newthat we are now engaging with; earth energies, cosmic en ergies, crystalline energies and our own personal energies. Add to this the natural cycles of our planet, our universe, the cosmos and our physical bodies and we have a scene set for deep transformation. Although we have closed the door on third di mensional reality, many old habits, patterns and thoughts are still very much in play because the mind, which is so used to being in control, has lit tle idea how to deal with anything associated with the fourth and fifth dimensions. This means that people may try to solve problems in the way they have done in the past, but they will find that there is no energy behind these old ways, there is no foundation or support for them to stand on, which may cause confusion and a sense of things being out of control or out of balance. In fact, what this really means is that the mind is out of its depth and cannot possibly bring resolution to the situa tion through logical or rational thinking. It means that it is time to let go of the old ways of doing things and allow new potentials to unfold be cause they are there, they are absolutely there, waiting for you to release your grip on the past, on what is familiar, and simply ride this wave of new energy and new potentials. Humans have long talked about releasing the past, especially those on the path of awakening, and after a while it just seems like more words, more hurdles to overcome, more mountains to climb, when will they ever reach the top? But it is different now. There are no hurdles or mountains unless you choose to create this illusion be cause the old energies simply cannot exist in a reality of love and compassion and understanding as expressed by the higher vibrational dimen sions. And these old energies want to come back into balance because energy always seeks resolu tion. So when you are faced with a challenging situa tion notice if your mind seeks an habitual solu tion, something that has worked to some extent
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Conscious Breathing
Held first Wednesday of each month via Skype.
78 pm * $15 per person * $13 for mailing list

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in the past. (Even though this often meant push ing something under the carpet as a way to keep the peace without ever fully resolving an issue.) You will probably find this solution wont hold, there will be nothing to support it. So take a few deep breaths and allow it to find a new balance, allow new potentials to come forward. In doing this you will allow healing to take place at a core level, old energies will be released and a greater level of freedom can be achieved. As you do this you will be able to feel into what I will simply call the energy of love and you will feel the excite ment and joy of creating in this way. I think this is because it is a more natural way for us to be, it is more in alignment with our true nature, our spiri tual self and the ease and grace of this has a feel ing of coming home. Though we will see this happening across the globe and in all areas of our lives, there will be a strong focus on family and community issues. In the January issue of this newsletter in our Numer ology report with Claire Barry she spoke of this year of 2013 being a 6 vibration which pertains to matters of marriage, family, home and love of humanity. This aligns with my message for this month because it is necessary for change to take place within each of us first, it is therefore the structures within our families and relationships that will be most impacted by this at present. In the coming months, any situation that arises is an opportunity to release the past and bring yourself into alignment with the higher vibra tional frequencies that are available to us now. Be aware that the mind will want to jump in and attempt to control things or force a specific out come. So step back for a moment, take a few deep breaths, feel into the situation and invite new potentials to come forward because they are there, they absolutely are there. blessings, Keryn Lee

Bring your Mind, Body & Spirit back into Balance with this unique form of Intuitive Healing
Shifts a great deal of energy and releases core issues very simply. Empowering, transformative and life-changing.
Offers Deep Healing Release of old habit patterns/fears Energy Balancing & Clearing Past Life Release Clearing old vows, oaths, spells etc Clearing Atlantean Overlays Integrating Soul Fragments Clearing Ancestral Biology Spiritual Guidance and more

Soul Inspired

Give yourself the Gift of Healing

Also available by Phone/Skype.

0408 857 620

At the end of June I will be teaching a two day intensive about selflove and soul reunion called Coming Home to Self.
I have been gathering ideas for this event for a few years, aware that I wanted to teach peo ple about selflove and soul reunion in a way that was sim ple, profound and effective, but also knowing that the time hadnt been quite right to do it. Well, the time has now come to breathe some life into this experience and I truly cant wait to share it with others. This workshop goes deep into releasing old wounds and unfulfilled love using methods that allow these changes to take place with ease and grace. You will have the opportunity to release your attachment to mass conscious ness and learn how to go beyond the mind which is a vital part of connecting with your soul. This negates the need for old tools like affirmations, visualisations, positive thinking and such things that we have been taught to use in the past. You will learn that these things are simply mind pursuits, they are games the mind plays to create the illusion of achieving what ever it is that you desire and they have little to do with the profound love that you can cre ate through the intimate con nection with your soul. Reuniting with your soul will change your life, it will change how you see life and it will align you with your passion and the true expression of who you are. I invite those of you who feel inspired to dive into this experience to contact me and book your place because, as you will learn in this workshop, your soul is waiting for you. Blessings, Keryn Lee

For more details see advert next page.

