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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy

What Everybody Ought To Know About

Enjoying Life And Having Boundless
1 - Hicks 2009
16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
Welcome to 16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
Congratulations on downloading 16 EASY STEPS TO RENEW
YOUR ENERGY. This book is packed full of easy to implement
steps that will improve your energy and support you to get the
best out of life…. with the least amount of energy expended as
well! Whilst this book is copyrighted, I’m happy for you to print
it off so that you can read it in comfort.
If you want to use this book in your own business, I’m happy for
you to use it as long as the book is not modified and is reprinted
in its entirety. As long as you refer to the author and provide all
my contact information, you can distribute it freely.
Regardless of whether you are using this for your own personal
use or downloading it to pass onto friends or clients, I am sure
you will find a lot of valuable tips. Most of the information here
has come from my 15 years of working with people day to day in
my clinic - so everything I suggest here works. Enjoy the book
and thank you for your interest. Let me know what worked best
for you… I would love to know.
Shirley Hicks
Counsellor & Psychotherapist
P.S. This e-book is not intended as a replacement for medical
assistance. If you’re worried about any aspects of your health
it’s best to consult with your GP before commencing this
P.P.S. I’ve found this book works better if you’re lying
comfortably with a pillow under your head and some soft music
playing in the background. Why not try it- you’ve got nothing to
lose but some tension!

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy

Content Page
The Energy Rating Quiz 4
Quiz Results 7
16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy 20
Step 1 Drink Water 21
Step 2 Eat Fresh , Delicious Food 22
Step 3 Sit in the Sun 24
Step 4 Boost your energy with herbs 25
Step 5 Exercise 26
Step 6 Nap, Rest and Sleep 27
Step 7 Spend Time With Family & Friends That Care 28
For You
Step 8 Take 5 Minutes a Day to Really Breathe 30
Step 9 Eat The Foods That Boost Your Mood 31
Step 10 Laugh and Have Fun 32
Step 11 Take Time Off To Do Nothing 33
Step 12 Declutter Your Home and Work Space 34
Step 13 Take Time To Say Thanks 35
Step 14 Get Involved In Your Community 36
Step 15 Do Something For Someone Else 37
Step 16 Treat Yourself to Something You’ve Never 38
Done Before
About Shirley 39

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
Let’s start with a quick 15 minute quiz – it will highlight the
areas where you can make the quickest changes for the fastest
return. If you haven’t got the energy you can always come back
to it later!


Circle the answer that best describes what’s happening for you
right now.

When I wake up first thing in the morning I feel:

a. Great- can’t wait to get started
b. Like I’d like to sleep for another 12 hours
c. What do you mean wake up- I’ve only just got to sleep
d. Groggy, feeling hung over and very tired

How often do you get to eat breakfast?

a. I never miss breakfast
b. Most days
c. What’s breakfast?
d. I’m not really hungry first thing in the morning

When do you feel that your energy is at its best?

a. First thing in the morning
b. Lunchtime
c. Afternoon
d. Evening

When do you feel that your energy is at its worst?
a. First thing in the morning
b. Lunchtime
c. Afternoon
d. Evening
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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
Now let’s have a look at where all your energy might be going.
Tick as many of the following that applies to you over the last 3
a. Responsible for household duties
b. Work – paid or unpaid
c. Taking care of family
d. Helping out friends
e. Watching more than 2 hours of television
per day
f. Skipping meals
g. Eating fast food more than twice a week
h. Smoking
i. Drinking more than 2 glasses of alcohol per
j. Drinking to the point that you can’t
remember, at least once a month
k. Studying- either fulltime or part-time
l. Driving in traffic for more than 2 hours/day
m. Living with major health issues
n. Dealing with a recent loss- job, loved one
o. Always running late for appointments
p. Financial problems
q. Loneliness
r. Headaches, grinding your teeth, sore
s. Feeling like your emotions are out of

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
Let’s now have a look at what do regularly do to top up your
energy levels. Once again, tick as many of the following that
applies to you over the last 3 months:
a. Spending time doing your favourite hobbies
b. Laughing and just having fun
c. Going for a walk, run or some other form of
d. Being out in nature- beach or bush
e. Meditation
f. Having a rest when you feel tired
g. Cooking a delicious meal or going out to
your favourite restaurant
h. Volunteering your time
i. Some form of yoga, tai chi, martial art,
j. Dancing
k. Singing
l. Fun with family & friends
m. Holidays or time out from home and work
n. Being in a fulfilling intimate relationship
o. Playing with a pet
p. Having a regular massage or facial or
q. Regular visits to the dentist, osteopath,
naturopath and GP as required
r. Get a regular 8 hours of rejuvenating sleep
s. Try something new

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
Ok- hopefully you’re not totally exhausted after doing
that. The whole idea of spending some time to answer the quiz
is to help highlight the areas in your life that might benefit
from some change. The payback for you is that you will feel
better and have more energy if you’re able to make the changes.
Some of them may be hard to do on your own. So that’s
where I can help… call me at the clinic to make an
appointment and we can together get some action happening in
that part of your life.
Because I know that I can help you to take that first step
and to give you the encouragement I’m happy to give you a 50%
discount on your first consultation when you book and bring in
your completed quiz… you might even want to put the dollars
that you save towards a massage or buying that book that
you’ve been wanting to start for ages. If you’re on the Gold
Coast call 5597 0669 or in Brisbane on 0419 800412.
If your too far away then register for my monthly
newsletter –… you might be able to
get to an upcoming workshop…mmm a holiday on the Gold
Coast.. that would do wonders for your energy!
Anyhow- let’s have a look at the quiz results. Most times
quick quizzes like this confirm what you already know. The
difference is that I have also given you some suggestions as to
things you can start doing today so by the end of reading 16
Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy, you will have an action plan
in place.

