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Social Work 300

Computer Applications in the Social Sciences

Ms. McArthur

Second semester, MW 4-5:30

February 1, 2009
Do Parents Matter?

By Malcolm Gladwell

In the article "Do parents Matter" by Malcolm Gladwell, it talks about the
ideas of Judith Rich Harris. Harris believes that children act the way they do not only
because of their upbringing by their parents but also by their peers. Her theory was
children learn certain things from their parents’ genetics and sight and other things
from their peers. Also there was a study done that involve women who put their
babies up for adoption.

The Predictors of Parental Use of Corporal Punishment

By Andrew Grogan-Kaylor and Melanie Otis

My source came from a journal article. In The Predictors of Parental Use of

Corporal Punishment, it has obviously been discovered that no one other than the
child suffers from such brutal acts. Corporal Punishment has been in focus for over
the past decade. It has been said that when spanking children it is easier to
determine how wrong the act was that they had done and how much damage has
been done than to measure the damage from the actual punishment given to the

On the status of knowledge for using punishment: A Commentary

By Robert H. Horner

In this article, it has been said or believed that spanking actually helps us.
They help shape us and spankings are an aversive stimuli. In other words they're
defined by their ability to evoke or elicit avoidance patterns that result in the
response reduction important for defining punishment. This article has also
described spanking as a "way of life". Basically spankings are something we have to
deal with and they're mandatory and a part of life.
Spanking in Early Childhood and Later Behavior Problems: A Prospective
Study of Infants and Young Toddlers

By Eric. P Slade and Lawrence S. Wissow

This article talked about spanking children before age two years old and how
it affected them later on, about four years later when they started school. When
children younger than two were spanked, it was found that they had an exceeding
number of behavior Problems, and they were in trouble with their Parents constantly
as well. The two races that were tested were white, non-Hispanic and they were
compared to Hispanics and blacks. The results were that four years later, the white
kids experienced difficulties in school and with their Parents, while on the other
hand the Hispanics and the blacks had Positive results.

Attitudes towards corporal punishment and reporting of abuse

By Emanuel Tirosh, Schlomit Schetcher, Ayala Cohen, and Miachael Jaffe

Pediatricians and Practitioners were interviewed in Israel. Some of whom

were Israel natives and some who weren't. Attitudes toward corporal Punishment
were the same, in other words based on the Physicians' sex or specialty, their
thoughts remained the same. Ironically, the Pediatricians agreed with and believed
in corporal Punishment; however the family Practitioners believed the total
opposite. They disagreed with corporal Punishment and felt it was wrong. The Israel
natives also believed that corporal Punishment should be acted out. The non-Israel
natives believed corporal Punishment was wrong and unacceptable.

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