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Low Intensity Laser Therapy equipment

Indicator for meridian diagnosis AGNIS BAT 02

(Something from prof. Anatolii Neborsk ii and Henrik as Kondratavicius methods) AGNIS designs, products and sales

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Indicator for express-diagnostic: AGNIS BAT02 indicator Introduction from AGNIS BAT02 User's manual

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Contents of the page

1. Description 2. AGNIS- BAT02 is one step to remove an obstacle for any doctor in his long road to success 3. Advantages 4. Electropuncture Diagnostics - Electrical Echo of Yin - Yang 5. The Diagnostic System of Nak atani 6. The System of Acupuncture Zones

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The AGNIS - BAT02 is your personal pocket diagnostic device. Under any conditions while at work, at any time round-the-clock you will have:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Express Check of health condition or identification of an illness of the whole organism or the functional disability of its systems and organs; Immediate Exposure of the organism reactions to treating methods and medicines, possibility of correction; Unique Connection of your own individual technology of diagnostics and treatment with the universal ones, both well-tried diagnostic systems alongside with the newest ones; Rational Implementation of the existing information, as well as a Compass for searching the information wanted; Real Estimation of the reserves of time and means; Liberation of the mind from the controversial problems of diagnostics; Under a Critical Situation - a reliable insurance against the deficiency of diagnostic equipment or shortage of time; Under Normal Conditions - the possibility to create your own "warning" methods;

Diagnostics of Subclinical Stage of illness (when clinical methods are still silent).

AGNIS - BAT02 is one step to remove an obstacle for any doctor in his long road to success
The process of the diagnostics for a doctor is always a challenge. It is opening of the possibilities, when the diagnosis criteria lie at the foundation of a reliable prognosis, and a danger - when they are only a retrognosis.

they are only a retrognosis. Interviewing of one thousand of doctors from various countries on the influence of the examination parameters to the success of treatment proved that: only in one case against one hundred they are sufficient and fully predetermine the following actions. In 10 cases against 100, additional examination is necessary. Only in the remaining cases, this was not the data that they needed. The result was loss of time, erroneous actions, and duplication of the examination. Just remember the principle of V. Pareto, 80 : 20. During the 20 % of the peculated time a manager achieves 80 % of results. The remaining 80 % of the peculated time brings only 20 % of the total result. This is for you to calculate now, how much time you have to spend before you get orientation in what direction you should search for the cause of the illness or before you realize strange "jumps" of the pathological process, or an unforeseen reaction of the body to the treatment? Special attention should be drawn on a paradox - this device is meant for both, the ones that reject authorities and go their own way, as well as those who trust the parameters of the modern diagnostic equipment exceptionally.

The basic principles of the measurements have been verified for years;

A vast amount of statistical data has been accumulated and summarized; A more informative and visually comfortable system of description in the polar co-ordinates is suggested; Excellent technical and ergonomic features of this model. What remains for you is selecting the methods or creating your own ones by means of experience and intuition, and you can concentrate on the following questions:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Which sort of information is inevitable to pursue your aim? How to be guided by one parameter only, without trying to embrace and correct the whole number of them? When is it better to apply common or specific methods, what is the optimal duration of application, at what intervals? What reserves are at your disposal (time, medicine, methods...)? The tendency of the process. Can you expect co-operation from a patient? Evaluation of the compatibility of the treating methods.

But the essential fact is that you have got an instrument that allows you to enter a promising area at the junction between the Oriental and Western medical traditions.

Electropuncture Diagnostics - Electrical Echo of Yin - Yang

The ElectroPuncture Diagnostics (EPD) is an example of successful co-operation of the ancient Oriental wisdom with the Western technological progress. The Credo of the Western Medicine is: true is everything that can be measured and reproduced. This may be accounted for the dictatorship of biophysical methods for the verification of the functional state of the organism and its systems. Various biophysical characteristics of the skin are studied in terms of their relationship with the norm and pathology. The skin electro physiology has estimated the changes of electrical characteristics in definite areas of the skin depending on the illness of certain organs, on the status of sympathetic innervations of corresponding dermatomes, on the manifestation of agitation or suppression processes of the nervous system. But no earlier could electrometry become the basis of EPD, when special minute areas of the skin in most cases coinciding with the Biologically Active Points ( BAP) and meridians of acupuncture that have low electrical resistance and high electro conductivity (I. E. H. Niboyet, 1955) were discovered. The arsenal of electrometry has expanded from the registration of the skin-galvanic reflexes to countless variants of EPD. The changes in the acupuncture points reflect subclinical stages of the illness, its acute and chronic processes as well as its dynamics, making it possible to identify the topic of the process, to control the course of the illness. A.K. Podshibyakin has estimated that the BAP electric potentials are higher by 2 - 3 mV than in indifferent areas, but they vary markedly depending on internal conditions and external influences, such as air ionization, the Sun's activity etc.

