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CHAPTER 33 LOS ANGELES PART THREE Backstage at their first show, before it began, Sebastian walked up behind Nick

k and wrapped his arms around him. "Thank you for this afternoon," he kissed him on the side of his head. "I had no idea I wanted that so bad, but you made a dream come true. I mean having both of you taking care of me at the same time was so hot!" "There's more where that came from. He's staying with us tonight and tomorrow night, and that shower was just oral," he said turning around and putting his arms around Sebastian's neck. "I plan on finding out just had bad Sebastian Smythe can get." "You should be careful what you wish for," Sebastian grinned evilly. "Should I be worried you'll dump me for Michael's sweet ass?" Nick raised his eyebrow. "Not even in the slightest," Sebastian kissed Nick's lips. "Michael is sexy as hell, but you Nicky, I love you just the way you are." (Just the Way You are by Bruno Mars Jake Coco Acoustic Version) (Performed by Nick Hall, Brittany Pierce, and Sugar Motta) Nick sat on the second riser with his guitar. The girls sat on either side. The band began the instrumentation and then he began to play. NICK: Oh her eyes her eyes; Make the stars look like they're not shining. Her hair her hair; falls perfectly without her trying. She's so beautiful, and I tell her every day. Sugar added harmony to the arrangement. NICK: Yeah I know I know when I compliment her she won't believe me. And it's so, it's so sad to think that she don't see what I see, but every time she asks me "Do I look okay? I'll say . . . BRITTANY: When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change, 'cause you're amazing just the way you are. And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while Cause girl you're amazing just the way you are. NICK: Yeah, her lips her lips I could kiss them all day if she'd let me. Her laugh her laugh, she hates but I think it's so sexy. She's so beautiful and I tell her everyday.

SUGAR: Oh, you know you know you know, I never ask you to change If perfect's what you're searching for then just stay the same. So, don't even bother asking if you look okay you know I'll say. ALL: When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change cause your amazing just the way you are. And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while cause girl you're amazing. Just the way you are. The way you are. The way you are. Girl, you're amazing just the way you are. When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change. Cause you're amazing just the way you are. Earlier in the day, right after they arrived at UCLA, Cooper walked into his room to find Will washing his face and talking to himself in the mirror. "Get it together, Will! You've got to remember what your priorities are. You love, Emma. These dreams can't get to you," he heard him say. Cooper couldn't help but grin at the admission. If nothing else, it meant that Will was at least thinking about him. "You, okay?" Cooper asked walking into the bathroom with him. Will turned around and the most obvious bulge Cooper had ever seen in a man's jeans was in front of Will's pants right now. "Okay, my first reaction is to help you out with that, but I'm going to resist that urge and ask you what's wrong," Cooper insisted. "I love Emma, Cooper," Will almost sounded defiant. "I know that, Will, that's why I'm not trying to take advantage of you right now," Cooper winked. "I'm trying to be a friend and help. I mean I'm not even trying to tease you." "Why can't I get you out of my mind?" he asked the question, but it wasn't exactly intended for Cooper. "Because you're a sexual being, Will. There's nothing wrong with that," Cooper followed Will back into the bed room and sat on the desk chair. "Look, I had a very charming conversation with Emma between the last two stops and it's obvious that she loves you, but she has the same worry you do. You agree on everything except the sex issue, and even little doe eyes knows that it's important to you. She's worried it's the one thing that will keep you from being together." "You talked to her about our sex life?" Will asked in shock. "No, I didn't. She volunteered the information to me," Cooper admitted. "She was asking me for advice."

"And what did you tell her?" he asked. "I was honest," Cooper confessed. "I told her that I knew for a fact that you loved her completely, but that every man has to have those needs fulfilled or they will cheat. I told her if she couldn't supply what you needed maybe you two could find some way or someone to help you out in that area, but be with her in all the other ways." "Well, isn't that convenient for you," Will seemed angry. "Why would you put that idea in her head?" "Because it's probably the only way your relationship will last. I don't say that to be mean, Will, but can you honestly look me in the eye and tell me that you can live the next fifty years without having sex?" Will didn't respond. He couldn't. He knew Cooper was right. "How did she react?" Will wondered. "She thought about it. I don't know what her thoughts were. She didn't say anything else," Cooper explained. Will thought back to his dream. Could it just be a preview of what would happen in the future? He couldn't imagine Emma acting that way, but who really knew how someone would act if pushed to their limits. "Will seriously, you need to do something with that thing," he said pointing at Schuester's dick in his pants. "It can't be comfortable in there. I'll go take a shower and give you some privacy to rub one out, how does that sound?" Again, Will didn't answer. He just stared at Cooper. "Unless, you don't want to be alone," Cooper questioned and then took off his shirt. "I could keep you company if you'd rather me do that." Again, Will said nothing. He just stared at Cooper's chest so Cooper unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and slipped his hand inside. "Is this what you want, Mr. Schuester?" Hearing Cooper call him that made his cock leak. Cooper dropped his pants and openly stroked himself for Will to watch. "Do you want to watch me?" Cooper suggested. He moved to lay down on the bed beside where Will sat down. "Or would you rather touch me?" What he did surprised Cooper. He leaned over and took his dick in his mouth. His mouth was so strong and Cooper was in heaven before he knew it. He knew that there were kids in the rooms on both sides of their room so he had to keep it quiet but it took covering his face with a pillow to do so. He watched Will devour his entire manhood and bob up and down on it with ease. He warned

