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Agro-ecosystem analysis and management at farm scale

Agro-ecosystem analysis and management at farm scale

Farms as an ecosystem existed in the close environment since humans started to work the land and grow animals for food, clothes and transportation. Is an environment in the environment. Denmark has a long history in agriculture, 60% of its land is under intensive agricultural exploitation. That is a big percent of Denmarks environment and it will be not enough to have just 40% environment left if agriculture would not have been in its self an environment. Thats why as long as this to systems do not harm or destroy one another wellbeing it can coexist and even complete each other. But, facing and responding to societal demands for sustainable development, farming systems worldwide face a range of ecological, technical and economic challenges which obstructs with the natural course of surrounding environment. These challenges call for renewed methodologies or another way of looking to the farm, not like to a place that has to be exploited for our well-being but like to a place that we live in, that can be used to support farmers in designing innovative agricultural production systems at the farm and environmental level. This report aims to analyze two farming systems, more or less different, near Varde in the southwestern part of Jutland, Denmark, for farm management in relation to e.g. targets for environmental impact.

The farm as a system An agricultural system is an assemblage of components which are united by some form of interaction and interdependence and which operate within a prescribed boundary to achieve a specified agricultural objective on behalf of the beneficiaries of the system (McConnell & Dillon, 1997). Farming systems worldwide are facing a combination of challenges induced by irregular production levels, fluctuating input and output prices, and growing concerns over the impact of agricultural activities on the environment (Le Gal, et al., 2010). Agricultural research is addressing these challenges by searching for more environmentally-friendly cropping and livestock systems that are based on renewable resources, natural processes, and biodiversity conservation while enabling a high level of productivity. This development is reflecting the expectations of the society, which puts a pressure on farmers to make them produce at competitive prices and at the same time to include environmental concern and aspects of animal health and welfare. The aims have been to describe production and environmental impact in different farming systems, to test ideas for the improvement and to develop decision tools for farmers. Farms as a system with input and output is made in such way to be easy to calculate, understood and analyzed. Depending of its purpose, a farms output is in special food for animals or for humans, but it can be also seeds, raw material for biofuel, textile (cotton). Usually a well-functioning farm system is producing a bigger output and input. The goal is to produce as much as possible, to exploit all the possibilities and resources that a farm can deliver without damaging its own functioning (soil contamination with nutrients, pesticides, animal health) but also taking care of the environment (polluting groundwater, poisoning surface water, destroy the biodiversity). In the fallowing report we will analyze to farms from a system point of view, Elmely and Bjerregaarg from south-western Jutland. We will calculate the input: seeds, fertilizer plan, pesticides and output: crop production yields, milk and meat, but also the Nitrogel emissions and phosphorus leaching of the two farms.
Ioan Moldovan Side 0

Agro-ecosystem analysis and management at farm scale

1 Elmely and Bjerregaarg

1.1 Elmely
Elmely is located approximately one km from the small village of Mejls near Varde in the western part of Jutland, Denmark. The farm is owned by Poul Nielsen and Vita Tryk, who also live on the farm. They bought the farm in 1986 and have since carried out major restoration work to the old farm, primary to make space for agricultural machinery. 35.37 hectares of land belongs to the farm, but the farm system consists of a total of 83.75 hectares. Hence, 48.38 hectares of land is being leased from other farms in the area. 20 years ago Elmely consisted of a small cattle herd for meat production, while cultivating the land. However, today crop production is the prime farming practice on the farm. In 2012, 61.5% of the land was cultivated with maiz with the purpose to sell it as bioenergy-fuel to Germany. 25.1% was used to grow barley (seeds and straw) and 8.1% was used for grazing by adjacent livestock farms. A minor part (4.1%) of the total area was used for agroforestry, cultivated with Christmas trees and the remaining 1.2% was set aside land. The practical side of the farm management is run by Poul Nielsen. He meets with the agricultural advisor at Jysk Landbrugsrdgivning located in Esbjerg and Billund. Here he received annual reports, management plans etc. to ensure that all requirements are met. Vita Tryk, on the other hand, is responsible for the economic side of the farm management. In addition to managing the farm, Poul Nielsen and Vita Tryk have supplementing job. Poul Nielsen has a agricultural machinery business and Vita Tryk works in a kindergarten. To ensure that daily tasks can be carried out, the farm has one other employee. In regards to this report, the boundary of the farm is defined by the area of cultivated land. The main focus will be the input and output of N and P. Classification of Elmely as a farm-system (according to FAO, 1997). System: Artificial system that is directly depended on the natural system and has strong relations to the social system in the area. Subsystem: explicit, descriptive systems with focus on sub-order level 1-11, excluding levels regarding animals (FAO, 1997). Assumptions: The farm system is dynamic by virtue of its purposefulness, openness, and stochastic characteristics. Hence, the farm is subject to change over time.

Ioan Moldovan

Side 1

Agro-ecosystem analysis and management at farm scale

Farm system 1: Elmely Spring barley Input: 21.02 ha 3363.2 kg to 336.3 n 2638 kg 3216.1 kg 651.62 kg 51.58 ha Spring barley Output: mink slurry N 24 7S N P Maiz Output: 21.02 ha hk 1051 g


53 ton halm 2438.32 kg 567.54 kg 51.58 ha N P for

Maiz Input:

92.8 packages to mink 1117 n slurry 20- 10- 0 8252 kg 9S 9802.7 kg N 2769.9 kg 4.3 ha 98.2 kg to 54 n 860 kg 592.1 kg 115.5 kg P

sold 799.5 ton bioenergy

Grass land Input:

Grassland Output: mink slurry 21- 2- 10 N P loss: 3429.5 0 kg N 301.26 kg P

7275.19 kg 2563.52 5 kg 4.3 ha


467.9 kg 104.7 kg


1.2 Bjerregaard
Bjerregaard is located in the same local area as Elmely. It is a family farm, which has been in passed from generation to generation for many years. Today it is owned by Poul and Conny Thomsen, who live on the farm with their three children. Poul and Conny took over the farm 10 years ago when Pouls parents could no longer look after it. Since has the farm undergone significant restor ation, and more arable land has been bought to expand the production. Dairy production is the main purpose of the farm, with additional breeding. The animal subsystem consists of 179 dairy cows of the breed Black and White Danish and 360 young animals. The annual production reaches 1.994.000 kg of milk and 65 AU for slaughter. The technical system has been modernized with the construction of a new stable and installation of milk robots, since the takeover. The subsystem of
Ioan Moldovan Side 2

Agro-ecosystem analysis and management at farm scale

arable land consists of a total of 179.5 hectares. 130.67 hectares are owned by the farm and thus, 48.83 hectares are leased from other farms. are used for permanent grazing and feed production. Poul has studied agriculture and has the responsibility of the daily management. Also he utilizes the advisory service at Jysk Landbrugsrdgivning to ensure that everything is done within the requirements and restrictions. Livestock production is a more complicated task than crop production, and complying with the regulations are important. In regards to the crop production, most of the work that requires larger machinery is out-sourced to external companies. Though Conny helps on the farm, but her main job is at an institution for disabled people.

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