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Danielson Domain

Domain 1: Planning and Preparation

Understand nature of student learning, gain knowledge of students backgrounds, cultures, skills, language proficiency, interests, and special needs

In order to effectively plan lessons and activities, each student must be considered during the planning and preparation.

Gather formal and informal information about students Find out student interests during first week of school Keep records of student interests, backgrounds, skills, special needs, etc...

Indicators of Achievement
Administer student interest survey Plan activities based on student interests Aware of what students do outside of school Aware of student backgrounds and utilize that information during lessons Keep detailed records of student interests and how they change throughout the year Greet students every morning at the door Students are attentive while their peers and teacher are speaking Students do interrupt one another Students applaud for their classmates when prompted to do so Students help each other without being told to do so Students use polite language with classmates and teacher (please, thank you, etc)

Domain 2: The Classroom Environment

Create an environment of respect and rapport

It is essential that students feel respected by the teacher as well as their peers in order to feel comfortable within the classroom. Students will feel valued and safe within an environment with established respect and rapport.

Teach students respectful talk Teach students to take turns talking Model good body language and encourage positive body language amongst students Use physical proximity where there may be problems Encourage polite talk Narration and positive framing around students who are being respectful of their classmates

Domain 2: The Classroom Environment

Managing student behavior

For the classroom to be a productive working environment as well as welcoming and safe student behaviors must be under control. Only when classroom management has been established can the classroom environment be conducive to productivity.

Domain 3: Instruction Communicating with Students Communication is essential in any classroom, especially at the beginning of the school year. I must communicate to my students everything

Classroom rules and expectations established first day of school Behavior management explained and understood Detailed data kept of student behavior and interventions for undesirable behavior Preventative action taken when necessary Reinforcement of positive behavior Use of signature strategies such as narration, positive framing, 100%, nonverbal corrections, lightning-quick corrections, etc 3 positives for every 1 negative Explain purpose of all lessons; objectives for lessons clarified Explicit directions for everything Clear explanations of all content, clarify any

Students participate in planning classroom rules Students know the consequences for negative behavior Students know about incentives and are conscious of classroom expectations Data updated as necessary Using positive framing, narration, etcprevent negative behavior/correct negative behavior without having to verbally correct the student Proximity to students stops and/or prevents undesired behaviors

Students can explain the learning the objective for every lessons and the focus/concept of every lesson Students can explain what they are supposed to be doing and how they are supposed to

Domain 3: Instruction

Engaging students in learning

from the rules and expectations to why it is important for them to come to school every day and the daily learning objectives. Students will not learn if they are not engaged and interested in the content being taught to them. I want my students to have a deep understanding of the content being taught to them and that can only happen when they are fully engaged in what they are learning

misunderstandings and/or confusion

be doing it Students fully understand content

Activities aligned with objectives Student interest considered when planning lessons High-order thinking to push students (Blooms Taxonomy) Students doing more work than the teacher Pacing of lesson fits the activity Utilize J-Factor

Domain 4: Professional Reflecting on Teaching Responsibilities I must be able to reflect on my teaching in order to continually Record lessons Write what worked and what didnt work

Students can see a clear connection between the work they are doing and the objectives for the lesson Students are excited about a lesson because some of their favorite things are brought into the lesson Students are not just answering yes and no questions, students are leading discussion/questioning each others ideas (accountable talk) Students lead the discussion/activity with the teacher as a facilitator Lesson is not rushed or dragging on Students are excited because the teacher is excited After watching recorded lessons I can accurately assess what went well and what did

grow as a teacher. The more reflection I do, the more likely it is that my students will experience success.

Write adjustments, replan lessons

Domain 4: Professional Communicating with families I must keep families Responsibilities informed of what their student is doing in the class and how they are doing in the class. In order to build trust between families and to have family support it is my job to frequently communicate with them.

Send home weekly newsletters Regular positive phone calls home Behavior chart and notes sent home daily Welcome parents to come and observe in the classroom

not go well Acknowledging that lessons are not perfect and things can and should be adjusted Re-planning of lessons and reteaching lessons that were unsuccessful Parents reference newsletter, ask questions about it and/or ask where it is if their student forgets to give it to them Parents look forward to hearing from the teacher about their students behavior Parents sign the behavior chart daily Parents come in to the classroom to observe/volunteer

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