him when it was time for him to finish, but Will wasn't stopping. He wanted the taste in his mouth. He needed it. He received it from a convulsing Cooper. After the first concert everyone headed back to the residence hall to get rest. Blaine and Sam felt this was the best time to tell everyone about Kurt. So Blaine texted Mercedes, Tina, Brittany, Artie, Joe and Sugar to come to their room. "Do you still think this is the best thing to do?" Blaine asked one last time. "I think everyone deserves to know. We may not plan on reforming friendships with Kurt, but that doesn't mean the rest shouldn't be given the same chance," Sam suggested. "Speaking of giving someone a chance, thank you for trusting me and Mercedes. I know after the problems with Quinn it wouldn't be easy for you." Sam pulled Blaine in for a very hot kiss that lasted for about two minutes. "That was to remind you that you are the one I'll be getting naked and going to bed with tonight. I have no desire to do that with anyone else, got it?" Sam asked "I think I got the message," Blaine smiled. There was a knock at the door and Blaine opened it. Artie and Joe came in. "What's up guys?" Artie asked. "Is this a reunion or something serious?" "Hopefully it's less dramatic than the last time a bunch of us got together," Joe thought back to the night he revealed a big secret about himself. He still wasn't completely sure why he gave away that information, but he couldn't take it back now. It was out there. The door opened again and the four girls entered the room. Once everyone got settled, Sam began to explain the situation. He and Blaine took turns filling in the blanks for them. When they got to the point of Kurt having a black eye, they all seemed to have worried expressions concerning their former friend. "Do you really think he's getting beat up by his boyfriend?" Mercedes asked. "Santana seems to think so," Sam said. "She said he got really defensive when she mentioned the possibility." Tina wanted to ask a question, but she didn't know how much Mercedes actually knew. "If Mr. Smythe is hitting him then it would back up Mary's story that her husband beat her. I mean they're already sure that he's hurt other people." "Well, yeah, I mean we all know what he did to Sam," Brittany added.

"No joke. This guy is bad news. Kurt should get away from him like Sam did," Sugar suggested. Sam and Blaine both cringed when the girls brought him up. No one had told Mercedes about Sam's time in Kentucky. They looked to her and noticed that she didn't seem surprised. "What's the plan?" Mercedes asked moving on without incident. Blaine moved away from that topic by answering her question. "Finn and Rachel met with Kurt today. If anyone can break through Kurt's walls and get the true story out of him it's Finn." "So he has someone taking care of him then?" Artie wanted to know. "Yeah, Santana, Rachel, and Finn, are willing to put their personal feelings about Kurt to the side so they can help him if he needs help," Sam continued. "Then let's not worry, for now, at least," Joe determined. "I mean I don't want anything bad to happen to Kurt either, but we won't be there for a week and if this is really happening to him then he needs to be helped before we get there. I'm sure if they needed help, Quinn would come down from Yale as well." That seemed to be the consensus of the group. Everyone seemed to want to do more, but in reality they couldn't. None of them could help at all until they made it to New York. Everyone said good night then headed back to their rooms leaving Mercedes with Sam and Blaine. "Are you ready to go?" she asked. "Yeah, do you mind just giving me a second with Blaine before we go?" Sam asked. "Sure," she smiled. "I'll wait outside." She shut the door behind her and Sam turned toward his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around his small waist. "Are you sure you're okay with me going out with her?" "Yes," Blaine winked. "I trust you completely, and I think you having some time with Mercedes will be good for you. I'll be waiting for you when you get back." Sam kissed him and whispered in his ear. "Make sure you're naked under the sheets when I get back." Sam grinned knowing how modest Blaine was and wondering if he would do it. He kissed him again and then left the room to leave with Mercedes. A few doors away Sebastian sat on his bed watching Nick fuck Michael. He was naked and leaning against the wall touching himself completely turned on by what he watched in front of him. He acted as the director of the scene telling