In the case of acute inflammatory processes, the potentials greatly increase in corresponding BAP's. In the case of chronic processes, it decreases and then gets to normal in the periods of subsiding. The Skin Electric Conductivity ( SEC) of the BAP reflects the character and location of the process. During an acute process, it increases in the corresponding points, grows in the case of exacerbation, and returns to normal in the case of subsiding. Under normal conditions, the conductivity at the basic points of the meridian is higher than in auxiliary points. In the symmetrical points on the right and on the left of the body, the conductivity is the same. Besides the internal changes, the SEC reflects specific features of the skin (dryness, thickness, secretion of perspiration glandules) and external influences, like the time of the day, air temperature, and the conditions of recording. A. T. Neborskii (1986) has carried out a clinical-experimental research in order to obtain clinical-physiological reasoning of the diagnostic information content of the skin electrometry for men and monkeys. The priority results obtained by him were as follows: typical (specific, sexual, age, season, daily) characteristics of the Skin Electric Conductivity Profiles ( SECP) along the acupuncture zones of the extremities for men and monkeys; variation of the SECP's under different functional conditions and influences; dynamics of SECP changes throughout the woman's menstrual cycle; comparison of vegetative reactivity according to the integral SECP characteristics and the principal parameters of central and peripheral homodynamic under various functional conditions; peculiarities of SECP daily and season biorhythmology for men and women; sensitivity of SECP characteristics in comparison with conventional clinical parameters (body temperature, blood pressure, pulse and breathing frequencies); a new syndrome of SEC lowering in the case of neurasthenia identified, its sexual differences and profound perversion of vegetative reactivity as to SECP established; correlation between the increasing SEC and indices of the central homodynamic (increasing heart throwing) while carrying research in the state of psychoemotional stress and endogenic stimulation of sympathetic-adrenal system. It has been acknowledged as classics, the "Ryodoraku" registrations after Nakatani in 24 points, reflecting the condition of the 12 Chinese classical meridians and "heretical" Voll's registration of the SEC in the points proposed by the author. Widespread have become the modifications of the Voll's method such as automatic registration in 28 end points of meridians by Matayama, bioenergetic functional diagnostics by Schmidt, the three-point test by the "Vegatest" method. Another direction is development of the Shimmel's method of segmental electrography: under the stimulation of 13 Hz, the SEC of 7 segments of a body are tested and their condition estimated (normal, charge, rigidity, negative). The "classics" as well as the "heretics" have already received a great number of descendants. Among the SEC "mutants," most actively exposed is the electropuncture ethyological diagnostics of V. Sarchuk, pretending to ascertainment of the final ethyological and nozological diagnosis with the help of micro resonance contours, and I. Blinkov's methods permitting to provide an integral conclusion of expertise of functional condition of the organism under various influences according to variation of the resistivity of brain.

The Diagnostic System of Nakatani

In 1950 Y. Nakatani discovered a line resembling the kidney meridian. The SEC at these points was higher in comparison with indifferent points. This phenomenon is observed exclusively in patients with kidney diseases. Similar lines were discovered in other meridians under pathological conditions. He named them Ryodoraku, or the lines of good skin conductivity. In healthy patients they are not met. According to Nakatani, the mechanism of Ryodoraku is determined by the viscero-cutaneo-sympathetic reflex. The pulses from internal organs are sent to the spinal cord. Efferent sympathetic nerves reflect it on the reflexogenic areas of the skin, thus creating a system of skin acupuncture zones (APZ). The symptoms of Ryodoraku are presented in Table 8. Skin electrometry in the APZ system is the basis for the diagnostics of functional or pathological conditions of the organism or its systems.

The System of Acupuncture Zones

The system comprises 12 zones in carpus joint areas (H1 - H6, right and left) and 12 zones in foot and tarsus joint areas (F1 - F 6, right and left).

Fig. 1. Location of the diagnostic points on hands.

Fig. 2. Location of diagnostic points on feet.

Fig. 3. The schematic picture of APZ's for extremities in polar co-ordinates. In (A), a human silhouette is given for better orientation in the picture of upper, H, and lower, F, parts of the profile of electro-cutaneous conductivity from the right and the left. In (B), individual absolute APZ electroconductivity values in r.u. are plotted on the axes of polar co-ordinates.

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