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The ConIn 2007

Indian MBA Edition

Hello Sir / Maam You are invited to participate in our survey Consumer Insight Mobile Handsets. In this survey, approximately 250 people will be asked to complete a survey that asks questions about the Consumers perception and approach while purchasing a Mobile handset . This survey will take 15 ~ 20 minutes to complete. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions. Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. The information that you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence and will be used for academic purpose only. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact us at the email address specified below. Thank you very much for your time and support. Your response is important to us.

When you fill in the questionnaire , please use fill colour option with dark colour and mark the boxes as : or for physical copy mark the boxes as Please read this questionnaire carefully and complete these questions.


Do you own a mobile handset ? Yes No

2. What is the brand of your mobile handset ? Nokia Samsung Others ( please specify ) : Motorola LG


How do you prefer a mobile as ? Necessity Luxury Comfort No use

4. How important are the following factors in influencing your purchase decision of mobile handset ? ( Tick the appropriate choice ) FACTORS Features Price Durability Availability Re-sale Value After-Sales Service Advertisement / Publicity Brand Image Most Important Averagely Important Partially Important Not Important

5. How important are mobile handsets in fulfilling the following purposes ? PURPOSES Voice Calling Messaging Multimedia Business Application s Extremely Very Somewhat Slightly Not at all

6. How important are the following features in influencing your purchase decision of the mobile handset ? ( Tick the appropriate block on the scale 1=least , 5=Most )

Display Size Display Colour Handset Size Handset Weight Handset Form Slide / Flap Handset Form Bar Style Handset Life Expectancy Battery Backup Memory (In built / External ) Overall Looks Camera FM Radio Music Player Games ( Java Applications) Bluetooth Web based Services

Office Applications

7. Are you satisfied with your present mobile handset ? Extremely Satisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Extremely Dissatisfied

8. You indicate that you are satisfied / not satisfied with your present mobile handset . What are the factors responsible ? FACTORS Above Average Average Below Average Not Concerne d

Performance Features After Sales Service Resale Value

9. How important role does the availability of Company Showrooms /Service centres play in selection of brand by you during purchase of a mobile handset ? Extremely Slightly Averagely Not at all

10. What is the importance of free accessories (with the mobile handset) in your purchase decision of a mobile handset ? Very Important Slightly Important Averagely Important Not at all

11. How do you rate the affect of price of the handset in your purchase decision ? ( Tick the appropriate block on the scale 1=least , 5=Most ) 1 2 3 4

12. What additional facility would you like to have in your new mobile handset ? ( Please specify )

13. Which source influenced you the most in purchase of your mobile handset ? Personal Information Friends & Family Advertisement / Published Sources. Others ( please specify ) ____________________________________

14. Rank the following sources of information as referred by you regarding mobile handsets? ( Tick the appropriate block on the scale 1=least effective , 7=Most effective )

News Papers / Magazines Radio Advertisements Television Advertisements Local Brandings Showrooms / Retail Outlets Internet

Friends & Relatives

13. Which source you prefer the most for purchasing your mobile handset ? Local Dealers Company Outlets / Showrooms

Resale market Others (please specify) ____________________________________

14. What are the reasons responsible for selecting the particular source / location mentioned in question (13) ? ( Please specify )

15. Would you like to change the source / location for the next time ? Yes No



16. What is your date of birth ? 19

17. Gender ? Male Female

18. For which country do you hold nationality? India Others (please specify) ____________________________________

19. What is your profession? Student Service Person Others (please specify) ____________________________________ Professional Business Person

20. Which of the following category you fall in ? ( Tick the appropriate block )

Income Level per Month Age Group Below 16yrs

Below Rs 10,000/-

Between Rs 10,000/- and Rs 25,000/-

Above Rs 25,000/-



36yrs and above

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey! Your results will help us serve you better. For future references and offers kindly help us by providing the following information: Your Name: Company: Designation: Address: Contact No. : Email:

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