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
a. Great-
Great- can’t wait to get started
Congratulations- it would seem that you are doing a
number of things in your life that are supporting you well.
Waking up with energy and feeling good are both signs of
someone who is able to balance the energy going out and the
energy coming in. Just keep doing what you’re doing.
Alternatively, you may be just overdoing it and not even
realised. That may come as a bit of a shock to hear that. What
I’ve noticed with some people is that they start the day feeling
great because they love to be busy. As the day wears on, they
become progressively tired but because they have such great
drive and focus they push through the tiredness, until they
collapse in bed that night, rest and wake up the next morning
to do it all again. If that sounds familiar then Steps 6,7,and 8 in
16 Easy Steps to Renew Your Energy will be useful for you.
b. I’d Like To Sleep for another 12 hours
This is so common- lot’s of people find it really hard to get
up in the morning… and the annoying thing is if you could
sleep for a few more hours you often still feel tired and
unrefreshed. So what’s going on here?
Experts in the sleep field suggest that people need a
regular 7-9 hours of sleep a night to maintain good health. How
many are you getting? If you don’t get to bed until 1am and
then you have to be up by 6am, then of course you’re going to be
tired… exhausted even. So if you need to be up by 6am then
you need to have your head on the pillow by at least 11pm at
the latest.

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
For all the night owls of you out there who are now
groaning with.. “I couldn’t possibly get to bed until midnight”…
you might be surprised to know that you’re body is an
extremely adaptable piece of equipment and what your mind
tells you is not always what your body needs. Step 6 is
particularly pertinent for you.
c. What do you mean wake up-
up- I’ve only just got to sleep
Not being able to get to sleep and the obvious tiredness that
comes from that is more common than you might imagine.
Some quick tips to consider:
1. Eat your last meal at least 3 hours before you go to bedbed…
and if that meal is after about 7.30pm, regardless of the time
you plan to go to bed make sure that the meal is light and
not too heavy on your stomach. 8.30 in the evening is not the
time to sit down to a large roast meal- but possibly a light
omelette, scrumptious soup with wholegrain bread or smaller
yet tasty meal would be better.
2. Have your last caffeine based drink at lunchtime at the
latest this includes coffee, tea, chocolate, cola based drinks
and drinks that contain guarana. Some people become very
sensitive to the affects of caffeine. If you need to take these to
get you through the day then there are bigger issues to
address such as diet and other lifestyle factors.
3. No hot showers or going for a walk before you go to bed.
Overheating the body will ensure that you can’t get off to
4. Get the television, computer and mobile phone out of the
bedroom how did I know you might have all if these in your
bedroom? Because it’s one of the most common causes of
insomnia….and before you tell me the television helps you

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fall asleep, be aware that even when you’re sleeping the
brain continues to register the noise and stimulation that a
television creates- which means it’s impossible to get a sound
sleep with it going in the background.
5. Move the clock radio away from your bedside so that you are
not sleeping right next to it. For some people, being so close
to the small amount of electromagnetic radiation that comes
from your clock radio is enough to create a disturbance in
your sleep.
6. Make sure your bedroom is a welcome, soothing and calm
space for the body and mind to relax. Use soothing colours,
relaxing oils and a comfortable, uncluttered bed.
7. If you are
are tossing and turning for more than an hour, get
yourself up, make yourself a cup of soothing tea (non
caffeine), listen to some soft music and breathe. You might
even want to write out anything that’s going on in your head
that is also keeping you up- by doing this your mind has a
greater chance of letting you get to sleep. Put on a favourite
relaxation tape (with headphones if you share your bed) and
drift back into sleep. Teach your body to know that you will
take the time to listen to what is bothering it and then work
to create the most conducive atmosphere for it to relax and
let you fall back into sleep.
If you are still having problems after trying all these
things (sometimes it may take a few weeks to get into better
habits) and some of you will, then either email me or call me at
the clinic. There are a range of herbal and homeopathic
medicines that can support better sleeping habits, which are
useful to use in the short term until a better sleeping pattern is
established…. and the great thing is they don’t leave you
feeling hung over.

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
d. Groggy, feeling hung over and very tired
This is often a sign that you might be having a disturbed
sleep throughout the night. You might be experiencing a
condition called Sleep Apnoea- your local GP can help you
identify whether this is the case or not.
Eating a heavy meal and consuming too much alcohol can
also result in a groggy type of sleep. Your digestive power is
actually it’s weakest in the evening- so loading up with a heavy
rich meal late in the evening keeps your body “up” way past it’s
bedtime as it struggles to try and digest what you have just
eaten. So after about 7.30pm choose lighter meal options and
linger a little longer over that glass of wine.
If you are a sensitive sleeper and wake at the slightest
noise it might be a good investment to buy some ear plugs as
well as a sleeping eye mask to cut down on any stimulation
during the night when you are sleeping.
Sleeping for too long can also leave you feeling tired.
Sleeping consistently for longer than 9 hours per day may be a
sign of other changes you need to make. One of the biggest
offenders here is… I’ll catch up on my sleep soon. The concept of
catching up on sleep is a misnomer- you can’t ever catch up on
lost sleep. Once you’ve lost sleep – that’s it- you’ve lost it and
trying to sleep longer the next day will only upset good sleeping
habits. If you follow 16 STEPS TO RENEW YOUR ENERGY
you will find it easier to get the right amount and quality of
sleep naturally.
a. I never miss breakfast
Once again, congratulations – this is the best way to start
the day… especially if your breakfast is made up of a good

