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The GOOD NEWS Of Canaan

A Monthly Publication of the Canaan Baptist Church

The Next Level Continues

Proverbs 11:30 - II Corinthians 9:6-15 - I Corinthians 15:58

JUNE 2013

Growing In Christ

Inside this issue:

A Word From The Pastor Ministry Spotlight Order of Worship Sunday School Lessons 1


race and peace unto you!

As Christians, there can be moments of weakness, frustration, and suffering in our lives. Our struggle tends to bring forth a grinding halt in our growth in Christ. Solutions become few to a point where we are no longer engaged in the Word of God. When lives are impacted as such, we must realize God can bring goodness and glory in any situation as long as we grow in Him. First, we must know how God's Word came to us using these three ways - Revelation (Deuteronomy 29:29); Inspiration (Isaiah 59:21) and Illumination (Proverbs 6:23). Understanding God's Word gives us the confidence in growing a closer relationship. In addition, knowing what the Word of God can do. Its designation to Convict, Cleanse, Confirm and Equip us, brings forth a trust and faith in Christ that mimics a child when cared for. Knowing this concept instills a dependency on God and not self. Finally, desire God's Word by reading His Word out loud (Nehemiah 8:1-8), meditate upon His Word day and night for success in life, and obey God's Word because we love Him. 1Peter 2:2 (KJV) - As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby. Remember as we grow in God's grace, we increase in our faith. Stay strong! Dr. Christopher Alan Bullock, Senior Pastor
But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
~2 Peter 3:18

Test Your Bible 5 Knowledge U p co m in g 6 Events Ministry Listing Get Connected

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The GOOD NEWS of Canaan

Publisher Canaan Baptist Church Editor-in-Chief Dr. Christopher Alan Bullock Editor Michelle White Staff Deirdre Crew Rodney Davis Alan Hicks Alveretta Mobley Pat Risher Rutha Williams

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Welcome and Greetings

Thank you for worshipping with us at Canaan Baptist church. The corporate life of this congregation is the true witness of the vitality of our faith. While the high point of our Christian service is to be found in the experience of Sunday worship, what we do from Monday to Saturday, speaks volumes about Canaans commitment and dedication to Christ and our community. Canaan is a family where all of us are saved sinners hammering out our salvation under the auspices of Gods amazing grace. We are structured, but not so structured as to prevent the powerful work of the Holy Spirit to impact the life of our in-reach and outreach ministries. We are organized, but not so organized to prevent the organism, which is the Church, from bearing full life. We Welcome You! Dr. Christopher Alan Bullock and First Lady Dr. Debbie Bullock and the Canaan Baptist Family

Canaans Mission Statement An urban Baptist Church which serves as a vanguard of liberation, faith and empowerment through our Christian witness. Canaans mission is to do ministry for the Master through the five-fold ministries of Discipleship, Fellowship, Service, Worship and Evangelism. Acts 2:42-47 Canaans Core Values Congregational Intimacy (1 Corinthians 13:13)
Salvation For The Lost (St. John 3:16) Applied Christianity (James 2:14-20) Impact the Human Condition (St. Luke 4:18-19)
The Good News of Canaan is a monthly publication created to inform and encourage Canaan friends and family. Material must be submitted before the 15th of the month preceding each issue.

Canaan Baptist Church Mens Weekend

Friday June 14 - Sunday June 16, 2013

Schedule of Events
Friday June 14th @ 7:00 p.m.
Male Focus Worship Service Speakers: Ministers of Canaan Baptist Church

Saturday June 15th @ 9:00 a.m.

Action on the Avenue

Sunday June 16 @ 8 & 11 a.m.

