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humour ever be serious (intro and 1 paragraph) It would be fair to say that everybody has a predilection for things all fun

and humorous. Humour can make a simple conversation interesting, a presidential inauguration speech delightful and may even turn a 2-hour physics lecture into something enjoyable. It may seem indisputable that a little humour adds joy to life, yet die-hard pessimists argue that humour is only restricted to situations devoid of seriousness, practiced by frivolous individuals as a merely mean to attract attention. This very observation is a patent embodiment of the controversy behind this topic, in that even if humour is used judiciously and intelligently, can it ever be serious? It is my firm belief that humour can be serious. It can fill our hearts with mirth and merriment, while at the same time, alley fears and boost spirits in the grimmest situation. Many solemn and somber individuals argue that humour can compromise

the gravity of a situation, often resulting in the digression from a serious discussion topic. Humour, as these pessimists believe, is flippant and imprudent when inappropriately interjected during a serious conversation. They further contend that this interjection of humour undermines significance the topic of discussion, rendering it less important than it actually is. Indeed, when inappropriately used, humour can be flippant. Yet, to conclude that humour equates imprudence based solely on this premise would be to commit a fallacy of hasty generalisation. In fact, humour, when appositely used, can be of use even to a serious cause. Throughout the history of paperback literature, and more recently, other forms of media, we see humour used in the form of satire and

parody to draw interest and attention to a controversial social topic for the purpose of socio-political critique. This particular use of humour is not just apt but also effective in highlighting a controversial issue to the public because it exploits every humans innate fondness for laughter. For example, Jonathan Swifts a Modest Proposal is a satirical essay mocking heartless attitudes and government policies towards the less privileged. While the communication of the message may be hilarious, the message itself is a somber one. The Sticker Lady in Singapore also made use of humour to challenge the obsessive compulsion of Singaporeans to abide strictly to laws, pushing for a more culturally vibrant and creative city. Ultimately, it can be seen that humour, in the form of satires and parodies, can draw public attention to controversial issues without compromising on their significance.

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