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quality low fat form of protein such as eggs or nuts or low fat
cheese and the right form of carbohydrate energy food to
keep you going i.e. wholegrain bread or muffin. Some great
breakfast suggestions are:
• Low fat plain yoghurt with fresh fruit and a
sprinkle of your favourite nuts
• Wholegrain toast with choice of eggs
• Wholegrain, low GI cereals –add additional nuts
and yoghurt of your choice
• Porridge (not the microwave kind) with your choice
of fresh fruit, nuts, low at milk or yoghurt
• Skim milk smoothie with yoghurt, fruit and even a
serving of protein powder if you’re up to a busy
• Try and steer clear of toast and jam, toast and
butter or a white muffin- you’ll feel great for about
15 minutes and then spend the next 2-3 hours
lurching towards the next blood sugar drop when
you will most probably make another poor food
choice. Start the day with a good meal and you’ll be
less likely to grab cake, chocolate, lollies and
caffeine based drinks to keep going
b. Most days
On those days that you miss breakfast have some quick backup
solutions ready to go. Suggestions might be:
• Wholegrain fruit & nut muffins- keep some in the freezer
so that you can grab them and by the time you get to
wherever you’re going you can defrost them and they’re
ready to devour

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
• Boil some eggs and have them in the fridge. Once again
you can just throw one into your bag and if you don’t get
to make any toast to have with them, then just eat the egg
on the way. A great source of energy in a neat package-
isn’t nature clever!
• Grab a sandwich on wholegrain on your way to work or
wherever you’re going. Sandwiches don’t just have to be a
lunchtime meal.
c. What’s breakfast?
There are lots of reasons people tell me for not having
breakfast. They’re not hungry, they don’t have time, there’s
nothing to eat. You may have really got yourself convinced that
you survive perfectly ok without breakfast.
I wonder if you’re up to an experiment? For just one week,
why not try and have breakfast each morning. This might mean
you might have to get organised to get something in the house
to eat or you could treat yourself to eating breakfast out every
day if the budget allows- just to experience how it feels and
whether you notice any difference in your energy levels and
how you cope during the day. If you don’t really notice any
improvements after 7 days you can always go back to your old
For those of you who get bored easily, make sure you
choose some interesting, tasty breakfast options. I’m not
suggesting you have the same cereal every day for a week- if
that sounds incredibly painful. Mix it up and add some variety
and fun into what you eat.
The only guidelines are that your breakfast consists of a
serve of low fat, quality protein e.g. low fat yoghurt, an egg, low
fat cheese, almonds or walnuts or even tofu for the vegetarians

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
amongst you and a low GI form of energy food e.g. low GI
cereal, multigrain bread
It’s well accepted that people who miss breakfast
regularly tend to be overweight and suffer low energy levels.
When I’ve tried this experiment with clients they are constantly
amazed at how different they feel during the day… and some
actually lose weight. So you’ve got nothing to lose and
everything to gain … so hopefully you will give it a try….
And one last thing. If you’re having breakfast after 9am it
no longer qualifies for breakfast but a mid morning snack.. so
make sure that you eat when you get up or as soon as you get to
wherever you have to get to for the day.
d. I’m not really hungry first thing in the morning
This is really common. A number of things may be
creating this situation:
Shift work-
work if you are a shift worker, your normal biorhythms
can get really quite messed up. When you’re coming off work
and everyone else is getting up to have breakfast, you’d rather
be going to bed and sleeping- eating breakfast is often the last
thing on your mind.
Shift workers will often eat their biggest meals when their body
is least ready to digest it. For all of us, we are wired to be able
to digest our biggest meal in the middle of the day. No matter
what you do, from your body’s perspective that is how it’s
geared up. So some eating tips for those of you on shift work:
• Eat your largest meal in the middle of the day- day
Whether you’ve just woken up or your preparing to
start an afternoon shift that won’t finish until late,
it’s best if you can have your main meal at lunch
time. This would be a piece of quality low fat protein,

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
such as chicken, fish or beef with either a salad or
vegetables. Stir fry meals with plenty of vegetables
and good quality protein and minimal fat would also
be ok. This will most probably require some
organisation on your part in conjunction with
whoever cooks the meals at home.
• Eat small, nutritious meals around this larger meal-
outside of lunch; make sure you have small nutritious
snacks to maintain good blood sugar levels. As an
example, if you are doing a 10pm to 6am shift then
your days eating might look like this:
• 3-4 am – snack of nuts/yoghurt & fruit/soup
• 6am – when you get home, you might have another
small snack e.g. wholegrain muffin or low fat cheese
on toast before you go to sleep
• 1pm – Have your largest meal of the day (similar to
what you would normally have for an evening meal)
• 6pm-7pm – have a small snack with the family- it
may be a reduced size of the evening meal or an
omelette, sandwich, soup
• 11pm- 2am- if you’re feeling hungry- have a
sandwich, soup, tin of tuna, wholegrain muffin or
something that is nutritious but not heavy.
The winning strategy if you are a shift worker is
organisation, organisation and did I mention…. organisation?
Buying nutritious meals from your favourite restaurant,
freezing them and then heating them up when you want them
is also another good way of adding some variety and getting
organised. Doing a weekly shop and getting all your snacks and