both boys what to do. He found himself watching the muscles in Nick's abs and chest flex as he gyrated into his friend's body. What really turned Sebastian on though was watching Michael's face contort with each infiltration of his ass. Nick started hitting Michael's special spot and the boy began to scream out in pleasure. "Sebastian, you need to shut him up," Nick called out to his boyfriend through half-open sex-filled eyes. Sebastian crawled across the bed and slipped his tongue into Michael's mouth. The two began to passionately kiss and Michael's moans muffled but were still loud enough to be heard. "Mmmmm, fuck me," he moaned. "Make me feel it. Harder!" Sebastian was so turned on and he continued kissing him. "Sebastian, I'm sure you're having fun, but I meant fill his mouth with your dick not your tongue," Nick sounded a little jealous. Sebastian looked into his eyes and saw that there was jealousy there but he didn't understand it. After all, Nick was fucking Michael and he wasn't acting jealous. Plus it was Nick's idea. So Sebastian turned towards Nick and reached back slipping his large penis into Michael's mouth while leaning over his body to capture Nick's right nipple in between his lips. "Do you still think I'm giving him too much attention?" Sebastian asked staring into Nick's eyes. "No, but I still want you to kiss me while we give it to him at both ends," Nick smirked. "Are you sure that's not being mean to your friend?" Sebastian asked. "Trust me, it's exactly what he wants," Nick said before pushing into Michael hard once so he'd get a response. "Definitely, this is exactly what I want!" Michael moaned as he felt every thrust from Nick hitting his spot hard. "Ommy..keep doing that!" The three stayed in that position for a few minutes until Nick decided he wanted to be sandwiched between the two boys. He kept fucking Michael, but Sebastian came up behind him and slipped his own hardness inside of Nick. An audible gasp left his body and he began pushing back and forth between the two boys experiencing pleasure from two completely different spectrums. Sebastian pushed Nick down on top of Michael so he could have more control. "Kiss him," he ordered. "I want to watch you two hot boys making out. You're

not doing it for yourselves. You're doing it to put on a show for me. Make me happy." The younger boys obliged. What Sebastian experienced was more erotic than anything. He watched as their hands touched each other softly and then switched to aggression. Nick's back had fingernail marks from Michael getting close to his orgasm before they let him recover. Sebastian watched the interaction change. Nick slid his hands over Michael's and held him down, but then their fingers interlaced. Nick laid his head down next to Michael's and they kissed as Sebastian caused them both to get fucked by his movement. He felt territorial all of a sudden. It was an emotion that he'd never felt before. He pulled Nick away from Michael and clutched his body to his own. He didn't want anyone to separate them. Nick, not realizing the thoughts going through his boyfriend's mind, reached back and wrapped his right arm around Sebastian's head. "What do you want, baby?" he asked. "I want you to tell me that you're mine," he whispered in his ear. "I'm yours, baby," he turned his head to kiss him. "What about me?" Michael wondered realizing that even though he was getting fucked he was not part of this conversation. Sebastian looked at him. "You just enjoy yourself." "I'd enjoy myself if you were in my ass," Michael winked. "Hold him down," Sebastian ordered Nick. He did as he was told and sat on Michael's shoulders leaving his ass open for his tongue. Sebastian pushed his entire dick in with one thrust and began fucking harder than he'd ever fucked Nick. This time Nick noticed. He wondered what brought this on, yet the speed in which he gyrated his hips turned Nick on as her watched. Then he felt Michael's tongue penetrate him. His dick went rigid and he felt an orgasm approach, but before he could say anything Michael screamed out with his own orgasm. He followed closely after. Sebastian continued thrusting and when he said he was about to cum, Michael pushed Nick off of him and flipped around catching his cum in his mouth. The movement surprised both Nick and Sebastian. It caught Sebastian off guard but he couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of Michael sucking on him post-orgasm. Malibu Sam had no idea where Mercedes was taking him. He just knew they'd been driving for almost half an hour. The small talk in the car basically consisted of her asking about the new members of New Directions and him telling her their back story. Finally, they reached their destination and Mercedes parked the car and they got out. She popped the trunk and pulled out a blanket from inside and shut it back. She took Sam's hand and led him down to the beach.

