PERIOD 1 JASMINE PEREZ Conley Spreadsheet - Key Cognitive Strategies

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Intellectual Openness
"questions he views of others when hose view are not logically supported...and changes personal views if warranted by the evidence" this means that the person argues the point if the point isn clear and then thinks of changing his/her view on it.



Reasoning, Argumentation, and Proof

"student constructs wellreasoned arguments [to]... defind a point ...and adresses critiques or challenges providing a explanation" student should make a find good arguements to defend there point of view. "accepts critiques of or challenges to assertions; and addresses critiques and challenges by providing a logical explanation" Its important to be able to accept challenges and take risks now and then

"synthesizes the results of an analysis of competing or conflicting descriptions of an event or issue or phenomenon into a coherent explanation" making an analysis into an explanation helps to understand what you have better "the student analyzes competing and conflicting descriptions of an event or issue to determine the strengths and flaws in each description" students aren't perfect their allowed to make mistakes

Precision and Accuracy


"students need to know how to pre-write, how to edit, and how to rewrite piece before it is submitted' this will help you write a good essay , and double checking your work will help see errors.


Christina Parra

"the student evaluates data... "the student engages in active compares and contrasts inquiry and dialogue about sources...and generates subject matter and research summaries." student analyze questions and seeks evidence what they are reading for a to defend arguments" use better undersandng and they debating skills to back up compare and contrast it to answers there ideas. "the student does not simply accept as given any assertion that is presented or conclusion that is reached, but asks why things are so" Students should not just do the work because they were told but take the time to learn it

" uses precision to reach correct conclusions" this means they can be correct by being close to the actual answer.

"student developes and applies multiple strategies to solve problems" having alot of starategies to do things will help you solve different things.

Diana Mendoza

Mercedes Speck

Cristina Aceves

"the student possses curiosity and a thirst for deeper understanding questions" A great student asks questions or ask for clarification to understand the content "Such openmindness helps students understand the ways in which knowledge is constructed.." being opendminded helps the student understand their studies and what they are doing. "changes personal views if warranted by the evidence" it's important as a student to be able to accept when you're wrong because that helps you grown. It always extends your knowledge being able to take in what people say.

"the student identifies and evaluates data...for quality of content and validity" This shows an organized student ready to learn and gain knowledge

"from a task or process that is repeated and uses precision to reach correct conclusions in the context" students should make their own conclusion of the context instead of copying

students use different strategies to solve problems and use methods to solve complex problems

"be able to identify and utilize appropriate strategies explore and answer problems and conduct research on a range of questions" this will help you with college courses. "students must be able to evaluate the appropriateness of a variety of source material "students are expected to write and then synthesize and a lot in college and to do so in incorporate the material into a relatively short period of time" paper or report" students im not much of a fast student should be able to know the but that's why many teachers content instead of just doing help us before time. what was told.

"engages in active inquiry and dialogue about subject matter, research questions and seeks evidence to defend arguments"

"the student constructs well reasoned arguments or proofs to explain pheomena or issues" "accepts critiques of or "seeks evidence to defend "the student compares and challenges to assertions; and arguments, explanations, or contrasts sources and finding" addresses critiques and lines of reasoning" It's It's important to get the correct challenges by providing a important to be able to back up information when there is logical explanation" Its what you say with evidence, many places to find important to be able to accept makes it harder for people to informations it's smart to that you can be wrong but the disagree with what you say compare them important part is to

"identifies and evaluates data, material and sources for quality of content"-this student makes sure the information is correct/exact.

"conflicting descriptions of an event or issue to determine "students knows what type of the strength and flaws in each precision is appropriate to the description" task and subject area" "states the interpretation that is most likely correct or is most reasonable, based on available evidence" You can't just write any interpretation you need to find the best fitting with the correct information

Jamey Price

Christopher Aguilar

"thirst for deeper understanding, questions the views of others when those views are not logically supported, accepts constructive criticism "Such openmindedness helps students understand the ways in which knowledge is constructed, broadens presonal perspective and helps students deal with novelty and ambiguity" This would be good to help students who are lost or have mixed feelings about something.

