B.ed. Tnteu Question Paper - Psychology - 2012 May

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B 1002


B.Ed. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY 2012 (For the candidates admitted from the academic year 2009-2010 and thereafter) Core Course PSYCHOLOGY OF LEARNING AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 80 PART A (10 2 = 20 marks) Answer any TEN questions. Each answer should not exceed 50 words. Each answer carries 2 marks. 1. Mention any two scopes of Educational Psychology.

P E Hu C GP SkP.
2. What is experimental method?

"\u ' G G?
3. Mention any two principles of growth and development.

a] PPPU SkP.



Mention any two internal factors affecting attention.

Pzu vUS Hu C APU PoPU SkP.

5. What do you mean by concept formation?

"Pzxu' G G?
6. What are Concept Maps?

Pzx h G G?


Define Problem Solving.

a]USz w Pn UP.
8. What do you mean by social maturity?

"\P va]' G G?
9. What do you mean by chain learning?

"\[Qz uh P' G G?
10. What is Interpersonal skills?

uu uhz vP G G?
11. What do you mean by Convergent thinking?

"S ]u' G G?
12. What do you mean by Abstract Intelligence?

"Pzv ~sn' G G?
PART B (6 5 = 30 marks) Answer any SIX questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words. Each answer carries 5 marks. 13. Explain important characteristics of learning.

14. Explain any two principles of growth and development with an example.

a] va] \u Hu C PPP Eunzxh US.

15. Explain any two factors related to perception.

Pm]k uhh Hu Csk PoP US. B 1002 2


What do you mean by object permanance? Explain with an example.

"P {z u' G G? Hu J Eunzxh US.

17. Give a brief note on law of readiness by Thorndike.

"uhUQ' Bzu v ] S uP.

18. Explain briefly any two dimensions of intelligence as given by Guilford.

Qm Azx ~sn n[P _UPP US.

19. How level motivation? aspiration is related to



A{ G Pskx?




Mention any five characteristics of the Gifted.

zv hzuUP Hu Ix sPU T.
PART C (2 15 = 30 marks) Answer BOTH the questions. Each answer should not exceed 600 words. Each answer carries 15 marks. 21. (a) Explain Bruners theory of concept development and its educational implications.

Pzx a]U PP Au P P USP.

Or (b) Explain the various stages of creativity with examples.

BUPv a] Eun[Ph US.


i{P B 1002



Explain Kohlbergs stages of moral development with examples.

PQ JUP \u a] iP Eunzxh US.

Or (b) Explain the theory of intelligence propagated by Spearman and highlight its educational implications.

"' Gx ~snU Pmmh Au Hk P P USP.

B 1002

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