"This is amazing, Mercedes. I don't know what to say. It's absolutely beautiful," Sam whispered because he felt like he had too. "This was the first place I visited when I moved here," she confessed. "You're a big reason for that too." "Me? How is that?" Sam wondered. She rolled out the blanket and sat down asking him to join her. He sat beside her and listened. "I was so excited to be moving out here. The chance to work with Jennifer Hudson, the potential of my own recording contract, so many things were happening for me, and then it all hit me at once. None of it would be happening if it weren't for you. You recorded me singing, you put me on the internet and it was because of that I was discovered in the first place," she looked down unable to look Sam in the eyes. "You did all that for me and I left you and broke your heart. That made me sad and I wasn't sure I could handle it. Then, I remembered how when we just wanted to be alone we would go up to the lake, do you remember?" Sam smiled and nodded his head remembering their times there together. "So I came here to listen to the water, and I started talking to God. I asked him to forgive me for the way I left you. I know you were so understanding, but I knew I'd hurt you as well and my heart hurt because of it. I asked God to send you someone that would love you and treat you like the amazing man that you are. I wanted you to have someone that deserved your love and attention. I admit I was surprised when I came home and saw that the person you were getting close to was Blaine, but when you sang Sparks Fly to him, there was no denying it. It made perfect sense. Both of you put others in front of yourselves. So you together is the perfect match. I just want you to know that I really love you, Sam and I always will. I will be one of your closest friends until they day I die, and I will always be here for you." "Thank you, Mercedes," he put his arm around and pulled her into him. She laid her head on his shoulder. "I mean it, Sam. I am so happy for you and Blaine. He is good for you and you're good for him. I can see how much you love him in your eyes. He really is your soul mate," she told him. "He really is," Sam hugged her tighter. "I can't tell you how much it means to me for you to say that. I know that you and I share a lot of religious views and even though I've made peace with God about loving Blaine, I told myself I had to understand if you didn't. I mean my parents dumped me because of it. I knew you wouldn't be mean to me like that but I just didn't know."

"Your parents are wrong," Mercedes turned to Sam and looked him in the eyes. "You've read the Bible. Is there anything in there that says that Jesus would turn his back on you because you love Blaine?" "No," Sam answered. "And do you still believe in God and trust him with your life?" she questioned. "Completely," Sam revealed. "My faith hasn't changed at all." "Then that's good enough for God, which means that it's good enough for me, and should be good enough for your parents too, but they've burned that bridge now, and Mr. Schuester has your back. If you ask me you got a great deal out of that," Mercedes proclaimed. "Except I don't get to see Stevie and Stacey anymore," Sam remembered. "I still email them and talk to them. Let me relay messages, and Stevie is in junior high now. He'll have to get email or a cell phone soon. As soon as I get that info, I'll give it to you and teach the kid how to hide it from your parents," Mercedes suggested. "I don't want to get him in trouble," Sam insisted. "He won't. Trust me. Your parents try to pull this stuff with him and I'll go all hell to the no up on them if I have too," Mercedes took control. "Now I want you to stop worrying about everyone in the world. We're all going to take care of your brother and sister, we'll take care of Kurt, and this new crew of yours will not fall apart in one night while you are here. So let's sit here and listen to the waves and just enjoy some quiet time together, okay?" "Sounds good," he smiled. He wrapped his arms around her and they sat in the quiet. For the first time in a long time he felt peaceful and carefree. He smiled this innocent smile as he closed his eyes and felt the wind blowing in his face. He heard Mercedes humming a song. He recognized it as American Honeyfrom the tour. "Why that song?" he asked. "Ever since I heard them sing it earlier tonight it's been stuck in my head," she realized. "I was so proud of Mia in that song, and that other girl, what's her name?" "Lily," he told her. "She is brilliant. Her voice control is like mine except she's white," she giggled. "And Sebastian?" Sam questioned.

"He's good," she rolled her eyes. "I know you two are close now, but I still know the old version. I just have to get to know him, but that's beside the point." "What is?" "I was humming the song because it reminds me of you. The words fit how I feel about you. I think you'll always be my perfectly beautiful All-American Honey." (American Honey by Lady Antebellum Tyler Ward Acoustic Version) (Performed by Lily Mae Arnett, Mia Jones, and Sebastian Smythe) LILY: She grew up on a side of the road; where the church bells ring and strong love grows. She grew up good. She grew up slow like American honey. Sebastian joined her singing harmony LILY/SEBASTIAN: Steady as a preacher, free as a weed. Couldn't wait to get goin' but wasn't quite ready to leave. So innocent, pure and sweet. American honey. ALL: There's a wild, wild whisper blowin' in the wind; Callin' out my name like a long lost friend; Oh I miss those days as the years go by Oh nothing's sweeter than summertime and American honey. MIA: Get caught in the race of this crazy life. Tryin' to be everything can make you lose your mind. I just wanna go back in time to American honey, yea ALL: There's a wild, wild whisper blowin' in the wind; Callin' out my name like a long lost friend; Oh I miss those days as the years go by Oh nothing's sweeter than summertime and American honey. LILY: Gone for so long now. I gotta get back to her somehow. To American Honey. ALL: Ooh There's a wild, wild whisper blowin' in the wind; Callin' out my name like a long lost friend; Oh I miss those days as the years go by Oh nothing's sweeter than summertime and American honey . . . and American honey. UCLA Residence Hall Inside the room that Sunshine and Lindsey shared, Sunshine was trying to calm the blonde down. "You cannot go over there!" Sunshine told her. "You've been handling the situation the right way and keeping your head down. If you confront Lily it will

