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North Suburban Republican Forum

June, 2013
We'll meet on Saturday, June 8th from 9:00-10:30 am at a new location, the Grill at Legacy Ridge Golf Course. It's located at 10801 Legacy Ridge Parkway in Westminster. See the map on the next page to see exactly where its situated. This month, well be discussing what happening locally in Adams County politics and there sure is a lot to talk about. Admission is only $7 per person. The doors open at 8:30am so come join us and bring a friend or two for a good time with like-minded people. A continental breakfast with pastries, fruit, coffee, orange juice, and water is included.

NSRF upcoming calendar in 2012: July 13 Unite the Right with Andy and Cori Peth August 10 RTD and FasTraks update for the North Metro Line September 14 Local candidates running for Board of Education and City Council October 12 City Council members updating us on their local issues November 9 Possible candidates for Governor or U.S. Senate December 14 End of year review and discussion of 2014 legislative session

If you have a smart phone, use a bar code app for the QR code on the left, it will take you to our web site,
This newsletter has a conservative Republican viewpoint. It may or may not reflect the views of the NSRF Board of Directors. It is intended for the thoughtful consideration of our members to inform and educate, and as potential discussion starters.

Table of Contents:
If you havent checked out our web site, these are the latest articles that have been posted June calendar

Im beginning to wonder. Denver Post Editorial: Free speech in Adams County? Western Conservative Summit 2013 Reagan Club of Colorado June 6th meeting How to get involved in local politics How to get involved with the Republican Party Adams County voter information Elected officials NSRF Board of Directors NSRF $20 yearly membership application

If you havent checked out our web site (, these are the latest articles that have been posted:
Adams County assessor gets plea deal in official misconduct case Free speech in Adams County? Adams County limits where and when the public can speak or protest Adams County assessor Gil Reyes may get plea deal instead of trial Adams County to impose Free Speech Zone after citizens protest The History of Memorial Day Memorial Day 2013 Wisdom on Memorial Day Hickenloopers Dunlap Decision Proven Unpopular Gag Rule: Hick embrace of Dunlap sents Democrats underground Strassel: Conservatives became targets in 2008 Justice Denied 2013 Commerce City Memorial Day parade details Breaking: Nationwide Tea Party protests set for Tuesday at IRS Offices 2

Scott Gessler evaluating run for Colorado governor in 2014 Setting the record straight Update on AdCo Commissioner Erik Hansen Does Benghazi really matter County Commissioner Erik Hansen update Colorado 3rd-grade reading scores remain stagnant, test results show Denver mayor asks Adams County to stop focusing on short-term issues Rep. Kevin Priola End-0f-Session Wrap-up

Im beginning to wonder.
With the developments in Washington over the past month, the Obama Juggernaut has suddenly begun to wobble a great deal. Not only is he losing momentum, but he is also losing credibility as a leader. Many already see the President Obama is an empty suit as a leader for quite some time. While hes a great talker (who creates and destroys straw

men with style and humor a technique he uses to bolster the illusion that he is insightful and courageous) many believe that his competence ends there... If you look at Obamas ideas, programs and actions, the natural conclusion is that hes marching to a set of goals that may come from rigid ideologues. These goals seem to be bent on discrediting American traditions and values in hopes of replacing them with a better set of traditions and values. . . Hope and Change. Fair and Balanced Compromise. Creating a Better America. Slogans that are used as cover for the dream if installing socialized and centralized governance. Obamas idea of transformation is to change a system that works into a system that has never worked. His bogus ideal is a clumsy version of socialism/communism/Marxism. This is a game plan that has failed everywhere and every time it has been tried. At the cost of millions of lives (most of which werent combat deaths, but citizen deaths at the hands of tyrants). So, Im beginning to wonder . . . if Obama is such a poorly structured political character (leading a party that creates programs and systems that fail to perform at funding levels that would be considered obscene in the private sector) why is it that we Republicans dont seem to be able to defeat such a failed presidency. We seem to be stuck on stupid? I mean really Im beginning to believe that we are the party of no. No new ideas . . . that is. What is it that keeps us from thinking outside the box? It seems that our belief in smaller government, lower taxes, and individual liberty has convinced us that we have the corner on truth and that we shouldnt have to offer anything else to the voters. Are we too comfortable with our wisdom? Im starting to think that we are delusional. Are we are so satisfied with being right that we cant get motivated to become more engaging, innovative, and inviting as a pa rty or a political philosophy, in the eyes of the moderate voter. Where are the leaders on our side that create the new ideas? Men and women who engage people with an inspiriting vision or a compelling idea. Something that can win the hearts and minds of moderates and libertarians? We dont seem to want to open our minds invite new ideas and create a playbook that works. Hey gang! I dont think the Democrats ARE the main problem. Our biggest problems have stopped us from growing and have frozen our intellect and creativity. What are they? Problem #1 is the media. We havent got a clue about how to turn this relationship from an abusive one (we are the ones being abused) into a relationship that is built on respect and fairness. If we cant get it then we have to go around the system that makes our successes look flawed. . . and makes the failures of the left look hopeful (if only the Republicans would join in to make things better). This will take new ideas and open discussion. What we have now are leaders more worried about control and recognition than about winning. Reagan said something like its amazing how much gets done when no one worries about who is getting the credit. This is tough in a hierarchy but has to be done. Problem #2, is us! We have lost our confidence. We are hesitant and rigid. We are quick to defend our position. We are quick and sure in our attack of the foolishness and failures of the left. We can point out a bad idea or program, but we dont stand and deliver in offering a better way (i.e. the recent gun control fight in DC we won it but didnt use that win to go on the offensive to propose constitutional programs that would make the country safer. We do not have a single program that engages and attracts moderate voters and patriotic liberals. Not one!!!! Maybe weve become too comfortable. Its hard to risk the easy and comfortable lives we have now. For all the difficulties and disappointments, we still have more freedom, liberty, property, guns, cars, fast-food, and entertainment than most of the rest of the world. Maybe not having those things is too much to lose. Standing up today will not be easy. The truth is that standing up for what is right HAS NEVER BEEN EASY.