Weekly Conscious Breathing Classes

Join in this beautiful sacred space in which participants are supported throughout their path of awakening. The group environment supports the shifting of energy through the breath and offers simple tools that will enhance your experience of life. A very empowering selfawareness group suitable for begin ners or advanced.

Wednesday Evenings 7 8 pm and now also ONLINE monthly

Now held at Wynn Vale Phone or email me to book your place

0408 857 620

Dont miss this lifechanging TwoDay Intensive with Keryn Lee

In this transformational workshop you will: Gain greater understanding of what it takes to truly love yourself through the experience of reuniting with your soul Release old wounds and unfulfilled love Learn to better understand relationships, and your own dreams & desires Learn how to be in your joy and your passion Discover the sacred connection between you and your soul Discover how to go beyond the mind into the true expression of your soul Realise that you dont go Home, instead Home comes to you

Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd June

10am4.30pm * Held at Wynn Vale
Normally $345


($80 non refundable deposit.)

0408 857 620


Spotlight on Transformation
Part Four

Please welcome Douglas Edgar to this months Spotlight. Doug is a New Consciousness teacher and facilitator for Crimson Circle workshops in Adelaide. Those who attended the Mind, Body, Psychic Expo at the Adelaide Showgrounds may have met Doug helping out at my stall. He is a won derful teacher and a true standard for New Consciousness. (Please Note: The interview with Joep Claessens that was advertised for this month is will ap pear at a later date. Apologies for any incon venience.) * * * Doug, what has been one of your greatest or most noteworthy challenges been since you began working with New Energy? Abundance, allowing money to flow freely. What did you do to overcome this challenge and how did things change? It is really an attitude change, and realising that how I feel is reflected back to me exactly. So releasing old attitudes and beliefs toward money and self worth, and learning to feel and be abundant in every moment and to do so without trying, without effort or processing. Still a work in progress. How has this affected your life? I became quite focussed on lack, became des perate about money, until I at last looked at me, and allowed me to be more open and ex

pansive. I stopped trying to save money and now spend freely. What New Consciousness tool do you find most useful in your life and how do you use it? Conscious breathing is the grandest tool. Being fully aware as I breathe. I give myself quite a bit of time each day to consciously breathe, feeling the air around me, the energy around, and breathing into the me that I choose to be. And doing this with Self Love, honouring me. Many healers, psychics etc working with New Energy have noticed that how they used to access information/healing has changed. How has New Energy/New Consciousness af fected the work you do? AH HA. Realising that nobody really needs healing. Everybody is on their own unique journey, and to honour others for their jour ney without tying to interfere or impose my standards on them, has been a big change for me. I now to choose to inspire and empower those who seek to move beyond their own limitations. Is there anything else you would like to add? What inspires meA myriad of things inspire
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me. Internal realisation that life can be worth living, that I am the one that needs to change my world. The way animals just accept things just as they are, the perfume and colour of a flower and the beauty of a sunset or a storm, nature generally. People around me, the col our of their fingernails, a child playing freely. The odd word or phrase in a book or movie, successes and failures. And especially friends that I get to share with.

A Kiss from your Soul

For Self Love & Soul Integration
CD $12.95 Download $10
Conscious Breathing is a gift that you give yourself every time you take that slow, deep breath into your belly and connect with who you really are. This recording invites you deeper into you through the energies of the voice and mu sic, and it will give you the opportunity to reunite with your soul in a very sacred way.

Doug can be contacted on 0409674998

Next Month: Joep ClaessensNew Conscious ness teacher and facilitator for Crimson Circle workshops in the United States.

(Private Sessions) with Keryn Lee

These sessions help you shift energy, release anything that no longer serves you and empower you to heal and transform your own life. Learn how to consciously create more of what you DO want in your life.