mess up all of that work and people are actually starting to give you the benefit of the doubt." Lindsey turned around from the door and stared holes through Sunshine's head she was so angry. "Have you seen what that fat bitch has been doing all day? She practically hasn't left his side since she sang that stupid song on the bus. She just couldn't wait until we broke up so that she could just sink her teeth into him like he was another steak for her to eat. She makes me sick and I'm not going to let her get away with this!" Sunshine got between her and the door. "I'm not going to let you do this, Lindsey. I promise you will thank me in the morning." "Sunshine, I like you but don't make me throw you across this room so I can leave. I mean you're small. I can chunk you like a bowling ball if I have too," Lindsey insisted. This made Sunshine move because in that moment she was sure that Lindsey would actually do it. As soon as she was out of the way, Lindsey stormed across the hall and two doors down to the room Lily was sharing with Tina. She banged on the door and Tina finally opened it. "Lindsey, what is going on? Why are you being so loud," Tina asked. "Move it, Asian," Lindsey pushed Tina out of her way and onto the bed next to the door. She saw who she wanted. Lily was in the bathroom brushing her teeth. Sunshine ran in and saw Tina getting up and helped her. "This isn't going to be pretty, is it?" Tina asked. "Not at all. She threatened to throw me like a bowling ball," Sunshine whined still in shock. "We should get Sam to stop it." "He's not here," Tina told her. "He's out with Mercedes." "Well who is going to stop this then?" Sunshine wondered. They didn't have time to answer it because the screaming started. "Hey, bitch! You and I need to have a conversation about you getting your fat claws into Blake because it ain't gonna happen!" Lindsey screamed. "Excuse me? What world are you living on?" Lily just looked at her like she was an alien and it pissed Lindsey off even more that she didn't seem to care at all about her words.

"Don't even act like you're a perfect angel. You know that everyone knows that you like Blake and all it took was us breaking up for you to just swoop in and have your way with him," Lindsey poked her in the chest to make her point. "A break up that you might remember was your doing not his. He didn't want to break up with you, and I'm not going after him," Lily started to walk towards Lindsey and the Cheerio backed away and back into the main room. "I am his friend first. He needs a friend because he can't depend on you and your little tirade in Seattle put some kind of separation between him and Michael, and he needed someone to talk to and maybe if you weren't such a selfish little bitch who only thinks of herself you might have seen how sad he was." "You are such the martyr, aren't you?" Lindsey flipped her hair and rolled her eyes. "Always want people to think you are little miss southern belle perfect, but I see through that. I know that you are only doing this because Blake was nice to you and you finally had an attractive guy give you the time of day and show a little bit of interest." "You don't know what you're talking about," Lily fought back. "So clueless!" Lindsey screamed before laughing. "I actually feel sorry for you, Lily. Because somewhere in that head of yours you actually think that he likes you. Maybe you are the one that doesn't know him that well. Blake is nice to everyone! He is never mean to anyone! He was being nice to you because you are the new girl and he knew that you had a crush. He didn't want to hurt your feelings." "And I suppose he made out with me just because he didn't want to hurt my feelings?" Lily posed. "He made out with Blaine to, but you don't think he likes him do you?" Lindsey threw in her face. Lily stopped fighting back. She had to think of it for a minute. Could Lindsey be right? Blaine ran into the room. "What's going on? I heard the yelling from my room!" "Oh poor Lily. You know I'm right don't you?" Lindsey's voice switched to being condescending. "So much for your defense of just trying to be his friend. The look on your face right now proves that you were doing it because you have a silly little crush." "Lindsey, what are you doing?" Blaine yelled at her. "Why are you being like this? How is this making anything better?" "I don't care about things getting better. I want the truth to come out. Lily acts like the noble bitch, but she's just a bitch like me," Lindsey stated defiantly. Sebastian and Nick ran into the room.

