Change Facilitators Meeting PMT (Final)

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Meeting with Change Facilitators for Sustainability Funding Support to CSOs Oct.

27th, 2011

STAR-Ghana Conference Room

10.00 AM

Meeting Objectives
The objective of the meeting was to provide further guidance and information on the STAR-Ghanas Sustainability Funding Mechanism to Change Facilitators; discuss in detail the nature of the assignment and timelines and logistics for the assignment Address any other issues

Why STAR-Ghana Sustainability Grant Funding? The primary aim of the sustainability grant funding window is to provide targeted support to CSOs either already working in STAR-Ghanas thematic areas, and/or whose objectives and activities are closely aligned with those of STAR.

Rationale For STAR-Ghana Sustainability Funding-1

STAR-Ghana s approach is to provide institutional support that will lead to greater sustainability for CSOs Sustainability is therefore the process where an organization is able to develop and change in a planned manner within available resources that is, the organisation and its services and activities are sustainable.

Rationale For STAR-Ghana Sustainability Funding-2

The process is carefully planned and implemented to benefit the organization, its employees and its stakeholders. The change process supports improvement of the organization. The organization is assessed to create an understanding of the current situation and to identify opportunities for change that will meet its long term vision

Rationale For STAR-Ghana Sustainability Funding-3

This allows people to look beyond the immediate context and to appreciate the impact of their actions upon others (and vice versa) Through such a process the pathway from vision to impact becomes clearer and the organisation begins to move beyond a focus on the parts, to begin to see the whole, and to appreciate the organisation as a dynamic process.

Sustainability : Organisational Interventions


Values, Culture, etc


Key Features Of STAR-Ghana Support -1

1. Support will be available to organisations irrespective of size, scope and range of activities, be they: national or sub-national; and growing, consolidating or maturing, or at risk of declining after maturity. 2. Support will be on the basis of developed change plans(Step change plans)
3. Support will be for components of the plan and not the whole plan

Key Features Of STAR-Ghana Support -2

This funding will be available on a competitive basis and will have the following features: be a contribution to achievement of grantees organisational step change plans applicants aims are aligned to STARs purpose and strategic direction; the support is time bound and performance linked; and Value for Money (VFM) principles are mainstreamed in all aspects of the organisations work.

STAR-Ghana Concept of the Organisation Life Cycle

Possible Areas Of Focus For Organisations


Category Phase I (Start-up and Growth) 3 to 5 Years Expand the board. Clarify board member roles and responsibilities. Offer training. Create formal governance structure including committees Phase II (Expansion and Consolidation) 4 to 6 Years Conduct board retreats for planning and training. Formalize board recruitment process. Culturally diversify composition. Develop board orietation and mentor program. Focus on policies. Phase IV (Re-engineering/ Transformation or Decline/Death) 10 Years + Institute an annual board evaluation. Re-energize or develop new Enhance board fundraising capacity and board. Explore partnerships with committee structure others. Board retreat - revise board planning and revitalize board nomination process. Clarify board roles. Phase III (Maturity and Transformation) 5 to 10 Years


Provide a mentor or coach for development Staff Leadership/Manageme of the leader. Assess Executive Director's ability - maximize strengths and minimize nt weaknesses.

Clarify Executive Director's primary roles. Enhance ED annual evaluation process Develop succession plans for key Establish ED annual priorities. Delegate and and clarify roles related to staff leadership. May need a new or offer more administrative support and management. Explore additional interim Executive Director. begin succession planning for key staff. coaching. Increase personnel management and provide more training, including management training. Ensure proper volunteer programs. Conduct salary review and comparison. Prepare staff for diversity. Explore new program delivery models. Develop internal process for evaluating new opportunities and review strategic plan and develop a long-range program plan. Prepare for major staff changes and push for enhanced internal collaboration. Re-evaluate the volunteer program and explore ways to keep essential staff. Reassig staff as needed and consider new staff structures. Undertake strategic planning to review activities-reduce and focus efforts. Conduct formal program evaluation - survey clients. Explore best practices, models and collaborative relations. Centralize key administrative functions, revamp systems and equipment. Re-examine policies - reduce red tape. Expand funding sources. Detailed financial analysis. Explore short term cost reductions and analyze current fundraising strategies. Add resources to development.


Use and recognize volunteers well. Hire Hire more administrative support. Develop administrative support. Consider contract or job descriptions and work charts. Refine part-time for needed expertise - accounting, volunteer management functions and etc. expand base. Create personnel policies.

Assess and begin to improve quality. Programme Development/Services Establish criteria for what activities and programs to pursue

Develop a strategic plan to clarify and integrate. ID and track client outcomes and learn to say 'no' to opportunities. Develop collaborations to better serve client needs.

Formalize record keeping and manuals. Administrative Systems/Operations Begin to establish basic program, policies and manuals

Automate data management. Purchase necessary technology and equip. Develop maintenance and replacement plan. Improve internal communication Develop a multi-year budget - including capital budget. Establish formal financial controls and create a development plan. Diversify funding streams - expand individual giving base. Hire a development person and explore capital campaign feasibility.