Mens Day Worship Service Celebrations

Rev. Dr. Christopher A. Bullock, Pastor

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Ministry Spotlight

The Importance of Positive Male Role Models

Studies have shown that involvement of a father or a positive male role model in the lives of children has profound effects on them. Father-child interaction promotes a childs physical well-being, perceptual ability and competency for relating with others. These children also demonstrate greater ability to take initiative and evidence self-control. Many boys today do not know what it means to be a man because they dont have a man in their lives. Many children will go to bed tonight without saying goodnight to their father because he just isnt there. How can you make a positive difference for these children? If you are a mother you can encourage the involvement of positive male role models in the life of your child. If you are a non-custodial dad you can make the effort to visit with your child more often and be intentional about teaching them important life lessons. If you are an educator you can encourage fathers to take on a more active role in the classroom. If you are a positive male role model you can involve yourself in the lives of children in your community who can benefit from your influence. If you are a faith-based institution you can provide programs that bring fathers together with their children and also encourage male role models to be involved with children in their sphere of influence. If you are a leader in your business encourage your employees to be involved in community efforts such as mentoring, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Big Brothers-Big Sisters, youth groups, Boys Club or Girls Inc. Every child needs someone who is absolutely crazy about them. It is up to us to make sure they have that person.

One of the main missions of Canaan Baptist Church has been and will always be to impact the human condition. This fact was made ever so clear a few Sundays past, when a young man returned to the church after having been led astray. In a powerful display of support all members in attendance that are a part of the Mens Ministry at Canaan stood so that the young man knew who it was that he could turn to and from where his help might come. One of the main goals of the Mens Ministry, is to promote fellowship and spiritual growth among the men at Canaan Baptist Church. As it is said in Psalms 133: 1, behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. The Mens Ministry at Canaan has in all its efforts made it quite clear what it is to be a God fearing, honest, and true man. The book of Titus in its second chapter talks about teaching sound doctrine, and it says: That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience. This verse in Titus provides the perfect summary of the men who are a part of the Mens Ministry at Canaan. Through breakfasts held quarterly, this ministry joins together to proclaim the word of God and are built up through various education sessions. In the future this ministry seeks to witness beyond the four walls of Canaan to the community at large. And, also looks to provide a strong example for the young men at Canaan by involving themselves more in the Rights of Passage Ministry. So, let us as a church, continue to up lift the Mens Ministry; celebrating this ministry not only on their selected weekend (June 14-16) but also throughout the entire month. It is the Men of the Mens Ministry who provide a good example of what it is to be an honest and truly God fearing man.

Happy Fathers Day

SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT SCHEDULE Worship Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 a.m. & 11 a.m. Sunday Church School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30 a.m. Noon Prayer Wednesdays - (WOW) Worship On Wednesdays Fellowship Hour Meal 5-6 p.m. Bible Study - 6 p.m.

*Celebration of Holy Communion - Every 1st Sunday (Both Services)

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Order of Worship
Prelude ............... Dr. Arvis Strickling-Jones, Minister of Music Worship and Praise .....Psalm 150.... Music Ministry Pastoral Greetings . Pastor Bullock Moment of Fellowship I Will Bless the Lord Welcome of Guests .. Communication Ministry Ministry in Music ... Choir

Giving of His Tithes and Our Offerings

Minister: We are a tithing Church because the Word of God teaches tithing, our experience gives witness to tithing, our obedience to God requires tithing. People: Then let us bring our tithes and offerings to the Lord as He has prospered us for the tenth shall be Holy unto the Lord. Congregational Prayer ............. Pastor and People Ministry in Music ........................ Choir

A Word from The Word

Rev. Dr. Christopher Alan Bullock, Pastor Invitation to New Life ...... Pastor Bullock *Holy Communion ...... Pastor and People Benediction Heal the Land - II Chronicles 7:14
* First Sundays

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Weekly Sunday School Focus

Gods People Worship
Studies in Isaiah, Ezra and Nehemiah

Join us each Sunday at 9:30am for empowering Sunday school lessons

Holy, Holy, Holy

Lesson 1
Key Verse: Isaiah's Vision Isaiah's Response Touched by a Seraph

Give Thanks
June 2
Isaiah 6:3 Isaiah 6:1-3 Isaiah 6:4-5 Isaiah 6:6-8

Lesson 2
Key Verse: Songs of Praise Among the Nations Sing to the Lord

June 9
Isaiah 12:4 Isaiah 12:1-2 Isaiah 12:3-4 Isaiah 12:5-6

Meaningless Worship
Lesson 3
Key Verse: Shock and Awe Draw Near to God The Potter and the Clay