Do we trust each other? Do we believe that if we take bold and courageous action that we will be supported? To be honest, I am beginning to wonder . . . will we stand and fight for the traditions and values that have made this country great. Finally, I wonder what the millions who have served and have died for the traditions, values and dreams of the American Story are thinking. They put it all on the line. Many of them lost it all. What we do in the next 3 years will answer the question that has to be answered on behalf of their memory and in honor of their courage and sacrifice . . . . Was it worth it? No matter how we do that answer to their question is clear. Of course it was worth it. Their sacrifice and courage allowed the ideals of this great country to survive for hundreds of years. What are we willing to do to stop the destruction of our traditions and values? Im beginning to wonder . . .

Free speech in Adams County?

By The Denver Post Editorial Board

Adams County commissioners have adopted a new policy that confines citizens who want to protest outside the county's administration building to a 945-square-foot "designated free speech area." We think the approach is heavy-handed and should be reconsidered. We also don't like the county's new policy of charging citizens $10 to obtain audio recordings of study sessions held by commissioners. The two policies are in response to ongoing angry protests by a number of citizens over new stormwater fees. "They were basically disrupting people trying to go in for other business," Commissioner Eva Henry said. Look, we don't believe that people have a right to shout down elected officials or other citizens at public meetings or to block folks from coming and going in government buildings. But we question whether that's really the motivation for these rules.

The policy that commissioners adopted would push protesters and petition circulators away from sidewalks near the front entrance of the building, forcing them into the tiny "free speech area" or onto "external" sidewalks hundreds of feet away. That seems more like an attempt to make protesters stand so far away they won't be easily seen or heard. We also object to charging citizens $10 for audio recordings on CD of the commission's study sessions, meetings where technical briefings are given that inform the decisions commissioners make in their regular meetings. The commission's regular meetings are streamed online, and archived recordings of them are posted on a county website. The county should do the same with study sessions instead of slapping a $10 fee on citizens trying to figure out why decisions were made.
Read more:Free speech in Adams County? - The Denver Post Read The Denver Post's Terms of Use of its content:

How to Get Involved in Local Politics

Sometimes it's hard to imagine one person making a difference in this world. A lot of challenges face our society. Some are huge, some are more manageable, but all require the action of at least one person. Start making the world a better place by being that person on the local level. Get involved in local politics and see the world change before your eyes.

1 Participate in town meetings. Mingle with local, state and federal politicians. Learn

about the issues facing your community. Meet others who support the same causes you do. Voice your opinion and see what offices in politics appeal to you.

2 Show your support of the political system by voting in every election. More importantly, bring others to
the polls with you. Talk about the issues with people and inspire them to let their opinions be heard through their votes .

3 Help out at a local political office. It doesn't matter if you are a Republican, Democrat or a member of
the Green Party, all political parties need volunteers. Work one on one with them and learn the political process. Network with others involved in local politics. Get in on the ground floor and learn the ropes. Look into volunteering for organizations who promote causes like the environment, health care, campaign finance or immigration reform .