"Are you trying to wake up the entire floor? We heard you from inside our bathroom," Sebastian touted her. "And I'm sure we're all unclear about what you two were doing in there," Lindsey bit back. "I thought I told you to behave," Nick called out to Lindsey over everyone else and it shocked them all. "Do you honestly think I'm scared of you? I could easily kick your ass!" she yelled. "Try it!" Nick commanded. Lindsey went to slap him but Lily stopped her hand and then turned and slapped her so hard that it echoed through the room. Lindsey cried out because it hurt so much. She felt Lily push her to the ground and mount her and slap her again. "Stop being a bitch to everyone! Why can't you just act like a human being and not a demon straight from hell. What happened to you that was so damn bad that you treat people like shit! I hate you, Lindsey! I tried to be nice to you and you just want let it . . ." "STOP IT!" Everyone in the room turned to see Blake standing in the doorway. "Why are you doing this?" he screamed out. "What good is all of this?" "Blake," Lily moved away from Lindsey. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't let her keep saying the things she said about you and me." "There you go again, just making everyone else in the world look bad," Lindsey berated her. "You do enough of that on your own," Blake sneered at Lindsey which shut her up. He looked at Lily and everyone else. "I've been there for all of you at some point and now . . . I just . . . I don't know what I'm doing here anymore." He ran away down the hallway. "I should go after him," Nick suggested. "No," Sebastian held him back. "I've seen that look before. Leave him alone." "Where did you see it?" Nick questioned. "From Sam," Blaine answered. "If you go after him now, Nick, he'll just keep running."

"We can't just let him go," Lily was almost in tears. "Someone has to go after him." "I'll go." They all turned to the new voice that now stood in the doorway. Michael left the group and headed in the direction he saw Blake running. NYADA "Is Santana on her way over?" Finn questioned. "Yeah, we're totally going to have a movie night. She's picking up some pizza and I'm going to get some drinks from our cafeteria real quick. Why don't you pick out a movie to watch," Rachel said kissing his cheek. "They're all musicals," Finn laughed. "Which means I will love any of them, but you pick one you and Santana will actually sit through," Rachel smiled as she opened the door. Santana was standing there about to knock. "Hey Berry, Frankenteen, you ready for movie night?" she asked. "Yeah, I can't believe you and Rachel have been doing this every week since you came to New York," Finn revealed. "The city is hella expensive. So this is a cheap date," Santana winked. "Okay, I'm getting drinks. Be back in just a few," Rachel stated skipping out of the room. "She seems happier since you've been here," Santana determined. "You two back together yet?" "Just taking it slow. We're still living in two different cities, you know," he admitted. "But it does feel right." "I'm sure you'll be fine," Santana said turning to put the pizza on Rachel's desk. Finn's phone beeped. He pulled it out to see a text message from Kurt. Kurt: Where are you? Finn responded quickly. Finn: At Rachel's dorm room with her and Santana. Are you okay? Kurt: May I come over please?

He showed Santana the message. "Do you think something happened?" Finn asked. "Just tell him to come over," Santana insisted, but he saw the worry on her face. Finn: Definitely. We're waiting on you. Be careful, brother. UCLA Blake ran out into the quad between the dormitories. He just had to get away. He never yelled at anyone like that especially his friends. All the emotions inside of him just boiled over. He found a bench and just sat on it. He pulled his legs up on to the bench hugging them to his chest and pulled the hoodie over his head hoping to just disappear. "Blake?" he heard the voice and knew it was Sam's. He looked up and saw Sam standing there with Mia's older sister. He didn't say anything, but he saw concern spread across Sam's face. "I'll see you in the morning?" he said to Mercedes. "Sure," she smiled. "Take care of the boy, Finn, Jr." Sam grinned at the comment and she winked at him. He knew exactly what she meant. He sat down on the bench next to Blake. "So did everything finally get to you or did something happen while I was gone?" "Lily and Lindsey got into a fight," Blake didn't look up to answer. "It's my fault." "How is that your fault? Did you throw a punch?" Sam asked. "No, but they were fighting over me. I was the cause. And now they hate each other," Blake turned his head sideways so he could at least look at Sam. "Hate to tell you, but I don't think they were that great of friends to begin with," Sam tried to make him smile but it didn't really work. "I was molested so that I could keep my family safe. Does that make what happened to me my fault?" "Of course not!" Blake's head popped up. "Other people's actions affect us but they aren't because of us, Blake. My parents disowned me because I'm in love with Blaine. That's their fault not mine. And if I don't think that way, I'll never survive." "But I'm supposed to take care of everyone not the other way around," Blake insisted.