"identifies and evaluates data, material, and sources for quality of content, validity, "engages in active inquiry and credibility, and relevance" dialogue about subject matter, being able not only to write an research questions and seeks interpretation but being able to evidence to defend analysis and go into a deeper arguments" meaning "The student compares and contrasts sources and findings and generates summaries and explanations of source materials." Comparing and contrasting as well as summarizing is important to help you find deeper understanding or to help you find the diffrence between things.

"well reasoned arguments or proofs to explain phenomena or issues" being able to have arguments and provide proof and background information behind it " The student constructs wellreasoned arguments, utilizes recognized forms to construct an argument, accepts critiques, and adresses critiques and challenges" This is something i struggled with when we were reading The Catcher in the Rye. I struggled because my argument wasnt very clear. "The student constructs wellreasoned arguments or proofs to explain phenomena or issues:.......accepts critiques of or challenges to assertions..." students are acepting the critiques of others because the have good arguements with understandable proof and explanations. " The student constucts wellreasoned arguments or proofs to explain phenomena or issues" ... We use this when we make an arguement for what we believe. Then we need proof to defend why we believe it.

"analyzes competing and conflicting descriptions of an event or issue to determine the strengths and flaws in each description" being able to go into a deeper meaning of text

"expository, descriptive, and persuasive writing are particularly important types of writing in college." "students are expected to write a lot in college and to do so in "uses precision to reach "The student develops and relatively short period of time" correct conclusions in the applies multiple strategies to You must know what you are context" uses their precision to solve routine problems" it's taking about before hand reach a logical conclusion, not important to know many ways because in college its just writing whatever they to solve problems not just relay important to write your point think. on one and be quick "students are expected to write a lot in college and to do so in relatively short period of time" it's important to plan out "the student develops and (outline) before doing a essay applies multiple strategies to "the student develops and because after doing an outline solve routine problems" Its applies multiple strategies to you will just have to put it into important to know more than solve routine problems" take it paragraph form and tweek it a one strategy in order to solve step by step to solve a math little to sound educated, that problems. problem' way it wil take you less time

students use different strategies to solve problems and use methods to solve complex problems

"students must be able to conduct research on a range of questions". "require students to be able to identify and utilize appropriate strategies and methodologies to explore and answer problems" students are expected to know what they need to do in order to answer problems

"identify and utilize appropriate strategies and methodologies to explore and answer problems and to conduct research on a range of questions" students are able to research and ask questions to get a deeper understanding

"The student does not simply accept given any assertion that is presented or conclusion that is reached, but asks why things are so." This is important to help students go the "extra mile" to really understand something and make a conclusion.

Yesenia Cervantes

"the student compares and " dialouge about subject matter contrasts sources and findings and research questions and and generates summaries and "openmindedness helps seeks evidence to defend explanations of source students understand the ways arguments, explanations, or materials" being able to in which knowledge is lines of reasoning" the student "compare and contrasts" is a constructed" being openhas the ability to engage in struggle for many students minded the student is capable active dialouge to the subects both in high school and of understanding their studies. matter. college. "the student identifies and evaluates data, material, and sources for quality of content, validity, credibility, and relevance" We have been using this in Mr. Larkins class when we did the scientific method

"The student analyzes competing and conflicting descriptions of an event or issue to determine the strengths and flaws in each description and any commonalities among or distinctions between them..." the student identifies competing, conflicting, and descriptions.

"the student knows what type of precision is appropiate," students knows whats acceptable and not acceptable in class so there's no going off topic.

Evelin Luna

"accepts constructive criticism, and changes personal view if warrented by the evidence," ... This is being open minded and it is a good thing to be able to see other points of view.

"seeks evidence to defend arguments, explanations, or lines of reasoning" looking further to support your argument

"determine the strengths and flaws in each description and any commonalities among or distinctions between them." ... saying what you obtained from the text.