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
meals ready.. …otherwise hunger and tiredness will take over
and you’ll make poor choices.
If you’re not a shift worker then I want you to try the same
experiment that I talked about for people who don’t eat
breakfast at all. Try for a week to have breakfast every day,
even if you’re not hungry- sometimes when we stop listening to
our body signals, the body stops sending them. If you start to
eat breakfast again you might start to reconnect with the
natural hunger that we are all programmed to have first thing
in the morning.
For many of you, you may have never considered how your
energy might fluctuate during the days. Part of managing your
energy levels is learning to listen to how your body is going-
when its tired…. do you stop and rest or do you push on? When
you are feeling energetic, do you work within your energy
reserves or do you overdo it only to feel exhausted.
When you’re making good lifestyle choices you should be
experiencing sustainable levels of energy throughout the day,
without major slumps.
Notice when your energy feels best during the day- is it
the morning, lunchtime, afternoon or evening? Sit and consider
what you might be doing leading up to these times that might
be impacting on this “energy spike” e.g. Waking from a good
sleep but if you don’t have a good breakfast then your energy
levels may start to drop around lunchtime.
If you’re energy feels great at lunchtime it may be because
you’ve eaten a good meal and you’re managing the daily
stresses ok. If afternoon is your best time it may be because

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you’re coming to the end of your workday and you’re looking
forward to going home, the gym or catching up with family and
If it’s best in the evening, once again it may be a
combination of eating a good meal, relaxing and putting your
feet up after a busy day.
If you’re energy is fluctuating wildly during the day then
here are some things to consider. The time of day when you
notice the energy shifts may be a clue as to what is happening
for you:
If you’re energy is worst first thing in the morning then
think about the amount and quality of sleep you’re getting. Also
if you are a chronic eater of late meals the night before, you can
often notice big energy drops when you wake up due to blood
sugar changes. It may also be a reflection of the day to come
and the amount of stress you feel in facing that day- that alone
can be enough to dampen your energy.
When your energy drops at lunchtime it may be a
combination of poor eating leading up to lunch i.e. no breakfast,
work pressures or that you’re finally running out of puff
because of a bad nights sleep.
Energy levels dropping in the afternoon can often be drops
in blood sugar- often a good protein snack such as nuts, yoghurt
or even a tin of tuna will pick your blood sugar levels up and
can be a wonderful energy boost. Often most people will choose
a coffee and cake which will give you an immediate boost but
leave you feeling even worse, an hour or so later. So resist the
caffeine and sugar based instant energy hits and go for better
more sustainable choices. If you’re not sure then go to my Fast
fact HEALTHY EATING for more tips. Also my Fast Fact HOW

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
TO STAY SANE IN A MAD WORLD gives you some great tips
as well to manage the stress that builds for you during the day.
Often if the evening is when your energy feels the worst, it
may be a sign that you just haven’t been listening to your
hunger, thirst or tiredness at all during the day and finally by
the end of the day, when you get to sit down and rest you finally
connect with how hungry, tired and stressed you just might be.
This can set you up to drink a little more than you need (the
alcoholic type), eat a little more than you need- for comfort and
to fall asleep in front of the television which sets you up for a
poor night’s sleep and so the cycle continues.
When you implement 16 EASY STEPS TO RENEW
YOUR ENERGY you will start to balance out these energy
swings and make life so much more enjoyable.
Go back and have a look at where your energy is going
out. It would be impossible for any of us to not tick some of
these boxes. Most of us go to work and have commitments at
home that need to be met. So when you interpret these charts,
it’s important to consider how each aspect makes you feel. If
you really love going to work and get great enjoyment then
work would put more energy into your life than it takes.
However for a lot of people work can be a very draining
part of their life- especially if you are not enjoying the work or
the people that you are working with. In this case, work can be
an amazing energy drain. Only you can judge what aspects of
your life work for you and which ones don’t.
Having said that if you have seven or more of these items
on the ENERGY OUT table ticked, and they really feel like they
drain you- then it might be time to start making some changes.

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If you have ticked every box then there is absolutely no
discussion- the time could not be better for you to start to make
the changes you need to make- it’s time for you to put into
action straight away all the steps I suggest. Just like a car
running out of petrol, sooner or later you will come to a stop,
especially if there aren’t many activities happening that bring
ENERGY IN today for your body.
Before we get onto 16 EAST STEPS TO RENEW YOUR
ENERGY, let’s have a look at what you are already doing to
balance out the energy drain. The more items you have ticked
on the ENERGY IN table the more opportunity you’re giving
your body a chance to renew and replenish it’s energy stores.
Congratulations for all that you are already doing.
If you haven’t ticked any of the boxes in the ENERGY IN
table, then once again- today is the first day for you to start to
make the changes you need to make to balance out your energy
needs. By following the 16 EASY STEPS TO RENEW YOUR
ENERGY, you will be well on your way to having a life that has
plenty of energy available to do whatever you want to do.
So hopefully by now you might already have a better idea
of some of the areas that you might need to make changes.
Even just being aware that there are more things in your life
that are draining your energy rather than topping it up can
give you some understanding of why you might be feeling tired,
some if not all of the time. So let’s look at the steps you can
start to take today to renew your energy and to regain control of
your life rather than being swept up in what life is dealing up to

