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Core Public Education Curriculum http://truthinamericaneducation.

com/ UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development initiative (the reason for Common Core) "Generally more highly educated people who have higher incomes consume more resources than poorly educated people who tend to have lower incomes. More education increases the threat to sustainability." Have you heard much about Common Core (CC)? It's a public school curriculum that the Obama Administration is not only pushing, but it's in most states. Common Core curriculum for public education will be law in every state of the U.S. with no exception, charter schools, private schools, home schools will be forced to use Common Core curriculum. In order to pass the SAT test, etc. you will have had to be trained with CC curriculum. It's insidious. It sets math back at least 2 years, international governments don't recognize it because it's not a good form of education. Calculus would be taught so late that you wouldn't be ready for college. Right now it's in the states and can be dismantled but once it goes Federal, it's too late (or to difficult to overturn law). It is something you cannot opt out of. There is a form people are using, but it's rejected except to put yourself on record as opposing CC. The United Nations believes that an educated public uses too many resources and it isn't good for the World so they are dummying down our kids on purpose. * Advocates for Common Core Curriculum are expecting teachers to promote the curriculum even before they know anything about it, but they also aren't allowed to tell what it actually does. Teachers have to sign a Confidential Agreement regarding CC. * Once the curriculum is in place, parents will not have a voice or any freedom- loss of parental rights. They will force the curriculum on charter schools, private schools, home schools and teachers. You will be tested on ACT, SAT and other tests that are used for college placement with their information. If NOT instructed in CC, the kids will not be able to pass college entrance tests. * Most school books are written for Common Core. To disband CC, you need to use old textbooks because most school books are set up with CC in mind. * They are teaching Math in a way that will set back kids two years and they start out with 10's (not Units or 1's). They don't start Math at standard year but a later year (can't remember the year). Calculus starts too late to get a child into college. CC dumbs down Math ability. * Process is what counts, not accuracy. Learn why before learning skill * CC is not internationally accepted. * Bill Gates is promoting CC. He believes there are too many people and believes in de-populate with vaccines (sterilization). Get on the web and do some research on this guy...not what you would expect to find. * Race to Top Grant - large amounts of money in the millions being given to the states to implement and from states are able to opt out to "No child left behind" if they sign up. You can see how states will have a hard time turning away the money. Agenda 21) A UN

* Legislators haven't a clue and have been bypassed by Executive order or at least by the Obama Administration. No legislator has voted on this curriculum and hasn't had a voice in the implementation. They have no idea what is happening. * This is Agenda 21 driven... * They are re-writing history ( lying) about our Communism, anti-capitalist and talk about the "collective;." Individualism is scorned. * They aren't teaching history when teaching literature...kit's learn more about reading and writing from manuals and instruction manuals, not literature and novels. Children will have no interest in either if forced to read mundane materials. The students will not be sleep deprived! * States still have constitutional authority to dismantle CC. * Data collection on students, collecting data points and want 400 data points collecting nick names, addresses, bus stop times, grades, family finances, religious affiliation, and much more. Teachers feel like data drones. * Intimidation is used when you try to defeat CC. The documents are long and boring, there are opt out forms but they are rejected. * Need to fix at state level before it goes Federal * This is education without representation, teachers & parents have no say in what is being taught. * It doesn't sound like a local school board, superintendent or principal would be able to do much. You almost have to work with your state representatives. The trouble is that most people don't know much about this. I just watched a show on the Glenn Beck program that you need a subscription for to be able to watch the programming. This is the second day that they spoke of this issue. There where 4 people that were involved with education that spoke about the issue. This curriculum is in 75% of Texas schools and most every state. Governor Dayton of MN is working with our representatives on this issue and I believe he wants CC in the schools as he seems to be set on vetoing any legislation put forth to stop CC in MN. It is being used in Social Studies classes in MN. Check out the web site at the top of the page and type in your state for information. If you select any of the index cards you will find out more about this issue. This is part of Agenda 21. If you haven't heard about Agenda 21, you need to do some it's going to affect your property rights among other key issues. * Millions of outside monies are being thrown into the mix to influence our representatives in this state as well as others. We need to get on the horn and talk to our representatives and write them. They do listen. Get on the above web site and learn more about this issue as it's paramount. Your voice matters! * A German family emigrated to the U.S. because as an Evangelical Christian family, they Home School their children. The German government wouldn't allow them to Home School and were going to take their children away. The Nazi's didn't allow Home schooling and the laws haven't changed in Germany. The family came here and were given asylum by a judge, but now DHS is trying to send them back to Germany where their children will be taken away from them. You can read that story on THE BLAZE: see below... -than-this-becks-interview-with-the-lawyer-representing-homeschooling-family s-fight-to-stay-in-the-u-s/

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