"students knows what type of precision is appropriate to the task and subject area" ...In this area what you really need to do is know whats happening in the text.

Norma Gonzalez

"questions the views of others when those views are not logically supported, accepts constructive criticism, and changes personal views if warrented by the evidence" the person is able to take critism easily and changes if necessary

Ayelin Noh

"the student does not simply accept as given any assetion that is presented or conclusion that is reached, but asks why things are so."This shows that a student truly cares about the assignment and is willing to do extra work to find out and understand why things are so. "Students engages inactive inqury and dialogue and subject matter and research "Students possesses curiosity questions" Which means that and a thirst for deeper the student asks questions, understanding" This student is finds reasons for an openminded which helps the explanation and looks for student understand things in evidence fto defend their better ways. argument.

"accepts critiques of or challenges to assertions; and addresses critiques and "the student compares and challenges by providing a contrasts sources and findings logical explanation or and generates sumaries". I refutation," This shows that think this means that the students must not only accept student is willing to find out challenges but view their and compare. which shows critique from their wview nd that they have a well then address it with what you understanding. think is a logical explnation

"student analyzes competing and conflicting descriptions of an event or issue to determine the strengths in each descriptio and flaws" In order to veiw the strenghths and flaws students must be able to lok at different perspectives. "Student analyzes competing and conflicting descriptions of an event or issue to determine the strengths" This means that this student can tell two different things apart from each other and uses good evidence to interpret.

"uses precision appropriately to reach correct conclusions in the context of the task" This shows that it takes various steps todetermine a correct conclusion.

"Student constructs wellreasoned arguments or proofs "Students identifies and to explain phenomena or evaluates data, material, and issues" which means that they sources" Student finds ways to have the skill of making good show credibility for what points, they give you evidence he/she is talking about. and reasons to prove it to you.

"students know what type of precision is appropiate to the task and the subject area" This means that student knows what he/she is talking about and knows the correct thing to say.

".....students must be able to evaluate the appropriateness of a variety of source ,material and then synthesize and incorporate the material into a "The student develops and paper or report." as students applies multiple strategies to this is also antoher technique solve routine problems.." a that we must know how to do, thing many students later on because we do a few research develop. papers in our classes. "Identify and utulize "applies methods of problem appropriate strategies and solving." ... I think we use this methodologies." ... To do in a lot of our classes for reasearch I only use the example technology when we internet. I look over several have a problem with our websites and summarize the computer we try to fix it information that i obtained. I ourselves or ask your partner think I do a good job in for help. research. "Students must be able to evaluate the appropiateness of "Students need to know how to a variety of source material pre-write, how to edit, and how and then syntesize and to re-write a piece before it is incorporate the material into a "The largest portion of what submitted and, often, after it paper or report." This college has to offer, which is has been submitted once and technique is difficult to utilize how to think about the world" I feedback has been provided." because of the fact that they find that interesting that collge There are many steps to a hve to choose what doesn't only offer education succesful essay that require information to use and see if it helps you make values about steps befrore and after you is appropriate before how you see the world. have written the essay. incorperating it in your essay. "Is the means by which students are evaluated at least "Student develops and applies to some degree in nearly every "Require students to be able to mutiple strategies to resolve postsecondary course" This identify and utilize appropiate routine problems" This student means that essays amd other strategies and methodologies knows what to do with any writing ways are important to to explore and answer problem that come up, always know how to do them, you are problems" This means that finds different solutions to being testedon your writing student needs to learn how to solve certain things. skills. find evidence.

"Students need to know how to pre-write, how to edit, and how to re-write a peice before it is submitted." This is something we have all learned to do last year in Ms.Virens class and you dont have to be a really skillful writer to be able t do this. "Students need to know how to pre-write,how to edit, and how to know re-write a piece before it is submitted and, often, after it has been submitted once and feedback has been provided." as students we must know how to due these things because it is the steps and techniques that we will be using in this subject. "Students are expected to write a lot in college and do so in relatively short periods of time." ... This is very scary to think about. I can write pretty well but to do so I take my time editing and trying to make it better. I need to improve in this area.