Expand funding sources and institute formal accounting policies and procedures. Hire an experienced accountant and begin to plan for future financial needs

Develop a risk management plan. Upgrade technology hardware and software. Ensure adequate administrative staff and formalize internal communication. Develop an operating reserve and policies. Review fundraising plan and enhance fundraising capacity.

Marketing/Community Develop a condensed fact sheet and create Have board more involved in community talking points for board/volunteers. Begin relations. Develop brand and image. Awareness
to develop an organization brand/identity. Enhance professionalism of promotional

Enhance marketing capacity. Better Proactive public relations utilize technology for communication campaign. Keep key stakeholders and develop long term marketing plan. updated.

Nature Of the Assignment

Purpose of the Assignment

The purpose of the assignment is to provide technical support, including process facilitation, accompaniment and targeted capacity building to assigned civil society organisations.

Scope of the Work Required

Task 1: Develop a methodology to provide technical assistance to shortlisted CSOs to apply for STAR-Ghanas Sustainability grant.
Review of relevant programme documentation especially on GESI and CB Consultants own specific knowledge and experiences in implementation of similar initiatives in Ghana and elsewhere; Consultations with the PMT, particularly the Programme Manager and Deputy Programme Manager, and the programmes technical advisors.

Scope of the Work Required

Task 2: Provide technical assistance to shortlisted applicants:
Undertake an in-depth assessment of the organisation using the attached tool The sustainability assessment tool has not been tested with GPs as yet. CF should test it at least once and feed back to the PMT Provide support, including process facilitation and technical advice to shortlisted CSOs to enable them develop and submit detailed Step change proposals for the Sustainability grant. Provide continued technical support on demand to selected organisations.

Submit inception report outlining initial findings and a plan of activities following the initial meeting with CSOs; Targeted support, tailored to meet each organisations specific needs and situation to enable them develop Step Change proposals. The key features of a step change proposal submitted by the organisation to STAR-Ghana. An end-of-assignment report indicating key processes and key learnings and recommendations for STAR-Ghana and supported organisations. Assist in the development and implementation of COPs around sustainability


Key Documents that CFs need to familiarize with

STAR-Ghana Theory of Change and Philosophy; STAR-Ghana Sustainability Grant Strategy STAR-Ghana Gender Equality & Social Inclusion (GESI) strategy; STAR-Ghana Capacity Building Framework

Further information are available on our website:

Timelines and Inputs

The assignment will be implemented within the period starting the week of Nov to December, 2011. This will include visits to the CSOs locations and consultations with the PMT. Inputs allowed for the assignment are: Up to 8 days of work by the Consultant per CSO; Support from the Programme Management Team

Reporting Template For Change Facilitators

Introduction Summary of plan for sustainability: Areas of strength in organisation Areas for Change: Governance Management Financial Management Comment on progress to date Progress Report Work planned for the period What was achieved? How was it achieved were technical, people and financial resources adequately considered? What contributed to success or constraints to the process? Mention plans that could not be implemented and why?

Changes effected, to come or revised.

What could have been done better?

Learning Issues for the organisation How will these impact on how processes are managed going forward? Process Issues Were the best decisions made in thinking through resources, and styles in change plans? If not what changes should be considered? Is the timing and people management progressing as planned? What learning and difficulties are staff experiencing and are they receiving sufficient support and reinforcement?

Is the organisation managing to maintain focus on its mission while managing change?
Is the relationship between the facilitator and the organisation working well? If not, can STAR help in any way? Revisions to be considered in plan Are these major or minor? Conclusions and Recommendations

CFs and CSOs Groupings

Meiji Consult Ltd 1. Christian Rural Aid Network 2. Link Community Development - Ghana 3. Child Research And Resource Center
Associates for Development Partnerships (ADP)

1. Centre For The Development Of People 2. Coalition Of NGOs In Water And Sanitation 3. Resource Link Foundation

4. Childs Rights International


CFs and CSOs Groupings

Shawbell Consulting Ltd 1. CDD-Ghana 2. GNECC 3. Institute for Fiscal Policy 4. I SODEC 5. VOLPHIG GIMPA Business School 1. National Catholic Secretariat - Department of Human Development 2. Pamoja Ghana Reflect Network

4. Special Attention Project

CFs and CSOs Groupings

Global Organisational Development Consultants

1. Partners In Participatory Development 2. Regional Advisory Information and Network Systems 3. Rural Media Network 4. Youth Action on Reproductive Order

1. Campaign for Balance Education and Development 2. Centre for Active Learning and Integrated Development 3. Dawah Academy

4. Northern Network for

Education Development

CFs and CSOs Groupings

University of Cape Coast Consultancy Unit

2. Northern Patriots in Research and Advocacy



Introductions by letter to our GPs Travel and accommodation/per diem costs will be covered by STAR-Ghana based on agreed travel schedule/work plan and in line with STAR-Ghana rate Fee rates to be negotiated with each organization

Thank You

Your Questions and Comments?

Next Steps

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