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
Here are the 16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
1. Drink water
2. Eat fresh, delicious food
3. Sit in the sun
4. Boost your energy with herbs
5. Exercise
6. Nap, rest and sleep
7. Spend time with family & friends that care for you
8. Take 5 minutes a day to really breathe
9. Eat the foods that boost your mood
10. Laugh and have fun
11. Take time off to do nothing
12. Declutter your home and work space
13. Take time to say Thanks
14. Get involved in your community
15. Do something for someone else
16. Treat yourself to something you have never done before
It’s best if your able to work through these steps in the
order that they are presented. The idea is that the easiest ones
with the quickest energy returns are to be done first. Work at
your own pace. It’s best not to go on to the next step until you
have successfully completed the previous one. If you get stuck
on any of these, drop us an email. If you’re close to where I
practice you can always make a time and we can talk further
about how these steps can transform your life and available
So now…. Let’s go through each of the steps in detail.
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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
Well- that shouldn’t be too hard should it? In my
experience this seems to be one of the hardest things for a lot of
people. There’s been so much press about how much water to
drink that it’s understandable that many people are totally
confused. If you’re reading this and saying to yourself, “I don’t
really get that thirsty”, then you might want to say to yourself
“I’ve got used to not listening to my thirst”- which is in reality
what has happened.
To encourage healthier drinking habits, start carrying a
small bottle of water with you. If you need to, set your mobile
phone to ring every couple of hours to remind you to have a
drink. If you don’t like the taste of water, add a slice of fresh
lemon or lime- even fresh mint will change the taste.
You’ll know when you’re well hydrated when the colour of
your urine becomes a lovely pale straw colour… with no smell.
So what does it matter if you end up going to the toilet a little
more often… use the time to breathe and relax.
If you’re still not convinced about how much water to
drink, dehydration is normally experienced as:
• Headaches
• Tiredness
• Lethargy
• Dry skin
• Dry mouth
… so if any of these are familiar, start drinking!

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
Most of us forget, but food is actually packed full of
energy- especially the closer it is to it’s natural state.
Unfortunately because of time and convenience, processed foods
seem to fit into the modern lifestyle so much easier than food
that requires some preparation… however don’t be fooled into
thinking that just because you are eating your body is getting
all that it needs.
Eating healthy and tasty food is actually the quickest way
to get the most available energy on a daily basis. You can
certainly get quick energy by eating processed foods, however it
doesn’t last too long and you’re normally looking for a top up
fairly quickly.
You can start to make this change gradually. Here are
some quick tips for increasing your daily consumption of fresh
delicious food:
• Why not grow your own-
own whether you have a balcony or half
an acre you can grow your own selection of fresh herbs
and vegetables- ready to be picked just when you need
them. You couldn’t get any more convenient than that…
and it actually works out a lot cheaper
• Experiment each week by buying a fresh new ingredient that you
haven’t tried before….. if you want that personalised service
then go to your local green grocers and delis where the
staff will spend all day if you want to explain how you
can prepare and eat a whole range of wonderful new
food items.
• Go to a cooking class and learn all the basics on cooking.
Not being able to cook limits your choices in making the

22 - Hicks 2009
16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
best out of fresh foods… and if you don’t like cooking
then send someone from your household who does.
• Support your local farmer’s markets and buy the freshest
produce that you can find. But you need to get there
early, as the best of the food is often sold by 9am.
• Search out new healthy restaurants in your area and try
different cuisines. This is a great way of giving you a
new eating experience as well as stacks of ideas for what
you can do at home. It also is a great way of trying new
types of foods without you having to go out and purchase
them, find out how to cook them and then to only find
out that they aren’t quite what you had hoped for.
• When eating convenience food choose to add a salad rather than
chips. Choose a baked potato rather than potato bake.
Choose roasted chicken rather than deep fried chicken.
Choose to grill your fish rather than have it fried. Opt
for freshly prepared stir frys and go easy on the heavy
coconut milk based dishes. When eating pizza, order a
thin crust with half the cheese and top it up with lots of
fresh ingredients and herbs. Choose a freshly prepared
fruit salad than the apple pie and cream. Do you get the
• Have one day a fortnight that is free of any type of processed foods.
Opt for fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh herbs, fresh raw
nuts, organic chicken and meats, freshly caught fish,
organic free range eggs and plenty of fresh water. Your
taste buds will thank you forever. Who knows… it might
even become a regular event!

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
When did you last just sit in the sun like a lizard and
warm your bones? I think everyone has been scared off being
out in the sun because of the risk of skin cancer… and while I’m
not suggesting you bake in the midday sun there are good
health benefits from being a lizard for a moment.
Getting 5-10 minutes of sun a day helps the body convert
and build up your Vitamin D stores. The scientists at the U.S.
Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory and
their colleagues at Norway's Institute for Cancer Research in
Oslo, say the health benefits from some sun exposure are far
larger than the skin cancer risk.
Vitamin D is essential in protecting the body against a
number of diseases as well as being a vital component of a
healthy immune system…. but I also think that taking time out
to just sit in the sun is a great way to renew your energy. What
better energy source than the sun itself.
So find yourself a spot in your favourite park, or it might
even be in your own back garden and make yourself comfy. You
might even want to sit with your favourite cup of tea and just
feel the warmth entering your whole body.
Sunlight will make a real difference in your life and it will
definitely lift your mood. Just think of when you open the
curtains and see a sunny bright day… it can’t help but lift your
mood. So make the commitment now to enjoy more sun on your

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
There are a wide range of herbal medicines that can have
a positive effect on your energy levels. However as with
anything, they can have quite a potent effect… and if you’re
already taking medication it is always a good idea to check with
a qualified herbalist or naturopath before you embark on
supplementing with herbs.
Having said that however some herbs that I have found
work a real treat in helping to boost your energy are:
Withania – this is a very gentle tonic to your overall energy levels
and I’ve found it to be very supportive for young women who are
doing too much and not resting enough
Siberian Ginseng – Siberian ginseng will actually assist in
restoring your energy levels and gives your adrenals a real
Liquorice – not the Darrell Lea kind but medicinal liquorice will
assist in soothing tiredness and exhaustion
Oats – another great herb to help calm troubled nerves.
Scullcap – a wonderful calming herb for the nervous system and
helps lessen the over reaction to the little things in life… which
are going to happen
Bacopa - great if your having problems with poor memory and
A great way to try these are in teas… so pop into your favourite
health food store and see what they have in the way of teas.
If your diet has been up and down, then supplementing with a
good quality Multi- B will also assist.