"Require students to be able to identify and utilize appropriate strategies and methodologies to explore and answer problems." Using methods you can get a better understanding of what youre doing and get the answer better and/or faster but you have to indentify key strategies to do this.



Intellectual Openness

"the student does not simply accept as given any assertion that is presented...but asks why things are so" this is important because the student wants to know why things happen.


Reasoning, Argumentation, and Proof

"states the interpertaion that is most likely correct or is most reasonable, based on the avialable evidence" the student studies the evidence to choose the most correct interpertation

Precision and Accuracy

"is able to increase precision and accuaracy through succesive approximations generated from task or process that is repeated" this means that the student is always correct.




Jocelyn Velazquez

"student posses curiosity.. helps understand personal perspectives" I think this one is one of the main factors to suceed into college No curiosity, no learning. "the student possses curiosity and a thirst for deeper understanding questions" is curious to figure things out "the student possses curiosity and a thirst for deeper understanding questions" A great student asks questions or ask for clarification to understand the content, usually

"identifies and evaluates data, material and sources for quality of content" this student makes sure the information is correct/exact.

"the student constructs wellreasoned arguments" this means that theyre able to make good arguements.

Jasmine P.

Cameron Straughter

"engages in active dialoque" Means that someone is focua and not distracted. "studen does not simply accept as given any assertion that is presented or conclusion that is reached but asks why things are so" basicallythis student is going to annoy everyone asking why to everything

"student compares resources" need to work on that. notreally "constructs well reason comparing two things with arguments" not really good different resources. either on this either.

"analyzes and determines "knows the type of precision flaws" important skill to tell two needed" i think this means you objects apart to each other. need to know what your goals.

"the sudent identifies and evaluates data, material, sources..." this basically means the student is extremely careful or thorough

"accepts critiques of or challenges to assertions..." this means the student can handle critisicms and challenges to assertions

"states the interpretation that is most likely correct or ismost reasonable..." this means you want the best evidence and nothing less

"student knows what type or precision is appropiate to the task..." this means you know where you want to take your writing I guess

luis devora

guadalupe renteria!!:D

Ashley Voltaire

"the student engages in aactive inquiry and dialogue about subject matter and research questins and seeks evidence" this means that the student looks for evidence to defend their arguments andreasonings "the student engages in active inquiry and dialogue about subject matter and research questins and seeks evidence to defend arguments..." this means that the student looks "the student possesses up for evidence and curiosity and a thrist for deeper explanations to back up their understanding" arguments and reasoning. students engage in active inquiry and dialogue about students don't receive a good subject matter and research insight if what they need to questions and searches for know is not supported, so it evidence to defend their makes them feel lost arguments "such openmindedness helps students understand the ways in which knowladge is constructed" this help the students to understand the knowladege

"the student analyzes competing and conflicting descriptions of and event or "the student compare and issue to determine the contrasts sources and findings "the student constructs wellstrenghts and flaws" this and generates sumaries" i reasoned arguments" this means that the students learned to compare and means that theyre able to analyze a conflic and they contrast on english class. make good arguements. found the strenghts and flaws. "the student identifies and "the student analyzes evaluates data,material,and "the students constructs well- competing and conflicting resources for quality of reasoned arguments or proofs descriptions of an event or content,validity,credibility,and to explain phenomena or issue todetermined the revelance."this is showing how issues...." this shows how the strengths and faws in each your analysis is suppose to be student knows how to reason description.."ths students learn having all of these different the argument the way it is how to interpret the analysis resources for a well written supposed to and tryes to get of their issue with good analysis. proof of their issues. description. students analyze and determine the strengths and flaws in each description and should be competent to find errors in descriptions

"the student knows what type of precision is appropiate to the task and the subhect area" students knows whats acceptable in class so there's no playing on class and geting off topic.