"God, Blaine was right. We really are the same person," Sam remembered Blaine's comment. "Blake I'm going to tell you something someone very wise said to me. If no one takes care of you, you can't take care of anyone else." "Well the person I usually talk to hasn't been speaking to me lately," Blake confessed. Sam looked over Blake's shoulder. "I wouldn't be so sure." Blake turned to see what Sam was looking at. He saw Michael standing there. "I think I'm going to leave you in capable hands," Sam got up. "But Blake, when this happens again, call me and complain to me. It doesn't help to keep it inside, got it?" "Got it. Thanks Sam," Blake looked up to him. As Sam walked passed Michael he put his hand on his shoulder. "He's all yours." Michael stood there in front of Blake, but neither boy said anything. Finally, Blake began. "You okay?" he asked. "Just stop it," Michael insisted. "What?" Blake asked in shock. He didn't know what he'd done. "Let me take care of you for a change. I'm not always the damaged one in this friendship," he winked at Blake. "I actually give some good advice sometimes." "Oh really?" Blake smiled. "I told you not to date Lindsey and you did anyway. Look where that got you," he grinned. "That is cold," Blake said but a grin crossed his face and before he knew it he started laughing. "But it's really funny too!" Michael sat down and the two boys seemed to pick up where they left off. Upstairs, Sam walked toward his room but stopped when he saw Blaine still standing in the doorway of Tina's room. Sebastian and Nick sat on the floor with Lily and Sunshine sat on the floor in front of a crying Lindsey. Tina stood with Blaine trying to assess the situation. He walked up behind Blaine and put his arm around him and kissed him on the cheek. He even leaned over and kissed Tina's cheek as well. "So is this where Doomsday's Massacre happened?" he asked.

"How did you know about it?" Tina wondered. "I stopped to talk to Blake downstairs," Sam stated and noticed that both Lily and Lindsey looked at him at Blake's name. "Is he okay?" Lily asked. "Can I see him?" Lindsey hoped. "No," Sam ordered. "Not anytime tonight and probably not while we're in LA." "What are you doing?" Blaine whispered to him. "I'm having a Finn moment," Sam winked. He turned his attention to Sebastian. "Seb, why don't you and Nick head back to your room? You two deserve a little quality time together and I'd imagine that Michael will be talking to Blake for a while. Now's your chance." Sebastian knew Sam was up to something and wanted to let him work his magic. "Sounds good." He leaned over and hugged Lily as did Nick. The boys said their goodnights and headed back to their room. "Now as for you two," Sam turned to Lily and Lindsey. "I realize that Tina and I have befriended Lily more than you Lindsey and Blaine and Sunshine are better friends with Lindsey than Lily, but none of what I'm about to say has to do with picking sides. As Captain of New Directions the only side I'm on is the side of the team and right now you two are our biggest problem. So for the next 48 hours the four of us are off limits as is Blake. Tina is going to move into Sunshine's room and Lindsey will move in here." "Are you serious?" Lindsey couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Sam, please. I'd rather clean up the dressing room after every performance this year than room with her," Lily begged. "This isn't a discussion," he said texting away on his phone. "I'm sending this arrangement to Mr. Schuester right now. He'll back me up on it because he knows just like I do that you are both beautiful and talented young women who are a lot more mature than you've been acting the last couple of days. You need to figure out how to coexist because if you don't you're not giving us many other options. Like I said, we won't pick between you, understand?" "So we both stay are we both kicked out?" Lily assumed. "Like I said, the decision is yours," he walked over to Lindsey. "I know I haven't spent a lot of time with you, but I don't want to lose you from the group. I know you know how talented you are and I know you wouldn't want to lose an opportunity to shine in this group because of a boy or bad blood." He hugged her. "You make a commitment to the team and I promise you I'll be in your corner as much as I have been Lily's, okay?"

She studied his face and knew he was sincere in his promise. "Okay, I'll try. I promise." He then turned his attention to Lily. "You're my girl, that doesn't change, but Mr. Schue put me in the position of taking care of all of you. So I need you to do this for me and understand that I've got to be in Lindsey's corner to okay? I am super excited about having both of you so do this for me so we can keep hanging out, got it?" She nodded her head and he hugged her. "That's my girl." "I guess I'll get my things," Lindsey deferred to his instruction. "Why don't you help her, Lily?" Sam suggested. "We'll help Tina." Lily took a deep breath, smiled, and followed Lindsey out. Sam looked at the other three. Sunshine shook her head. "I'm really turned on right now, Sam." "You're not the only one," Blaine winked at his boyfriend. "Sorry I didn't ask you about the move first, Tina," Sam apologized. "No, it's okay. I'm still trying to figure out where that came from. I mean I get that you think it's a Finn move, but it's more than that. This was thought out and planned. I don't know what this is but I like it," Tina smiled. "I know," Blaine smiled. "We've got the old Sam back." He turned to Sunshine. "Would you mind helping Tina without us? I'd like to take my boyfriend back to our room now." At the end of the hallway, Mercedes assembled a group of the new girls of New Directions that were clueless about the drama going on with the others. Mia, Jessie, Shanna, Aylin, and Kallie sat on the two beds in her and Mia's room. "Okay girls, I enjoyed singing the song tonight, but tomorrow I'd like to do it with more orchestration and some background vocals and you girls are perfect. I've heard great things about each of you and so Mia's given you my notes on the song so just follow me." (Halo by Beyonce) (performed by Mercedes Jones and the new ND Girls) Mercedes stands with the girls in the dorm room, but as she begins to sing they transform into the performance stage wearing beautiful black dresses.