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
I haven’t got the time or money to exercise is a common
mantra. But it actually doesn’t take any fancy equipment or air
conditioned gyms to actually start.
Nature is pretty clever in having provided free of charge a
great gym- there’s always a cool breeze, great views and that
something extra that’s hard to define when you are outside in
nature…and even when it’s cold, throw on a jacket and enjoy
the feeling of the cool air on your face. It might even make you
walk a little faster.
If you’re lucky enough to live in an area that has it’s own
natural beauty then there is no excuse.. you could start right
now. If you don’t, then find opportunities during the day as you
travel around to enjoy nature and stretch the legs. Some
suggestions are:
• Have lunch in a park close to where you work- even
better if you have to walk a little to get there
• Get off one bus stop earlier if it’s feasible and walk that
extra to work
• Take the opportunity to play “spot that tree” if you
happen to live in a concrete city… and when you do take
a moment to marvel at how it can exist amongst all that
brick, cement and concrete
• Park the car on the way home from the shops near a
park or beach and take 10 minutes to go for quick walk.
Who knows…. It might become a 20 minute walk before
you know it and the groceries will survive!

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
Resting and sleep seems to have become an annoying
pastime in the 21st century. It seems to be the last thing on our
list of what we have to get done and often sleep ends up being
whatever is left at the end of the day…. And if that only
amounts to 3 to 6 hours then it’s only natural that you’re going
to be feeling tired.
Sleep is one of these things that you can’t really catch up
on once you’ve lost it. However having 2 or more consecutive
days of less than 8 hours sleep will have the same effect on you
as if you were drunk- both your ability to think and to co-
ordinate will definitely be impaired. It’s also important to have
a space to sleep that is calming and nurturing, so that you can
have the best quality sleep possible. Here are some quick tips to
make sleep a greater priority:
Learn the art of Power Napping:
This happens to be a personal favorite! If you have to stay up
late for work or other functions, take a nap before hand.
However, try not to nap too close to bedtime as it could
interrupt your normal sleep pattern.
If you’re not sure how much sleep you actually need, try this fun exercise
over a few days
Go to bed at the same time each night and notice what time you
wake up in the morning without an alarm. If you continue to
feel tired when you wake up, gradually move your bedtime
earlier until you wake up naturally and feel well rested. That is
going to be your new bedtime!

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
The key phrase in this step is … “WHO CARE FOR YOU.”
I’m not quite sure how it happens but we can seem to get
ourselves into some relationships that end up taking a lot out of
us and don’t give much back in return.
Some key signs that this may be happening are:
• You dread the person calling you, because you know it’s
going to require you doing something
• You no longer feel excited about getting together
• When you talk to them it seems to be all about them.
Whenever you mention something that’s happening in
your life, you notice that they are able to bring the topic
of conversation back to themselves.
• You start to act out of “rules” that have been
inadvertently established between the two of you, rather
than acting out of genuine love and concern. Have you
ever heard yourself say, “I’d better call or I’ll be in all
sorts of trouble?”
So what to do about it? They say you can’t pick your family and
that may be the case, but you definitely have control over whom
you choose as friends. Relationships that work best are those
that tend to:
• Be supportive for both people- you can be there for that
person but you also know that they will be there for you
• Based on honesty and trust- to be able to freely talk
about what’s happening for you without fear of being
• Understanding- to be able to talk to someone who only
wants to understand and not necessarily change you can
be the most precious connection of all.
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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
If you are experiencing more of the first and not so much
of the second, then it may be time to really sit down and review
where you sit in the relationships stake.
This can be one of the hardest and scariest things for you
to do.... as it often seems easier not to rock the boat and ask for
what you need. You might even be an expert in finding “work
arounds” for all the problems that you experience rather than
ask for support from those that around you.
One way of starting to make changes around those
unsupportive relationships is to imagine if a friend was
experiencing this type of thing. What would your advice be for
them? Now as a wise soul, I’m sure your advice will be spot on.
The next thing to do then is to listen and take that very
advice and make the changes in your own life that you would
suggest to a friend. The advice we give our friends is always
better than the advice that we give ourselves.
Other ways of helping to deal with requests that don’t
really support you are:
• Practice saying No
• Thanks.. I can see how you might think that, but I’m
going to do this anyway
• Not right now
• Can I get back to you on that?
• I really have a lot on my plate right now. I’m not really
in the space to take on anything else. I’m sure you

…. And of course practice saying YES to all the things that you
might like to do with family and friends. If you normally just go
along, why not dare to suggest something you might like to do.
That’s the quickest test of whether family and friends are
actually there and care for you.