4 Start your own political organization. Whether it's a local off-shoot of a nationwide campaign or it's

specific to a cause no one has addressed politically, get it going. Involve your friends and family. Have rallies, fundraisers, seminars or even a bowling night. The idea is to spread your passion for the cause and get others to join you.

5 Start a petition on the Internet. Instead of knocking on doors or stopping people at the mall, get people
involved with an online petition. Involve yourself in online political blogs. Post your opinions and get others to join in with you.

6 Put yourself out there and run for local office. Civic offices come up for re-election all the time. Find a
position you know you could excel in and start your campaign. Call your local political party and ask if there are offices up for election. Take to the streets and let people know you are the person for the job.
Read more: How to Get Involved in Local Politics |

How to Get Involved in the Republican Party

There are a variety of reasons to get involved in the efforts of the Republican Party. You might believe in gun rights, be pro-life, or wish for fewer taxes. Of course, you may simply think that the Democratic Partys choices for candidates at the presidential, senatorial, or congressional level are not the best choices. There are any number of reasons and issues to get involved with the Republican Party, so when you are ready to join, follow these steps.

1 Have a valid voter

registration card and if you dont have one, get one. If you feel strongly about this party and their beliefs, register as a Republican. However you dont have to register as a Republican if you don't want to. You can register as an NPA, (no party affiliation) as an Independent or even a Democrat.

2 Do as much research as possible on the Republican Party. Make sure that the issues the party

represents are issues that you believe in and that the candidates representing the party are people you hold in high regard.

3 You may wish to support a particular candidate for local government, or state government or you may 4 When you contact the appropriate party office, make sure you have a plan for how you want to be

want to support Republican candidates for the U.S. Senate , or Congress and perhaps even the Republican Partys presidential candidate. Once you have figured out at what level you wish to participate, contact the appropriate party office and ask how you can get more involved.

involved in the Republican Party. Your involvement could be as simple as making a donation, or you could volunteer your time by handing out literature or manning a phone at a call center. Most people involved in the Republican Party are volunteers. You may wish to become some sort of aid or spokesperson for a particular candidate as well, but these positions are usually staffed by people close to the candidate. These positions usually require some sort of education in politics, law or the media.

5 Joining a Republican state party might be just the ticket for you. You can volunteer to answer phones,
pass out literature, or something as simple as making a donation. This is all that is required to join your state's Republican party. Also, your Republican state party will deal with issues in your state that may be closer to your areas of interest.

6 Join the Republican National Committee. You can go right to their website and enter in your

information (see Resources). Tell them a little bit about yourself and what you would like to do for their organization. You may want to become a volunteer or even take a job with the Republican National Committee.
Read more: How to Get Involved in the Republican Party |





NSRF Board of Directors & Term expires John Lefebvre-2012 President Dana West-2014 Vice President Jan Hurtt-2012 Treasurer Phil Mocon-2012 Secretary Brian Vande Krol-2013 Membership Gary Mikes-2013 Membership Leonard Coppes-2013 Membership Wanda Barnes-2014 Membership Kevin Allen-2014 Membership

Email Address

Telephone 303-451-5558 303-280-0243 303-451-0934 303-452-4709 303-466-4615 303-252-1645 303-287-9145 303-373-1521 303-319-3011

Join the North Suburban Republican Forum on the Internet and Facebook:

Yearly membership dues are $20, while a couple is $30. Make checks payable to North Suburban Republican Forum (NSRF). It only costs $3 per person to attend the monthly meeting. A continental breakfast and beverage (coffee, tea, orange juice or water) is included. A membership application is located on the last page. Fill it out and bring it along with you.

To subscribe or unsubscribe from our monthly newsletter, send an email with your name and subscription instructions in the body to:


The North Suburban Republican Forum

NSRF Membership Application
We meet on the second Saturday of each month to discuss politics from 9:00-10:30am at the Legacy Ridge Clubhouse at 10515 Stuart Street in Westminster. Doors open at 8:30am. Join us and get involved! A continental breakfast is provided with coffee, tea, orange juice and bottled water. Http:// Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________________________Zip: _____________________ Best phone number to reach you: H/W/C______________-________________-________________________ Email: __________________________________________________________@_______________________ How did you hear about the NSRF? ____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________________________________ ______ New member ______ Current member renewal ______ Individual Membership $20 per calendar year ______ Family Membership $30 per calendar year for couples ______ Deluxe $56 individual/$66 family per year includes 12 monthly fees + yearly dues Paid via __________ cash __________ check #__________ Todays date: _____________________________________________________________________________ Received by NSRF board member: ____________________________________________________________

If you have a smart phone, use a bar code app to scan this QR code. It will take you to our web site.


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