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FCON Sheep Group Last Refuge: How Destitution Leads to Violent Gangs 1

Sect. 1

Narration FADE IN The meaning of the term gang is interesting because once upon a time, in my lifetime, the word gang had different meaning than it does today (Hanna 0:00 0:30) They grow in the cracks of society, in the torn fabric of our communities. (Howell 7:30) Now it means people who are together for purposes that are typically not legal, troublemaking and so forth. (Hanna 0:00-0:30) Immigrants have formed gangs that participate in acts of violence and crime in the 1850s in New York with the Dead Rabbits and continuing to the present with MS-13; violent gangs could be minimized if the government provided more economic and social support to immigrants.


Music Slow, dramatic music


Title fades in 2 The earliest gangs in the United States were white - they were Anglos. (Howell 6:30-6:45) Irish immigrants in New York Citys Fifth and Sixth wards, developed some of the earliest gangs in America. One of the largest and most violent is known as the Dead Rabbits. Gang author E.J. English explains that it comes from the Irish word, raibead, which sounds like rabbit and means "man to be feared." "Dead" is a slang word from the 1800's, meaning "very. Therefore, a Dead Rabbit is a man to be very feared. And with the early influx of large numbers of Europeans into the U.S., this overwhelmed New York City and other east coast cities, and gangs emerged out of that environment. (Howell 06:45-07:15) In the era of the Dead Rabbits, Irish immigrants new to the United States Irish need not apply New York Footage (Statue of Liberty) 1848 Map of New York City Wards 6/1848_Mitchell_Map_of_New_York_C ity_-_Geographicus_-_NewYorkCity-mitchell1848.jpg 5 points oryFirstHand/images/1827PNTL.gif Child Laborer oryTextbook/IndustrialRevolution/Images/sweeperand-doffer.jpg Something piano-y very soft and upbeat to keep up the pace in the background

FCON Sheep Group Last Refuge: How Destitution Leads to Violent Gangs 2
struggled to find work. They had trouble assimilating because often times they were rejected by other New Yorkers. Their foreign accents made it hard for them to communicate with others. Signs advised Irish that they need not apply. Poverty and despair turned their wards into the most run-down in the city. Forming street gangs gave them a renewed sense of belonging and provided them with financial opportunities they could not otherwise find. The Dead Rabbits helped Irish immigrants get job offers. These werent people who typically went around murdering people, but they might shake people down which is to say, uh, you know, if you want- if you dont want the window of your grocery store broken, youd better give us 10 dollars. (Hanna 1:001:30) The Dead Rabbits gang was known for causing disarray in communities. Crime committed by the Dead Rabbits could be eit her violent, like the many assaults linked to their name, or nonviolent transgressions like thievery and political corruption. There were gangs there and they, uh, might steal things or in other ways act inappropriately. I dont think that they were quite that violent as we can see today with MS-13 and other such gangs. But, uh, they were around especially in the big cities, especially in New York City (Hanna 2:00) Their most common infractions involved riots and street fighting. Street riots were especially typical around elections. One of the most violent riots was the Dead Rabbits Riot which took place in July of 1857. The New York Daily Tribune describes that the riot lasted for multiple days and sent the city into turmoil. 3 Over time, gangs have evolved from street corner crews to become organized criminal networks that orchestrate crimes of a larger scale. Today, typical gangs focus on an illegal trade, and use illegal methods to secure their profits. One of these modern gangs was created after a violent civil war broke out in El Salvador in the 1980s, sending hordes of refugees to the United States. One of the largest populations of these immigrants was centered around Los Angeles, California, where established Mexican gangs preyed on them. To protect themselves, some Salvadorans formed maras or posses of salvatruchas, meaning street -smart a.tif Child Laborers Child Laborers 2 Poor Family 01/Mrs._Guadina%2C_living_in_a_dirty%2C_pove rty_stricken_home._On_the_trunk_is_the_work_of _4_days._She_was_struggling_along..._-_NARA__523517.jpg Interviewees Photographs of the newspapers that documented the event. Interviewee 3 Newspaper articles Riot 05/Dead_rabbits_barricade_new_york.jpg Dead Rabbits vs. Bowery Boys ( s/10000/07797.gif) Mara Salvatrucha Graffiti atrucha_Graffiti.jpg El Salvador 1f4c25fc798c06bf78d_1M.png a little less upbeat/ sadder music more strings (violin)

FCON Sheep Group Last Refuge: How Destitution Leads to Violent Gangs 3
Salvadorans. Hence was born the now infamous gang, called the Mara Salvatruchas, nicknamed MS-13. I think the answer to that is partly searching for family - you have to realize when people come from another country, almost every other country there is more family and more extended family and more neighbors with whom you interact. So you have an enormous support network, so whenever someone comes to the United States, that is shattered. (Hanna 7:00) In the modern era, many immigrants share similar struggles. Newcomers from Latin American countries in particular often times struggle to make ends meet off of meager salaries, all while trying to learn a new language, and integrate into a new society. While immigrants face numerous problems, there are a few assimilation programs that try and reach out to those in need. For example, Casa de Maryland is a well-known community organization founded in 1985, in response to human needs of Central American refugees living in the D.C. area. Another organization, the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) was created to aid Hispanic-Americans in terms of their economic conditions, their education, and their health and civil rights in the United States. However, there is more that needs to be done. Hispanic Family a/Family_eating_meal.jpg