"require students to be able to identify and utilize appropriate "the student devolps and strategies and methodologies applies multiple strategies to "students need to know how to to explore and anwser solve routine problems , prewrite, how to edit and how problems and to conduct generte strategies to solve non to re-write a piece before its research on a range of routine problems" this means submitted" this is something I questions" students need to be that studentt always knows have done before with my able to find their own stragies what to do in a situation essays to solve situations ""applies multiple strategies to "expository,persuading, "evaluate source material and solve strategies" In my opinion descriptive writing are incorporate the material into using different knowledge in importane types of writing" I paper" in other words, able to different subjects will help feel relieved we learned these write a research report or solve anything in situations. for 2 yrs. essay. "...complex problems requiring method-based problem solving." so if the problem is ..."means by which some complex method-based students are evaluated at least "...must be able to access a problem solving is required, to some degree in nearly every variety of types of this is an important strategy postsecondary course" the information..." basically it every student should maybe main component of writing saying its all about the have seems to be getting evaluated research "college courses increasingly require students to be able to identiy and utilize appropriate "the studen develops and "students are expected to write strategies and methodologies applies multiple strategies to a lot in college and to do so in to explore answers and solve routine problems" relatively shorts periods of problems" this is important students use different time" this is importat because because colleges are looking knowladge to solve problems its giving us an advice that for students that can do many in different subjects. writing is important. things

"students use precison appropriately to reach correct conclusion..." Use the right information so that your conclusion is revelant which they are using precision.

"the student deelops and appllies multiple strategies to solve routine problems..."this is what the problem solving is, it solves different routines and even the complex ones. that's a fact because students in igh school are currently doing that now to prepare for college, and when its essay time, the students are already prepared

students compare and contrast sources and try to challenge sources and utlizes evidence to support him

students utilize well-reasoned arguments and evidence to explain tribulations and debate on it

students should know what to do that is apprpriate to the work and subject

Trevon Ashley

"thirst for deeper understanding, questions the views of others when those views are logically supported" students should seek extra help to better understanding

"the student engages in active inquiry and dialogue about subject matter and research questions and seeks evidence to defend argument" students should be able to want to find evidence to back up thier arguments

"the student compares and contrast sources and findings..." Student tries to challenge soures and uses evidence to support him.

Esmeralda Matamoros

"The student possesses curiosity and a thirst for a deeper understanding" Its important for a student to expend there knowledge by being curious about something the end up learning more

"seeking evidence to defend arguments,explanation or lines of reasoning", this means that your an open minded student and willing to take a challenge

"the student compares and contrast sources and findings..." Student tries to challenge soures and uses evidence to support him.

"the student analyzes competing and conflicting descriptions of an event or "the student constructs wellissue to determine the reasoned arguments or proofs strengths and flaws in each to explain phenomena or description" students should issues" student should be able be able to find errors in to debate on issues descriptions "the students analyzes competing and conflicting descrpitions of an event or "accepts critiques of or issue to determine the challenges to assertion;and strengths and flaws n each adresses critques and descritption and any challenges.." that is something commonalities" its a good i need to work on because i stratedy to know and do as a dont like being wrong student

"Uses precison appropriately to reach correct conclusion..." Use the right information so that your conclusion is revelant.

students use different strategies to solve problems and use methods to solve complex problems "Student develops and applies multiple strategies to solve nonroutine problems, and applies methods of problem solving to complex problems requiring method-based problem solving." I think this means that students can find new ways to solve "non routine problems"

when writing an essay, there is a certain way of how to do it "college courses increasingly require students to be able to identify and utilize appropriate strategies and methodologies to explore" students should be able to analyze strategies be able find methods that help them understand the curriculum "students must be able to evaluate appropiatness of a variety of sourse materials and then syntesize and incorporate the material into a paper or report" having good research skills help you write a better paper which makes you a better student "college courses increasingly require students to be able to identify and utilize appropriate strategies and methodologies to explore and answer problems and to conduct research on a range of questions..." having good research skills is required because then you could easily access the iformation you need...