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
When you are tired, overworked, anxious and feeling
strained there is normally quite a lot of muscle tension that
comes along for the ride. Ever noticed those stiff shoulders,
neck or back? That tension is there not only because you might
have sat at your desk, on your computer, for 6 hours straight-
but it’s a sign of something bigger.
It’s a sign that you may not be taking time out to check in
with your body to see how it’s coping with the day. When you
practice regular deep breathing you will find that your muscles
will relax, aches and pains will become less and you will feel
‘lighter” and be able to think more clearly. If you’re not sure
how to breathe deeply, then find a relaxation or yoga class close
to you, where these practices are encouraged and taught.
Otherwise, you can start at home right now. Just find a
quiet spot, make yourself comfortable- you can lie down if you
want, and just place your hands below your navel resting on
your lower abdomen. Practice trying to send your breath low
enough so that your hands move on the in and out breath. Don’t
force the breath and if you feel dizzy, just allow your breath to
return to its normal pattern.
You might want to practice with 12 breaths in and out to
start with- and then just rest. Once that feels comfortable I
often encourage people to sigh on their outbreath- it’s a turbo
charged way of releasing all the deeply held tension in your
So start, breathing, sighing and relaxing. Your body will
love you for it!

30 - Hicks 2009
16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
HAPPY FOODS – Foods such as dark chocolate, milk, bananas
and chicken all boost the body’s own natural endorphin levels
and assist in lifting your moods.

SNOOZE FOODS – the best foods to help you calm and snooze
are dairy products such as cottage cheese, low fat milk, chicken,
hazelnuts, whole grains, rice and hummous.

… and reduce the foods that depress your mood. A little less of
these would be good.
SAD FOODS – everyone’s moods can be affected differently by
the food they eat. However for many people, a meal that is high
in white sugar and flour products can lead to feelings of sadness
and lethargy, one – two hours after eating. Best not to have just
before bedtime.

DEPRESSING FOODS – watch your intake of caffeine

loaded foods- coffee & milk chocolate as well as too much
alcohol, which will definitely depress your mood.

For more information on this go to

and download the Fast Fact Sheet- GET INTO THE MOOD

31 - Hicks 2009
16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
LAUGH AND HAVE FUN – even if you have to fake it in the
The health benefits of laughter have been receiving a lot
of interest in the press lately.. and for good reason. The
available research overwhelmingly supports the fact that
having a regular laugh is a great tonic for the whole body. It
can boost your immune system, help relieve tiredness and
tension and it’s something that you can do, without having to
have lessons.
Some quick tips to be able to have more laughter in your life:
• Find other positive outgoing and happy people to spend
your time with.
• Practice smiling – even when you fake a smile or laugh
the body will automatically start to feel better.
• Yawn and stretch those jaw muscles- laughter is a great
antidote if you grind your teeth.
• Compile your own personal library of humorous material
that always gets a laugh- at least from you. This could
include DVD, books, tapes and even feel good
inspirational cards to help you change your perspective.
• Join or start a local laughter club- go to for more information.
• Spend time playing with your pets or children. Play is a
great way to start laughing.
• Avoid the news on radio or television.
• Try and increase your spontaneity in all things that you
do- this is the fastest way to a giggle.
• Find out what makes you happy and keep on doing it.
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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy


Now this wouldn’t seem to be too hard a thing to do, would

it? Well I’m constantly amazed at how difficult it seems to be for
everyone. If you feel guilty when you do nothing, then it’s time
to change that attitude. There is a lot of action, in inaction. Let
me repeat that… there’s a lot of action in action.
What I mean by that is that when you take the chance to
stop being busy and just sit, you actually give yourself the
opportunity to catch up on what’s been happening…check in
with how your body feels.. notice the thoughts that you are
thinking… there is a lot of action going on there.
Not being able to take time to stop is a little like putting a
cake in the oven, closing the door on it and then never checking
to see when it’s cooked. You’re going to end up with either a
burnt cake or a fire in your kitchen… and this is what happens
to people. It takes a “fire” for them to wake up and check out
what’s happening in their life.
So- if this idea seems impossible for you, then start slowly.
Take 5 minutes or whatever you can allow a day to sit in a
favourite spot- under a tree, near the water… for some it’s the
peace and quiet of the bathroom, but wherever it is, just sit and
notice how it feels. If you’re a really busy person it will most
probably feel awful to begin with, but if you stick with it you
will start to look forward to this time.
And if you’re thinking I can’t find the time, then skip
watching the weather each night and take that time to sit
somewhere quiet and just be in inactive- it’s most probably the
busiest thing you will end up doing in a day.

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
Have you ever noticed when you have gone somewhere
that there are spaces that you automatically feel comfortable in
and those that feel quite uncomfortable? If you don’t have a
sense of this then spend some time this week making an effort
to notice. I guarantee what you will find is that you have spaces
that feel good and others that don’t feel so great. We are very
affected by our surroundings.
If you feel anxious and overwhelmed have a look at the
spaces you live and work in. Are they also a little cluttered and
“busy”? Simply by creating “space” in the space that you live,
will have an instant effect on your energy levels.
So start by decluttering one room at a time. If there’s a lot
of clutter, it may be just a part of that room at a time. Decide
what you want to keep, what you want to give away and what is
a throw away. As you sort through the clutter you might be
quite surprised to what you are still holding on to.
Don’t get overwhelmed by the size of the job. Just take it
slowly – one step at a time. You might want to reward yourself
at the end of each decluttering session with something that
makes you feel good.
And once you have some space, it might be an idea to
bring into that space anything that uplifts you- it might be a
special picture, a beautiful plant or new bright cushions. The
environment around you is a direct reflection of you. What does
the environment around you tell you about yourself?
Decluttering is one of the quickest ways to feel better and
having more energy- so start now and enjoy the new space:
inside and outside.