School footage Mexican Flag _of_Mexico_1917.png El Salvador Flag 12/sv.gif Honduras Flag 4/Honduras_flag_300.png Guatemala Flag 8e/Guatemala_flag_300.png Casa de Maryland Logo f9c1e567-1a07-fd48-1138-4d9317ab1a9cbanner.jpg Casa de Maryland Reform Poster images/BUTTONS/Front_Page_Button.png Casa de Maryland Volunteering ademaryland/ donate-photo.jpg LULAC Logo mage.jpg LULAC Volunteers Reform Protest LULAC Chairman and President Obama

FCON Sheep Group Last Refuge: How Destitution Leads to Violent Gangs 4

Its a matter of a teenager and then a couple of adults in the family, then the adults may be working to try and make a living for the family, so there is a lot of free time on the part of young people. (Hanna 7:30) They are very active in criminal activity. Gangs recruit kids who are already involved in delinquency for the most part. (Howell 1:30-2:00) The FBI reports that the gang has now expanded to have a presence in almost every state, with thousands of members nationwide. They are no longer just Salvadorans, but also Guatemalans, Hondurans, Mexicans and other Latino immigrants. The aggressive nature of MS-13 usually involves heinous acts, including murder, assault, rape, and beheadings. Newspapers across the country report the gangs tendency of using these savage acts against rival gangs, law enforcement, police informants, and anyone else who appears to be a hindrance to their exploits. 4 The response to gangs has improved drastically over time. In the Dead Rabbits era, New York City was burdened with two ineffective police forces, the Municipal Police and the Metropolitan Police. As Herbert Asbury describes in his book, The Gangs of New York, both departments struggled to take each others cases, and sometimes even took to fighting in the streets. Not only that, but they were often bribed into ignoring gang activity, by either the gangs themselves, or corrupt politicians. Disorder increased between the two competing forces, causing crime in the city to soar. Even law enforcement was not able to penetrate them for awhile. So, thats a similar

News articles nvicts_all_2013_03_29_q.html 409985/hyattsville-woman-charged-with-stabbingat-wheaton-park&template=gazette Screenshot of an Article from the Washington Post about MS-13 and Rape html

Municipal Police Car b6/Merida_Municipal_Police.jpg Metropolitan Police Badge Police riot oliceRiot.jpg Policeman, in new york city

upbeat again, keep pace, and a combination of strings and piano

FCON Sheep Group Last Refuge: How Destitution Leads to Violent Gangs 5
pattern but, uh thats a limited comparity sort of situation to the early streets of New York. But for the most part now the gangs are much more dispersed than they were in the early days. (Howell 4:30) Today, anti-gang law enforcement has become much more organized. National agencies such as the FBI, DEA, ATF, and ICE have paired with local police forces to respond rapidly to gang activity. The FBI has established the National Gang Task Force, which specifically focuses on issues related to MS-13. The FBI has also worked with Central American law enforcement to offer a more coordinated response. However, the FBI and other agencies report that MS-13 has still managed to secure a presence in over 42 states. Policeman uniforms form_NY_1854.jpg Hoover Building n_DC_FBI_J._Edgar_Hoover_Building_Brunswyk _(2012)._Edgar_Hoover_Building_Brunswyk_(201 2)_retouched.jpg FBI Seal isealbig.png DEA Seal 81/US._Dept_of_Justice_DEA.png ICE Seal uct/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d2713 6e95/u/s/us-immigration-and-customs-enforcementseal-plaque.png ATF Seal Map or chart that shows the presence of MS-13 in the US <- we can make our own if we find the statistics FBI e/FBI_Badge_%26_gun.jpg New York Footage (Waving American Flag)

FCON Sheep Group Last Refuge: How Destitution Leads to Violent Gangs 6
5 There are serious problems that are alluded to in the family, the school, and in the community that allow the gangs to thrive. So, Its not going to be realistic to expect dramatic changes in the short term. Its going to be a long term effort to change those conditions. (Howell 11:00-11:30) If I could wave a wand and have things happen that I want then I would have after school programs. I would have weekend programs. I would have parent liaisons and I would have tutors that would help the kids who are having trouble. (Hanna 13:30) You know, people join gangs because they want to be with their homies , but when you're on a team, your teammates are your homies (Seidman) Captions appear at the bottom of the screen Well, the most effective approach is to have multiple strategies- prevention, intervention and suppression. The idea in this comprehensive strategy is to reduce the number of youth that are joining gangs with prevention programs, and to use intervention programs to get youth out of gangs, that are currently involved, and suppression focused on the more violent gangs and gang members. So you need a three-prong strategy. (Howell 5:00-5:30) To solve our nations gang problem, we should expand extracurricul ar programs for our youth, improve immigrant assimilation programs, and continue to synchronize the law enforcement efforts. By doing so, an environment where people are not as easily susceptible to joining gangs will be created. While this will thwart the growth of gangs, it will not affect active gangs. For this to happen, law enforcement must be strengthened. By improving interagency coordination within our government and collaboration across borders, gang violence will no longer be such a paramount issue in the United States. Interviewees Chart from Violence of Gangs Website ( similar to music from introduction


Basketball footage Football / Combination of Immigrant Assimilation Programs (Casa, Linkages, etc.) Police Car 5/ American Flag Waving

Hopeful music, a bit more upbeat, piano or strings (Since it is a conclusion and we want to show how things can change.)

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