If you continue to do the same thing every day, you will get the same results.

Make a change today.

Phone & Skype Sessions also available.

0408 857 620

Most people are aware of the term shit happens, yet maybe not so familiar with the fact that awakening happens too. You can try to fight it, you can try to ignore it, yet at some point, the call to awaken will resonate so deeply within you that you can do little but heed that call. And once you do, your life will never be the same. It starts with a seed of potential, a spark of recog nition, a deep inner knowingness that there is something beyond what we have been taught by our society, family, friends, schools etc. And so the journey begins. At first the search is focused outwards because this is where we have been taught to find an swers. We turn to books, spiritual teachers, an cient writings and so on. While this can be inter esting, it eventually leads to frustration because the answers are not to be found on a book shelf. Many people on a spiritual path become lost in the plethora of distractions offered by what we call the new age and they become lost in the men tal activity of trying to figure out how to achieve enlightenment. As I said, awakening happens. If you are reading this it is already in motion, and it is a natural un folding that cannot be forced, coerced, activated by aliens, received from another, or purchased at a local store. So, you may ask, if your awakening is already in motion, how can you come more into alignment with this? How can you make the journey easier? How can you find your way through the minefield of what to dos and what not to dos? Im glad you asked, and Id like to give you an ex

ample. In my own life, that seed of awakening began sprouting around thirty years agowell, looking back now the potential was there much earlier, I just wasnt really aware of itand I spent many years playing in the spiritual play ground. I was searching for the meaning to life but was, in effect, just chasing my tail. It wasnt until early 2001 when I met a guide/teacher who told me that I could go beyond. Beyond what? Beyond EVERYTHING I had ever learned including, and especially, what I had learned about spirituality. So where did that leave me? Well, let me put it this way. The ascended master Kuthumi Lal Singh tells a joke that he finds incredibly funny. He says On the way to ascension . . . I lost everything. Yeah, thats the joke. Most humans dont laugh, until they go through ascension, then the joke becomes incredibly funny. It means that you have to let go of everything that you think you are to find who you really are. A scary thought for most humans, but one of the most liberating and amaz ing things you will ever do. So now I teach others who are going through what we call awakening and ascension, I teach how to go beyond, and I teach from the wisdom
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and knowingness that comes from experiencing this journey. In the same way that I came across a teacher who inspired me to go beyond, I now offer this same gift to others. Though I teach many classes and workshops, there is one that I am truly passionate aboutthats the Master Class. It is an opportunity for you to have full support on your journey for eleven months. We meet for one monthly Saturday afternoon workshop which in cludes sharing of information, discussion, trans formational exercises, conscious breathing and so on to shift energy. What you learn in class you can practice in the following weeks and the next class will build on the previous ones. Each class evolves to accommodate the participants and their par ticular challenges. Students also have the option of contacting me with questions or to discuss any

of the work at any time during the eleven months. What this means is that participants are totally supported . . . but they learn to become empowered and selfsufficient. This class is offered at a very low cost so that any one can make the choice to participate. There is an interesting sayingapologies for not remem bering who said it that goes something like this:

If its important you will find a way to make it happen. It its not, you will find excuses.
How important is your soul journey at this time? How committed are you to yourself? Because if you are ready to go beyond . . . then this is the class for you. For those who are new to this spiritual journey, do not think that you are not experienced enough or knowledgeable enough for this class. It is a master class because it teaches selfmastery, and selfmastery is a choice. It is not about how much spiritual jargon you can sprout or how well you can meditate. As you will find out, we throw a lot of those old concepts out the window. This class is about simplicity. Its about using new consciousness tools in your daily life to bring about the changes you desire. Its about choosing to be a creator OF life, not a victim TO life. Its about discovering who you are beyond the hu man identity. If this awakens a spark of recognition in you, if it sounds exciting, then heed the call and contact me to book your place. (See advert next page.) blessings, Keryn Lee

On the way to ascension . . . I lost everything

Kuthumi Lal Singh

MASTER CLASS 2013 with Keryn Lee

This amazing class is a journey of AWAKENING to your highest potentials and CREATING the life you desire. It offers SIMPLE TOOLS for conscious living, selfawareness and selfEMPOWERMENT. It reminds you how to LOVE, trust and honour yourself as the DIVINE Being that you are. And it offers the opportunity for DEEP and profound DISCOVERY.