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy


There is an interesting connection with feeling down and
depressed and the lack of appreciation in life. When you are
feeling low on energy and possibly depressed, it can seem very
hard to be thankful for much of anything that you have.
The concept of saying thanks is not an invention of the
New Age movement, however it has been popularised by it
….and I’ve seen a lot of people get twisted right out of shape
when someone suggests to them that they need to be grateful
and thank the person who just hurt them, because they are
teaching you a lesson. And when you look at it that way, it’s
understandable to see why people get so upset. Why should I be
thankful for anything or anyone that creates me so much pain?
Well- I’m not suggesting you have to change your views on
that in any way. What I am suggesting however is that
something in your life will start to change if you can find
something to focus on that you can be thankful for. It may be a
loved pet or even the hot cup of tea you hold in your hand.
The trick with this is the willingness to be able to move
your focus away from what you don’t have to what you do
have… and just one thing may not be enough to balance the
hurt and pain of all that isn’t going right. But a sneaky thing
happens when you get enough of things that are going right. the
other stuff doesn’t seem to matter quite so much and you feel
more energetic and motivated.
You can start practicing this by acknowledging 5 things
that you are thankful for every day- it might be the great
dinner you’ve just had, the wonderful nap or just even the fact
that you can read this page. Try it- it works!

35 - Hicks 2009
16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
Another great way of getting more energy in is to donate
your own energy to the people around you in a fun and
rewarding way. It may sound paradoxical, but we humans are
programmed to be social beings. It’s vital for your health to be
with others who are also experiencing life.
I look at it this way- if I was in the middle of an ocean in a
small boat all by myself, it might be nice for an hour or so. But
after 5 days, I might be desperate to make contact with
someone else- if only to be rescued. If I was on this ocean with a
whole lot of others it may not seem quite so frightening or
overwhelming… but of course that might depend on who the
‘others” are.
So look out for activities and groups in your community
who look like they might be a good match for what you’re
interested in. It’s well accepted that people who have good
support structures and people around them are healthier and
happier than those who don’t. This doesn’t mean joining every
group that is available and absolutely exhausting yourself. You
might want to try one activity at a time. Some thoughts to jog
you into action to find that community activity:
• Check out your local Adult Education Community
Centre for courses that might be of interest
• Check out local newspapers for events happening in
your neighbourhood
• Make an effort to go to local events- the local food and
wine fair or markets
.. and if you can’t find what you want, start it. That’s a great
way of meeting and connecting.
36 - Hicks 2009
16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
This might feel really challenging if you’re low on energy
or time. But imagine if someone did something out of the blue
for you? Would it be nice? How do you think you might feel
about it? Now take that and multiple the feeling 2-3 times and
you’ll be getting close to how doing something for someone else
will make you feel.
This is a similar theme to Steps 13 & 14- they are all a
little harder than the previous steps because they involve you
in putting some energy out- but the returns are great.
Of course, it’s important that what you do is something
that the person would really appreciate. Not what you think
they need. So reminding them about tidying their room may not
be the strategy I’m suggesting. But letting them know how
much you appreciate them- cooking them a delicious meal-
listening to them when they need to be heard are all easy ways
of doing something for someone else.
The more you practice this, the more people will start
doing things back for you. It may not be the same person, but it
seems like a baton in a relay, the act of doing something nice
gets passed on and sooner or later, it’s passed back to you- often
from the least expected people and situations.
When you receive these acts of kindness and
thoughtfulness back, allow them into your life- they will fill you
up with energy and this in turn means you have even more
energy to do something for someone else. Play with it and I
guarantee within a week you will notice a change.

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
Now surely there must be a list of things you’ve always
wanted to do but it’s been relegated to the “when I have time”
or “when I have energy” list- which means it will never happen.
The only time you have is now, so why not start, regardless of
how energetic you feel.
You might need to start slowly, but that’s ok. It doesn’t
have to be a grand gesture, such as climbing Mt Everest- it
might be just wearing a colour you’ve never worn before. Here
are some easy suggestions to get you going:
• Use a new word a day
• Take yourself to lunch
• Try a new food
• Take a different route home
• Drop a dollar coin where someone will find it
• Start a singing class
• Pick up that guitar and learn to play
• Make a surprise gift for yourself- make sure you’re
surprised when you get it!
• Buy a breadmaker and wake to the smell of fresh bread
every morning
• Let someone do you a favour
• Follow that impulse to make the changes you need to

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16 Easy Steps To Renew Your Energy
About Shirley

I have a special interest in supporting

people to find ways to live a healthier and
more fulfilled life. I worked for many years
in IT in Australia and overseas – I’ve had
my fair share of “burnouts” and stressful
times. But that’s what life presents you- if I
didn’t stop to listen I most probably would be in a very
different space in my life now. So the tips and strategies I
have provided you in this e-book, I have used time and time
again in my own life. I know that they work.
I changed my career and started listening to what it
was I really felt drawn to. This meant a major change in my
lifestyle, but the satisfaction and happiness quotient
definitely increased. I have drawn from my naturopathic
and clinical experience and study, as well as what has
worked for me in my day to day life to produce this e-book.
If you enjoyed it, you might like to join in on my
regular teleseminar programs or workshops. Go to for further information.
Thanks for taking the time to read 16 Easy Steps to
Renew Your Energy. I would love to hear how it has helped
you. I’d also love to hear from you if you have any
suggestions on how it can be improved. Don’t hesitate to
contact me if you have any suggestions for what else you
might like to know about. If you enjoyed this e-book please
pass it on to your friends, family and work colleagues.
Gold Coast Holistic Health Gecko House
Suite 2, 151 Cotlew Street 7 Reid Street,
07 5597 0669 4102 – 0419 800412
39 - Hicks 2009

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