The Glorious New Creation

Lesson 4
Key Verse: New Heaven and a New Earth A Fruitful City The Wolf and the Lamb

June 16
Isaiah 29:13 Isaiah 29:9-12 Isaiah 29:13-14 Isaiah 29:15-16

June 23
Isaiah 65:17-18 Isaiah 65:17-18 Isaiah 65:19-21 Isaiah 65:23-25

Joyful Worship Restored

Lesson 5
Key Verse Rebuilding the Altar for Worship Worship thru Renewed Sacrifices

June 30
Ezra 3:4 Ezra 3:1-3 Ezra 3:4-7

1. What was placed in the Ark of the Covenant along with the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that budded?
2. On the day of Pentecost, how many heard Peter preach the Gospel and who responded by being

straightway baptized into Christ?

A 7000 B 3000 C 2300 D 700

3. What was it that Jacob had to do in order to marry Rachel? 4. What was Josephs age when his brothers sold him to the Ishmeelites? 5. Which timber and sealant was used to construct the Ark of Noah? 6. James warns his brethren, above all, against doing what?
A Sexual Immorality B Swearing Oaths C Murder D Judging E Worshipping Idols

- Answers will be published in the July Newsletter -

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"YOU ARE SPECIAL" taken from Isaiah 54:10 NIV - "Chinese missionary John Bentley distributed a book written by Max Lucado, entitled You Are Special, to children who lived in a Chinese orphanage. In that country male children are favored over female ones. Healthy babies outrank impaired ones. Indeed, children who cannot speak or hear stand little chance of a healthy, productive life. Every message of history and culture tells them, "You don't matter." The story in Lucado's book describes Punchinello, a wooden person in a village of wooden people. The villagers had the practice of sticking stars on achievers and dots on strugglers. Punchinello had so many dots that the people gave him dots for no reason at all. But when he met Eli, his maker, Eli affirmed him, telling him to disregard the opinions of others. "I made you," he explained, "and I don't make mistakes." Punchinello had never heard such words. When he did, his dots began to drop off. And when the children in the orphanage heard such words, their worlds began to change. John Bentley describes reading the story to these children and the incredible effect it had on each as they sat, glued to every word. "When the idea came through in the reading that they were special, simply because they were made by God, our loving creator every one started crying--including their teachers!" Today- open your Bible, get God's opinion of you and build your life on it; it's the only opinion that counts!! "Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken...says the Lord."

Upcoming Church Events

Save The Date

3 month view
June 9 June 15-16 July 21 July 20-21 July 27-28 August 10 August 11 August 11 August 16 August 18 August 25

Charles L. Kirksey Prison Ministry Day Mens Day Weekend Christian Education Day Family, Friends and Fellowship Weekend Youth Day Weekend CBC Family & Friends Cookout Singles Ministry Day (AM service) Celebration Day of Recovery (PM Service) Purnell Seniors Ministry Gala Purnell Seniors Ministry Day Back-to-School Sunday