" students are expected to write a lot in college and to do so in relatively short periods of time" students should be prepared for rigorious writing

"knows what type of precision is appropiate to the task and the subject area"by the end of the high school students should be able to do this

"applies multiple strategies to solve rountine problems" i think it means a great student would know many methods to solve something

"students are expected to write a lot in college and to do short period of time" students should leave high school being able to do any types of writing as there expected to do.

Christopher Estrada

"Such opendmindness helps students understand the ways in which..." This helps the student understand knowledge and what he learns by being curious...

"seeking evidence to defend arguments,explanation or lines of reasoning", this means that your an open minded student, willing to take a challenge, and you go look for that knowledge

"the student compares and contrast sources and findings..." Student tries to challenge soures and uses evidence to support him.

"accepts critiques of or challenges to assertion;and adresses critques and challenges..." he uses written evidence to challenge the assertions of others

"The student knows what type "states the interpretation that is of precision is appropriate to most likely correct or is most the task and the subject area" reasonable..." The student You need to know what is here tries to explain the results happening in order to solve a of an event problem.

Daniela Ortiz

Kevin L3on

"Accepts constructive criticism, and changes personal view if warrented by the evidence," Instead of getting annoyed because people correct you, you should appreciate their "Seeks evidence to defend help. arguments," "The student engages in active inquiry and dialogue about "The student possesses subject matter and research curiosity and a thirst for deeper questions and seeks evidence understanding" You should to defend arguments." While ask alot of questions so that you are in class disccussions you won't be confused and so don't just accept answers but that you can understand ask why things are like they something better. are.

"And addresses critiques and challenges by providing a logical explanation or refutation or by acknowledging "Compares and contrasts the accuracy of the critique or sources," Instead of just going challenge," I guess this means on and on you could write that when you write you have about the differences in to learn how to address what's sources. revelant and whats not.

"Analyzes competing and conflicting descriptions of an event or issue to determine the strengths and flaws in each description and any commonalities among or distinctions between them..."

"Uses precison appropriately to reach correct conclusion..." Use the right information so that your conclusion is revelant.

"The student develops and applies multiple strategies to solve routine problems" Uses simple strategies to solve problems. "Student develops and applies multiple strategies to solve nonroutine problems, and applies methods of problem solving to complex problems requiring method-based problem solving." I think this means that students can find new ways to solve "non routine problems"

"writing is the means by which students are evaluated at least to some degree in nearly every postsecondary course." writing is a madatory requirement for each student and being so, it helps the student improve as great writers

"Writing is the means by which students are evaluated at least to some degree in nearly every postsecondary course," People look at your writing skills to evaluate you.

"Identify and utilize appropriate strategies and methodologies to explore and answer problems..." Use the right writing methods to make your writing a whole lot better. It'll help you understand and solve problems. "They must also be able to access a variety of types of information from a range of locations, formats, and source enviroments" I learned to get evidence from different places so that I coud back up my arguements.

"The student compares and contrasts sources and findings and generates summaries" This is something I learned to used in elementary but i really didn't understand it at first.

"defend a point of view or conclusion" I think you should always have a good reason to do something.

"The student analyzes competing and conflicting descriptions of an event or issue" Don't be afraid to do something.

"The student knows what type of precision is appropriate to the task and the subject area" You need to know what is happening in order to solve a problem.

"The student develops and applies multiple strategies to solve routine problems" Use simple strategies you know to solve more complex one's.

"Expository, descriptive, and persuasive writing are particularly important types of writing in college" You really need to practice your writing skills while you are still in highschool.



Intellectual Openness



Reasoning, Argumentation, and Proof

"Precison and accuracy through successive approximations generated from a task or process that is reapeated" He need to know what is going on , and needs correct information

Precision and Accuracy




Leonardo Gonzalez

"The student engages in active "The student possesses inquiry and dialogue about curiosity and a thirst for deeper subject matter and research understanding" You should questions ans seeks evidence ask alot of questions so that , to to defend arguments" This you won't be confused and so person sounds like something I that you can understand would do but i get really lazy to something better. do so.