Dont miss this opportunity to receive Personal and Spiritual Guidance as well as Group Support for ELEVEN months!
You will learn how to: Release the past and let go of anything that no longer serves you Consciously create a more fulfilling life Discover a new level of abundance, creativity and passion Utilise energies of the new era & move into a new level of consciousness Connect with your Soul and your own inner wisdom Use New Consciousness tools for transformation be a creator OF life not a victim TO life and much more . . .

STARTS JULY 6th ONLY $49 per month ($98 non refundable deposit.)
Please note that when you book your place you are making a commitment for ELEVEN monthly classes.

0408 857 620

See website for more information.

~ with Mira ~
Channelled by Keryn Lee

I invite you to take a few deep breaths, go beyond the words and feel into the essence of Miras message as you also tune into your own wisdom and insights.
Mira was asked a question about selflove recently and as it is such a common question that I decided to share . . . Mira, how can I love myself more? This is an amusing question, dear ones, because you either love yourself or you do not. What you are really asking is, what specific things can you do to feel this love more in your every day life? And we would ask you to imagine a dark room, and inside this room is a black box, and in side this box is the brightest, whitest light you can imagine visible only where a few shards peek through tiny cracks in the box. The light is you and the box is your human reality. So the question becomes, how much of the love that you have within you are you ready to bring into your life, how much of this love are you ready to allow to shine and radiate from within you? You see, it is already there. You already ARE love. You cannot really be more love because you simply are it already. However, you can allow yourself to bring this more into your life. Of course, being in your joy is one way to express this love. Sharing your skills and gifts with others, and being very present with yourself. As these things expand more in your life it will bring you to a greater place of love. The quiet moments when

you sit and acknowledge who you are, when you breathe deep into your belly and feel into your divinity. All of these things are the moments when you allow the light to shine even brighter, when you acknowledge it and feel it. But understand that even in those moments when you do not see it, it is still there. It is always there. It is why there is an element of love in every experience, because there is no way there could not be love in every experience, because every human being IS love. Many have just shut themselves off, hidden beneath the baggage that they carry, the density within which they live, the limitations of the human mind. So simply reaffirm from time to time that you are love. The understanding that you are love all the time anyway, brings a deeper perspective, a deeper level of understanding. It allows you to have those moments of recognition, instead of seeking to find more love which sets up a game, a challenge that you must overcome, something that you must find, it begins a journey of striving to achieve something. You do not need to achieve something that you already are. You simply allow it. As always, it is my deepest honour to be of service to you . . . Namaste.

The New Consciousness Book of Ascension

This book cuts through the hype and of fers a New Consciousness approach to ascension, because the path taken by past Ascended Masters has changed and we need new teachings to take us be yond the old paradigms. You will learn simple tools that can bring about profound transformation, and you will discover the simplicity of ascension and what holds people back throughout their journey.

Conscious Breathing June 5th and July 3rd

Coming Home to Self 22nd & 23rd June Master Class 2013 Starts July 6th Reach for the Stars August 4th

Mind Body Psychic Expo June 1st and 2nd Burnside Psychic Expo July 14th

ONLY $14.95
Purchase online or contact Keryn

For more information contact Keryn on

0408 857 620

* * *

or visit her websites.

Divine Creators

For articles, workshops, free audio and video, healing, private sessions and more

Soul Inspired Healing

For healing and guidance

Breathing with your Soul

Take a slow, gentle breath and let air flow deep down into your belly allow your awareness to follow each breath in and each breath out Every breath is sacred - a kiss from your Soul Every breath reaffirms your choice to live, to be in physical form Breathe Inhale the love of your soul all the way down to your belly then breath love back your soul Feel this sacred rhythm, this dance of life you breathing with you Breathe
Weekly Conscious Breathing Classes available
12 or 0408 857 620

The Ins and Outs of Conscious Breathing

by Keryn Lee is available as a

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Thanks for joining me ~ Namaste ~


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