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Canaan Ministries
~ Lets All Get Involved in A Ministry ~
Administrative Office Ministry . Rutha M. Williams Benevolence/Social Services . Deac. Dwight Holden Building Committee Phase II ... Deac. Earl Green Canaan Business Network Ministry Rev. Norman Miller Canaan College Connection ..... Dr. Kim Allen Canaan For Life Ministry .. Sheila Walton-Moore Capital Campaign Ministry . Deac. Keith Benn Christian Education Ministry .. Rev. Sheila Winfrey-Brown Church Clerk Ministry .... Church Staff Communications/Special Events .... Admin. Staff Computer/Info Technology Ministry ... Rev. M. James Crystal Gemstones Ministry .. Rev. Sandra Johnson Deacons Ministry . Deac. Henry Carroll Digital Video Ministry ..... Rev. Michael James Emma Bordley Hospitality Ministry . Emma (Peggy) Smith Environmental Ministry . Eve-Lynn Butts Evangelism Ministry .... Rev. John Bailey Flower Ministry .... Jane Baylor Girl Scouts Ministry .. Linda Broadway Gods Voices (Sign Language) Dianna Adams-Williams Health Ministry ..... Betty Mitchell Historian Ministry .. Admin. Staff HIV-AIDS Ministry .... Shirley Mallory Lessons in Life Ministry ....... Deac. Bernard Pepukayi Membership Ministry .. Maureen Johnson Mens Ministry Jeffrey Allen Regena Manley Missionary Ministry ... Cheryl Murphy Missions By Objectives Ministry .. Glenda Brewington Arindia Stallings Mothers Board Ministry .... Mother Dorothy Boyd Music & Sacred Arts Ministry Dr. Arvis Strickling-Jones Pastoral Care/Bereavement Ministry. Rev. Paul Wilson Pastoral Support Ministry .. Wilson Williams P.E.A.R.L. Ministry .. Elaine Smith Philippian Ministry Deac. Patricia Reed Praise Dance Ministry . Mitzi Burnett Prayer Ministry Rev. Paulette Brown C. L. Kirksey Prison Ministry .. Nancy Pearsall Rights of Passage Ministry .. Ty Knight Ernest & Yolanda Purnell Senior Ministry .. Zella Polk Senior Usher Ministry . Sandy Lacefield Security Ministry ... Elder Hatchett Singles Ministry ... Margaret Boins Sisters of Canaan Ministry .... Rev. Vickie Gaines Substance Abuse Ministry Rev. Robert Daniels Earl H. Gardner Transportation Ministry ..... Montgomery A. Byrd Trustee Ministry .. James Mike Stallings Ushers Ministry ...... Sandra Lacefield Youth Ministry Chosen Generation ... Dr. Debbie Bullock Youth Usher Ministry .. Diana Adams-Williams Thomas L. Risher Veterans Ministry James Johnson


3011 New Castle Avenue - New Castle, DE 19720 - 302-654-8818 Office Hours: 9 a.m. 4 p.m. (Offices Closed on Saturdays and Sundays) Fax: 302-654-8819 Website: - email:

Get Connected
All requests for announcements to be displayed on the sanctuary screens and outer sanctuary monitors must be submitted using the approved form for approval by the Wednesday prior. All announcements requested to be placed in the monthly newsletter must be submitted for approval by the 15th of the previous month. Please call the church for further information.

Any individuals that are interested in beautifying our sanctuary by placing flowers in the church should contact the church office.


who would like a visitation? Leave a message with the Church Office654-8818.


The Emma Boardley Hospitality Ministry will host a homemade dinner event on Friday June 14, 2013. This event will be held at Ebenezer Baptist Church 22nd & Claymont St., Wilm., DE starting at 11am. Free delivery is available for 3 or more orders. Proceeds from the event will help towards our Capital Campaign goals. For additional information, please contact the church office.

may be the right opportunity for you! Make your contribution today ONLINE with FlowPay at and click on the Donate link. This is a great way to help your church. Try it today!!

The Regena Manley Missionary Ministry gives a big Thank You to all who helped to make our shoe drive with Shoes-2-Share a blessed success. Through your generosity, Canaan was able to donate 560 pairs of new and/or gently worn shoes to our brothers and sisters in Haiti and other international countries.


On Tuesday, June 4th, the Colonial School District will hold its first operating referendum in 20 years. Any resident over the age of 18 is eligible to vote, and unlike general elections, you do not have to be a registered voter, nor do rules regarding criminal backgrounds apply. Voters need only to show proof of residency. 59 teachers and some 20 other employees stand to lose their jobs, which will impact classroom sizes, programs and activities. The Colonial School District services primarily low income and/or children of color. For more information go to Please exercise your right to vote between the hours of 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

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