MERCEDES: Remember those walls I built, well, baby they're tumbling down. And they didn't even put up a fight. They don't even make up a sound. As she continues, the scene switches to Blake and Michael sitting on the bench in front of the dormitories talking and laughing. MERCEDES: I found a way to let you in, but I never really had a doubt. Standing in the light of your halo. I got my angel now. Nick and Sebastian are sitting in bed under the sheets that only cover their bottom halves. Nick is sitting in front of Sebastian and they are just talking and occasionally kissing enjoying each other's company. MERCEDES: It's like I've been awakened. Every rule I had you breakin'. It's the risk that I'm takin'. I ain't never gonna shut you out. Santana looks away from the television to see Rachel curled up into Finn's arms. She smiles seeing how her friends seemed to have found their way back together. MERCEDES: Everywhere I'm looking no I'm surrounded by your embrace. Baby, I can see your halo you know you're my saving grace. Sam and Blaine push into their room, lock the door and immediately start ripping off their clothing and making out intensely. MERCEDES: You're everything I need and more. It's written all over you face. Baby I can feel you halo. Pray it won't fade away. The younger girls are enjoying singing with Mercedes. Mia just looks at her older sister with so much affection and respect. MERCEDES: I can feel your halo halo halo; I can see your halo, halo, halo. Kurt is walking down the streets of New York to NYADA. We only see him from behind. MERCEDES: I can feel your halo, halo, halo; I can see your halo, halo, halo Lily is not speaking to Lindsey, but she is helping her pack her things to move to the room they will now be sharing. Lindsey accepts her help and for the first time they work together. MERCEDES: Hit me like a ray of sun burning through my darkest night. You're the only one that I want. Think I'm addicted to your light. Tina and Sunshine walk in with the eldest Asian's stuff to move in to the room Lily helps Lindsey move out of.

MERCEDES: I swore I'd never fall again, but this don't even feel like falling. Gravity can't forget to pull me back to the ground again. Sam picks up Blaine and lays him down on the bed and he lays on top of him and slowly slides inside of him. MERCEDES: Feels like I've been awakened. Every rule I had you breakin'. The risk that I'm takin' I'm never gonna shut you out. Kallie is sitting in the dorm room as they practice this song. She stops for a moment and opens the locket around her neck to see the pictures of her mom and dad inside. She knows in just two short days she'll be visiting them again. MERCEDES: You're everything I need and more. It's written all over your face. Baby I can feel your halo. Pray it won't fade away. Kurt walks into the lobby of NYADA and heads to the elevator to go to Rachel's room. MERCEDES: I can feel your halo halo halo; I can see your halo, halo, halo. Cooper is asleep and Will is sitting up shaking his head trying to figure out what in the hell he is doing. MERCEDES: I can feel your halo halo halo; I can see your halo, halo, halo. Blake and Michael are laughing and acting like nothing ever happened. They both seemed to feel much better with things. MERCEDES: I can see you halo halo halo . . . halo, halo Sam thrusts one final time into Blaine and collapses on top him. He pulls up his head and the two kiss passionately. MERCEDES: Everywhere I'm looking now, I'm surrounded by your embrace. Baby I can see your halo. First we see Michael and Blake walking back up to the dorms. Second, Sebastian and Nick lying down to sleep, and third Lily and Lindsey standing in their room staring at each other trying to decide what to say. MERCEDES: I can feel your halo halo halo; I can see your halo, halo, halo. I can feel your halo halo halo; Kurt knocks on Rachel's dorm room door. MERCEDES: I can see your halo, halo, halo. In New York, Rachel opens the door to her room and gasps, "Kurt!" Finn and Santana rush over to see what has scared her. Kurt's lip is split open and there

are fresh bruises and a cut above his ear. When he sees Finn he collapses into his arms.

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