Anthony Moreno

Jesse Lopez

"such openmindness " Shows how it's being open minded "questions the views of others when those views are not logically supported, accepts constructive criticism, and changes personal views if warrented by the evidence" the person is able to take critism easily and changes if necessary

"They must also be able to access a variety of types of information from a range of locations, formats, and source enviroments" Information is needed to support your arguement. "College courses increasingly require students to be able to "precison and accuracy "The student knows what type identify and utilize appropiate "student engages in active through successive of presicion is appropiate to "the student develops and "writing is the means by which strategies and methodologies inquiry and dialogue about "the student identifies and approximations " He needs to the task and the subject area" applies multiple strategies to students are evaluated at least to explore and answer the subject matter and research evaluates data, material, and "Student analysis competing correct information and needs The student is basically solve routine problems" to some degree" When problems" In college you need questions and seeks evidence sources" This is like explaining and conflicting" In makes more to be informed of what is going knowing what to do at Student goes through a series students read they're tested at to be good in all strategies to to defend arguements" and breaking something down. sense to students. on appropiate times. of steps to solve problems some level answer the problems "The student knows what type of persision is precision is appropriate to the task ans the subject area, is able to increase precision " "The student develops and applies mulyiple strategies to solove routine problems " I think that I can do this if I put my mind to it. "Writing is the means by which students are evaluated at least to some degree" Writing can be tricky but once you get the hang of it , it can be easy

"The student analysis "The student identifies and competing and conflicts evaluates data, material , and descripions of an event or sources for quality of content , issue to determin the strengths validity , credibility and and flaws in each descripion reevance." This person is and any commonalities" really good to analysis things . Explain more things , and Hopefully I can be like this show more proove of person soon. I have a new idol something

Stephanie Perez

"student engages in active inquiry and dialogue about subject matter and research questions and seeks evidence to defend arguements" the person is able to be involved and is able to defend his/her work "Student engages in active inquiry and dialogue about subject matter and research questions and seeks evidence" "The student possesses this means the student goes curiosity and a thirst for deeper through steps to break down understanding" which means information about the lesson student has to pay close and is comfortable untill the attention and study alot to student knows what he or she master what is taught. is learning.

"student identifies and evaluates data, material, and sources" the person is able to have good information and data

"student contructs well reasoned arguments or proofs to explain issue" person has information to back up his/her claim

"student analyzes competing and conflicting descriptions" person is able to make interpretations from his/her ideas

"student knows what type or precision is appropiate to the task" he/she knows what to do in the appropiate times

"student deveops and applies multiple strategies to solve routine problems" he/she has a variety of skills they can use to solve problems

"students are expected to write a lot in college and to do so in relatively short periods of time" writing should be something that students should be aware of in college

"aquire students to be able to utilize and identify appropiate strategies" research is required in a college student's work

"The student identifies and evaluates data,material,and resources for quality of content,validity,credibility,and revelance." Student compares information and does other research to have good information of what they want.

"The student constructs wellreasoned arguments or proofs to explain phenomena or issues" Student gets to the point of the argument and knows he/she is right because of all the information gathered.

"The Student analyzes competing and conflicting descriptions of an event or issue to determine the strengths and flaws in each description" Student goes over the information researched, and fix any errors.

10/10Im sort of good in that section because sometimes im 8/10 Im not that type of person 7/10 I don't like comparing 8/27/2012 open minded who loves to quarrel alot. much.

10/10 Im way good at finding evidence when i comes to reasoning my position. Its easy too. Like pie!

9/10 I'm not that perfect but i could get an understanding of what im learning and interpret it as my own.

5/10 i need lots of help on that. 6/10 Fr math thats my major Im not to focus i usually daze weakness but for english its out and dream. my major strong point.

1/10 I don't really like writing. Unless im desperate or depress i do. but for HW or anthng else, no.

4/10 Its alright but I like doing research for fun or my tupe of interest.

1. 38/48 - 5 = 33/48 Good effort, Jasmine. More explanation of key strategies would be appreciated, and key content was somewhat incomplete.

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