Basics of ROV Design

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is the Perfect ROV?

Minimal tether diameter (for instance, a single strand of unshielded op=cal ber) Powered from the surface having unlimited endurance (as opposed to ba+ery operated with limited power available) Very small in size (to work around and within structures) Have an extremely high data pipeline for sensor throughput.

Trade-o of a number of factors Cost, size, Deployment resources/plaNorm, Opera=onal requirement.

Components of ROV


Weight is one of the most cri=cal design factors, the components/ subsystems having a signicant impact in this area

(Hard wire link UWV & Op PlaNorm) Communica=on - Radio frequency (RF) waves Waters has high a\enua=on of RFs energy Travel very short distance

Tether ??

RF is of a low frequency, have higher wave length - Penetrate deep in water

( lowers the data transmission rate) Remote inspec=on tasks live video at the surface Need a high-bandwidth data link.

Decision on on naviga=ng the vehicle & inspec=ng the target.

Acous=c in-water data transmission is limited to less than 100 KBPS

Observa=on class Normally a ying eye

ROV Classica=ons

designed specically for lighter usage with propulsion systems to deliver a camera and sensor package to a place where it can provide a meaningful picture or gather data. ( Modern Observa=on class Huge Capabili=es) Work class Generally have large frames (measured in mul=ple yards/meters) with mul=-func=on manipulators, hydraulic propulsion/ actua=on, and heavy tooling meant for larger underwater construc=on projects Special use Tethered underwater vehicles , designed for specic purposes.
Cable burial ROV system designed to plow the sea oor to bury telecommunica>ons cables.

( We will study Observa=on Class Only)

Size Considera=ons
Vehicle size versus task suitability
The larger systems - higher payload and thruster capability, allowing be\er open-water opera=ons. The smaller systems - much more agile in gefng into =ght places in and around underwater structures, making them more suitable for enclosed structure penetra=ons.

The challenge is to nd the right system for the job.

Size Spectrum Observa=on Class ROV

ROV Crew
Larger work-class system - A supervisor with two or
more team members (specialized knowledge in areas such as Mechanical & Electrical systems. Smaller systems - A supervisor only. Observa=on Class - An operator and a tether tender (For performing an inspec>on task, it is quite helpful to also have a third person to take prolic notes as well as a second set of eyes to view the job for content and completeness)

PlaNorm or Vessel of Opportunity

Larger ROV Systems - Range from a drilling rig deck to the moon pool of a
specialized, dynamically posi=oned Diver Support Vessel (DSV) ouNi\ed specically for ROV opera=ons. Observa=on-Class Systems- Any number of work plaNorms may be used depending upon the work environment and the equipment being deployed.

Water ingress point footprint large enough to deploy the submersible safely. Comfortable plaNorm from which to operate the video and electronics console. A direct line of communica=on from the ROV pilot to the operator of the mobile deployment PlaNorm . A sucient power supply to run all equipment for the dura=on of the opera=on

Characteris=cs of Work PlaNorm

Buoyancy and Stability

ROVs are not normally equipped to pitch and roll. Has a reasonably high BG to give the camera plaNorm maximum stability

Posi=ve Buoyance

Small ROV systems have xed ballast with variable posi=oning to allow trimming of the system nose-up/nose-down or for roll adjustment/trim. Observa=on class, the lead (or heavy metal) ballast normally located on tracks a\ached to the bo\om frame for movement of ballast along the vehicle to achieve the desired trim.

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